[From Williams Papers, Rosenberg Libiary, Galveston, Tex ]
S. M. Williams.
Dr Sir We have a wild account of difficulties at Anahuac. The
course to be taken is a very simple and plain one. Let a full
statement of all the facts be made out judicially keeping certified judicial
records, and send them on to the Chief of Department. This is the
only legal and correct course, and it will put all things right. The
reign of military power is over I think, and justice may now speak
openly and plainly—let a copy of the facts be published in the
paper—but treat the Govt, and the officers with respect—even when
the latter have to be censured, let it be in mild and very decorous
language. Nothing inflamatory or passionate. But above all things
keep down popular commotions and all [acts] of violence. I know
nothing of this new cause of difficulty, but suppose that there has
very likely been some imprudence on one side—and some acts of
hasty and passionate violence by Bradburn— the fact is he is
incompetent to such a command and is half crazy part of his time.
Keep peace and harmony at all hazards. Now is a critical time—
it is said that a new and liberal party are getting up, pray try and
keep the people there from any acts that may be construed into
opposition to the Govt, for that will turn all parties against us.
I leave in a few days for Saltillo where I expect to hear from you.
I wrote you from Saltillo just before I left I think on 8 May and
enclosed a number of papers of value to others—also from Victoria,
and yesterday from here by Mr. Greaves. I also gave John W.
Moore an order on you for fifty, and one to Greaves for one hundred
fifty dolls also I send in the [word illegible] and mules and two
Nothing new from Mexico—nothing as to the new Ministers.
Genl Teran is at the Hacienda de buena vista del Cojo 20 leagues
from Tampico. When I left him on the 31 of May he expressed
himself very favourable to Texas—tho. he was overwhelmed with
troubles and Consejos— also I wrote you the other day by a
[milit?]ary correo.
Prudence and harmony and legal proceedings—no violence
S. F. Austin [Rubric]
June 20. 1832 Matamoros