M A Bryan to James F Perry, 08-07-1834 M A Bryan Project Director and Editor Andrew J. Torget Creation of XML version Debbie Liles Initial TEI Formatting Stephen Mues Programmatic and Manual TEI P5 Compliance Ben W. Brumfield Digital Stephen F. Austin Papers 12-09-2010 Mr P. Jack James F Perry San Felipe de Austin, Texas Unknown Eugene Barker, ed., Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the Year 1919: The Austin Papers, (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1924), 3 vols., Vol 1, Part 2, pp. 1071-1074 Eugene Barker's summaries and footnotes Letter, Account 08-07-1834 Programmatic restructuring and manual clean-up to comply with TEI P5 2.3.0 Restructured to meet TEI P5 standards Digital creation of XML file

Favorable rumors concerning Austin. Commercial accounts. Duel between Austin [Henry?] and Wharton.

San Felipe De Austin August 7th 1834

Dear Father

Inquire of Maj Henrie about a cow we lent him to milk when he lived here and see if he kept it or if Jones got it I see no entry of the cow (to nobody) on the books except she is credited to Doct Peebles (whom we got her from) Mrs Lesassiers cloak has never come to hand. I expect it was not put abord of the Keel boat the Doctor has not settled with Splane he put it off as he expected you up I received your letter dated 31 July and was verry sorrey to here that Guy and Mama were indisposed I have wrote to Guy which you will see—I send this by Mr P. Jack, Mr. Spencer Jack has not got back from above I am expecting you daily, it is the opinion of the Doct and in fact all the citizens of this place that it will be an expence and trouble for nothing sending Jack and Grayson to Mexico I am convinced of the fact as to my own part since yesterday when the male came in (brought no letter from Mexico except some for Almonte) there was a letter from Johnson and Ross in Sanantonio or Bexar who states that the Political Chief as well as all the head men and all the Ayuntamientos are disposed to favor his plan or the petition that (they Johnson and Ross representatives of the people) had proposed and Uncle writes that is all that is wanted for the Ayuntamiento of San Antonio to draw up a petition and make a plane statement of facts and it would open the door of his dungeon this combined with the letters Almonte has wrote to Mexico will relase him with out any farther expence or trouble, the Doctor paid the express that was sent up by J. Duke at your request it amounted to twenty three dollars I send you enclosed act. on John Henrie he say Mr Somervill agreed to give him $1.50 pr day while he remained in the store I was sick at the time and consequently no not how long he remained in the store and Mr S. did not tell me how much he was to allow him—you and him can settle I think probably it was about ten days Maj. Henrie is up on the creek at Lewises I do not know when he will go down I loaned Mr Milliby the carpenter whom you had employed three dollars which you can settle with him for I would like for you to come up as there is great need of your assistance for a day or two, and bring a horse for me to go down home with you. If you do not come please send a horse by the first opportunity as I cant get any where on act. of not having a horse I have had the fever but thank God I have recovered my health again I was only confined to my bed 7 or 8 das it was at the time that man was hung therefore I did not see him hung. My respects and love to All the family and beleive me yours as ever sincere etc

M Austin Bryan

N B The Doctor has been up the country 8 or 10 day we are expecting him down every Day, Maj. Burnet the Judge is now giving Almonte a long talk as respects Uncles Imprisonment etc etc The memorial from Matagorda was useless as ther was a copy of the original here so there was trouble and expence for nothing

M A Bryan [Rubric]

The Doct. sold the Gentle mule to Groc[e] for 75$ therefore I cant go any where for want of an animal

Mr John M Henrie

In Act. with Perry and Somervell

July 13th To 2 lbs shot and fish hooks for________________________ 50

29______2__ Do_________________@ 18 3/4________________ 38

August 10______1 pr Brogans______________________________________ 2. 25

12______2 lbs shot________________@ 18 3/4_________________ 37

17______1 cake of soap____________________________________ 12

19______1 lb shot_________________@ 18 3/4_________________ 19

20______2 Do_________________@ 18 3/4_________________ 38

24______2 Do_________________@ 18 3/4_________________ 37

30______2 Do_________________@ 18 3/4_________________ 38

Sept. 10_____2 lbs shot______________@ 18 3/4____________ 37

1 shot charger_______________________________ 25 62

1 Dubl Bla pen knife______________________________ 88

15______1 pr sockes_______________________________________ 63

26______1 fur hat____________________________________4. 50

1-2 lb powder_____________@ 75______________ 38

3 lb shot_________________@ 18 3/4___________ 56


Oct. 16______3 lb shot___________@ 18 3/4_________________ 56

17______1-2 powder_______________@ 75___________________ 38

19________1 vial Peppermint_________________________________ 19

29______2 lbs shot________________@ 18 3/4_________________ 37

Nov. 8______1-2 lb powder_____________@ 75___________________ 38

10______Cash_____________________________________________ 12

26______1 Bar lead___________________________________ 13

1/4 lb powder_________________________________ 19


Dec. 12 1 vial Peppermint_________________________________ 19

16______1 Do Do______________________________ 19


January 11______1 Pocket Comb___________________________________ 13

14_____1 1/4 lbs sugar_____________@ 20___________________ 25

16_____ 1/4 do__________________@ 20___________________ 25

19______2 1/2 lbs sugar__________@ 20___________________ 50

Wine etc etc______________________________________ 81

17. 14

Contra Crt

July 17th By attendance in store last summer 10 days @ 150c__________15. 00


[Addressed:] Mr. James F Perry Peach Point, Politeness Mr P C. Jack

The duel between Wharton and Austin has taken place Wharton got his arme broke and badly shattered so much so that it is proble he will loose it. I saw Doct Jones this morning he says he thinks if you make use of ... it will be all the medicine you will want but if you have a repetition of the fever you ought to take some of the pills he sent you I send by Mr Henry the Ginger and Columbia root which you forgot

J. F. Perry