# The Walking Dead Universe The Walking Dead Universe RPG system for Foundry VTT - TODO - Code Cleanup - TODO - Ensure all Localization is Complete ## Release Notes: Release 2.0.2: - Fix: Haven and Challenge sheets failed to open when an Actor in their list of survivors is missing or has had it's ID change. Currently removes the missing Actor ID - cleaned up templates and log output Release 2.0.1: - Fix: buttons to change threat level were being selfish with focus. this fixes issue [#33](https://github.com/DrOgres/twdu/issues/33) - added localization to tool tips for threat level buttons Release 2.0.0: NOTE: This is a major release to make this system v12 compatable. BACKUP YOUR DATA BEFORE USE. - v12 Compatibility issue [#32](https://github.com/DrOgres/twdu/issues/32) - added Challenge sheet as an actor type (Solo players rejoice) issue [#7](https://github.com/DrOgres/twdu/issues/7) Release 1.2.6: - Fixed a bug where items would duplicate on character sheets after being transfered to a differnt actor. [#31](https://gitghub.com/DrOgres/twdu/issues/31) Release 1.2.5: - Fixed a bug where Armor was not rollable from an NPC sheet. [#30](https://github.com/DrOgres/twdu/issues/30) Release 1.2.4: - Spanish Localization added || Localización en español añadida (Thanks to [NandoNO82]) [#29](https://github.com/DrOgres/twdu/issues/29) Release 1.2.3: - Fixed a bug where the critical injury penalty was not being treated as a number when calculating it's impact on a roll [#28](https://github.com/DrOgres/twdu/issues/28) Release 1.2.2: - Fixed bug the handlebars parsing changed the way it handled booleans breaking the skill boxes on the character sheet. [#26](https://github.com/DrOgres/twdu/issues/26) Release 1.2.1: - Changed default for Max Stress to 10 [#25](https://github.com/DrOgres/twdu/issues/25) - Max Stress now increases when it is over the current max stress, this should make for more useful status bars on tokens, that reflect use during play. - Migrate actors to new stress system - Changed verbage on equip/store items to be more clear Release: 1.2.0 - Added ability to assign PC to Haven which will show on the character sheet and Haven sheet. [#18](https://github.com/DrOgres/twdu/issues/18) - Added drag and drop items between all actors. [#16](https://github.com/DrOgres/twdu/issues/16) and [#13](https://github.com/DrOgres/twdu/issues/13) Release: 1.1.0 - Fixed bug where non-gm users were shown an error when the GM changed threat level [[#24](https://github.com/DrOgres/twdu/issues/24)] Release: 1.0.9 - fixed bug where multiple chat cards would be created for every active user when threat level was changed, now only the GM user creates a card [#22](https://github.com/DrOgres/twdu/issues/22) Release: 1.0.8 - updated token defaults to make vision less annoying for GM's and Players. Release: 1.0.7 - Added French Localization || Localisation française ajoutée (Thanks to [Kyllianm85]) [#19](https://github.com/DrOgres/twdu/issues/19) - changed max stress on template for better representation on status bars for tokens. Release: 1.0.6 - Fixed issue with shown info on critial injuries on sheet always showing injuries as lethal. [#17](https://github.com/DrOgres/twdu/issues/17) Release: 1.0.5 - Fixed height of inputs in h1 sections. Release: 1.0.4 - Fixed weapon sheet to display Ranged Combat skill correctly in drop down. - Fixed injury chat card to display correct information for letality. Release: 1.0.3 - Fixed NPC rolling too many dice for Trained Skills [#8](https://github.com/DrOgres/twdu/issues/8) - Fixed Talents for weapon skills not showing up in the roll dialog [#10](https://github.com/DrOgres/twdu/issues/10) - Fixed arbitrary cap on XP set to 10 [#11](https://github.com/DrOgres/twdu/issues/11) - Fixed armor penalty not applying to Mobility tests [#9](https://github.com/DrOgres/twdu/issues/9) Release: 1.0.2 - Added Brazilian Portuguese Localization || Adicionada localização em português do Brasil (Thanks to [shuanz]) - Adjusted collumn widths in main tab of character sheet to ensure data and headers align properly. Release: 1.0.1 - Fixed CSS on settings menu sidebar set up for content modules unreadable without them (fixes Issue [#2](https://github.com/DrOgres/twdu/issues/2)) - Added German Localization || Deutsche Lokalisierung hinzugefügt (Thanks to [Tobbot]) Release: 1.0.0 - Initial Release Beta 5: - Added animal as an actor type. - Fixed: Emathy skill set on NPC sheet had incorrect id for base skill check boxes. - Fixed: CSS for chat card flavor-text was unreadable on light background. Beta 4: - Added BP boolean to weapon sheet to allow explosive damage to be rolled properly. - Fixed: check boxes sometimes not working properly - Added vehicles to PC and NPC sheets Beta 3: - added bonus to weapon listing in inventory - added Dice So Nice support - Fixed: Notes on Haven not editable - Fixed: New characters showing wrong health - Fixed: NPC background field not saving properly - Fixed: tooltip for Experience Boxes. -CSS - Increased minimum size of TinyMCE editor. Beta 2: - Fixed: Weapon Sheet not showing bonus field - Fixed: Weapon on Roll Dialog - Fixed: Armor was Rolling Stress and Critical Injury Dice (not RAW) - Fixed: Missing localization on Settings - Adjustment - CSS for weapon sheet to acomidate new field and fix minor border issue Beta 1: - initial Testing release