from Screens.Screen import Screen from Screens.MessageBox import MessageBox from Tools.BoundFunction import boundFunction from Components.Sources.StaticText import StaticText from Components.ActionMap import ActionMap from Components.ActionMap import NumberActionMap from Components.Label import Label from Components.config import config, ConfigSubsection, ConfigSelection, ConfigSubList, getConfigListEntry, KEY_LEFT, KEY_RIGHT, KEY_0, ConfigNothing, ConfigPIN, ConfigYesNo, NoSave from Components.ConfigList import ConfigList, ConfigListScreen from Components.SystemInfo import SystemInfo from enigma import eTimer, eDVBCI_UI, eDVBCIInterfaces import Screens.Standby MAX_NUM_CI = 4 forceNotShowCiMessages = False def setCIBitrate(configElement): if configElement.value == "no": eDVBCI_UI.getInstance().setClockRate(configElement.slotid, eDVBCI_UI.rateNormal) else: eDVBCI_UI.getInstance().setClockRate(configElement.slotid, eDVBCI_UI.rateHigh) def setdvbCiDelay(configElement): open(SystemInfo["CommonInterfaceCIDelay"], "w").write(configElement.value) def setRelevantPidsRouting(configElement): ci_entry = "/proc/stb/tsmux/ci%d_relevant_pids_routing" % configElement.slotid try: open(ci_entry, "w").write(configElement.value) except: pass def InitCiConfig(): = ConfigSubList() config.cimisc = ConfigSubsection() for slot in range(MAX_NUM_CI):[slot].canDescrambleMultipleServices = ConfigSelection(choices = [("auto", _("auto")), ("no", _("no")), ("yes", _("yes"))], default = "auto")[slot].use_static_pin = ConfigYesNo(default = True)[slot].static_pin = ConfigPIN(default = 0)[slot].show_ci_messages = ConfigYesNo(default = True) if SystemInfo["CommonInterfaceSupportsHighBitrates"]:[slot].canHandleHighBitrates = ConfigSelection(choices = [("no", _("no")), ("yes", _("yes"))], default = "yes")[slot].canHandleHighBitrates.slotid = slot[slot].canHandleHighBitrates.addNotifier(setCIBitrate) if SystemInfo["CiRelevantPidsRoutingSupport"]:[slot].relevantPidsRouting = ConfigSelection(choices = [("no", _("no")), ("yes", _("yes"))], default = "no")[slot].relevantPidsRouting.slotid = slot[slot].relevantPidsRouting.addNotifier(setRelevantPidsRouting) if SystemInfo["CommonInterfaceCIDelay"]: if not hasattr(config.cimisc, "dvbCiDelay"): config.cimisc.dvbCiDelay = ConfigSelection(default = "256", choices = [("16"), ("32"), ("64"), ("128"), ("256")]) config.cimisc.dvbCiDelay.addNotifier(setdvbCiDelay) class MMIDialog(Screen): def __init__(self, session, slotid, action, handler=eDVBCI_UI.getInstance(), wait_text="", screen_data=None): Screen.__init__(self, session) print "MMIDialog with action" + str(action) self.mmiclosed = False self.tag = None self.slotid = slotid self.timer = eTimer() self.timer.callback.append(self.keyCancel) #else the skins fails self["title"] = Label("") self["subtitle"] = Label("") self["bottom"] = Label("") self["entries"] = ConfigList([ ]) self["actions"] = NumberActionMap(["SetupActions", "MenuActions"], { "ok": self.okbuttonClick, "cancel": self.keyCancel, "menu": self.forceExit, #for PIN "left": self.keyLeft, "right": self.keyRight, "1": self.keyNumberGlobal, "2": self.keyNumberGlobal, "3": self.keyNumberGlobal, "4": self.keyNumberGlobal, "5": self.keyNumberGlobal, "6": self.keyNumberGlobal, "7": self.keyNumberGlobal, "8": self.keyNumberGlobal, "9": self.keyNumberGlobal, "0": self.keyNumberGlobal }, -1) self.action = action self.screen_data = screen_data self.is_pin_list = -1 self.handler = handler if wait_text == "": self.wait_text = _("wait for ci...") else: self.wait_text = wait_text if action == 2: #start MMI handler.startMMI(self.slotid) self.showWait() elif action == 3: #mmi already there (called from infobar) self.showScreen() def addEntry(self, list, entry): if entry[0] == "TEXT": #handle every item (text / pin only?) list.append( (entry[1], ConfigNothing(), entry[2]) ) if entry[0] == "PIN": pinlength = entry[1] if entry[3] == 1: # masked pins: x = ConfigPIN(0, len = pinlength, censor = "*") else: # unmasked pins: x = ConfigPIN(0, len = pinlength) x.addEndNotifier(self.pinEntered) self["subtitle"].setText(entry[2]) list.append( getConfigListEntry("", x) ) self["bottom"].setText(_("please press OK when ready")) def pinEntered(self, value): self.okbuttonClick() def okbuttonClick(self): self.timer.stop() if not self.tag: return if self.tag == "WAIT": print "do nothing - wait" elif self.tag == "MENU": print "answer MENU" cur = self["entries"].getCurrent() if cur: self.handler.answerMenu(self.slotid, cur[2]) else: self.handler.answerMenu(self.slotid, 0) self.showWait() elif self.tag == "LIST": print "answer LIST" self.handler.answerMenu(self.slotid, 0) self.showWait() elif self.tag == "ENQ": cur = self["entries"].getCurrent() answer = str(cur[1].value) length = len(answer) while length < cur[1].getLength(): answer = '0' + answer length += 1 self.answer = answer if[self.slotid].use_static_pin.value: self.session.openWithCallback(self.save_PIN_CB, MessageBox, _("Would you save the entered PIN %s persistent?") % self.answer, MessageBox.TYPE_YESNO) else: self.save_PIN_CB(False) def save_PIN_CB(self, ret=None): if ret:[self.slotid].static_pin.value = self.answer[self.slotid] self.handler.answerEnq(self.slotid, self.answer) self.showWait() def closeMmi(self): self.timer.stop() self.close(self.slotid) def forceExit(self): self.timer.stop() if self.tag == "WAIT": self.handler.stopMMI(self.slotid) global forceNotShowCiMessages forceNotShowCiMessages = True self.close(self.slotid) def keyCancel(self): self.timer.stop() if not self.tag or self.mmiclosed: self.closeMmi() elif self.tag == "WAIT": self.handler.stopMMI(self.slotid) self.closeMmi() elif self.tag in ( "MENU", "LIST" ): print "cancel list" self.handler.answerMenu(self.slotid, 0) self.showWait() elif self.tag == "ENQ": print "cancel enq" self.handler.cancelEnq(self.slotid) self.showWait() else: print "give cancel action to ci" def keyConfigEntry(self, key): self.timer.stop() try: self["entries"].handleKey(key) if self.is_pin_list == 4: self.okbuttonClick() except: pass def keyNumberGlobal(self, number): self.timer.stop() if self.is_pin_list > -1: self.is_pin_list += 1 self.keyConfigEntry(KEY_0 + number) def keyLeft(self): self.timer.stop() if self.is_pin_list > 0: self.is_pin_list += -1 self.keyConfigEntry(KEY_LEFT) def keyRight(self): self.timer.stop() if self.is_pin_list > -1 and self.is_pin_list < 4: self.is_pin_list += 1 self.keyConfigEntry(KEY_RIGHT) def updateList(self, list): List = self["entries"] try: List.instance.moveSelectionTo(0) except: pass List.l.setList(list) def showWait(self): self.tag = "WAIT" self["title"].setText("") self["subtitle"].setText("") self["bottom"].setText("") list = [ ] list.append( (self.wait_text, ConfigNothing()) ) self.updateList(list) def showScreen(self): if self.screen_data is not None: screen = self.screen_data self.screen_data = None else: screen = self.handler.getMMIScreen(self.slotid) list = [ ] self.timer.stop() if len(screen) > 0 and screen[0][0] == "CLOSE": timeout = screen[0][1] self.mmiclosed = True if timeout > 0: self.timer.start(timeout*1000, True) else: self.keyCancel() else: self.mmiclosed = False self.tag = screen[0][0] for entry in screen: if entry[0] == "PIN": if[self.slotid].use_static_pin.value and str([self.slotid].static_pin.value) != "0": answer = str([self.slotid].static_pin.value) length = len(answer) while length <[self.slotid].static_pin.getLength(): answer = '0' + answer length += 1 self.handler.answerEnq(self.slotid, answer) self.showWait() break else: self.is_pin_list = 0 self.addEntry(list, entry) else: if entry[0] == "TITLE": self["title"].setText(entry[1]) elif entry[0] == "SUBTITLE": self["subtitle"].setText(entry[1]) elif entry[0] == "BOTTOM": self["bottom"].setText(entry[1]) elif entry[0] == "TEXT": self.addEntry(list, entry) self.updateList(list) def ciStateChanged(self): do_close = False if self.action == 0: #reset do_close = True if self.action == 1: #init do_close = True #module still there ? if self.handler.getState(self.slotid) != 2: do_close = True #mmi session still active ? if self.handler.getMMIState(self.slotid) != 1: do_close = True if do_close: self.closeMmi() elif self.action > 1 and self.handler.availableMMI(self.slotid) == 1: self.showScreen() #FIXME: check for mmi-session closed class CiMessageHandler: def __init__(self): self.session = None self.auto_close = False = { } self.dlgs = { } eDVBCI_UI.getInstance().ciStateChanged.get().append(self.ciStateChanged) SystemInfo["CommonInterface"] = eDVBCIInterfaces.getInstance().getNumOfSlots() > 0 try: file = open("/proc/stb/tsmux/ci0_tsclk", "r") file.close() SystemInfo["CommonInterfaceSupportsHighBitrates"] = True except: SystemInfo["CommonInterfaceSupportsHighBitrates"] = False try: file = open("/proc/stb/tsmux/ci0_relevant_pids_routing", "r") file.close() SystemInfo["CiRelevantPidsRoutingSupport"] = True except: SystemInfo["CiRelevantPidsRoutingSupport"] = False def setSession(self, session): self.session = session def ciStateChanged(self, slot): if slot in[slot](slot) else: handler = eDVBCI_UI.getInstance() if slot in self.dlgs: self.dlgs[slot].ciStateChanged() elif handler.availableMMI(slot) == 1: if self.session: show_ui = False if[slot].show_ci_messages.value: show_ui = True screen_data = handler.getMMIScreen(slot) if[slot].use_static_pin.value: if screen_data is not None and len(screen_data): ci_tag = screen_data[0][0] if ci_tag == 'ENQ' and len(screen_data) >= 2 and screen_data[1][0] == 'PIN': if str([slot].static_pin.value) == "0": show_ui = True else: answer = str([slot].static_pin.value) length = len(answer) while length <[slot].static_pin.getLength(): answer = '0' + answer length += 1 handler.answerEnq(slot, answer) show_ui = False self.auto_close = True elif ci_tag == 'CLOSE' and self.auto_close: show_ui = False self.auto_close = False if show_ui and not forceNotShowCiMessages and not Screens.Standby.inStandby: self.dlgs[slot] = self.session.openWithCallback(self.dlgClosed, MMIDialog, slot, 3, screen_data = screen_data) def dlgClosed(self, slot): if slot in self.dlgs: del self.dlgs[slot] def registerCIMessageHandler(self, slot, func): self.unregisterCIMessageHandler(slot)[slot] = func def unregisterCIMessageHandler(self, slot): if slot in del[slot] CiHandler = CiMessageHandler() class CiSelection(Screen): def __init__(self, session): Screen.__init__(self, session) self["actions"] = ActionMap(["OkCancelActions", "CiSelectionActions"], { "left": self.keyLeft, "right": self.keyLeft, "ok": self.okbuttonClick, "cancel": self.cancel },-1) self.dlg = None self.state = { } self.list = [ ] for slot in range(MAX_NUM_CI): state = eDVBCI_UI.getInstance().getState(slot) if state != -1: self.appendEntries(slot, state) CiHandler.registerCIMessageHandler(slot, self.ciStateChanged) menuList = ConfigList(self.list) menuList.list = self.list menuList.l.setList(self.list) self["entries"] = menuList self["entries"].onSelectionChanged.append(self.selectionChanged) self["text"] = Label(_("Slot %d")%(1)) self.onLayoutFinish.append(self.layoutFinished) def layoutFinished(self): global forceNotShowCiMessages forceNotShowCiMessages = False self.setTitle(_("Common Interface")) def selectionChanged(self): cur_idx = self["entries"].getCurrentIndex() self["text"].setText(_("Slot %d")%((cur_idx / len(self.list))+1)) def keyConfigEntry(self, key): try: self["entries"].handleKey(key) self["entries"].getCurrent()[1].save() except: pass def keyLeft(self): self.keyConfigEntry(KEY_LEFT) def keyRight(self): self.keyConfigEntry(KEY_RIGHT) def appendEntries(self, slot, state): self.state[slot] = state self.list.append((_("Reset"), ConfigNothing(), 0, slot)) self.list.append((_("Init"), ConfigNothing(), 1, slot)) if self.state[slot] == 0: #no module self.list.append((_("no module found"), ConfigNothing(), 2, slot)) elif self.state[slot] == 1: #module in init self.list.append((_("init module"), ConfigNothing(), 2, slot)) elif self.state[slot] == 2: #module ready appname = eDVBCI_UI.getInstance().getAppName(slot) self.list.append((appname, ConfigNothing(), 2, slot)) self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Set pin code persistent"),[slot].use_static_pin)) self.list.append((_("Enter persistent PIN code"), ConfigNothing(), 5, slot)) self.list.append((_("Reset persistent PIN code"), ConfigNothing(), 6, slot)) self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Show CI messages"),[slot].show_ci_messages)) self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Multiple service support"),[slot].canDescrambleMultipleServices)) if SystemInfo["CommonInterfaceSupportsHighBitrates"]: self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("High bitrate support"),[slot].canHandleHighBitrates)) if SystemInfo["CiRelevantPidsRoutingSupport"]: self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Relevant PIDs routing"),[slot].relevantPidsRouting)) if SystemInfo["CommonInterfaceCIDelay"]: self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("DVB CI Delay"), config.cimisc.dvbCiDelay)) def updateState(self, slot): state = eDVBCI_UI.getInstance().getState(slot) self.state[slot] = state slotidx=0 while len(self.list[slotidx]) < 3 or self.list[slotidx][3] != slot: slotidx += 1 slotidx += 1 #do not change Reset slotidx += 1 #do not change Init if state == 0: #no module self.list[slotidx] = (_("no module found"), ConfigNothing(), 2, slot) elif state == 1: #module in init self.list[slotidx] = (_("init module"), ConfigNothing(), 2, slot) elif state == 2: #module ready appname = eDVBCI_UI.getInstance().getAppName(slot) self.list[slotidx] = (appname, ConfigNothing(), 2, slot) lst = self["entries"] lst.list = self.list lst.l.setList(self.list) def ciStateChanged(self, slot): if self.dlg: self.dlg.ciStateChanged() else: state = eDVBCI_UI.getInstance().getState(slot) if self.state[slot] != state: self.state[slot] = state self.updateState(slot) def dlgClosed(self, slot): self.dlg = None def okbuttonClick(self): cur = self["entries"].getCurrent() if cur and len(cur) > 2: action = cur[2] slot = cur[3] if action == 0: #reset eDVBCI_UI.getInstance().setReset(slot) elif action == 1: #init eDVBCI_UI.getInstance().setInit(slot) elif action == 5: self.session.openWithCallback(self.cancelCB, PermanentPinEntry,[slot].static_pin, _("Smartcard PIN")) elif action == 6:[slot].static_pin.value = 0[slot] self.session.openWithCallback(self.cancelCB, MessageBox, _("The saved PIN was cleared."), MessageBox.TYPE_INFO) elif self.state[slot] == 2: self.dlg = self.session.openWithCallback(self.dlgClosed, MMIDialog, slot, action) def cancelCB(self, value): pass def cancel(self): for slot in range(MAX_NUM_CI): state = eDVBCI_UI.getInstance().getState(slot) if state != -1: CiHandler.unregisterCIMessageHandler(slot) self.close() class PermanentPinEntry(Screen, ConfigListScreen): def __init__(self, session, pin, pin_slot): Screen.__init__(self, session) self.skinName = ["ParentalControlChangePin", "Setup" ] self.setup_title = _("Enter pin code") self.onChangedEntry = [ ] self.slot = pin_slot = pin self.list = [] self.pin1 = ConfigPIN(default = 0, censor = "*") self.pin2 = ConfigPIN(default = 0, censor = "*") self.pin1.addEndNotifier(boundFunction(self.valueChanged, 1)) self.pin2.addEndNotifier(boundFunction(self.valueChanged, 2)) self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Enter PIN"), NoSave(self.pin1))) self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Reenter PIN"), NoSave(self.pin2))) ConfigListScreen.__init__(self, self.list) self["actions"] = NumberActionMap(["DirectionActions", "ColorActions", "OkCancelActions"], { "cancel": self.cancel, "red": self.cancel, "save": self.keyOK, }, -1) self["key_red"] = StaticText(_("Cancel")) self["key_green"] = StaticText(_("OK")) self.onLayoutFinish.append(self.layoutFinished) def layoutFinished(self): self.setTitle(self.setup_title) def valueChanged(self, pin, value): if pin == 1: self["config"].setCurrentIndex(1) elif pin == 2: self.keyOK() def keyOK(self): if self.pin1.value == self.pin2.value: = self.pin1.value self.session.openWithCallback(self.close, MessageBox, _("The PIN code has been saved successfully."), MessageBox.TYPE_INFO) else:, _("The PIN codes you entered are different."), MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR) def cancel(self): self.close(None) def keyNumberGlobal(self, number): ConfigListScreen.keyNumberGlobal(self, number) def changedEntry(self): for x in self.onChangedEntry: x() def getCurrentEntry(self): return self["config"].getCurrent()[0] def getCurrentValue(self): return str(self["config"].getCurrent()[1].getText()) def createSummary(self): from Screens.Setup import SetupSummary return SetupSummary