Version = v1.76 ; Автор - serzh82saratov ; Тема - ; Коллекция - #NoTrayIcon #SingleInstance force #ErrorStdOut DetectHiddenWindows, on Menu, Tray, Icon, Shell32.dll, 56 SetBatchLines -1 Global HF_SCCode, hGui, hEdit_Win, Copy, I, Paste_P_Buttons := "Wait press button..." , Title2 := " (Shift+Tab - Freeze AhkSpy || RButton - CopySelected) " Version ; Переменные настроек , wKey := 125 ; Ширина кнопок - 125 , D := Chr(0x25aa) ; Символ разделителя параметров - Chr(0x25aa) (только для Unicode интерпретатора) , Timer := "B_Mouse" ; Стартовая подпрограмма - B_Win|B_Mouse|B_Buttons , SpotActiveWin := 0 ; 0 - если нужны данные об окне под курсором. 1 - данные об активном окне , AltEsc := 0 ; 0 - чтобы при нажатии кнопок режимов не деактивировать окно. 1 - деактивировать SysGet, SM_CYMINSPACING, 48 sFont := SM_CYMINSPACING = 32 ? 7 : 9 Gui Font, s%sFont%, Verdana Gui, +AlwaysOnTop +HWNDhGui +ReSize Gui, Add, Button, x8 y0 h%SM_CYMINSPACING% w%wKey% gB_Win, Window Gui, Add, Button, x+0 yp hp wp gB_Mouse, Mouse && Control Gui, Add, Progress, x+0 yp hp w%SM_CYMINSPACING% vColorProgress cWhite, 100 Gui, Add, Button, x+0 yp hp w%wKey% gB_Buttons, Button Gui, Add, Edit, x0 y+0 r28 HScroll -Wrap t10 vEdit_Win HWNDhEdit_Win Gui Show, NA Gui, +MinSize Loop 25 I .= D Gosub %Timer% Gui, Add, Link, % "x" wKey*4 " y" SM_CYMINSPACING * 0.25 , Have questions? Return ; _________________________________________________ Hotkey _________________________________________________ Pause:: Pause,,1 Gui Color, , % A_IsPaused ? "D4D0C8" : "Default" Return +Tab:: Gosub S_Mouse Gosub S_Win Gosub, % Timer = "P_Win" ? "P_WinView" : "P_MouseView" WinActivate ahk_id %hGui% Return #If WinActive("ahk_id " hGui) && MyCondition() RButton:: Copy := Clipboard := RegExReplace(Copy, "(^\s+|\s+$|\R?" D "+\R?)") SendMessage, 0xC, 0, &Copy, , ahk_id %hGui% SetTimer TitleShow, -1000 ; PostMessage,0x00B1,-1,,, ahk_id %hEdit_Win% ; EM_SETSEL - Снимает выделение после копирования. Return TitleShow: SendMessage, 0xC, 0, &Title, , ahk_id %hGui% Return #If MyCondition() { ControlGet, Copy, Selected, , , ahk_id %hEdit_Win% If Copy is space Return 0 Return 1 } ; _________________________________________________ Window _________________________________________________ B_Win: SetTimer %Timer%, Off SetTimer P_Win, 100 Timer := "P_Win" , Pr_Paste_P_Win := "" If IsHotkeyUserFunc = 1 HF_HotkeyUserFunc("Off"), IsHotkeyUserFunc := "" Gui Show, NA, % Title := "AhkSpy - Window" Title2 If A_GuiControl && AltEsc Send !{Esc} Gosub P_WinView Return P_Win: If WinActive("ahk_id " hGui) || Sleep = 1 { Pr_Paste_P_Win := "" Return } Gosub S_Win Gosub P_WinView Return S_Win: If SpotActiveWin = 1 WinGet, WinID, ID, A Else { MouseGetPos,,, WinID If (WinID = hGui) Return } WinGetTitle, GetWinTitle, ahk_id %WinID% WinGetPos, GetWinX, GetWinY, GetWinWidth, GetWinHeight, ahk_id %WinID% WinGetClass, GetWinClass, ahk_id %WinID% WinGet, WinProcessName, ProcessName, ahk_id %WinID% WinGet, WinProcessPath, ProcessPath, ahk_id %WinID% Loop, %WinProcessPath% WinProcessPath = %A_LoopFileLongPath% WinGet, WinPID, PID, ahk_id %WinID% WinGet, WinCountProcess, Count, ahk_pid %WinPID% WinGet, WinStyle, Style, ahk_id %WinID% WinGet, WinExStyle, ExStyle, ahk_id %WinID% GetClientSize(WinID, ClientWidth, ClientHeight) , GetClientPos(WinID, caWinX, caWinY) caWinRight := GetWinWidth - ClientWidth - caWinX , caWinBottom := GetWinHeight - ClientHeight - caWinY StatusBarText = Loop { StatusBarGetText, StatusBarGetText, %A_Index%, ahk_id %WinID% If StatusBarGetText = Break StatusBarText = %StatusBarText%(%A_Index%): %StatusBarGetText%`n } StatusBarText := RTrim(StatusBarText, "`n") WinGetText, VisibleWinText, ahk_id %WinID% VisibleWinText := SubStr(VisibleWinText, 1, 2000) CoordMode, Mouse CoordMode, Pixel MouseGetPos, WinXS, WinYS PixelGetColor, RGBMouse, %WinXS% , %WinYS% , RGB GuiControl, -Redraw, ColorProgress GuiControl, % "+c" sRGBMouse := SubStr(RGBMouse, 3), ColorProgress GuiControl, +Redraw, ColorProgress Return P_WinView: Paste_P_Win = ( Ltrim %I% ( Title ) %I%%I%%I%%I%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D% %GetWinTitle% %I% ( Class ) %I%%I%%I%%I%%D%%D%%D% ahk_class %GetWinClass% %I% ( ProcessName ) %I%%I%%I%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D% ahk_exe %WinProcessName% %I% ( ProcessPath ) %I%%I%%I%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D% %WinProcessPath% %I% ( Window Position ) %I%%I%%I%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D% x%GetWinX% y%GetWinY% w%GetWinWidth% h%GetWinHeight% || %GetWinX%, %GetWinY%, %GetWinWidth%, %GetWinHeight% Client area size: width %ClientWidth% height %ClientHeight% top %caWinY% left %caWinX% bottom %caWinBottom% right %caWinRight% %I% ( Other ) %I%%I%%I%%I%%D%%D%%D% PID "%WinProcessName%": %WinPID% || Count window this PID: %WinCountProcess% Style: %WinStyle% || ExStyle: %WinExStyle% || Win ID : ahk_id %WinID% %I% ( StatusBarText ) %I%%I%%I%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D% %StatusBarText% %I% ( Visible Window Text ) %I%%I%%I%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D% %VisibleWinText% %I%%I%%I%%I%%I%%I% ) If (Pr_Paste_P_Win <> Paste_P_Win) GuiControl,, Edit_Win, % Paste_P_Win Pr_Paste_P_Win := Paste_P_Win Return ; _________________________________________________ Mouse & Control _________________________________________________ B_Mouse: SetTimer %Timer%, Off SetTimer P_Mouse, 100 Timer := "P_Mouse" , Pr_Paste_P_Mouse := "" If IsHotkeyUserFunc = 1 HF_HotkeyUserFunc("Off"), IsHotkeyUserFunc := "" Gui Show, NA, % Title := "AhkSpy - Mouse & Control" Title2 If A_GuiControl && AltEsc Send !{Esc} Gosub P_MouseView Return P_Mouse: If WinActive("ahk_id " hGui) || Sleep = 1 return Gosub S_Mouse Gosub P_MouseView Return S_Mouse: WinGet, WinMouseProcessNameA, ProcessName, A CoordMode, Mouse, Window MouseGetPos, MouseXW, MouseYW, Tmp_MouseWinID, Tmp_MouseControlID, 2 CoordMode, Mouse, Client MouseGetPos, MouseXCA, MouseYCA CoordMode, Mouse MouseGetPos, MouseXS, MouseYS,, Tmp_MouseControlNN If (Tmp_MouseWinID <> hGui) { MouseWinID := Tmp_MouseWinID MouseControlNN := Tmp_MouseControlNN MouseControlID := Tmp_MouseControlID CoordMode, Pixel PixelGetColor, RGBMouse, %MouseXS% , %MouseYS% , RGB GuiControl, -Redraw, ColorProgress GuiControl, % "+c" sRGBMouse := SubStr(RGBMouse, 3), ColorProgress GuiControl, +Redraw, ColorProgress ControlGetText, ControlGetText, , ahk_id %MouseControlID% ControlGetText := RegExReplace(SubStr(ControlGetText, 1, 2000), "S`a)\R", "`n") ControlGet, ControlGetStyle, Style,,, ahk_id %MouseControlID% ControlGet, ControlExStyle, ExStyle,,, ahk_id %MouseControlID% MouseControlNN_Sub := RegExReplace(MouseControlNN, "S)\d+| ") If IsLabel("GetInfo_" MouseControlNN_Sub) { Gosub, GetInfo_%MouseControlNN_Sub% GetInfoTitle := I " ( Get info - " MouseControlNN_Sub " ) " I I I "`n" GetInfoCtrl "`n" } else GetInfoTitle := "" ControlGetPos, GetCtrlX, GetCtrlY, GetCtrlWidth, GetCtrlHeight,, ahk_id %MouseControlID% GetClientPos(MouseWinID, caX, caY) PosCtrlC_X := GetCtrlX - caX , PosCtrlC_Y := GetCtrlY - caY WinGetClass, WinMouseClass, ahk_id %MouseWinID% WinGet, WinMouseProcessName, ProcessName, ahk_id %MouseWinID% } Return P_MouseView: Paste_P_Mouse = ( Ltrim %I% ( Relative Mouse Pos ) %I%%I%%I%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D% Screen: x%MouseXS% y%MouseYS% || %MouseXS%, %MouseYS% %D% %D% %D% %D% %D% active win process: "%WinMouseProcessNameA%" %D% %D% %D% %D% %D% Window: x%MouseXW% y%MouseYW% || %MouseXW%, %MouseYW% Client area: x%MouseXCA% y%MouseYCA% || %MouseXCA%, %MouseYCA% %I% ( Class & ProcessName Win & Id) %I%%I%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D% ahk_class %WinMouseClass% ahk_exe %WinMouseProcessName% || ahk_id %MouseWinID% %I% ( PixelGetColor - RGB ) %I%%I%%I%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D% %RGBMouse% || %sRGBMouse% %I% ( Control ) %I%%I%%I%%I%%D%%D%%D%%D% Class NN: %MouseControlNN% Pos: x%GetCtrlX% y%GetCtrlY% w%GetCtrlWidth% h%GetCtrlHeight% Pos relative client area: x%PosCtrlC_X% y%PosCtrlC_Y% w%GetCtrlWidth% h%GetCtrlHeight% Style: %ControlGetStyle% || ExStyle: %ControlExStyle% ID: %MouseControlID% %GetInfoTitle%%I% ( ControlGetText ) %I%%I%%I%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D%%D% %ControlGetText% %I%%I%%I%%I%%I%%I% ) If (Paste_P_Mouse <> Pr_Paste_P_Mouse) GuiControl,, Edit_Win, % Paste_P_Mouse Pr_Paste_P_Mouse := Paste_P_Mouse Return ; _________________________________________________ Get Info Control _________________________________________________ GetInfo_SysListView: ControlGet, GetInfo_List_Text, List,,, ahk_id %MouseControlID% ControlGet, GetInfo_List_Count, List,Count,, ahk_id %MouseControlID% ControlGet, GetInfo_List_CountCol, List,Count Col,, ahk_id %MouseControlID% GetInfoCtrl := "Count line: " GetInfo_List_Count . " || Count Col: " GetInfo_List_CountCol . "`n" I " All content: " I "`n" GetInfo_List_Text MouseControlNN_Sub := "SysListView32" Return GetInfo_ListBox: GetInfo_ComboBox: ControlGet, GetInfo_List_Text, List,,, ahk_id %MouseControlID% RegExReplace(GetInfo_List_Text, "`a)\R|$", "", GetInfo_List_Line) GetInfoCtrl := "Count line: " GetInfo_List_Line "`n" I " All content: " I "`n" GetInfo_List_Text Return GetInfo_Edit: GetInfo_Scintilla: ControlGet, GetInfo_Edit_LineCount, LineCount,,, ahk_id %MouseControlID% ControlGet, GetInfo_Edit_CurrentCol, CurrentCol,,, ahk_id %MouseControlID% ControlGet, GetInfo_Edit_CurrentLine, CurrentLine,,, ahk_id %MouseControlID% ControlGet, GetInfo_Edit_Selected, Selected,,, ahk_id %MouseControlID% GetInfo_Edit_Selected := StrLen(GetInfo_Edit_Selected) SendMessage, 0x00B0,,,, ahk_id %MouseControlID% ; EM_GETSEL EM_GETSEL := ErrorLevel >> 16 SendMessage, 0x00CE,,,, ahk_id %MouseControlID% ; EM_GETFIRSTVISIBLELINE EM_GETFIRSTVISIBLELINE := ErrorLevel + 1 GetInfoCtrl := "LineCount: " GetInfo_Edit_LineCount . " || Length selected: " GetInfo_Edit_Selected . "`nCurrentLine: " GetInfo_Edit_CurrentLine . " || CurrentCol: " GetInfo_Edit_CurrentCol . "`nCurrentSelect: " EM_GETSEL . " || FirstVisibleLine: " EM_GETFIRSTVISIBLELINE Return GetInfo_msctls_progress: SendMessage, 0x0400+7,"TRUE",,, ahk_id %MouseControlID% ; PBM_GETRANGE PBM_GETRANGEMIN := ErrorLevel SendMessage, 0x0400+7,,,, ahk_id %MouseControlID% ; PBM_GETRANGE PBM_GETRANGEMAX := ErrorLevel SendMessage, 0x0400+8,,,, ahk_id %MouseControlID% ; PBM_GETPOS GetInfoCtrl := "Level: " ErrorLevel " || Range: min " PBM_GETRANGEMIN " max " PBM_GETRANGEMAX MouseControlNN_Sub := "msctls_progress32" Return GetInfo_msctls_trackbar: SendMessage, 0x0400+1,,,, ahk_id %MouseControlID% ; TBM_GETRANGEMIN TBM_GETRANGEMIN := ErrorLevel SendMessage, 0x0400+2,,,, ahk_id %MouseControlID% ; TBM_GETRANGEMAX TBM_GETRANGEMAX := ErrorLevel SendMessage, 0x0400,,,, ahk_id %MouseControlID% ; TBM_GETPOS (ControlGetStyle & 0x0200) ? (TBM_GETPOS := TBM_GETRANGEMAX - (ErrorLevel - TBM_GETRANGEMIN) , TBS_REVERSED := "Yes") : (TBM_GETPOS := ErrorLevel , TBS_REVERSED := "No") GetInfoCtrl := "Level: " TBM_GETPOS " || Invert style: " TBS_REVERSED . "`nRange: min " TBM_GETRANGEMIN " max " TBM_GETRANGEMAX MouseControlNN_Sub := "msctls_trackbar32" Return GetInfo_msctls_updown: SendMessage, 0x0400+102,,,, ahk_id %MouseControlID% ; UDM_GETRANGE UDM_GETRANGE := ErrorLevel SendMessage, 0x400+114,,,, ahk_id %MouseControlID% ; UDM_GETPOS32 GetInfoCtrl := "Level: " ErrorLevel " || Range: min " UDM_GETRANGE >> 16 " max No support" MouseControlNN_Sub := "msctls_updown32" Return GetInfo_SysTabControl: SendMessage, 0x1300+44,,,, ahk_id %MouseControlID% ; TCM_GETROWCOUNT TCM_GETROWCOUNT := ErrorLevel SendMessage, 0x1300+4,,,, ahk_id %MouseControlID% ; TCM_GETITEMCOUNT GetInfoCtrl := "Item count: " ErrorLevel " || Row count: " TCM_GETROWCOUNT MouseControlNN_Sub := "SysTabControl32" Return GetInfo_InternetExplorer_Server: SendMessage, DllCall("RegisterWindowMessage", Str, "WM_HTML_GETOBJECT"),,,, ahk_id %MouseControlID% DllCall("oleacc\ObjectFromLresult", Ptr, ErrorLevel, Ptr, 0, Ptr, 0, PtrP, pdoc) If pdoc GetInfoCtrl := ComObjEnwrap(pdoc).body.innerText , ObjRelease(pdoc) MouseControlNN_Sub := "Internet Explorer_Server" Return ; _________________________________________________ Other _________________________________________________ GuiSize: Sleep := A_EventInfo GuiControl, MoveDraw, Edit_Win, % "x0 y" SM_CYMINSPACING " w" A_GuiWidth " h" A_GuiHeight - SM_CYMINSPACING Return GuiClose: GuiEscape: ExitApp ; GetClientPos && GetClientSize ; GetClientPos(hwnd, ByRef x, ByRef y) { WinGetPos,,,, Window_Height, ahk_id %hwnd% VarSetCapacity(rcClient, 16, 0) DllCall("user32\GetClientRect","ptr", hwnd ,"ptr",&rcClient) rcClient_b := NumGet(rcClient, 12, "int") VarSetCapacity(pwi, 60, 0), NumPut(60, pwi, 0, "UInt") DllCall("GetWindowInfo", "ptr", hwnd, "Uint", &pwi) x := NumGet(pwi, 48, "int"), by := NumGet(pwi, 52, "int") y := Window_Height - by - rcClient_b } GetClientSize(hwnd, ByRef RealWidth, ByRef RealHeight) { VarSetCapacity(rcClient, 16, 0) DllCall("user32\GetClientRect","ptr", hwnd ,"ptr",&rcClient) RealWidth := NumGet(rcClient, 8, "int"), RealHeight := NumGet(rcClient, 12, "int") } ; _________________________________________________ Button _________________________________________________ B_Buttons: IsHotkeyUserFunc := 1 SetTimer %Timer%, Off HF_HotkeyUserFunc("ON","MyNameFunc") Title := "AhkSpy - Button" Title2 SendMessage, 0xC, 0, &Title, , ahk_id %hGui% GuiControl,, Edit_Win, % Paste_P_Buttons WinActivate ahk_id %hGui% Return MyNameFunc(Mod, KeyName, Prefix, Hotkey, VkCode, ThisKey) { Comment := Hotkey ~= "^vk" ? " `; """ KeyName """" : "" Paste_P_Buttons = ( Ltrim %I%%I%%I%%I%%I%%I% %Mod%%KeyName% %I%%I%%I%%I%%I%%I% %Prefix%%Hotkey% %Prefix%{%Hotkey%} %Prefix%%Hotkey%::%Comment% Send %Prefix%{%Hotkey%}%Comment% ControlSend, ahk_parent, %Prefix%{%Hotkey%}, %Comment% %I%%I%%I%%I%%I%%I% %ThisKey% %VkCode%%HF_SCCode% %VkCode% %HF_SCCode% %I%%I%%I%%I%%I%%I% LButton - vk1 | RButton - vk2 ) GuiControl,, Edit_Win, % Paste_P_Buttons } ; _________________________________________________ HotkeyUserFunc Library _________________________________________________ ; HF_HotkeyUserFunc(Option = "", UserFuncName = "") { ;*** Global Static HF_IsStart HF_UserFuncName := (UserFuncName = "") ? HF_UserFuncName : UserFuncName If HF_IsStart = { OnMessage(0x6, "HF_WM_ACTIVATE") #InstallKeybdHook #InstallMouseHook #HotkeyInterval 200 #MaxHotkeysPerInterval 200 HF_IsStart := "IsStart" SetBatchLines -1 } If (Option = "T") ( HF_State ) ? (HF_State := "" , Option = "OFF") : (HF_State := 1 , Option = "ON") If (Option = "OFF") HF_Man := "Man" , HF_Unhook() Else If (Option = "ON") HF_Man := "" , HF_Hook() HF_CleanMod() , HF_Hotkey := HF_PR_Result := "" Return HF_State } ;** HF_WM_ACTIVATE(HF_wp) { ;*** Global Critical IF (HF_wp & 0xFFFF = 0 && HF_State) HF_Unhook() , HF_ExtFunc("HF_WinStatus", "0") IF (HF_wp & 0xFFFF && HF_State = "" && HF_Man = "") HF_Hook() , HF_ExtFunc("HF_WinStatus", "1") } ;** HF_ExtFunc(F, V) { ;*** If IsFunc(F) %F%(V) } ;** HF_Unhook() { ;*** Global HF_KeyName := HF_Hotkey := HF_PR_Result := HF_State := "" HF_CleanMod() If (HF_DelStr = 1) %HF_UserFuncName%("", "", "", "", HF_VkCode, HF_ThisKey) } ;** HF_Hook() { ;*** Global HF_DelStr := "", HF_State := 1 } ;** HF_CleanMod() { ;*** Global HF_ModCtrl := HF_ModAlt := HF_ModShift := HF_ModWin := HF_Prefix := HF_PrefModCtrl := HF_PrefModAlt := HF_PrefModShift := HF_PrefModWin := "" } ;** ; -------------------------------------- Read -------------------------------------- HF_HotkeyUserRead(Key, Section = "", Path = "") { ;*** Global HF_DelStr := "" If (Section <> "") IniRead, Key, % Path, % Section, % Key, %A_Space% RegExMatch(Rtrim(Key, "}"), "S)^([\^\!\+#]*)\{?(.*)", K) Return RegExReplace(RegExReplace(RegExReplace(RegExReplace( K1,"\+","Shift+"),"\!","Alt+"),"\^","Ctrl+"),"#","Win+") . (K2 ~= "^vk" ? GetKeyName(K2) : K2) } ;** HF_ReadToSend(Key, Section = "", Path = "") { ;*** If (Section <> "") IniRead, Key, % Path, % Section, % Key, %A_Space% Return RegExReplace( Key, "S)\w+", "{$0}") } ;** Gosub, HF_DROPSTART Return HF_Write: (HF_Hotkey = "") ? (HF_Prefix := "" , HF_DelStr := 1) : (HF_Prefix := HF_PrefModCtrl HF_PrefModAlt HF_PrefModShift HF_PrefModWin , HF_DelStr := "" ) If (HF_PR_Result = HF_ModCtrl HF_ModAlt HF_ModShift HF_ModWin HF_KeyName HF_Prefix HF_Hotkey HF_VkCode HF_ThisKey) Return HF_PR_Result := HF_ModCtrl HF_ModAlt HF_ModShift HF_ModWin HF_KeyName HF_Prefix HF_Hotkey HF_VkCode HF_ThisKey %HF_UserFuncName%(HF_ModCtrl HF_ModAlt HF_ModShift HF_ModWin, HF_KeyName, HF_Prefix, HF_Hotkey, HF_VkCode, HF_ThisKey) Return #IF (HF_State = 1) LAlt:: RAlt:: If HF_ModAlt <> Return HF_ModAlt := "Alt+" HF_PrefModAlt := "!" Gosub, HF_PressMod Return LCtrl:: RCtrl:: If HF_ModCtrl <> Return HF_ModCtrl := "Ctrl+" HF_PrefModCtrl := "^" Gosub, HF_PressMod Return LShift:: RShift:: If HF_ModShift <> Return HF_ModShift := "Shift+" HF_PrefModShift := "+" Gosub, HF_PressMod Return LWin:: RWin:: If HF_ModWin <> Return HF_ModWin := "Win+" HF_PrefModWin := "#" HF_PressMod: HF_KeyName := HF_Hotkey := "" SetFormat, IntegerFast, H HF_VkCode := "vk" SubStr(GetKeyVK(A_ThisHotkey),3) HF_SCCode := "sc" SubStr(GetKeySC(HF_VkCode),3) , HF_SCCode := (HF_SCCode = "sc136" ? "sc36" : HF_SCCode) HF_ThisKey := A_ThisHotkey Gosub, HF_Write Return LAlt UP:: RAlt UP:: HF_PrefModAlt := HF_ModAlt := "" If HF_Hotkey <> Return Gosub, HF_Write Return LCtrl UP:: RCtrl UP:: HF_PrefModCtrl := HF_ModCtrl := "" If HF_Hotkey <> Return Gosub, HF_Write Return LShift UP:: RShift UP:: HF_PrefModShift := HF_ModShift := "" If HF_Hotkey <> Return Gosub, HF_Write Return LWin UP:: RWin UP:: HF_PrefModWin := HF_ModWin := "" If HF_Hotkey <> Return Gosub, HF_Write Return ; 37 Letter Buttons vkBA:: ; "ж" vkBB:: ; "=" vkBC:: ; "б" vkBD:: ; "-" vkBE:: ; "ю" vkBF:: ; "." vkC0:: ; "ё" vkDB:: ; "х" vkDC:: ; "\" vkDD:: ; "ъ" vkDE:: ; "э" vk41:: ; "A" vk42:: ; "B" vk43:: ; "C" vk44:: ; "D" vk45:: ; "E" vk46:: ; "F" vk47:: ; "G" vk48:: ; "H" vk49:: ; "I" vk4A:: ; "J" vk4B:: ; "K" vk4C:: ; "L" vk4D:: ; "M" vk4E:: ; "N" vk4F:: ; "O" vk50:: ; "P" vk51:: ; "Q" vk52:: ; "R" vk53:: ; "S" vk54:: ; "T" vk55:: ; "U" vk56:: ; "V" vk57:: ; "W" vk58:: ; "X" vk59:: ; "Y" vk5A:: ; "Z" vkC1:: ; 18 No Name vkC2:: vkDF:: vkE1:: vkE2:: ; "\" vkE6:: vkE3:: vkF0:: vkF2:: vkF3:: vkF5:: vkF6:: vkF7:: vkF8:: vkF9:: vkFE:: vk2B:: vk6C:: HF_Hotkey := HF_VkCode := A_ThisHotkey HF_ThisKey := HF_KeyName := GetKeyName(A_ThisHotkey) SetFormat, IntegerFast, H HF_SCCode := "sc" SubStr(GetKeySC(HF_VkCode),3) Gosub, HF_Write Return 0:: 1:: 2:: 3:: 4:: 5:: 6:: 7:: 8:: 9:: F1:: F2:: F3:: F4:: F5:: F6:: F7:: F8:: F9:: F10:: F11:: F12:: F13:: F14:: F15:: F16:: F17:: F18:: F19:: F20:: F21:: F22:: F23:: F24:: AppsKey:: Backspace:: CapsLock:: Del:: Down:: End:: Enter:: Esc:: Home:: Left:: Pause:: PgDn:: PgUp:: PrintScreen:: Right:: ScrollLock:: Space:: Tab:: Up:: Break:: CtrlBreak:: Help:: Insert:: Sleep:: Numlock:: Numpad0:: Numpad1:: Numpad2:: Numpad3:: Numpad4:: Numpad5:: Numpad6:: Numpad7:: Numpad8:: Numpad9:: NumpadAdd:: NumpadClear:: NumpadDel:: NumpadDiv:: NumpadDot:: NumpadDown:: NumpadEnd:: NumpadEnter:: NumpadHome:: NumpadIns:: NumpadLeft:: NumpadMult:: NumpadPgDn:: NumpadPgUp:: NumpadRight:: NumpadSub:: NumpadUp:: Browser_Back:: Browser_Favorites:: Browser_Forward:: Browser_Home:: Browser_Refresh:: Browser_Search:: Browser_Stop:: Launch_App1:: Launch_App2:: Launch_Mail:: Launch_Media:: Media_Next:: Media_Play_Pause:: Media_Prev:: Media_Stop:: Volume_Down:: Volume_Mute:: Volume_Up:: MButton:: WheelUp:: WheelDown:: WheelLeft:: WheelRight:: XButton1:: XButton2:: SetFormat, IntegerFast, H HF_VkCode := "vk" SubStr(GetKeyVK(A_ThisHotkey),3) HF_SCCode := "sc" SubStr(GetKeySC(A_ThisHotkey),3), (HF_SCCode = "sc0") ? HF_SCCode := "" HF_Hotkey := HF_ThisKey := HF_KeyName := A_ThisHotkey Gosub, HF_Write Return 1Joy1:: 1Joy2:: 1Joy3:: 1Joy4:: 1Joy5:: 1Joy6:: 1Joy7:: 1Joy8:: 1Joy9:: 1Joy10:: 1Joy11:: 1Joy12:: 1Joy13:: 1Joy14:: 1Joy15:: 1Joy16:: 1Joy17:: 1Joy18:: 1Joy19:: 1Joy20:: 1Joy21:: 1Joy22:: 1Joy23:: 1Joy24:: 1Joy25:: 1Joy26:: 1Joy27:: 1Joy28:: 1Joy29:: 1Joy30:: 1Joy31:: 1Joy32:: 2Joy1:: 2Joy2:: 2Joy3:: 2Joy4:: 2Joy5:: 2Joy6:: 2Joy7:: 2Joy8:: 2Joy9:: 2Joy10:: 2Joy11:: 2Joy12:: 2Joy13:: 2Joy14:: 2Joy15:: 2Joy16:: 2Joy17:: 2Joy18:: 2Joy19:: 2Joy20:: 2Joy21:: 2Joy22:: 2Joy23:: 2Joy24:: 2Joy25:: 2Joy26:: 2Joy27:: 2Joy28:: 2Joy29:: 2Joy30:: 2Joy31:: 2Joy32:: 3Joy1:: 3Joy2:: 3Joy3:: 3Joy4:: 3Joy5:: 3Joy6:: 3Joy7:: 3Joy8:: 3Joy9:: 3Joy10:: 3Joy11:: 3Joy12:: 3Joy13:: 3Joy14:: 3Joy15:: 3Joy16:: 3Joy17:: 3Joy18:: 3Joy19:: 3Joy20:: 3Joy21:: 3Joy22:: 3Joy23:: 3Joy24:: 3Joy25:: 3Joy26:: 3Joy27:: 3Joy28:: 3Joy29:: 3Joy30:: 3Joy31:: 3Joy32:: 4Joy1:: 4Joy2:: 4Joy3:: 4Joy4:: 4Joy5:: 4Joy6:: 4Joy7:: 4Joy8:: 4Joy9:: 4Joy10:: 4Joy11:: 4Joy12:: 4Joy13:: 4Joy14:: 4Joy15:: 4Joy16:: 4Joy17:: 4Joy18:: 4Joy19:: 4Joy20:: 4Joy21:: 4Joy22:: 4Joy23:: 4Joy24:: 4Joy25:: 4Joy26:: 4Joy27:: 4Joy28:: 4Joy29:: 4Joy30:: 4Joy31:: 4Joy32:: HF_VkCode := HF_SCCode := "" HF_Hotkey := HF_ThisKey := HF_KeyName := A_ThisHotkey Gosub, HF_Write Return #IF HF_DROPSTART: /* DetectHiddenWindows, on WinGet, List, List, ahk_exe opera.exe MsgBox Всего - %List% loop % List { WinGetTitle, Title, % "ahk_id " List%A_Index% WinGetClass, Class, % "ahk_id " List%A_Index% DetectHiddenText off WinGetText, Text, % "ahk_id " List%A_Index% DetectHiddenText on WinGetText, HiddenText, % "ahk_id " List%A_Index% msgbox = ( Ltrim Окно - %A_Index% из %List% Title - %Title% Class - %Class% Text - %Text% HiddenText - %HiddenText% ) msgbox %msgbox% } msgbox The end