/*: * @plugindesc v1.0 * @author DreamX * * @param Popups Above Windows * @desc Whether to show popups above windows. Default: true * @default true * * @help * ============================================================================ * How To Use * ============================================================================ * This is an extension for Victor Sant's Damage Popup plugin. It requires it * and should be placed below it. It should also be placed under Yanfly's * Battle Engine Core. * * Do not change the filename for this plugin. It must be * DreamX_Ext_VE_DamagePopup.js * * This plugin will allow Victor Sant's plugin popups to appear when Yanfly's * Battle Engine Core is used. It also has a parameter to display popups above * windows. * ============================================================================ * Tips * ============================================================================ * Yanfly's Battle Status Window will allow you to display popups on the battle * status window, when not using another plugin to change battle status window. * ============================================================================ * Terms Of Use * ============================================================================ * Free to use and modify for commercial and noncommercial games, with credit. * Credit Victor Sant for the original plugin. * ============================================================================ * Credits * ============================================================================ * DreamX * Thanks to Victor Sant and Yanfly for their plugins. */ var Imported = Imported || {}; Imported.DreamX_Ext_VE_DamagePopup = true; var DreamX = DreamX || {}; DreamX.Ext_VE_DamagePopup = DreamX.Ext_VE_DamagePopup || {}; var parameters = PluginManager.parameters('DreamX_Ext_VE_DamagePopup'); var paramAboveWindows = String(parameters['Popups Above Windows']); Game_Battler.prototype.isDamagePopupRequested = function () { if (!this._damagePopup) this.clearDamagePopup(); return this._damagePopup || this._damagePopup.length > 0; }; Game_Battler.prototype.shiftDamagePopup = function () { if (!this._damagePopup) this.clearDamagePopup(); return this._damagePopup.shift() || this._damagePopup; }; DreamX.Ext_VE_DamagePopup.Sprite_Battler_damagePopupSprite = Sprite_Battler.prototype.damagePopupSprite; Sprite_Battler.prototype.damagePopupSprite = function (type, value) { DreamX.Ext_VE_DamagePopup.Sprite_Battler_damagePopupSprite.call(this, type, value); if (eval(paramAboveWindows)) { var thisSprite = this; this._damages.forEach(function (sprite) { thisSprite.parent.removeChild(sprite); SceneManager._scene.addChild(sprite); }); } };