Stephen F Austin to Samuel M. Williams, 05-06-1835 Stephen F Austin Project Director and Editor Andrew J. Torget Creation of XML version Debbie Liles Initial TEI Formatting Stephen Mues Programmatic and Manual TEI P5 Compliance Ben W. Brumfield Digital Stephen F. Austin Papers 02-23-2011 Samuel M. Williams Mexico Unknown Eugene Barker, ed., The Austin Papers, (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1927), 3 vols., Vol 3, pp. 73-74 Eugene Barker's summaries and footnotes Letter 05-06-1835 Programmatic restructuring and manual clean-up to comply with TEI P5 2.3.0 Restructured to meet TEI P5 standards Digital creation of XML file

Amnesty law passed, and hopes to be free soon. Butler's efforts to start rebellion in Texas. Legislature discredited by speculations.

[From the Williams Papers. Rosenberg Library, Galveston, Texas.]

Mexico 6 May 1835

My friend,

The Amnesty law was published on the 3d instant, and I shall be at full liberty to leave here so soon as the necessary forms are completed to cancel my bail bonds etc—

D. Victor Blanco intends to leave here about the 26 instant and I shall wait for him if I do not conclude to go by water, for I am at present undetermined, tho think it probable shall go by land in which event expect to reach Monclova about the 20 June— presume you will have left there for home long before that time— It is my wish and intention to take wing in the spring—by that time I can close all my affairs I hope, and be able to spend a year or two in a ramble— I have a constitutional excuse or rather I am [constitutionally impeded by having a causa pendiente from holding [the] seat in the legislature to which I have been elected, so that there will be no difficulty on that account

The 400 le[ague] law has totally distroyed the moral standing of that legislature with all parties—and the Commandant Genl has gained credit— I recd- your letter of 8 ult and the letters you enclosed— Toney [Anthony Butler] left for the U. S. on the 29 ult. and Almonte on the 30th— I have never in all my life known so bad, and base a man as Butler— At the time he wrote the O P Q letters he was my enemy, and yet he wrote them as tho they came from a friend of mine, and consequently they were very well calculated to rouse the people of Texas into rebellion, and also to throw suspicion on me and perpetuate my imprisonment, and this imprisonment was used by him as a lever to create and keep up excitements in Texas, at the head of which he expected to be placed— He thinks, as it appears, that the people of Texas can be made tools of to promote the personal agrandisement of A. B. [Anthony Butler]— he is greatly deceived, or I do not know the people—

Everything is quiet here [and] likely to remain so— That state of course [will] remain quiet and Texas in particul[ar]—it ought to do so— Remember me affectionately to Peebles and Johnson, and also to my old friend B. Milam who I am told by Offutt is in Monclova, also to Carbajal and Durste Inform them at home

Yours [Rubric]

Remember me particularly to my friend Ed. Gritten who I presume is in Mona- [Monclova] his family are well. I recd- his letters from Quero [Queretaro] and San Luis and thank him also to Garay if he is there as I presume he is

I am happier than I have been for 14 years, for during all that period my mind has been laboring and worrying for the benefit of others and for the common good. My thoughts are now confined, or I should say are beginning to confine themselves to a narrower space—myself, my family, my own individual affairs it is a novelty, a new life to me, for heretofore I have thought more of other matters than of my own—but I shall soon get accustomed to it and be much happier— I want some money to travel next year this at present is all my cuidado