 * @name SimplyDark
 * @author Gibbu#1211
 * @version 3.0.1
 * @description A sharp and simple theme for Discord
 * @source https://github.com/DiscordStyles/SimplyDark
 * @invite ZHthyCw
 * @website https://gibbu.me/

@import url('https://discordstyles.github.io/SimplyDark/dist/SimplyDark.css');

@import url("https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Inter:wght@300;400;500&display=swap");
/* Old Windows titlebar - remove this @import if you wish to use default titlebar */
@import url("https://gibbu.github.io/BetterDiscord-Themes/addons/windows-titlebar.css");
:root {
  --hue: 0; /* The hue of Discord | Default: 0 */
  --saturation: 0%; /* The saturation of --hue | MUST END IN % | Default: 0% */
  --lightness: 8%; /* The lightness of both --hue and --saturation | MUST END IN % | Default: 8% */
  --accent: 59, 130, 246; /* Custom colour used for pings, mentions, links, discord blurple */
  --avatar-shape: 0%; /* The shape of avatars | MUST END IN % | Default: 0% */
  --server-shape: 0%; /* The shape of server avatars | MUST END IN % | Default: 0% */
  --font: "Inter"; /* Custom font */