Austin, Decr, 26th [1832]
Dear Sir:
I had hoped to find you here, or at least that you would have
arrived during my stay, as the principal object of my visit was to
obtain a title to the lands I have selected, etc.—which it seems could not
be effected without your presence.
If it be beyond the reach of your power and option, to extend the
quantity of land to more than 1/4 of a League, will you have the
goodness to assist me in obtaining a grant from such authority as is
requisite, if you think an application for that purpose would not be
fruitless. I perceive that either a discretion has been confided to
you, of else by means of petitions etc, great inequality in the
quantity of lands granted to different individuals has been effected, and
I hope if there be any such capacity, either which you have, or may
be obtained to increase the quantity of land which I may be entitled
to receive, that you will not be reluctant to aid me in its acquisition,
I have had the pleasure of seeing your letter of 20th inst. to the
Central Committee, with the contents of which communicating the
result and success of your visit to Bexar, I am highly delighted, I
sincerely hope you may not be deceived in the constancy and
firmness of the people with whom you have been in conference.
I am much pleased with the state of feeling prevailing, and the
prospect of effecting the great objects we have proposed for
ourselves—but I do not see much harmony in the design of a remon-
strance, which must include the idea of submission on conditions
of redress, and contain the request of the people to govt, to grant
a mitigation and redress of grivances—and at the same time that
there should be going forward a solm and firm determination of
the same people to form a separate government and remedy the
evils of which they complain,—and without any intention of turning
back, or giving up that determination. Such I understand to
be the actual state of things. The Central Comt. have ordered a
positive and unconditional call of a convention. The people with
whom you have been in communication have remonstrated, and
expect the same thing to be performed by the people and
Authorities of the whole country. Should what is complained of be listened
to, and acted upon favourably by the present state Go[vt] how will
we stand, or how will we proceed? I hope you, and all of us will
not be unable to solve the dilemma, when it presses itself upon us.
But at present it has not a very seemly, or very sincere appearance.
Let us make the good of our country our motto, and our highest
I shall be glad to hear from you, which I should at any rate
expect, as soon as you return. I look for Grayson every day, having
lately heard from him, and with him I expect my brother, etc.
Their land affairs too, I hope you will not forget.
D W Anthony.
[Addressed] Col. Steven F. Austin San Felipe