New York Oct. 25. 1832
My dear Cousin,
I am in receipt of your kind letters of the 4th of July—-from
Matamoras—and 29th July, via Natchitoches. The latter when
confined to my bed by a severe attack, of a derangement of the Liver
and Bowels, from which I trust I have recovered except my Strength,
which is fast returning, It kept me housed several weeks, so that
I may say for two Months past I have been out the way of news.
I have however enclosed brother Henry a letter from friend Treat,
giving all the news that has transpired for some time past, both in
regard to Mexico and Texas, thus far very favourable, as we have
every reason to believe the result will be. I have therefore only to
refer you to Henry who will with pleasure Communicate it to you—
Genl. Mason, whom I am told reports very favorably of his Mission
to Mexico is now here, and the Trustees to the Galveston Bay Compy,
are only waiting the arrival of one of their members, Mr. Sumner
hourly expected from Boston, to have a meeting to determine upon
future operations, the result of which, I was in hopes to have
obtained in time for this letter, but find will have to defer it for my next,
as I find the vessel is to sail in an hours time. From the latest
advises from Mexico, Santa Anna's success is now looked upon as
Certain—by the best informed here, so desirable for your Colony as
well as all Mexico, and more particularly the former, since the late
movements there, which I was happy to learn terminated so
fortunately—I thank you for the Pamphlet, which reached me from
Mobile, giving the details and very satisfactory they must be to
all unbiased minds. I hope to get it republished here, in which
Case will have the article put in form agreeably to the ideas
Suggested in your letter and appended. That part of your letter
from Matamoras—which you Suggested, I had published, as you will
have seen by the paper Sent you at the time. I got a letter last week
from brother Henry giving the painful news of the affliction of his
family, in the death of his wife. It is a severe trial for him and I
fear much for his own health, but trust he will bear up under it
with usual fortitude, when he reflects upon the Situation of his
Children, and not suffer himself to be unnecessarily exposed. I
know he has a kind friend in you and that there will be nothing
wanting on your part to Comfort him— I am told his location on
the river is a very unhealthy one, and fear there is too much truth
in it. I send him a file of papers, which are equally at your Service.
I must Close this Scrawl or be too late It goes pr Schr. Sabine Capt.
Brown-—She has 16 to 18 passengers. I hope soon to be in receipt
of late dates from you—
J. P. Austin
Col Stephen F. Austin San Felipe de Austin Texas.