## 3.0.0 - Webpack is used to build client bundle - No multiple instances per initialization allowed (only first html node in the list will be taken) - Pull plugin is removed - No more jQuery or other external libraries dependencies - Supported browser list updated: ie9-, Opera 10 and Firefox 3.5- are not supported now ## 2.3.0 - Add webpack example - params now can be HTMLElement or jQueryObject - Rework npm scripts - Add yarn - Add editorconfig ## 2.2.2 - Fix root bidirect bug && add tests https://github.com/Diokuz/baron/issues/139 ## 2.2.0 - Add `position` param ## 2.1.1 - Update dist files properly ## 2.1.0 - Rework of cross-scroll bugs issue https://github.com/Diokuz/baron/issues/134 - Add tests for scroll-scroll bugs - Update uglify-js package - Change `main` field to prod version of baron ## 2.0.2 - Remove baron instances from baron._instances on dispose (https://github.com/Diokuz/baron/issues/132) - baron._instances now reachable only in dev mode ## 2.0.1 - Baron now trows an Error when no jQuery nor params.$ found ## 2.0.0 - `impact` default value now always `scroller`. - Mac OS X Firefox support - draggingCls now adds to `root`, not `bar` - second baron init for same direction now always returns existing instance ## 1.2.1 - [fix `controls` click and direction](https://github.com/Diokuz/baron/issues/121). ## 1.2.0 - `scrollingCls` param now sets on `root`, not `scroller`. ## 1.1.0 - add `rtl` param. ## 1.0.3 - add ```-ms-overflow-style: none``` for non-guru css mode. ## 1.0.2 - fix ie clipper (cross-scroll)[https://github.com/Diokuz/baron/issues/116] ## 1.0.0 - add `cssGuru` option for css guru. - add default css. - remove resizeDebounce param. - fix phantom tests. - remove pause param. ## 0.8.0 - `impact` param added ## 0.7.16 - fixed noParams initialization bug for multiple barons on page ## 0.7.15 - fixed module.exports bug (now baron is compatible with react-baron) ## 0.7.14 - fixed flexbox bug - fixed Opera 12 nested flexbox bug - rework of horizontal scroll - removed `freeze` param ## 0.6.2 - dispose method added (to free memory and remove event listeners when scroller removed from dom) ## 0.6.0 core: - Plugin system added (alpha version) - fixable headers moved to 'fix' plugin - 'grunt full' now includes test plugin to build - 'u' method renamed to 'update' - 0.2s delay for update on resize event removed (use 'pause' param instead) params change - 'bar' default value now 'undefined' (!) - '$' param added, default value: window.jQuery - 'dom' and 'selector' params removed - 'direction' ['v', 'h'] param added, default value: 'v'. - 'freeze' param added: size of scroller parent freezes at initialization, if true - 'pause' param added: use it on slow hardware to limit event trigger frequency (minimum time delay between two triggers in seconds) - all params for fixable headers moved to 'fix' plugin fix plugin: - 'header' param renamed to 'elements' - 'hFixCls' param renamed to 'outside' - 'hBeforeFixCls' param renamed to 'before' - 'hAfterFixCls' param renamed to 'after' - 'fixRadius' param renamed to 'radius' - 'trackSmartLim' param renamed to 'limiter' plugins: - 'controls' plugin added - 'test' plugin added ## 0.5.0 - Horizontal scroll support - Textarea support - Dev build added (with error console messages) ## 0.4.0 Improvements - Grunt task runner for build customization added - root var removed (use scroller param instead) - barOnCls now applied to scroller, not the bar - trackSmartLim param added (if true bottom edge of first header uses as bar top limit) - fixRadius param added - Variable (tex-dependent) headers heights support added - noConflict method added Bugs - Right click drag bug fixed - Update method now invalidates bar visibility - Margin collapse and positioned elements bug fixed Misc - heightChange custom event renamed to sizeChange - container param removed - hTopFixCls param renamed to hBeforeFixCls - hBottomFixCls param renamed to hAfterFixCls - barTop param removed - "require()" support added - Server-side "usage" handler added