I have just been favored with your official note of this day
transmitting to me a copy of Mr. James Bowie's letter to you from the
The municipality at this time is entirely destitute of any public
funds whereby aid might be promptly furnished to the troops of
the 12th Batallon that formerly garisoned Nacogdoches—
Nevertheless on account of the great importance that succor should be
promptly furnished them as also in compliance with my duty— I
have appointed a Commissioner to proceed to Mr. Roman's
Comisario of the precinct of Viesca and in conjunction with that officer
to afford every aid that may be practicable, and which I hope may
be sufficient to meet their present wants.
God and Liberty Austin [August?] 16 1832
Horatio Chriesman
[Addressed:] To Col Stephen Austin Commander of the Militia
of Austin