Bolivar 15. Novr 1831
My dear Sir
My last advices of Mr Mason left him at Louisvill waiting for
the sickly season to pass away— Mrs. Holley now informs me
that he had taken passage in the Spica, giving out that he was coming
here to settle the Hawkins business with you After embarking, a
letter was shown him from young Hawkins stating that you were
packing up for Mexico—Mrs. H told him she had letters from you
and myself both stating the time of your departure to be 1
December, He thought Hawkins account to be more to be relied upon and
as his sole business in Texas was to see you, wisely left the Spica
and embarked for Vera Cruz to meet you in Mexico He is not
the Mason who was in Mexico with Poinset never was in Mexico
and does not speak Spanish, so you can judge of the probable result
of his mission at all events the affair is hung up as relates to us for
the present—
Mrs Holleys friends would not consent to her leaving them until
spring— her purpose therefore is to return and compleat her
engagement and as she loses 100$ pr month during her absence is
impatient to return yet is unwilling to do so without visiting St.
Filipe and seeing you— She is now here and I would hazard the
journey with her on horseback but for the expectation of the
immediate arrival of My Family— They left N York in the Nelson to
sail 20th of last month, I shall go to Brazoria tomorrow and will
endeavour to induce John to take her and his wife in Walters
Carriage as he proposed when I was last there, if that fails I will try
to get Mr Perry who I expect here tomorrow to let me have his
Carriage for the purpose— She has brought money to build her
house and stock her farm 900$ and appears decided to vest all her
interests in the colony, I shall however vest her funds in cows and
calves for the present If you think it propper to admit her location
and give her a passport of absence to settle her affairs. She will
without doubt return in time and occupy her land altho some what
alarmed at the occupations of Phelps place, fearing She might be
served the same way if detained by sickness of her children or other
insuperable cause— she wrote you from Brazoria, but does not
expect an answer whilst you continue feeble—I am glad to hear you
are able to walk about the room and hope you may be speedily
restord I shall come to St Felepe so soon as my family are housed—
Archebald appears decided to come out so soon as he can realise
his real Estate which ought to yield 2 or 3000$—with that I am
[sure] he could do better here than there
H Austin [Rubric]
[Addressed:] Col. S F Austin St Felepe d Austin pr Dr A E