Archibald Austin to Stephen F Austin, 05-22-1831 Archibald Austin Project Director and Editor Andrew J. Torget Creation of XML version Debbie Liles Initial TEI Formatting Stephen Mues Programmatic and Manual TEI P5 Compliance Ben W. Brumfield Digital Stephen F. Austin Papers 09-24-2010 Stephen F Austin New York, New York San Felipe de Austin, Texas Eugene Barker, ed., Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the Year 1919: The Austin Papers, (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1924), 3 vols., Vol 1, Part 2, pp. 772-775 Eugene Barker's summaries and footnotes Letter 05-22-1831 Programmatic restructuring and manual clean-up to comply with TEI P5 2.3.0 Restructured to meet TEI P5 standards Digital creation of XML file

Live oak for ship building. Emigration. European news.

[New York, May 22, 1831.]

it is only temporary, this of course can be onely conjecture with him, as it must depend on the political elements of Europe, whether tween France and some of the other powers of the Continent, and will probably burst forth ere a great while, the french Government have managed to prolong the time, like throwing water on a fire you may smother it, yet not extinguish it, it will flash out occasionally, and then all is dark again, so they appear to manage, they are not ready yet, and the probability is that the government would prefer to have a continuance of peace, but the materials are too combustible, they will have war or another revolution must be the result—

My request to Mr Burgh was that he would give the particulars in the way that he would like to receive the oak at his yard, which he promised to do, and desired me to give him a call when it arrived— He told me they formerly sent moulds, but he prefers it according to his directions, He sais men ought to be employed, from the north who are acquainted with the manner of cutting Timber of this discription— Mr. B. builds most of our Havre packets, and many of the Liverpool, however Hy knows all about him— You should be careful he sais not to send cedar, that has any worm holes in it, as they generally penetrate into the heart of it, and then it is good for nothing, not even for firewood— What you say in regard to the new concern is just what I anticipated, and told John long ago that I was confident you would not. I shall not say anything about it, and have told John he must be particular not to speak of it— They consider it quite an enigma that you should be averse to this Government obtaining that Territory by negotiation, they think you would be made immencely rich almost immediately in that event and far more so than if it remains as it now does, altho' they think in time, you will become rich under the present Government, to be sure it does appear so, but you ought to be your own counseller on that score— I forwarded your letter for Charles and wrote Henrietta at same time relative to her son, who I believe is now in Mexico at San Louis de Potosi, with his uncle

My children have sent me a letter of thanks to you for your kind remembrances which I inclose— I am sorry to hear your health is not reestablished yet, you propose making a trip this way, but do not say when, your friends will be very happy to see you here, and I think the change would be of great service to you, brace you up, and hope restore you to perfect health, but you should manage not to be here during the winter, for they are not only excessively unplesant, but too tremindously cold, for any thing but an Esquimaux, I fear it would be too much for you, and yet a West-Indian or one that has been accustomed to that climate will come here in a debilitated state, and find the climate to agree with him, the cold resusi- tales him, and he feels like another man—- I do not know that this is [the] case generally, but I know of a few—

I saw Perrys advertisement in the Texas paper, so I conclud he is there, just jog his elbow for me, by way of putting him in mind that he was to write to me on his arrival there, I hope, he, his wife and family are well,— Please remember me affectionately to them,

22 May In the commercial of 19 inst you will see something relative to the Galveston Bay and land Comp which looks very favorable for them, I am told it is from our Charge d' affairs-

After all the deprivations, toilsome and anxious life you have been put to, you may well seek repose, and the oppy offering, I am not surprised at your proposed arrangements for a quiet life, ere you are too old to enjoy it— However I presume your intention is to keep an eye to the Colony, you cannot divest yourself of the pleasure of considering the prosperity of the Colony the main object, after all the toil you have passed through, when it is so rappidly marching on to the Zenith of its Glory, all Eyes are directed that way with admiration and astonishment at the rise and progress of it, and consider you as having performed prodigies, I was pleased the other day to hear a Gentlemen of learning, and who holds and has held many distinguished situations express many high encomiums on your Colony and your management, he observed there never had been any thing of the kind to equal it— You have unfurled your colours, let them continue to wave in so noble a cause, you now will give up the ship—22d—

not meeting with a good oppy to send my letter, I have left it open to add whatever might occur interesting—

The Packet of the 15 ult., from England brought news that the Poles had defeated the Russians in which the latter lost 7000, and some accts say 12000 men, Lithuania had revolted, Sweden was about taking up arms to recover Finland, the Turks rebellouis, and talking about commencing hostilities against Russia, Austria had or was about withdrawing her troops from Italy,—and by another packet a few hours later there was a report that the Russian General Diebitsch had been taken prisoner, and the main body of his army dipersed, such great Achievements by the Poles, caused a thril of delight through this part of the Country, and a meeting is called in this city, to congratulate the Poles, in regular form— Yesterday we had a packet in from France, a little later, contradicting the report of Diebitsch being taken-—

In France the people were very restless, several revolutionary movements had taken place in Paris, and dispersed by the national Guards

I see by an extract from an English paper that hence forward all the Ships of the Royal Navy, are to be built exclusively of English and American Oak in equal portions—

The Galviston Company appear to have been for some time past in Statu quo, The Steps Colo Bradburn took on the arrival of the Emigrants sent out by them put them hors de Combat, but they appear to consider all in a fair train again, I have called Several times to see one of the concern to make some inquiries, but have not been able to see him—

The last accounts from Mexico say the Treaty between that Country and this was already to be signed, and would be dispatched in the Lavinia now on her passage to this place—

As I have understood that Henry was to return to Texas late in April, I presume ere this is there please tell him that I saw a letter from his wife on Thursday evening last, saying she and her family were all very comfortably situated in New Haven and waiting anxiously for the time for them to embark for Texas

tell him also that we have now a Steam Boat plying between this and New Haven, that leaves here in the morning at 7 O'Clock, and returns the same day— remember me to him,— wishing you better health,


When you write again I should like to hear something about the live oak, the quantity size situation etc—that I may be able to answer some of Eckfords and Burghs inquiries about it, from what I have already heard about it, I should suppose it must be very valuable—

[addressed:] Col. S. F. Austin Sn Felipe de Austin Texas—