battalion order
In conformity with the Militia law of this State, drill musters
will be held in each of the companies composing this Battalion on the
first Saturday of November next.
Owing to the territorial extent of the militia districts, and for the
greater convenience of the militia men, the commandant of each
company may at his discretion order said muster in two places: at
one, he will command in person, for the other, he will designate an
officer of his company.
Within five days after the muster the commandant of each
company will make complete returns to the office of the first adjutant in
this place, of the officers, non commissioned officers and privates of
his company, noting particularly all absentees and sick, also the arms
and accouterments of each officer non commissioned officer and
private, and what kind, and those who have none.
The commandant of each company will also make a general report
as to the state of his company, and as to any inconveniences, or
omissions which experience may have pointed out in the Present militia
laws of the state, or on any other subject connected with the militia,
which in his opinion requires the attention of government to insure
a more complete, efficient and convenient organization.
This order will be circulated by the first adjutant to the
commandant of companies
San Felipe de Austin 18 October 1830
S F Austin