PORTNAME= ausweisapp2 DISTVERSION= 1.24.2 CATEGORIES= deskutils security MAINTAINER= freebsd@sysctl.cz COMMENT= Official authentication app for German ID cards and residence permits WWW= https://www.ausweisapp.bund.de/ausweisapp2/ LICENSE= EUPLv1.2 LICENSE_NAME= European Union Public Licence V. 1.2 LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE.txt LICENSE_PERMS= dist-mirror dist-sell pkg-mirror pkg-sell auto-accept BUILD_DEPENDS= pcsc-lite>0:devel/pcsc-lite \ qt5-declarative-test>0:x11-toolkits/qt5-declarative-test LIB_DEPENDS= libhttp_parser.so:www/http-parser \ libpcsclite.so:devel/pcsc-lite \ libudev.so:devel/libudev-devd USES= cmake compiler:c++17-lang pkgconfig qmake qt:5 ssl USE_GITHUB= yes GH_ACCOUNT= Governikus GH_PROJECT= AusweisApp2 USE_QT= concurrent core declarative graphicaleffects gui network \ quickcontrols2 svg websockets widgets \ buildtools linguisttools # The VENDOR variable controls the name of the directory in ${PREFIX}/share. CMAKE_ARGS= -DVENDOR=${PORTNAME} MAKE_ENV= DESTDIR=${STAGEDIR} .include