#!/bin/sh # Tested to work on Windows 10 WSL Ubuntu & Ubuntu Xenial # If if bwa index reference exists (f.e. bwakit), simple mapping is performed # Mapping requires significantly more storage space # DEPENDENCIES: java 1.8; downloads needed Java programs # Standard utils: sh, gawk, sed, grep, wget, time # DEPENDENCIES FOR ALIGNMENT: samtools (htslib); bwa + index # https://github.com/samtools/htslib https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/397935v1 # https://github.com/samtools/samtools https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2723002/ # https://github.com/lh3/bwa http://arxiv.org/abs/1303.3997 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5155401/ # INDEX: recommendation hs38DH see https://github.com/lh3/bwa/blob/master/README-alt.md, https://twitter.com/lh3lh3/status/1073772500838944768 for example # https://sourceforge.net/projects/bio-bwa/files/bwakit/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5522380/ # OPTIONAL: fastp and/or bwakit's bwa-postalt.js with k8 JavaScript interpreter # https://github.com/OpenGene/fastp https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/bty560 # https://github.com/lh3/bwa/tree/master/bwakit https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5522380/ # https://github.com/attractivechaos/k8 https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-02465-9_27 # Consider using Intel or CloudFlare zlib on compatible machines for compression performance # https://github.com/jtkukunas/zlib https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2723002/ https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btq671 # Some BigY bam files have Casava 1.8 data in the bam read column; not sure what to do with this as it's in the original bam. # This script preserves it in unmapped bam and filters it out before processing, but the extra space and Casava header can be cleaned up with: # (samtools view -H sample1.bam; samtools view sample1.bam | awk '{ OFS="\t"; split($1,q," "); $1=q[1]; print }') | samtools view -b -o sample1.cleaned.bam ## Combining BigY hs37 and GRCh38, I removed reference and SANITIZE=true and ran: # TMP=/mnt/SSD/ ./revert-bam.sh sample1BigY.bam # TMP=/mnt/SSD/ ./revert-bam.sh sample1BigY2.bam ## Merging leaves reads from both files, apparently even with -c # samtools merge -@8 -c -f sample1BigYmerge.bam sample1BigY.unmapped.bam sample1BigY2.unmapped.bam ## RevertSam expects reads in specific order, Picard Tools queryname order works best. # java -Xmx30G -jar picard.jar SortSam I=sample1BigYmerge.bam O=sample1BigYmerge.qname.bam SORT_ORDER=queryname ## Added reference but not SANITIZE that would remove all duplicates, bwa undocumented removed duplicate read-id's: # TMP=/mnt/SSD/ ./revert-bam.sh sample1BigYmerge.qname.bam ## Could also try --KEEP_FIRST_DUPLICATE=True with RevertSam if you don't want to align it # File locations; note that these keep the path of the input file SAMPLE=${1:-sample1.bam} BASENAME=${SAMPLE%%.bam} UBAMFILE=${BASENAME}.unmapped.bam BMAPFILE=${BASENAME}.bwamem.bam SORTFILE=${BASENAME}.sorted.bam # Which reference genome to use: https://lh3.github.io/2017/11/13/which-human-reference-genome-to-use # Heng Li, author of bwa mem and blog entry updated bwakit's hs38DH a year later, so it can be considered recommended REF=hs38DH.fa # Set compression level for output BAM files, higher if you archive them, lower if you have storage # http://www.htslib.org/benchmarks/zlib.html https://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-fights-cancer/ COMPRESS=5 # Gets & runs RevertSamSpark and MarkDuplicatesSpark multi-threaded instead of Picard workflow. # Comment out if you have or want to use only a few CPU cores. GATK_SPARK= # Don't delete bwa-mem mapped, raw, unsorted BAM file. Useful if you intend to test different processing. KEEP_TEMPORARY=True # Extra options for BWA, ie. long reads with "-x pacbio" etc. http://bio-bwa.sourceforge.net/bwa.shtml BWAOPT= # Ref: https://gatkforums.broadinstitute.org/gatk/discussion/6484 # From page: Additionally, we invoke the SANITIZE option to remove reads that cause problems for certain tools, e.g. MarkIlluminaAdapters. # Downstream tools will have problems with paired reads with missing mates, duplicated records, and records with mismatches in length of bases and qualities. # Any paired reads file subset for a genomic interval requires sanitizing to remove reads with lost mates that align outside of the interval. SANITIZE=true # Replace this with fixed thread count if you have limited memory or need to reserve CPU threads cores=`nproc` # Find out how much memory we have available; you can override java heap on cmdline if you need disk cache, other processes totalmem=`LC_ALL=C free | grep -e "^Mem:" | gawk '{print $7}'` # Allow 2 gigabytes for runtime javamem=${2:-$((totalmem/1024/1024-2))} # https://sourceforge.net/p/picard/wiki/Main_Page/#q-a-picard-program-that-sorts-its-output-sambam-file-is-taking-a-very-long-time-andor-running-out-of-memory-what-can-i-do bamrecords=$((javamem*250000)) # From Java 6 update 18 max. heap is 1/4th of physical memory, so we can split 3/4th between cores for sorting. percoremem=$((javamem*3/4/cores)) # If bio-tools.cfg exists where the script is run from, over-ride settings from it. if [ -e ./bio-tools.cfg ]; then . ./bio-tools.cfg fi # These aren't set in bio-tools.cfg because they rely on REF, and BASENAME if that were altered. # Trim sequencing adapters exactly using paired end read overlap for all sequencers and produce reports; disable other trimming # Get and build it from https://github.com/OpenGene/fastp if which fastp > /dev/null; then FILTER="| fastp -QLGp --stdin --stdout --interleaved_in -j ${BASENAME}.fastp.json -h ${BASENAME}.fastp.html -R \"fastp report on ${BASENAME}\"" fi # https://gatkforums.broadinstitute.org/gatk/discussion/8017/how-to-map-reads-to-a-reference-with-alternate-contigs-like-grch38 # k8 is JavaScript command line interpreter https://github.com/attractivechaos/k8 or https://github.com/attractivechaos/k8/releases # and bwa-postalt.js is from bwakit https://github.com/lh3/bwa/tree/master/bwakit or https://github.com/lh3/bwa/raw/master/bwakit/bwa-postalt.js # Easiest way to get it working is to get the prebuild Linux or Mac binary from releases link and copy to /usr/local/bin if which k8 > /dev/null; then POSTALT="| k8 ./bwa-postalt.js -p ${BASENAME}.hla ${REF}.alt" fi # Different fs from data files, prefer SSD tmp=${TMP:-"/tmp"} if [ ! -e ${SAMPLE} ]; then echo "Runs Picard Tools or GATK Spark on Java to create Broad Institute uBAM from input BAM" echo "$0 [input.bam] [gigabytes of memory to use, if not all available memory]" exit fi # Get a tested version of Picard Tools if [ ! -e picard.jar ]; then wget https://github.com/broadinstitute/picard/releases/download/2.27.1/picard.jar fi if [ ! -z "${GATK_SPARK}" ] && [ ! -e gatk-${GATK_SPARK}/gatk ]; then if ! echo "${SANITIZE}" | grep -qi 'true'; then echo "You can't use GATK_SPARK MarkDuplicatesSpark with single end reads, leave SANITIZE 'true'." exit fi wget -nc https://github.com/broadinstitute/gatk/releases/download/${GATK_SPARK}/gatk-${GATK_SPARK}.zip unzip gatk-${GATK_SPARK}.zip fi check_space () { # Figure out sizes in bytes inputsize=`du -D -b ${SAMPLE} | gawk '{print $1}'` outfree=`LC_ALL=C df -B1 ${SAMPLE%/*} | grep -v "^File" | gawk '{print $4}'` if [ ${inputsize} -gt ${outfree} ]; then echo "Output file $1 (${inputsize}) probably won't fit on remaining space (${outfree})" exit fi # Figure out sizes in bytes - rule of thumb temporary is usually 1.5x times input tempsize=$((inputsize+(inputsize/2))) tempfree=`LC_ALL=C df -B1 ${tmp} | grep -v "^File" | gawk '{print $4}'` if [ ${tempsize} -gt ${tempfree} ]; then echo "Approximately 1.5X input size is required for temporary storage $tmp" echo "Run with TMP=/path/to/tmp to use different path" exit fi } # https://software.broadinstitute.org/gatk/documentation/tooldocs/current/picard_sam_RevertSam.php # See https://gatkforums.broadinstitute.org/gatk/discussion/6484/how-to-generate-an-unmapped-bam-from-fastq-or-aligned-bam option B # The idea is to remove/revert any tags which would interfere or get recreated by workflow; tags which can't be regenerated can stay # Leaves nh and qf tags in BigY BAM; they seem properietary if [ ! -e ${UBAMFILE} ]; then check_space ${UBAMFILE} if [ -z "${GATK_SPARK}" ]; then echo "############ Reverting ${SAMPLE} into ${UBAMFILE} with Picard Tools" time java -Xmx${javamem}G -jar picard.jar RevertSam \ I=${SAMPLE} \ O=${UBAMFILE} \ SANITIZE=${SANITIZE} \ MAX_DISCARD_FRACTION=0.005 \ ATTRIBUTE_TO_CLEAR=XT \ ATTRIBUTE_TO_CLEAR=XN \ ATTRIBUTE_TO_CLEAR=AS \ ATTRIBUTE_TO_CLEAR=OC \ ATTRIBUTE_TO_CLEAR=OP \ ATTRIBUTE_TO_CLEAR=XS \ ATTRIBUTE_TO_CLEAR=XA \ ATTRIBUTE_TO_CLEAR=pa \ SORT_ORDER=queryname \ RESTORE_ORIGINAL_QUALITIES=true \ REMOVE_DUPLICATE_INFORMATION=true \ REMOVE_ALIGNMENT_INFORMATION=true \ MAX_RECORDS_IN_RAM=${bamrecords} \ COMPRESSION_LEVEL=${COMPRESS} \ TMP_DIR=${tmp} else rm -rf ${tmp}/SPARK mkdir -p ${tmp}/SPARK echo "############ Reverting ${SAMPLE} into ${UBAMFILE} with GATK Spark" time gatk-${GATK_SPARK}/gatk --java-options "-Xmx${javamem}G -Dsamjdk.compression_level=${COMPRESS}" RevertSamSpark \ -I ${SAMPLE} \ -O ${UBAMFILE} \ --sanitize ${SANITIZE} \ --attributes-to-clear XT \ --attributes-to-clear XN \ --attributes-to-clear AS \ --attributes-to-clear OC \ --attributes-to-clear OP \ --attributes-to-clear XS \ --attributes-to-clear XA \ --attributes-to-clear pa \ --sort-order queryname \ --dont-restore-original-qualities false \ --remove-duplicate-information true \ --keep-alignment-information false \ --tmp-dir ${tmp}/SPARK \ --output-shard-tmp-dir ${tmp}/SPARK/${SAMPLE##*/}.parts \ | grep -Ev "INFO (Executor|NewHadoopRDD|ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator|SparkHadoopMapRedUtil|FileOutputCommitter):" --line-buffered fi fi # WARNING: This is NOT according to the Broad Institute GATK 4.0 Best Practices, but leaving it here for reference # Does not perform quality control, adapter trimming or base quality score recalibration if [ -e ${REF} ]; then # Identify Complete Genomics/BGI/MGI style read names for library complexity estimation try_regex='CL10.......L.C([0-9]+)R([0-9]+)_([0-9]+)' if samtools view ${UBAMFILE} | head -1 | cut -f1 | grep -q -E "${try_regex}"; then echo "############ Identified BGI/MGI/Complete Genomics style read names" if [ -z "${GATK_SPARK}" ]; then regex="READ_NAME_REGEX=${try_regex}" else regex="--read-name-regex ${try_regex}" fi fi # Uses .hdr file also as a flag of whether mapping finished, in case we restart script # This should probably be "|| [ -e ..." but sometimes I don't want to overwrite partial if [ ! -e ${BMAPFILE} ] && [ ! -e ${UBAMFILE}.hdr ]; then check_space ${BMAPFILE} samtools view -H ${UBAMFILE} > ${UBAMFILE}.hdr # FTDNA BigY doesn't have PL tag, so add it for downstream processing. if ! grep -q "^@RG.*PL:" ${UBAMFILE}.hdr; then echo "############ Adding missing platform identifiers" sed -i "s/^@RG\t.*/&\tPL:ILLUMINA/" ${UBAMFILE}.hdr fi echo "############ Using BWA MEM to align ${UBAMFILE} against ${REF} into ${BMAPFILE}" # Casava 1.8 header, observed s/[12]:[YN]:[0-9]*:[^\/]*\/[12]\t// # According to Wikipedia this can also end in barcode or sample-ID, so removing any. time samtools fastq -t ${UBAMFILE} \ | eval sed "s/[12]:[YN]:[0-9]*:[^[:space:]]*[[:space:]]//" \ ${FILTER} \ | eval bwa mem ${BWAOPT} -p -t ${cores} -M -C -H ${UBAMFILE}.hdr ${REF} - \ ${POSTALT} \ | samtools view -b -o ${BMAPFILE} rm ${UBAMFILE}.hdr else echo "############ ${BMAPFILE} or ${UBAMFILE}.hdr exists, so skipping mapping" fi echo "############ Marking duplicates and chromosome order sorting ${UBAMFILE} into ${SORTFILE}" check_space ${SORTFILE} # Unfortunately, MarkDuplicates seeks back to beginning of the input BAM so mapping can't just be piped in # See https://software.broadinstitute.org/gatk/documentation/article?id=6747 for OPTICAL_DUPLICATE_PIXEL_DISTANCE and regex if [ -z "${GATK_SPARK}" ]; then time java -jar picard.jar MarkDuplicates INPUT=${BMAPFILE} OUTPUT=/dev/stdout METRICS_FILE=${SAMPLE}.dup \ ASSUME_SORT_ORDER=queryname TAGGING_POLICY=All COMPRESSION_LEVEL=0 TMP_DIR=$tmp \ OPTICAL_DUPLICATE_PIXEL_DISTANCE=2500 ${regex} \ | java -jar picard.jar FifoBuffer BUFFER_SIZE=2147483645 DEBUG_FREQUENCY=61 \ | samtools sort -T $tmp/${SAMPLE##*/} -@${cores} -m${percoremem}G -l${COMPRESS} \ | tee ${SORTFILE} \ | samtools index -@${cores} - ${SORTFILE}.bai else # This took 8:20 vs. 6:17 on 4 cores, before running out of memory in index generation. Spark temp file space about 2X BAM, lots of IO. # https://software.broadinstitute.org/gatk/documentation/tooldocs/current/org_broadinstitute_hellbender_tools_spark_transforms_markduplicates_MarkDuplicatesSpark.php # Results are indentical, but duplication metrics are less detailed, PG header isn't added. # --bam-partition-size 33554432 is maximum & default rm -rf ${tmp}/SPARK mkdir -p ${tmp}/SPARK time gatk-${GATK_SPARK}/gatk --java-options "-Xmx${javamem}G -Dsamjdk.compression_level=${COMPRESS}" MarkDuplicatesSpark -I ${BMAPFILE} -O ${SORTFILE} -M ${SAMPLE}.dup \ --duplicate-tagging-policy All --tmp-dir ${tmp}/SPARK --output-shard-tmp-dir ${tmp}/SPARK/${SAMPLE##*/}.parts --optical-duplicate-pixel-distance 2500 ${regex} 2>&1 \ | grep -Ev "INFO (Executor|NewHadoopRDD|ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator|SparkHadoopMapRedUtil|FileOutputCommitter):" --line-buffered # At least for me, the index file generation fails even with enough memory, so let's just generate it for now. mv ${SORTFILE}.bai ${SORTFILE}.bai.bak time samtools index -@${cores} ${SORTFILE} fi # Contrary to MarkDuplicatesSpark documentation, NM and MD tags look fine, but if you need UQ tags you need to run SetNmMdAndUqTags # https://software.broadinstitute.org/gatk/documentation/tooldocs/current/picard_sam_SetNmMdAndUqTags.php # set -e and set -o pipefail require bash, so check the final file is intact instead if [ -z ${KEEP_TEMPORARY} ] && samtools quickcheck ${SORTFILE}; then echo "############ Deleting aligner temporary output file" rm ${BMAPFILE} fi fi