title: Read me desc: Here is some informations about Blblog that you could like author: Kiyoshi cover: assets/img/articles/readme_cover.png --- # Blblog Blblog is a minimalist blog using just markdown files. It is strongly inspired by [Telegra.ph](https://telegra.ph), [Medium](https://medium.com) or [Hexo](https://hexo.io). This project has been created for a personnal usage, but you are welcome to make this project better! ## How to install? Simply use `git clone https://github.com/Donokami/Blblog.md.git .` in `/var/www/html/` (or any webserver root) or [download here](https://github.com/Donokami/Blblog.md/archive/master.zip) the archive and extract into you webserver root. ### On Apache2 You will need to enable the Module rewrite, by using `sudo a2enmod rewrite`. If the url rewriting doesn't works, this is probably due to your configuration of Apache2 ; to correct this, edit your `apache2.conf` file in `/etc/apache2` (on linux based distros) and replace any `AllowOverride None` to `AllowOverride All`. ### On Nginx Replace `/etc/nginx/sites-available/default` by [this configuration](https://gist.github.com/Donokami/363712db9023cbeb72d61312ca07db56), Then restart Nginx using ``` nginx -t nginx -s reload ``` ## Configuration You must configure the `./include/Config.php` file according to your own web server and the data of your future blog (read the comments for more help). Also, replace `./assets/img/static/bg.jpg` & `./assets/img/meta/cover.jpg` by yours own assets ## How to write an article? Create a new file in articles folder, like `wow.md`. The .md is really important, if the extension isn't here, your file won't be read. Now, in your file, you need to write an header, like this: ``` title: Hey, Read me ! desc: Here is the description of the article, where you can write some informations. author: Kiyoshi cover: assets/img/articles/readme_cover.png //(Optional) It can be either a file or an url. tags: configuration blblog markdown php //(Optional) --- _Here is the content of _your article_ ``` And that is all !