Brazoria, Feby 4. 1833
Dear Col.
Mr. Patrick Green, who you will recollect has been in the colony
four or five years, and thro' ignorance and poverty has failed to
procure a better location of land than can now be made, appealed
to me to assist him in getting him a donation, and in clearing it out
of the office. I therefore entered his name on a league next to
Graysons on the Caronkoway, which he now visits San Felipe to
obtain a title to. I promised also to furnish him with the means of
payment which I had with me when I was in San Felipe last, for
that purpose; but am at this time without. You will please have
the goodness to let this form no obstruction to the issuing of the
title, as I have assured Mr. G------it should not, and I will forward
the money in two or three weeks, or make payment when I shall be
in San Felipe in the course of the month. I will send you the
Spanish Copy of the remonstrance next week, as correctly printed
as we have the means of doing, for I am afraid it will not do to
wait longer for corrections—without losing much of the effect its
circulation will have.
Let me hear from you as to the present aspect of our political
D. W. Anthony.