Nov. 4. 1832
Dr Brother.
After much perplexity I have finally closed the division of the
Peach point tract, and take the lower half, you will therefore chuse
your situation below the division line which Borden will run. I
shall divide the point into two tracts and you will take the upper
one adjoining to the division line—that is next below the division
line—you will lay off your tract in the following manner— Run
two thousand varas from the division line down the point and then
run to Jones Creek paralel with the division line and up Jones Creek
to said line. This gives you 2000 varas front on the Prarie, and
the same on the creek, and it will leave me a situation below you at
the point—this arrangement is final.
There are so many disposed to make trouble and intermeddle, that
there is but one way to do in this country to avoid trouble, which is
to let no one know any thing about your affairs and never say one
Westword to any one, about them—and particularly, say nothing to
all or any of your neighbors—they do not harmonize amongst each
other, and are jealous of each other and of every thing.
Borden will run off your tract so that I can make the deed. I
heard yesterday from Emily, they were all well.
S. F. Austin [Rubric]
[Addressed:] Mr James F. Perry