Stephen F Austin to Unknown, 01-21-1836 Stephen F Austin Project Director and Editor Andrew J. Torget Creation of XML version Debbie Liles Initial TEI Formatting Stephen Mues Programmatic and Manual TEI P5 Compliance Ben W. Brumfield Digital Stephen F. Austin Papers 07-25-2011 Unknown New Orleans, Louisiana Unknown Eugene Barker, ed., The Austin Papers, (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1927), 3 vols., Vol 3, pp. 310-311 Eugene Barker's summaries and footnotes Financial Statement 01-21-1836 Programmatic restructuring and manual clean-up to comply with TEI P5 2.3.0 Restructured to meet TEI P5 standards Digital creation of XML file

Financial statement of Austin, Archer, and Wharton.

Financial Statement—(No. 1)

Dr. The Commissioners of Texas in a/c with the Treasury Department of Texas.


January 11. To amount of Loan of 11th January of $100,000. 10%___________________$20,000.00

" " " Donation of Messrs Yates and Mclntyre, by A. J. Yates________ 125.00

" " " Proceeds of Benefit from the Camp Street Theatre________________ 150.00

" 18 " Nett proceeds of Loan of 18th January $50,000_______________________ 40.000.00



January 21 To Balance on this day----22,708.50

The original vouchers of the foregoing Account are in the hands of the Commissioners ___________

E. E. New Orleans January 21. 1836________

January 11. By Draft of Dept. of Decr. 14, 1835, favr. of Jason Jerret________$________270.00

" " " Do " " " " of Bart. Pages _________________________867.00

" " "Cash paid Capt. Brown of Schooner Liberty for seamens wages— (Jany. 7, 1836)--------------------------------------------------200.00

" " " By Do. paid I. F. Wells, purser of Said Schooner Liberty ________________100.00

" " " Do. paid Tickets at Benefit of the Camp Street Theatre ___________________________150.00

" " " Do retained by Commissioners for private expences____________________600.00

" " " Do paid A. Huston, Quarter Master of Texas Army__________________7000.00

" " " Do " " " for 250 bbls. flour______________2000.00

" " " Do " John A. Wharton, Adutant General______________4000.00

" 12 " Do " F Wells, purser of Schooner Liberty for outfit etc________2500.00

" " " Do " New Orleans Committee balance due on the outfit of first Volunteers to Texas______________800.00

" " " Do. paid for brass 6 pound cannon 695 lbs a 30c ___________208.50

" " " Do. " transportation across the river of cannon_____________________2.00

" 14 " Do. " Gregory Byrne on purchase of Schooner "Ingham"____1000.00

" 15 " Do. " I Bledsoe as a compensation for services in favor of Texas ___________________100.00

" 20 " Do. " J A. Wharton, Adjutant General_____________________________1500.00

" 18 " Do. " Capt. C. E. Hawkins (advance wages)____________________500.00

" 20 " Do. " " J M. Allen on Gen. S. Houston order for the recruiting service of Texas_____________________4000.00

" " " Do. " A Huston, Quarter Master, for his Dept_______________7000.00

" " " Do " Mrs. Peyton's draft, on assumsit of Council_______________133.00

" 21 " Do " G Bryne on purchase of Schooner "Ingham"_______4000.00

" " " Do " B T. Archer, M W. Smith 1st Lieut, of Cav___$150.

O D. McAlister " Recg

Service ____________________150.

Thos. P. Erwin Sergt- Schooner Liberty____100.


" " " Do " A J. Yates expences to New York_______________200.00

" " " Do " Two Manifold writers for Commissioners________________36.00

Balance of Cash on hand this day..22708.50

New Orleans, January 21, 1836.

The foregoing balance, as within stated of $22,708 50/100 has been disposed of as follows:

Deposited in the Bank of Orleans subject to the orders of the Govt. of Texas_____________________10.000

Deposited in said bank subject to the orders of Wm Bryan agt. of Texas to provide for fitting out the Schooner independence and other cash claims____________10,000

retained by the Commissioners for contingencies___________________________________________________2,708.50


S. F. Austin [Rubric]

June 14

Recd. on loan in N York _______________________________$5000

Deposited with Wm Bryan Texas agent in N. Orleans__________________________$5000