local function Invite() local req = syn.request or http_request or request or http.request or nil if req ~= nil then for port=6463, 6472, 1 do local inv = ""..tostring(port).."/rpc?v=1" local http = game:GetService("HttpService") local t = {cmd = "INVITE_BROWSER", args = {["code"] = "tgh3dtSEW7"}, nonce = string.lower(http:GenerateGUID(false))} local post = http:JSONEncode(t) req({Url = inv, Method = "POST", Body = post, Headers = {["Content-Type"] = "application/json", ["Origin"] = "https://discord.com"}}) end end end local function isMobileDevice() local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService") return UserInputService.TouchEnabled and not UserInputService.MouseEnabled end if isMobileDevice() then setreadonly(getgenv(), false) getgenv().http_request = nil setreadonly(getgenv().syn, false) if getgenv().syn then getgenv().syn.request = nil end end local discordinv = "https://discord.gg/tgh3dtSEW7" local d local f = pcall(function() d = game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Discord0000/Zer0Hub/main/GameScripts/"..game.PlaceId..".lua") end) if f == true then loadstring(d)() else game.Players.LocalPlayer:Kick("Probably the wrong game/place | Join Discord for feature list :D link copied. "..discordinv) Invite() setclipboard(discordinv) end