{ "VIDEO": { "816x624": { "w": "816", "h": "624" }, "768x576": { "w": "768", "h": "576" }, "256x196": { "w": "256", "h": "196" }, "942x672": { "w": "942", "h": "672" } }, "VARIABLES": { "1": { "step": "5", "min": "100", "max": "150", "percent": "true" }, "2": { "step": "1", "min": "10", "max": "15" }, "10": { "step": "1", "min": "1", "max": "3", "value_text": { "1": "Low", "2": "Normal", "3": "Heavy" } } }, "HELP_TEXT": { "alwaysDash": "If on, always dash even without holding dash button.", "commandRemember": "Remember commands.", "bgmVolume": "This changes the volume of bgm.", "bgsVolume": "This changes the volume of bgs.", "meVolume": "This changes the volume of me sound effects.", "seVolume": "This changes the volume of sound effects.", "resolution": "Requires exit and restart.", "fullscreen": "Toggle Fullscreen.", "switch_1": "If on, does something really neat.", "switch_5": "If on, does something incredible.", "variable_1": "Great variable", "variable_8": "Variable 8 is my favorite.", "variable_10": { "1": "Help text for a value of 1", "2": "Help text for a value of 2", "3": "Help text for a value of 3" } }, "LOCKS": { "commandRemember": { "condition": "$gameSwitches.value(1)", "reset": "true", "resetValue": "false" } } }