/* Model: Discounted Free Cash Flow - Perpetuity © Copyright: Discounting Cash Flows Inc. (discountingcashflows.com) 8 The Green, Dover, DE 19901 */ Input( { _DISCOUNT_RATE: '', _GROWTH_IN_PERPETUITY: '', PROJECTION_YEARS: 5, HISTORICAL_YEARS: 10, _REVENUE_GROWTH_RATE: '', _OPERATING_CASH_FLOW_MARGIN: '', _CAPITAL_EXPENDITURE_MARGIN: '', BETA:'', _RISK_FREE_RATE: '', _MARKET_PREMIUM: '', }, [{ parent:'_DISCOUNT_RATE', children:['BETA', '_RISK_FREE_RATE', '_MARKET_PREMIUM'] }] ); $.when( get_income_statement(), get_income_statement_ltm(), get_balance_sheet_statement_quarterly('length:2'), get_cash_flow_statement(), get_cash_flow_statement_ltm(), get_profile(), get_treasury(), get_fx(), get_risk_premium()).done( function($income, $income_ltm, $balance_quarterly, $flows, $flows_ltm, $profile, $treasury, $fx, $risk_premium){ try{ // +------------------- PREPARING DATA -------------------+ var response = new Response({ income: $income, income_ltm: $income_ltm, balance_quarterly: $balance_quarterly, balance_ltm: 'balance_quarterly:0', flows: $flows, flows_ltm: $flows_ltm, profile: $profile, treasury: $treasury, risk_premium: $risk_premium, }).toOneCurrency('income', $fx).merge('_ltm'); response.balance_ltm['date'] = 'LTM'; // +--------------- END OF PREPARING DATA ----------------+ // +---------------- ASSUMPTIONS SECTION -----------------+ setAssumption('_MARKET_PREMIUM', response.risk_premium.totalEquityRiskPremium ); // Set the growth in perpetuity to the 10Y Treasury Yield setAssumption('_GROWTH_IN_PERPETUITY', response.treasury.year10); // Risk free rate is the yield of the 10 year treasury note setAssumption('_RISK_FREE_RATE', response.treasury.year10); // Set beta (used in calculating the discount rate) if(response.profile.beta){ setAssumption('BETA', response.profile.beta); } else{ setAssumption('BETA', 1); } // Calculate the discount rate using the wacc formula var costOfEquity = getAssumption('_RISK_FREE_RATE') + getAssumption('BETA')*getAssumption('_MARKET_PREMIUM'); var costOfDebt = response.income_ltm['interestExpense'] / response.balance_ltm['totalDebt']; var taxRate = response.income_ltm['incomeTaxExpense'] / response.income_ltm['incomeBeforeTax']; if(taxRate < 0) { taxRate = 0; } var marketCap = response.profile['price'] * response.income_ltm['weightedAverageShsOut']; var debtWeight = response.balance_ltm['totalDebt'] / (marketCap + response.balance_ltm['totalDebt']); var equityWeight = marketCap / (marketCap + response.balance_ltm['totalDebt']); var wacc = debtWeight * costOfDebt * (1 - taxRate) + equityWeight * costOfEquity; // Set the Discount Rate setAssumption('_DISCOUNT_RATE', toP(wacc)); // Setup Original Data var original_data = new DateValueData({ 'revenue': new DateValueList(response.income, 'revenue'), 'costOfRevenue': new DateValueList(response.income, 'costOfRevenue'), 'grossProfit': new DateValueList(response.income, 'grossProfit'), 'operatingIncome': new DateValueList(response.income, 'operatingIncome'), 'netIncome': new DateValueList(response.income, 'netIncome'), 'weightedAverageShsOut': new DateValueList(response.income, 'weightedAverageShsOut'), 'eps': new DateValueList(response.income, 'eps'), 'operatingCashFlow': new DateValueList(response.flows, 'operatingCashFlow'), 'capitalExpenditure': new DateValueList(response.flows, 'capitalExpenditure'), 'freeCashFlow': new DateValueList(response.flows, 'freeCashFlow'), }); var currentDate = original_data.lastDate(); var nextYear = currentDate + 1; var forecastEndDate = currentDate + getAssumption('PROJECTION_YEARS'); // Compute historical values and ratios var historical_computed_data = original_data.setFormula({ '_operatingCashFlowMargin': ['operatingCashFlow:0', '/', 'revenue:0'], '_capitalExpenditureMargin': ['capitalExpenditure:0', '/', 'revenue:0'], '_grossMargin': ['grossProfit:0', '/', 'revenue:0'], '_operatingMargin': ['operatingIncome:0', '/', 'revenue:0'], '_netMargin': ['netIncome:0', '/', 'revenue:0'], 'discountedFreeCashFlow': ['freeCashFlow:0'], '_revenueGrowthRate': ['function:growth_rate', 'revenue'], }).compute(); // Calculate the average historical margin of operatingCashFlow (Cash From Operating Activities) const operatingCashFlowMargin = historical_computed_data.get('_operatingCashFlowMargin').sublist(nextYear - getAssumption('HISTORICAL_YEARS')).average(); setAssumption('_OPERATING_CASH_FLOW_MARGIN', toP(operatingCashFlowMargin)); // Is negative by default, se we need to make it positive const capitalExpenditureMargin = -historical_computed_data.get('_capitalExpenditureMargin').sublist(nextYear - getAssumption('HISTORICAL_YEARS')).average(); setAssumption('_CAPITAL_EXPENDITURE_MARGIN', toP(capitalExpenditureMargin)); const averageRevenueGrowthRate = historical_computed_data.get('_revenueGrowthRate').sublist(nextYear - getAssumption('HISTORICAL_YEARS')).average(); setAssumption('_REVENUE_GROWTH_RATE', toP(averageRevenueGrowthRate)); // Compute forecasted values and ratios var forecasted_data = historical_computed_data.removeDate('LTM').setFormula({ 'linearRegressionRevenue': ['function:linear_regression', 'revenue', {slope: 1, start_date: nextYear - getAssumption('HISTORICAL_YEARS')}], 'revenue': ['function:compound', 'linearRegressionRevenue:start_date', {rate: getAssumption('_REVENUE_GROWTH_RATE'), start_date: nextYear}], '_revenueGrowthRate': ['function:growth_rate', 'revenue'], 'operatingCashFlow': ['revenue:0', '*', getAssumption('_OPERATING_CASH_FLOW_MARGIN')], 'computedCapitalExpenditure': ['revenue:0', '*', getAssumption('_CAPITAL_EXPENDITURE_MARGIN')], 'freeCashFlow': ['operatingCashFlow:0', '-', 'computedCapitalExpenditure:0'], 'capitalExpenditure': ['freeCashFlow:0', '-', 'operatingCashFlow:0'], '_discountRate': [getAssumption('_DISCOUNT_RATE')], 'discountedFreeCashFlow': ['function:discount', 'freeCashFlow', {rate: getAssumption('_DISCOUNT_RATE'), start_date: nextYear}], '_operatingCashFlowMargin': ['operatingCashFlow:0', '/', 'revenue:0'], '_capitalExpenditureMargin': ['capitalExpenditure:0', '/', 'revenue:0'], '_freeCashFlowMargin': ['freeCashFlow:0', '/', 'revenue:0'], }).setEditable(_edit(), { start_date: nextYear, keys: ['revenue', 'operatingCashFlow', 'freeCashFlow'], }).compute({'forecast_end_date': forecastEndDate}); // +------------- END OF ASSUMPTIONS SECTION -------------+ // +---------------- MODEL VALUES SECTION ----------------+ // Calculating the Terminal Value // TV = FCF * (1 + Growth in Perpetuity) / (Discount Rate - Growth in Perpetuity) var terminalValue = forecasted_data.get('freeCashFlow').valueAtDate(forecastEndDate) * (1 + getAssumption('_GROWTH_IN_PERPETUITY') ) / (getAssumption('_DISCOUNT_RATE') - getAssumption('_GROWTH_IN_PERPETUITY') ); // Discount the terminal value into the present var discountedTerminalValue = terminalValue/Math.pow(1 + getAssumption('_DISCOUNT_RATE'), getAssumption('PROJECTION_YEARS')); // Add all Discounted FCFs and the Discounted Terminal Value to calculate the Projected Enterprise Value var projectedEnterpriseValue = discountedTerminalValue + forecasted_data.get('discountedFreeCashFlow').sublist(nextYear).sum(); // Equity value is calculated by adding cash and subtracting total debt var equityValue = projectedEnterpriseValue + response.balance_ltm['cashAndShortTermInvestments'] - response.balance_ltm['totalDebt']; var valuePerShare = equityValue/original_data.get('weightedAverageShsOut').valueAtDate('ltm'); var currency = response.currency; // If we are calculating the value per share for a watch, we can stop right here. if(_StopIfWatch(valuePerShare, currency)){ return; } print(terminalValue, 'Terminal Value', '#', currency); print(discountedTerminalValue, 'Discounted Terminal Value', '#', currency); print((projectedEnterpriseValue-discountedTerminalValue), 'Sum of Discounted Free Cash Flow', '#', currency); print(projectedEnterpriseValue, 'Enterprise Value', '#', currency); print(response.balance_ltm['cashAndShortTermInvestments'], 'Cash and Equivalents', '#', currency); print(response.balance_ltm['totalDebt'], 'Total Debt', '#', currency); print(equityValue, 'Equity Value', '#', currency); print(original_data.get('weightedAverageShsOut').valueAtDate('ltm'), 'Shares Outstanding','#'); print(valuePerShare, 'Estimated Value per Share', '#', currency); print(response.treasury.year10/100,'Yield of the U.S. 10 Year Treasury Note', '%'); print(operatingCashFlowMargin, 'Average Cash from Operating Activities Margin', '%'); print(capitalExpenditureMargin, 'Average Capital Expenditure Margin', '%'); print(costOfEquity, 'Cost of Equity', '%'); print(equityWeight, 'Equity Weight', '%'); print(costOfDebt, 'Cost of Debt', '%'); print(debtWeight, 'Debt Weight', '%'); print(taxRate, 'Tax Rate', '%'); // Print the value to the top of the model _SetEstimatedValue(valuePerShare, response.currency); // +------------- END OF MODEL VALUES SECTION ------------+ // +------------------- CHARTS SECTION -------------------+ // Fill the chart with historical and forecasted data (in M or Millions) // The chart has editable forecasted points, so we need to make sure that // we overwrite forecasted data with any user edited data forecasted_data.removeDate('LTM').renderChart({ start_date: nextYear - getAssumption('HISTORICAL_YEARS'), keys: ['revenue', 'operatingCashFlow', 'freeCashFlow', 'capitalExpenditure', 'linearRegressionRevenue', 'discountedFreeCashFlow'], properties: { title: 'Historical and forecasted data', currency: currency, number_format: 'M', disabled_keys: ['linearRegressionRevenue', 'discountedFreeCashFlow'], } }); // +---------------- END OF CHARTS SECTION ---------------+ // +------------------- TABLES SECTION -------------------+ // Estimated Future Data forecasted_data.removeDate('LTM').renderTable({ start_date: nextYear - 1, keys: ['revenue', '_revenueGrowthRate', 'operatingCashFlow', '_operatingCashFlowMargin', 'capitalExpenditure', '_capitalExpenditureMargin', 'freeCashFlow', '_freeCashFlowMargin', '_discountRate', 'discountedFreeCashFlow'], rows: ['Revenue', '{%} Revenue Growth Rate', 'Operating Cash Flow', '{%} Operating Cash Flow Margin', 'Capital Expendtiture', '{%} Capital Expendtiture Margin', 'Free Cash Flow', '{%} Free Cash Flow Margin', '{%} Discount Rate', 'Discounted Free Cash Flow'], properties: { 'title': 'Estimated Future Data', 'currency': currency, 'column_order': 'ascending', 'number_format': 'M', } }); // Historical Table historical_computed_data.renderTable({ start_date: nextYear - getAssumption('HISTORICAL_YEARS'), keys: ['revenue', '_revenueGrowthRate', 'costOfRevenue', 'grossProfit', '_grossMargin', 'operatingIncome', '_operatingMargin', 'netIncome', '_netMargin', 'operatingCashFlow', '_operatingCashFlowMargin', 'capitalExpenditure', 'freeCashFlow'], rows: ['Revenue', '{%} Revenue Growth Rate', 'Cost of Revenue', 'Gross Profit', '{%} Gross Margin', 'Operating Income', '{%} Operating Margin', 'Net Income', '{%} Net Margin', 'Cash from Operating Activities', '{%} Cash from Operating Activities Margin', 'Capital Expenditure', 'Free Cash Flow'], properties: { 'title': 'Historical data', 'currency': currency, 'number_format': 'M', 'display_averages': true, 'column_order': 'descending', }, }); // +---------------- END OF TABLES SECTION ---------------+ } catch (error) { throwError(error); } }); Description(`
Discounted Free Cash Flow Model

Discounted Free Cash Flow calculates the value of a share based on the company's estimated future Free Cash Flow figures.

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`, { _DISCOUNT_RATE: [ '{Equation} \\text{Discount Rate} = \\text{Equity Weight} * \\text{Cost of Equity} + \\text{Debt Weight} * \\text{Cost of Debt} * (1 - \\text{Tax Rate})', '{Paragraph} Calculated using Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) formula. It represents a firm’s average after-tax cost of capital from all sources, including common stock, preferred stock, bonds, and other forms of debt.', '{Link} https://www.investopedia.com/terms/w/wacc.asp', '{Title} Cost of Equity', '{Equation} \\text{Cost of Equity} = \\text{Risk Free Rate} + \\text{Beta} * \\text{Market Premium}', '{Paragraph} The cost of equity is the theoretical rate of return that an equity investment should generate. It is calculated using the CAPM formula.', '{Link} https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/costofequity.asp#mntl-sc-block_1-0-20', '{Title} Cost of Debt', '{Equation} \\text{Cost of Debt} = \\frac{\\text{Interest Expense}}{\\text{Total Debt}}', '{Paragraph} The cost of debt is the effective rate that a company pays on its debt, such as bonds and loans.', '{Link} https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/costofdebt.asp', '{Title} Equity & Debt Weights', '{Equation} \\text{Debt Weight} = \\frac{\\text{Total Debt}}{\\text{Market Capitalization} + \\text{Total Debt}} = 1 - \\text{Equity Weight}', '{Paragraph} The Equity Weight represents the proportion of equity-based financing (Market Capitalization), while the Debt Weight represents the proportion of debt-based financing (Total Debt).', '{Title} Tax Rate', '{Equation} \\text{Tax Rate} = \\frac{\\text{Income Tax Expense}}{\\text{Income Before Tax}}', '{Paragraph} The overall tax rate paid by the company on its earned income.', ], _GROWTH_IN_PERPETUITY: 'The rate at which the company\'s free cash flow is assumed to grow in perpetuity. By default, this is equal to the yield of the U.S. 10 Year Treasury Bond.', _OPERATING_CASH_FLOW_MARGIN: [ '{Equation} \\text{Projected Operating Cash Flow} = \\text{Projected Revenue} * \\text{Operating Cash Flow Margin}', 'The margin used to project future Operating Cash Flow as a % from future Revenue.', ], _CAPITAL_EXPENDITURE_MARGIN: [ '{Equation} \\text{Projected Free Cash Flow} = \\text{Projected Operating Cash Flow} - \\text{Projected Revenue} * \\text{Capital Expedinture Margin}', 'The margin used to project future Capital Expedinture as a % from future Revenue, which is then used to calculate the Free Cash Flow.', ], HISTORICAL_YEARS: 'The number of historical years used to calculate averages for historical data.', PROJECTION_YEARS: 'The number of years for projecting the analysis into the future.', _REVENUE_GROWTH_RATE: `The annual revenue growth rate is applied to projected revenue starting from the second projection year onward.`, _RISK_FREE_RATE: 'The risk-free rate represents the interest an investor would expect from an absolutely risk-free investment over a specified period of time.'+ ' By default, it is equal to the current yield of the U.S. 10 Year Treasury Bond.', _MARKET_PREMIUM: 'Market risk premium represents the excess returns over the risk-free rate that investors expect for taking on the incremental risks connected to the equities market.', BETA: 'Beta is a value that measures the price fluctuations (volatility) of a stock with respect to fluctuations in the overall stock market.', });