Horatio Allsberry to Public, 08-28-1835 Horatio Allsberry Project Director and Editor Andrew J. Torget Creation of XML version Debbie Liles Initial TEI Formatting Stephen Mues Programmatic and Manual TEI P5 Compliance Ben W. Brumfield Digital Stephen F. Austin Papers 03-11-2011 Public Columbia, Texas Unknown Eugene Barker, ed., The Austin Papers, (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1927), 3 vols., Vol 3, pp. 107-108 Eugene Barker's summaries and footnotes Letter 08-28-1835 Programmatic restructuring and manual clean-up to comply with TEI P5 2.3.0 Restructured to meet TEI P5 standards Digital creation of XML file

Mexican designs against Texas.

To the People of Texas.

Arriving this day from Monterray the capitol of the state of of New Leon, which place I left on the 10th inst. and being requested by the Chairman of the Committee of Safety and Correspondence for the jurisdiction of Columbia, to detail the information which I possess in regard to the designs of the Mexican Government towards the people of Texas, I make the following communication, for the truth of which I stake my reputation, and appeal to time to establish every fact herein stated: I left the state of New Leon on the 10th of this month with a request from our republican friends to say to the citizens of Texas that our only hopes of future liberty and security depended upon our immediately taking steps to oppose the military in their establishing a Central Government or an arbitrary despotism which is without doubt their intention.

I have been for the last few years a close observer of their movements respecting Texas. I have frequently conversed with their principal men, Civil, Military and Ecclesiastical.

I may say almost daily for years, and particularly since the downfall of Zaccatecas, about their intention toward Texas, and I can assure you that this is their intention; first, to move large numbers of troops, at least thousands to Texas, for the purpose of being at hand when the change of Government takes place, which change is intended for next month; 2d. to establish their posts or Custom houses; 3d. Using their own language to burn the houses and drive from the country a number of our principal citizens which they have, and have had on a list for a year past, principally those that were engaged with the soldiers three years since; 4th. put their slaves free and let them loose upon their families, as they express themselves; and 5th- call up the empresarios and demand of them their colonizing contracts with the Government, and say to them you are here authorised to settle so many hundred families, instead of which you have settled thousands of families.—I replied to them that there had been decrees of Government permitting emigration of foreigners and the sale of lands to which they say that these decrees emanated alone from the government from or through the intrigue of Empresarios or the all powerful influence of a few doubloons; and that these lands must be given up for their own natives.

I have seen Gentlemen from different parts of the Government, responsable Gentlemen, all foreigners who passed troops on every road Marching for Texas; one Gentleman from Mexico told me that the complaints from different sections of the Country to Foreign Ministers have lately been so loud and numerous, together with a late attempt to rob the foreigners— and some insults given to a British armed vessel off Vera Cruz, by the officers of the Castle would, as he was told by the English Minister Mister Packingham bring down a declaration of war upon them by the British Government. These facts with the outrageous conduct of the Commandant now at San Antonio (Col. Condey) calls loudly for immediate steps to be taken for our preservation. These facts are stated by request and for the benefit of the people of Texas. I pledge my life and honor that these Statements are correct.

Horatio A. Alsberry.