Stephen F. Austin to J. F. Perry, 02-06-1835 Stephen F. Austin Project Director and Editor Andrew J. Torget Creation of XML version Debbie Liles Initial TEI Formatting Stephen Mues Programmatic and Manual TEI P5 Compliance Ben W. Brumfield Digital Stephen F. Austin Papers 02-16-2011 Mr Peter W. Grayson J. F. Perry Mexico Brazoria, Texas Eugene Barker, ed., The Austin Papers, (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1927), 3 vols., Vol 3, pp. 41-42 Eugene Barker's summaries and footnotes Letter 02-06-1835 Programmatic restructuring and manual clean-up to comply with TEI P5 2.3.0 Restructured to meet TEI P5 standards Digital creation of XML file

Publication of his pamphlet has created good feeling. Trouble with Anthony Butler. Plans for the future

Mexico Feb. 6, 1835

Dr. Brother,

I send you by Mr. [Peter W.] Grayson a copy of the exposition I have published, defending the people of Texas, and myself. I wish you to preserve it, as I find I shall have no copies left. I think I shall leave in ten or fifteen days for Monclova. I am waiting for the publication of the general amnesty law, which it is said will be done tomorrow or next day, when I shall be free once more for I am still on bail.

Col Butler has refused to give me up my last note of 1900 and odd dollars which I paid to Whitesides alleging that Whitesides had drawn on me for more than he was authorised to do. Whitesides receipt as Butlers agentis in my desk and I wish you to see him, and let him know that if Butler refuses to give up my note I shall hold Whitesides responsible. He must show his authority from Butler to draw.

If you can get along without selling land I wish you to do so, as it will be a sacrifice to sell now. The league adjoining and below St. Felipe., and the one on the West Bernard (a prairie league) must not be sold for any price as I may dispose of it otherwise. I send you some seeds. I refer you to Mr Grayson for all the news. I hope that a dead calm will reign all over Texas for many years to come—and that there will be no more excitements of any kind whatever.

Cotton will be high here next year. There are a great many large factories building in various places by foreigners—the demand for Texas cotton will be very great, deliverd at Vera Cruz.

I do not write to my friends, because I cannot write to all, and Grayson can tell them all the news.

I look forward with the most heartfelt anxiety to the period when I shall be restored to you all once more, so that I can enjoy your society and that of my friends in a log cabbin, or a camp—far very far from the intrigues and vilinous intanglements of palaces and politics.

My opposition to a territory last year has been the main cause of all my entanglements—but I did my duty and under the same circumstances I would do again just as I did in 1833.

I have more friends here now than I ever had, and so has Texas—my exposition has had a good effect—tho I am told that I shall be attacked in the newspapers, or that a reply will be given to it etc. I fear nothing from such an attack.

Remember me to all your neighbors and my friends in general when you see them and to J. H Bell and the Jacks, McKinny, Miller, Martin, Burnett etc in particular

Love to all the children. I hope they are learning fast. Love to Eliza and Phillips.

Mr Grayson has a project to establish a cotton factory by a company which I am much in favor of and have authorised him to take stock for me. Texas has cost me trouble and labor enough, and I hope yet to see some happy days there. I have seen but few as yet. I presume my friend S. M. Williams is at Monclova, for which reason I do not write to him. I requested you and him to distroy the letters I sent by Offutt without showing them to any one, which I hope was done. Calm, a dead calm, is all that Texas needs—make good crops, and send them to Vera Cruz, Tampico etc. Remember me to H. Austin and his family. Tell them to keep up good spirits—the dark days have passed, if you can only keep good health. your affectionate brother


[Addressed:] Mr. James F. Perry near Brazoria Texas Mr Grayson