Stephen F Austin, Branch T Archer, and William H Wharton to Burnet, 07-21-1836 Stephen F Austin, Branch T Archer, and William H Wharton Project Director and Editor Andrew J. Torget Creation of XML version Debbie Liles Initial TEI Formatting Stephen Mues Programmatic and Manual TEI P5 Compliance Ben W. Brumfield Digital Stephen F. Austin Papers 08-13-2011 Burnet Quintana, Texas Unknown Eugene Barker, ed., The Austin Papers, (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1927), 3 vols., Vol 3, pp. 399-401 Eugene Barker's summaries and footnotes Account with Treasury Department of Texas 07-21-1836 Programmatic restructuring and manual clean-up to comply with TEI P5 2.3.0 Restructured to meet TEI P5 standards Digital creation of XML file

Report of their mission to the United States. Financial statement

[Velasco, July 21, 1836. The report is in Garrison, Dip. Cor. Texas, as cited, I, 111-112, and is here omitted. The financial statement that follows is from the Austin Papers.]

The Commissioners of Texas in Account with the Treasury department of Texas.



Jan'y 11 To Amount of Loan of 11th January of 200.000. 10% __________________________________ $ 20.000.

" " " Donation of Yates & McIntyre by Yates ... 125.

" " " Proceeds of benefit at Camp St. Theatre ... 150.

" " " Nett Proceeds of Loan of 18 Jan'y $50,000 _______________________________________ 40.000. —

Amount Carried forward ___________________ $ 60,275. —

To amount Brought forward_____________________ $ 60.275. —

$ 60.275. —

To Amount rec on loan in New York _________ $ 5.000. —

1836 Vouchers Cr

Jan'y 11 By Draft of Dept of Decr 14, 1835 favor of Jerret __________________________ 1 270 -

" " draft of dept. of 9 Decr 1835 favor of Bart Pajes l835__________________ 2 867 -

" " Cash paid Captain Brown of Schr liberty for Seaman's Wages, ______________ 3 200 -

" " Cash paid F. T. Wells purser of said Schr Liberty __________________________________ 4 100 -

" " Cash for Tickets at Benefit at Theatre ___ 5 150 -

" " 4 do retained by Commissioners for pri- vate Expenses______________________________ 6 600 -

" " Cash Paid A. Houston Quarter Master________ 7 7000 -

" " do paid for 250 Bbls Flour_________________ 8 2000 -

" " do " for Jno. A. Wharton, adjutant ________ 9 4000 -

" " do " F. T. Wells purser of Schr do " Liberty for outfit ___________________ 10 2500 -

" " do " New Orleans Committee bal- ance ______________________________________ " " do " due on the first outfit of Vol- unteers for Texas__________________________ 11 800 -

" " do " pd for Brass 6 pound Cannon 695 lbs at 30c pr__________________________ 12 208 50

" " do " Transportation of the same can- non _______________________________________ 13 2 -

" 14 Cash pd B. Byrne purchase of Schr Ingham __ 14 1000 -

" 15 " " I. Bledsoe as a Compensation for serv- ices to Texas______________________________ 15 100 -

" " " pd Jno. A. Wharton, Adjutant Genl________ 16 1500 -

" 20 " " Capt. C. E. Hawkins for wages ad- vancing Crew ______________________________ 17 500 -

" " " " Capt. I. M. Allen on Genl Houston's order for recruiting Service ______________ 18 4000 -

" " Cash pd A. Houston Quarter Mr for his de- partment ___________________________________ 19 7000 -

" " Cash pd Mrs. Peyton's draft on assent of Council ____________________________________ 20 133 -

" 21 do pd G. Byrne on purchase Sch Ingham_______ 21 4000 -

" " Cash pd B. T. Archer, W. W. Smith, 1st Lt. Cavalry_____________________________$150 " " Cash pd B. T. Archer, I. D. McAlister redg Service ________________________________ 150 " " Cash pd B. T. Archer T. P. Erwin Sergeant Sch. Liberty ____________________________100 22 400 -

" " " " pd A. J. Yates Expenses to New York______ 23 200 -

" " " " Two manifold writers for Commissn________ 24 36 -

Jan'y 21 By Deposit in the Bank of Orleans subject to the orders of the Govt, of Texas to be drawn as stated in the instructions to the Commissioners________________________________ 25 10000 -

" " " deposit in said bank subject to the order of W. Bryan agent of Texas to provide for flitting Schr Independence and other cash claims__________________________________ 26 10000 -

" " " Cash deposited with W. Bryan agent for " " Texas _______________________________________ 27 1000 -

" " " " pd Editor of the Bulletin for printing 28 100 -

Feby 9 Cash pd Major W. P. Miller for recruiting service _____________________________________ 29 400 -

" " Cash paid for Printing at Nashville _________ 30 87 79

" 25 " " " W. H. Wharton _________________________ 31 373 79

" " " " " B. T. Archer __________________________ 32 373 79

" " " " " S. F. Austin___________________________ 33 373 13

$60,275 —

E. E.

June 14 By deposit with W. Bryan agent of Texas 345,000 -

Quintana July 16, 1836

S. F. Austin [Rubric]