# Charcoal Color Scheme Sublime Text 2/3 color scheme optimized for [babel-sublime](https://github.com/babel/babel-sublime) JavaScript syntax highlighting. This is based on [Dmitri Voronianski's](https://github.com/voronianski) fantastic [Oceanic Next Color Scheme](https://github.com/voronianski/oceanic-next-color-scheme). ## Installation and Activation Use [Package Control](https://packagecontrol.io/) to search for "Charcoal" or just manually copy `Charcoal.tmTheme` file into `/Packages/User` directory (path to it depends on your OS). Then select it from `Preferences` `->` `Color Scheme` `->` `User`. ## Screenshots ![](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Dnld/charcoal-color-scheme/master/screenshots/screenShot2.png) ![](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Dnld/charcoal-color-scheme/master/screenshots/screenShot1.png) ## Recommended Sublime UI Themes [El Capitan](https://github.com/iccir/El-Capitan-Theme) by [Ricci Adams](https://github.com/iccir) (as seen in first screenshot above) ## Contributing If you'd like to add some rules and styles to the theme please do it inside `.YAML-tmTheme` file. Then `.tmTheme` xml can be generated with such tool as [AAAPackageDev](https://github.com/SublimeText/AAAPackageDev) for Sublime. ## License MIT