Santa Anna to Stephen F Austin, 11-05-1836 Santa Anna Project Director and Editor Andrew J. Torget Creation of XML version Debbie Liles Initial TEI Formatting Stephen Mues Programmatic and Manual TEI P5 Compliance Ben W. Brumfield Digital Stephen F. Austin Papers 08-28-2011 Stephen F Austin Orozimbo, Texas Unknown Eugene Barker, ed., The Austin Papers, (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1927), 3 vols., Vol 3, pp. 447-448 Eugene Barker's summaries and footnotes Letter 11-05-1836 Programmatic restructuring and manual clean-up to comply with TEI P5 2.3.0 Restructured to meet TEI P5 standards Digital creation of XML file

Explaining why he desires to visit Washington if released by the Texans

Confidential Orozimbo Nov 5th /36

My much esteemed Sir,

Through the channel of your Commissioners—and by my conversation with you on the 2d. inst. I have manifested to you the importance of my visit to Washington City—to regulate the most effectual mode of terminating the Texian Question—and as time is passing without any definitive action—when it is most precious—I am desirous that you who are so deeply interested in the welfare of this country—should expedite the final determination of this question—Using if you should deem it advisable the following reason—When the treaty of the 14th of May was entered into, it was based upon the principle that Texas should form an independent nation—and should acquire a legal existence by means of the acknowldgement of Mexico—but as that basis has been changed by the recent declaration of the People of Texas in favor of annexation to the U. S. of the North—it appears to me that the question is much simplified by this declaration of the Texians—because in future—it will appertain to the cabinet of Washington to regulate this matter—and a definitive treaty as is desired— The mode of effecting this important object without loss of time is what I hope to attain by my conference with the cabinet at Washington, conciliating at the same time all interests. Convinced as I am that Texas will never reunite with Mexico—I am desirous on my part to improve the advantages which may offer, and avoid the sacrifices—which will occur— should an imprudent attempt be made to reconquer this country—which has hitherto proved more detrimental—than beneficial—consequently reducing the Texian question to this single point the regulation of the limits between the U States and Mexico, which you are aware has been pending many years—and which may be fixed at the Nueces—at the Bravo del Norte or any other boundary it may be decided on at Washington—thus avoiding disagreeable discussions—which might delay the definite termination of this question—or cause a difficulty between two friendly Nations— This in substance is a plain safe and Speedy mode of terminating this important matter—and as all are interested, it becomes necessary that you facilitate my journey to Washington with the least possible delay

In regard to the stipulation in the secret treaty that my journey should be direct to Vera Cruz—there should be no surprise when the reasons are known why I first go to Washington City—and in the event of sending by way of the latter—I would desire that Messrs. Hockley, Patton and Bee should accompany me—whom you can commission for that purpose should it meet with your approbation—

I conclude by repeating to you what I have said in writing and verbally— That my name already known to the world—shall not be tarnished by any unworthy action; Gratitude is characteristic of me—and consequently you will have nothing on your part to repent of—

To you—I owe my existence, and various other favors which are deeply impressed on me—and which I will endeavor to reciprocate as they so justly merit—

Anto L. de Santa Anna

If you have no use for Genl Jacksons letter—I will thank you to return it by Majr. Patten