[From Williams Papers, Rosenberg Library, Galveston, Texas.]
Mexico Feb. 14. 1835
S. M. Williams
My good friend,
I confidently hoped to have met you at Monclova by the 1 of March, but
I find that I cannot— I think I shall be able to leave here in about 15
days, tho I cannot say to a certainty— I have some idea of employing
this interval in trying to get some aid of the Genl Govt towards opening
a road from Texas to the Paso del norte, or in a direct line (or as nearly
so as the country will admit) to Chihuahua I speak of this interprise in
my exposicion copies of which I have sent to Monclova and by this mail
I send you one, I sent one to you two days ago directed to Austin— It
has been very well received here, and has satisfied every reasonable man—
I believe that Texas has more friends in the Govt and in Mexico now, than
it ever had before. I can say the same as to myself—
I cannot believe that such men as Robertson and Chambers can have
any influence at Monclova and I confidently expect that the evil they have
done will be remedied— There was [never] a more outrageous injustice
done to anyone than that committed by Vidauri in renewing the contract
for the upper colony in direct violation of our rights— you must attend
to that business— I will be there as soon as I can to aid in putting things
to rights once more.
I have reason to believe that Mason and Mexia tryed to do me all the
injury they could and to perpetuate my imprisonment as long as they
could— they never forgave me for opposing their schemes to make a
territory of Texas and their monopolies of land etc and I shall be well
satisfied if they will remain my enemies for the balance of their lives—
Tony and them are birds of the same feather—
An effort was made in Jany- to make a territory of Texas, but it failed—
another effort was about to be made when my esposicion came out, which
has also died away.
The last clause of my esposicion was intended to kill this project, and
it has had the effect. A proposicion was made sometime since to renew
the 11 article of the law of 6 april which I am told will die en
commission—so that upon the whole my personal sufferings will result to the
advantage of Texas, by removing prejudices and leading to inquiries that
have satisfied everyone— This is some consolation at least— It is in fact
a full reward for all my trouble and persecution.
My constituents at home ought to be satisfied with me— I have done my
duty towards them, regardless of my own personal interests or safety—
I have paid my own expenses and they have been very great indeed.
The Chihuahua road is a great hobby with me— I intend to persevere
untill it is completed, and then I am done with empresas— I have written
to Chihuahua on the subject and think the whole influence of that state
can be inlisted in this great enterprise—it is the last and only object of my
Cotton will be in great demand here next year, it is so now—
I saw an ascension by Mr. Robertson on the 12 instant—he descended
14 leagues South of this beyond the mountain [s] that surround the valley
of Mexico— he returned to day all well you will see it in papers—
Grayson left last week for New Orleans via Vera Cruz— I am going to
the Theatre so adios
S. F. A.
I am told Aguirrie has sold those claims a second time and perhaps a
dozen times see to it before it is too late—
Write home that I am well— I am waiting for the Amnesty law, for I
am still on bail—
[Addressed:] (Coahuila y Texas) Al sor D. Samuel M. Williams