San Felipe de Austin [Janua]ry 18th 1825 [1826?]
An Account of sums received for Stamp duty-
Irons to Groce—Original Deed-------------------------------- $6:00
Copy------------ $1:50
feb 3d—Petition to Congress—Seal thereon------------------------- . 50
25-—Tally to Pettus-----------do---------------------------- .50
March 15 Thomas Cartwright to Solomon Williams—Original Deed and copy—recd from Williams L K-------- 2. 00
19th Stephen Richardson to D. H. Milburn Deed-------- 1. 50
April 2d—Marsh to Frazer---------------------------------------- 1. 50
Same to Shelby--------------- 1. 50
Bloodgood to Ballew-------------- 1. 50
5th Petition to Legislature Co[a]huila and Texas---- .50
26. Smithers to Callaughan deed-------------------------------- 1.50
30 Floares to Henry Williams------------------------------- 1.50
Pettus to Royall--------------------------------------- 1. 50
Hughes to Hudson's Note recd this L K-------- . 50
Hope to Hope-------- . 50
do do -------------—---------------------------- . 50
May 21 Recepted for 38 seals a 1.50-----------------------------$57.
50 at 50----------------------------------------------- 25.
Hope to Cole------------------------------------------ 2.
Cole to Hope------------------------------------------ 2.
11 June Jones to Fulcher--------------------------------------- 1. 50
Bloodgood to Ingram recd this L K------------------------ . 50
Ingram to Scott Note----------------------------------- . 50
Scott with Ingram agreet------------------------------- . 50
Huff to Williams, Note---------------------------------- . 50
Cartwright to Franks 3 Notes--------------------------- 1. 50
Hudson to Irons Note---------------------------------- 50
Cummings to Cummings transfer------------------------ 05
Scott to Pettus note------------------------------------ 50
Pettus to Cooper---------------------------------------- 50
Sandovals petition-------------------------------------- 50
Dec, d.—35 seals of 1.50-------------------------------52. 50
45 do .50-----------------------------------------22. 50
[Endorsed:] Stamp paper paid by S. F. Austin to the Govr. as
will appear by receipts