Home December 22d 1832
Dear Sir
I Recd your answer to my letter by Judge Cummins and am much
pleased with your Ideas as to the future policy we ought to pursue
they exactly coincide with my views of the same and am in hopes
that the Inhabitants of Texas will unite and carry into operation
the plan you proposed which in my humble opinion from our present
situation is the safest course we can adopt.
I Received a fiew days since a letter from Dr. Peebles stating he
held in his possession my Note given to you in 1824 for $270—
payable in property I wrote to the Dr. immediately on the receipt of
it that I should be up about the 1st of next month to see him about it
but owing to the present situation of my wife it is entirely out of
my power to go up so soon but as soon as posible I shall be up. I
know my dear Sir that you have been indulgent with me as regards
the payment of the note and would have paid it long ere this if every
thing had gone on prosperously with me but you are well aware
that the section of the country I reside in has laboured under more
embarrassments than any other in this colony and owing to the bad
crops we had last season it would put me to a great deal of
Inconveniance to have to pay the note now In twelve months more I am
satisfied I can be able to pay it without any Inconveniance when I
gave the note to you my Dear Sir if you recollect you told me that
when it was conveniant for me to pay it to do so and for that reason
and its not having been perfectly convenient is the reason that I
have not made arrangements for paying it in fact I have no
property I can spare to settle it with except Land and as soon as I can
sell some I will most undoubtedly pay it if you will have the good-
ness to speak to the Dr. for me or if you can make any arrangements
with him relative to the note. I can assure you my Dear Sir that in
Twelve months at farthest the note will be paid and place me under
still further obligation to you—you will please write me as soon as
posible what arrangements [or] calculations I have to make
Thos M— Duke [Rubric]
[Addressed:] Coln, Stephen F Austin Town of Austin