Stephen F Austin, Branch T Archer, and William H Wharton to None, 04-05-1836 Stephen F Austin, Branch T Archer, and William H Wharton Project Director and Editor Andrew J. Torget Creation of XML version Debbie Liles Initial TEI Formatting Stephen Mues Programmatic and Manual TEI P5 Compliance Ben W. Brumfield Digital Stephen F. Austin Papers 07-30-2011 None Unsent Unsent Eugene Barker, ed., The Austin Papers, (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1927), 3 vols., Vol 3, pp. 325 Eugene Barker's summaries and footnotes Agreement 04-05-1836 Programmatic restructuring and manual clean-up to comply with TEI P5 2.3.0 Restructured to meet TEI P5 standards Digital creation of XML file

Agreement authorizing each other to negotiate loans separately, Washington.

We the commissioners of Texas hereby authorize each other to negotiate all or a part of the government bonds at 10 per cent Interest. In the present exigency of Texas we are satisfied that money must be had immediately if we have to pay as high a rate of Interest as our instructions authorize us to give which is ten per cent.

WM- H. Wharton

B. T. Archer

Washington City April 5th 1836

[Endorsed:] S. F. Austin authority to effect a loan from Wharton and Archer 1836.