Brazoria, Jan 20th 1833.
Dr Sir—Your Note by the hands of Mr Bradly was recd, together
with the Bexar Remonstrance—but instead of the English copy
which you mention was Made, and which I presume you intended
for the paper, the Original and the Spanish Copy for publication
came down—No doubt by mistake— At any rate, as it will be very
gratifying to Many of the people to See the Translation, I hope you
will do Me the favour to Have it forwarded as Soon as possible.
I think with you in some degree in regard to the idea of a State
Govt., but the truth is I have as well as your Self been driven by
the current—and think there is no policy worse for the Country
at present than a wavering one. To faulter and fall back, will
occasion distrust both at home and abroad. When the Measure was
put on foot, I was absent or a notice of the Meeting in this place
would have been omitted, as that was a bare agitation of the
Subject which in propriety ought not to have been published.
However, it was done, and Seems to have popularity. To the brief
notice first taken of it, I thought it best to add a full account of the
Course taken by the Central Committee, and to accompany it with
Some general remarks of commendation, as the step Seemed so far
taken as to occasion the danger of a serious division of the people
on the Subject, if opposed by any party.
It is unnecessary to Mention to you how important it is to Keep
the people United upon leading Subjects—for tho the objects at
which they aim May Not lay So directly in the road to prosperity
and advancement, Yet will they reach it Sooner than they would by
other Means of good counsel, but upon which they are divided. It
will not do to consider Subjects like this abstractly—but we must
take all the attending circumstances, no Matter how Minute, and
determine between alternatives. I have not intended by these
observations to convey the idea that I look upon the subject of State
Govt, to the Extent you Express it, as wild and premature, or as a
mere Scare Crow. Not at all—I only regret the precipitate course
of the Committee, in not Suffering the Remonstrance to go, as it
seems you had intended, unattended by any public act of ours
calculated to create a doubt as to our Sincerity. And in case the
requisitions of the remonstrance, or the principal objects of it, should be
complied with on the part of the present Government (for which
Event there Seemed to be now no provision in the public
arrangements) I should undoubtedly have decided for a postponement of
such a Measure as that now adopted. But with a continuance of the
present State of things I think you, nor any reflecting man cannot
for a Moment, but be dissatisfied.
I got a letter from our friend Grayson in which he desired to be
mentioned to you in terms of particular respect. If you should not
come down as you Spoke of doing, I think I shall go up to St Felipe
the last of the week, on the Subject of land, my brothers having
come to hand.
Excuse any incoherence, as I write in a hurry to Send by Mr.
D W Anthony
[Addressed:] Colo. Stephen F. Austin San Felipe de Austin