#VERSION: 2.1 #Author: Douman (douman@gmx.se) try: #python3 from html.parser import HTMLParser except ImportError: #python2 from HTMLParser import HTMLParser from re import compile as re_compile #qBt from novaprinter import prettyPrinter from helpers import download_file, retrieve_url class tokyotoshokan(object): url = 'http://tokyotosho.info' def __init__(self): self.name = 'Tokyo Toshokan' self.supported_categories = {'all': '0', 'anime': '1', 'games': '14' } #self.supported_categories = {'all': '0', 'anime': '1', 'anime(non-english)': '10', # 'manga': '3', 'drama': '8', 'music': '2', # 'music video': '9', 'raw': '7', 'hentai': '4', # 'eroge': '14', 'batch': '11', 'jav': '15', 'other': '5'} # def download_torrent(self, info): print(download_file(info)) class MyHtmlParseWithBlackJack(HTMLParser): def __init__(self, url): HTMLParser.__init__(self) self.get_size_regex = re_compile(".*Size:\s+([^ ]*)\s+.*") self.url = url self.current_item = None self.size_found = False self.name_found = False self.stats_found = False self.stat_name = None def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs): params = dict(attrs) if self.current_item: if tag == "a": if params["href"].startswith("magnet"): self.current_item["link"] = params["href"] elif 'type' in params and params["type"] == "application/x-bittorrent": self.name_found = True self.current_item["name"] = "" elif params["href"].startswith("details"): self.current_item["desc_link"] = "".join((self.url, "/", params["href"])) elif tag == "td" and "class" in params: if params["class"] == "desc-bot": self.size_found = True self.current_item['size'] = 'Unknown' elif params["class"] == "stats": self.stats_found = True elif self.stats_found and tag == "span": self.stat_name = "leech" if "seeds" in self.current_item else "seeds" elif tag == "tr" and "class" in params: if params["class"].find("category"): self.current_item = dict() self.current_item["engine_url"] = self.url def handle_endtag(self, tag): if tag == "a": if self.name_found: self.name_found = False elif tag == "span": self.stat_name = None elif self.current_item and tag == "tr" and len(self.current_item) == 7: prettyPrinter(self.current_item) self.current_item = None self.size_found = False self.name_found = False self.stats_found = False self.stat_name = None def handle_data(self, data): if self.name_found: self.current_item["name"] += data elif self.size_found: # There can be several pieces. result = self.get_size_regex.search(data) if result: self.current_item['size'] = result.group(1) self.size_found = False elif self.stat_name: self.current_item[self.stat_name] = data def search(self, query, cat='all'): query = query.replace(' ', '+') parser = self.MyHtmlParseWithBlackJack(self.url) torrent_list = re_compile("(?s)(.*)
") additional_links = re_compile("/?lastid=[0-9]+&page=[0-9]+&terms={}".format(query)) request_url = '{0}/search.php?terms={1}&type={2}&size_min=&size_max=&username='.format(self.url, query, self.supported_categories[cat]) data = retrieve_url(request_url) data = torrent_list.search(data).group(0) parser.feed(data) parser.close() for res_link in map(lambda link: "".join((self.url, "/search.php?", link.group(0))), additional_links.finditer(data)): data = retrieve_url(res_link) data = torrent_list.search(data).group(0) parser.feed(data) parser.close()