/*: * @plugindesc v1.1 Specify skill motion. * @author DreamX * @help You can use one of the following notetags on a skill: with x as the motion to use for the skill. Does not include weapon sprites. to use the default attack motion, which is based on your equipped weapon. with x as the weapon type id (from the Types tab in the database). It will use the weapon sprite and motion you specified for that weapon type. You can check/set the motion and sprite in the System tab in the database. Here is a list of the default motions: walk wait chant guard damage evade thrust swing missile skill spell item escape victory dying abnormal sleep dead * ============================================================================ * Terms Of Use * ============================================================================ * Free to use and modify for commercial and noncommercial games, with credit. * ============================================================================ * Credits & Thanks * ============================================================================ * DreamX */ var Imported = Imported || {}; Imported.DreamX_SkillMotion = true; var DreamX = DreamX || {}; DreamX.SkillMotion = DreamX.SkillMotion || {}; (function () { DreamX.SkillMotion.Game_Actor_performAction = Game_Actor.prototype.performAction; Game_Actor.prototype.performAction = function (action) { if (action && action.item()) { var meta = action.item().meta; if (meta.OverrideMotion || meta.WeaponMotion || meta.SpecificWeaponMotion) { Game_Battler.prototype.performAction.call(this, action); if (meta.OverrideMotion) { this.requestMotion(meta.OverrideMotion); } else if (meta.WeaponMotion) { this.performAttack(); } else if (meta.SpecificWeaponMotion) { var attackMotion = $dataSystem.attackMotions[meta.SpecificWeaponMotion]; if (attackMotion) { if (attackMotion.type === 0) { this.requestMotion('thrust'); } else if (attackMotion.type === 1) { this.requestMotion('swing'); } else if (attackMotion.type === 2) { this.requestMotion('missile'); } this.startWeaponAnimation(attackMotion.weaponImageId); } } return; } } DreamX.SkillMotion.Game_Actor_performAction.call(this, action); }; })();