[The] Alcalde of the jurisdiction of Aus[tin]by proclamation
issued on the 8th instance in my absence from this place has ordered
the Mititia to rendevous [at] Bowmans on the 18th—
The future movements of a warlike character will be governed by
the answer which Cap Johson may bring back from Nacogdoches,
and as it may be highly important to retain the men who may
collect, at some point on the frontier, until the true situation of
things can be ascertained, I must request you under the authority of
the Alcalde to organise the said men into one or more companies
according to their numbers, and let them elect their company officers,
and remain under their command untill further orders.
I have requested Col. Talbot Chambers to assist you with his
military knowledge in this business—
You will make a return to me as soon as practicable of all your
San Felipe de Austin 13 August 1832
Stephen F. Austin
Col of the Battn.
To Jessee Grimes Regidor of the Ayuntamento of Austin