To James F. Perry—
Memorandum as to J. B. Austin's estate etc.
All the funds furnished by J.B.A. when, he entered into partnership with
John Austin were furnished by me, and I am now bound for a claim of
upwards of eleven hundred dollars to the estate of John Austin. In the
settlement John Austin assumed all the debts due by the estate. There is
a debt of the firm still unpaid due I think to Collins. I lost about five
thousand dollars which I advanced to my brother in various ways at various
times for that business for after my brothers death John's account against
J.B. Austin brought him largely in debt. I think about Eleven hundred
dollars which I promised to pay.
The land that is deeded to my brother purchased from individuals,
belongs to me, and the deeds were taken in his name because at that time there
was no other officer to acknowledge them before except me. I wish
Stephens expenses paid out of this land after the title is vested in me by the
The settlement with the estate of John Austin and McKinstrie and Austin
cannot be made untill Williams returns, and I am present. I do not owe
near the sum claimed.
I know very little about my private affairs. Williams understands them
better than I do. If you can find out anything about them I wish you
to do so. Dec. 18. 1835
S. F. Austin