{ "name": "天朝犬隻List(530人)", "version": "1.3.0", "homepage": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3272405", "color": "#fbc308", "data": { "555": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "發現人頭骸骨,佢第一時間打「sau joke:~(」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2971967/page/36", "date": 1664852699924, "source": { "thread": "2488948", "page": 3, "messageNumber": "61" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/Enmamwi.png" } ], "1141": [ { "id": "1", "text": "狗隻", "reason": "醫科生商場穿「暴大抗爭」,佢話「抵撚死,死暴徒」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3016455/page/1", "date": 1653645299953, "source": { "thread": "3014521", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "21" } } ], "1149": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "用殘體字,笑龍門廚房佬比黑社會扑爆頭", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167415/page/1", "date": 1664858788736, "source": { "thread": "2095930", "page": 12, "messageNumber": "276" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/z5pvm48.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "笑Trump細佬病死,仲想trump病死", "url": "https://lihkg.com/category/1", "date": 1664858860868, "source": { "thread": "2158776", "page": 3, "messageNumber": "72" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/boY0KiS.png" }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話周庭菊花殘", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2158776/page/3", "date": 1664858887813, "source": { "thread": "2149751", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" } }, { "id": "4", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「尾國老賣嚟中國🇨🇳\\n香港點可能冇加料」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/category/1", "date": 1664858920545, "source": { "thread": "2477575", "page": 2, "messageNumber": "42" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/4RFqVqS.png" } ], "1249": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "人在外地扮黃問仲有無人罷搭引戰", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3342190/page/1", "date": 1679796233130, "source": { "thread": "3342190", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "20" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/aFfWnXB.png" } ], "1315": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "情侶被指牽手逃跑暴動罪成, 佢無啦啦話「今生只嫁前線巴#wail#pig前線女手足💪🏽」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/24", "date": 1670319431294, "source": { "thread": "3237197", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "24" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/136yBAn.png" } ], "1627": [ { "id": "1", "text": "⚠️", "reason": "24歲失蹤女子石樂蕎在鵝肚棧道尋回,證實死亡,佢打「手足#wail#pig」引戰", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2494049/page/1", "date": 1618747476460, "source": { "thread": "2494049", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "3" } } ], "1734": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "問點解香港人咁抗拒安心出行,仲要咁多陰謀論", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2887899/page/1", "date": 1665146280652, "source": { "thread": "2402386", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/wBic12i.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "自認五毛師", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/3", "date": 1665146308761, "source": { "thread": "2859144", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "11" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/VNWYXAO.png" }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "烏克蘭比人入侵, 佢話「#:o)#b#:o)#b 條線錯鳩曬啦 咁樣拎曬ak47 輸民意 美國佬唔中意」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/3", "date": 1665146342049, "source": { "thread": "2887899", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/UCZr6uj.png" }, { "id": "4", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "自爆係圖中隻狗", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/32", "date": 1672560438470, "source": { "thread": "3235979", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "7" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/oiuzQLp.png" }, { "id": "5", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "幫大家樂賣廣告", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3235979/page/17", "date": 1672560535223, "source": { "thread": "3235979", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "7" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/WHJ9E9U.png" }, { "id": "6", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "幫大家樂賣廣告", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3235979/page/1", "date": 1672560797010, "source": { "thread": "3235979", "page": 13, "messageNumber": "319" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/pKEgP8z.png" }, { "id": "7", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "見到對面女仔被抽水, 竟然唔出聲", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3272405/page/35", "date": 1685262503953, "source": { "thread": "3390069", "page": 9, "messageNumber": "204" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/0BVsMSx.png" } ], "2153": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "問「係咪樓豬識太多黃尸friend, 點解會咁」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/35", "date": 1673170564503, "source": { "thread": "3270185", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "6" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/F34MTUZ.png" } ], "2455": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "惡意侮辱香港人做曱甴,合理化党戇曱甴嘅行動", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2890293/page/1", "date": 1646456071103, "source": { "thread": "2886852", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "21" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/NxXqFk8.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「黃屍偷偷番下負評[369]」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/31", "date": 1672560924248, "source": { "thread": "3258924", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "3" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/EF7UQN6.png" }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「我地黃衛兵話係就係啦#:o)#b 屌你老母你係咪5毛?#:o)#b」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3406610/page/7", "date": 1685759188778, "source": { "thread": "3323298", "page": 3, "messageNumber": "55" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/NHuqz48.png" }, { "id": "4", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「你係啲黃屍豬?[369][369] 開Post 9up我自由#touch#lm2xm#touch」#lm2xm", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3323298/page/3", "date": 1685759412039, "source": { "thread": "3258924", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "14" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/AyzRvEH.png" } ], "3002": [ { "id": "1", "text": "watchlist", "reason": "話「講白啲19年只係情緒上頭 香港人核心價值從來唔係政治理念 只係想追求安居樂業 衣食住行享樂緊要 講去到革命根本無人想付出 得把口上連登匿名叫[sosad] 當港豬想擁抱返生活 又發現生活上需要同把口講既理念有出入 就百般藉口動態化自己條標準線 社會運動本來靠團結 點知有啲野就你做得人唔做得 唔使政權介入,本身就注定香港人精神係唔會搞得成社運[sosad]」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3478225/page/6", "date": 1694241363371, "source": { "thread": "3294800", "page": 9, "messageNumber": "223" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/On0b0tj.png" } ], "3206": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "連登被惡意打壓而喺App Store下架, 佢話熄撚咗燈咪仲撚好,侮辱上連登嘅香港人", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2938583/page/1", "date": 1648049219850, "source": { "thread": "2937597", "page": 3, "messageNumber": "60" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/Gmh495i.png" } ], "3882": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「過左咁耐 仲講黎有咩意思 都塵歸塵 土歸土啦 再講d 咩都無用 唔會翻到案」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/category/1", "date": 1699693309266, "source": { "thread": "3545052", "page": 2, "messageNumber": "49" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/oxUtzaf.png" } ], "4156": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "手足上網屌政府被拉,佢話「網上9up唔洗本?#hehe#dogxm」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2817863/page/9", "date": 1640359070513, "source": { "thread": "2817863", "page": 9, "messageNumber": "208" } }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「手足#wail#pig」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/20", "date": 1669813795016, "source": { "thread": "3230926", "page": 2, "messageNumber": "29" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/UatkecW.png" } ], "4526": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「好羨慕佢地(手足)被打完之後仲有得坐監#adore##adore#」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2332842/page/1", "date": 1624776230480, "source": { "thread": "2332842", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "2" } } ], "5375": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「講真,而家遊戲規則係咁 香港的確係回歸左,政權正式移交中國,基本法係原則憲法,二十三條寫明特區政府適當時候應自行立國安法,國安法就係唔准分裂國家,國家立場香港就係國家一部分,咁你坐監係好應該。 全球所有國家包埋歐美日,邊個國家無國安法?批評政府同宣揚分裂思想係兩回事」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/16", "date": 1668317689850, "source": { "thread": "3211049", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "6" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/x4UEpzA.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「完班人馬,呢啲咪垃圾囉」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/35", "date": 1673173276768, "source": { "thread": "3267834", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "16" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/embWwWJ.png" } ], "5584": [ { "id": "1", "text": "⚠️", "reason": "出言抹黑撤回參選宣言及政綱等文件的中大學生會。", "url": "https://lih.kg/sxhMzOX", "date": 1614556800000 }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「好想睇有一日你被捉返香港\n在法官面前會點求情」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2803543/page/2", "date": 1639299192240, "source": { "thread": "2803543", "page": 2, "messageNumber": "41" } } ], "5649": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "問腦癌手足幾時死", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2478680/page/5", "date": 1617786646459, "source": { "thread": "2478680", "page": 5, "messageNumber": "109" } }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「其實警察唯一做錯就係無打果一槍落心臟」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2480225/page/2", "date": 1617885796922, "source": { "thread": "2480225", "page": 2, "messageNumber": "47" } }, { "id": "3", "text": "連登唔俾講事實系列", "reason": "話「我講事實姐 YC唔敢面對?」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2535461/page/4", "date": 1621317528565, "source": { "thread": "2535461", "page": 4, "messageNumber": "94" } }, { "id": "4", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "瘋狂慶祝梁天琦坐牢", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3023573/page/27", "date": 1654064055890, "source": { "thread": "697484", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" } }, { "id": "5", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "安達臣道天秤意外|其中一名死者為22歲工程師助理,佢話「集氣#wail#pig#wail#pig」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3137924/page/1", "date": 1662977803573, "source": { "thread": "3137924", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "5" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/AMO1xmK.png" }, { "id": "6", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「你班手足坐完出返黎識唔識用安心出行#think#lme」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/5", "date": 1665496981574, "source": { "thread": "3173986", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "11" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/RA8X1aD.png" }, { "id": "7", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "莊正暴動罪成, 佢話「多謝你嘅犧牲 我今晚聽Eason唱於心有愧會更加有共鳴🙏🏻 🙏🏻」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3248727/page/3", "date": 1671353339543, "source": { "thread": "3248806", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "10" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/A3NLzxD.png" } ], "5721": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「有康復香港時代抗疫,手joke坐監又有咩所謂#yup#」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3270796/page/6", "date": 1673170151136, "source": { "thread": "3270796", "page": 6, "messageNumber": "137" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/eq487cG.png" } ], "8014": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "當前線手足笑片咁睇,仲話「根本無成功做過任何野 已經比差佬一鋪捉晒[sosad][sosad]」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2533963/page/1", "date": 1664859271321, "source": { "thread": "2456609", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "22" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/AfrmtNO.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "有人指出個po多五毛, 佢無啦啦屈人pr9", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2477575/page/2", "date": 1664859339683, "source": { "thread": "2533963", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "12" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/CpyghGw.png" } ], "8932": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "傑斯被判監禁 32 個月, 佢話「多謝手足鋪條路俾我地移民#:)#dog#:)#dog」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3170627/page/2", "date": 1665145859292, "source": { "thread": "3171540", "page": 2, "messageNumber": "28" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/9tFOAjY.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "反修例後299宗港人申請英國政治庇護, 佢話「死傻鳩#:)#dog#:)#dog#:)#dog 返香港慢慢坐啦」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3478225/page/7", "date": 1694240897412, "source": { "thread": "3494633", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "6" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/NKhE9i4.png" } ], "9699": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「鎷銤麵」, 話冇人比得上佢既扮癌技術、眾籌能力", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3322451/page/7", "date": 1677767746318, "source": { "thread": "3024947", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/0ECireT.png" } ], "10454": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "討論緊訂月餅,佢認為「食美心好過」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2908480/page/11", "date": 1658677756022, "source": { "thread": "3061535", "page": 3, "messageNumber": "51" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/BoJqgq3.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「2022仲講黃藍#haha#dog#haha#dog#haha#dog#haha#dog」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3097078/page/1", "date": 1659360540570, "source": { "thread": "3097231", "page": 2, "messageNumber": "39" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/22B4QLX.png" }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「黃尸黑暴屌你老母#haha#dog#haha#dog#haha#dog」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3097078/page/1", "date": 1659360835976, "source": { "thread": "3097231", "page": 3, "messageNumber": "61" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/5jXPhsA.png" }, { "id": "4", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "樓主講721有個男仔喺港鐵向人下跪, 佢話「2022年啦:o)」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2970047/page/14", "date": 1663774746403, "source": { "thread": "3080795", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "2" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/eGfpe2F.png" }, { "id": "5", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "惡意洗版洗爆po", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3153172/page/13", "date": 1663774859287, "source": { "thread": "3080795", "page": 35, "messageNumber": "851" } }, { "id": "6", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "標題係:「慎入」黃店仙草奶茶飲到底驚現小強!!!, 佢話「甲由飲甲由水有咩問題#haha#dog#haha#dog#haha#dog」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2908480/page/15", "date": 1664255354181, "source": { "thread": "3156571", "page": 2, "messageNumber": "33" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/G65p2cJ.png" } ], "11055": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "港語學陳樂行與國安人員8分鐘對話, 佢話「收皮啦強姦犯陳樂行, 唔係搞粵語入文唔得,係你唔撚得啊屌你老母」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3478225/page/3", "date": 1694244041887, "source": { "thread": "3483327", "page": 5, "messageNumber": "124" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/ZkNNy3c.png" } ], "11081": [ { "id": "1", "text": "無知小狗#[sosad]#b#good#b", "reason": "[img]https://na.cx/i/5woxKWr.png[/img]", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2514960/page/11", "date": 1620321695169 } ], "11121": [ { "id": "1", "text": "神奇小狗#bark#dog", "reason": "侮辱偷渡手足", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2176437/page/6", "date": 1664972096960, "source": { "thread": "2176437", "page": 6, "messageNumber": "129" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/rdDDGsX.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "神奇小狗#bark#dog", "reason": "話「台灣交返哂偷渡的名單出黎#:)#dog#:)#dog」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2215554/page/1", "date": 1664972149789, "source": { "thread": "2215554", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "8" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/qeSpB1A.png" }, { "id": "3", "text": "神奇小狗#bark#dog", "reason": "話「之前水魚圈的錢真好搵,而家無得搵l u#haha#dog#haha#dog」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2482119/page/1", "date": 1664972182942, "source": { "thread": "2482119", "page": 1, 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"reason": "話「好似安倍咁死撚左就好笑[sosad]#good#」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3272405/page/37", "date": 1685262007874, "source": { "thread": "3393471", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "20" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/eTZQKBm.png" } ], "12269": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「黃屍話抗爭唔係靠呢啲:~(要寫信同睇viu#yup# 」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2535461/page/3", "date": 1621316373353, "source": { "thread": "2535461", "page": 3, "messageNumber": "55" } } ], "12463": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "認為烏克蘭人自己拎槍,就唔好怪俄狗還拖", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2908480/page/9", "date": 1656137213869, "source": { "thread": "2920491", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "10" } }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話支付寶勁方便", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2908480/page/9", "date": 1656137531705, "source": { "thread": "2957042", "page": 9, "messageNumber": "205" } }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "有人話「永年點對得住藍友?#:-(#b」, 佢突然轉移目標攻擊黃店:「屌你老母,你估黃店好好咩#[sosad]#b#[sosad]#b」", "url": 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"2381042", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "6" } }, { "id": "2", "text": "藍犬女權張芊穗", "reason": "認為戰爭係男人發動,毒陽剛根本係地球毒瘤", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2902088/page/8", "date": 1645785553005 }, { "id": "3", "text": "藍犬女權張芊穗", "reason": "雙重標準。又要講女權,一講打仗個時就話男女唔一樣,要求唔同待遇", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2902088/page/9", "date": 1645786502693, "source": { "thread": "2902088", "page": 9, "messageNumber": "205" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/US9rRHs.png" }, { "id": "4", "text": "藍犬女權張芊穗", "reason": "被人發現係藍絲女權人士張芊穗", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2416782/page/19", "date": 1646897441903, "source": { "thread": "2416782", "page": 20, "messageNumber": "481" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/nuRuUC9.png" } ], "13543": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「19年之後成班黃屍下下立場行先 咪搞成咁囉[sosad]」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3395834/page/11", "date": 1685260491165, "source": { "thread": "3395834", "page": 10, "messageNumber": "249" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/h1LgE1f.png" } ], "13545": [ { "id": "1", 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"話「班黑暴見到駕駛倉前面果粒星已經腳軟啦[sosad]」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3392963/page/5", "date": 1685262136640, "source": { "thread": "3381547", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "6" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/XKY6hW4.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「黑暴期間唔係好鍾意噏不割席 不分化嘅咩[sosad]#:)#dog[369]」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3387786/page/12", "date": 1685262194110, "source": { "thread": "3392963", "page": 5, "messageNumber": "115" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/Uv3h833.png" }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「成班黃狗又以為冇法律責任:o) 警方第一個拘捕嘅,一定係開帖呢個人!」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3272405/page/36", "date": 1685262228851, "source": { "thread": "3387786", "page": 11, "messageNumber": "273" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/rADBFaU.png" } ], "19725": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「的確絕大多數都係垃圾想用暴力推翻社會上層#[sosad]#b」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2865165/page/1", "date": 1643702102957, "source": { "thread": "2865165", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "6" } }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻2", "reason": "話「黃絲好窮 求包養\n條女要做雞#:)#fs#yup#fs」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2504349/page/1", "date": 1643702147840, "source": { "thread": "2504349", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "14" } } ], "20867": [ { "id": "1", "text": "⚠️", "reason": "多次自爆有玩支那 GAME。", "url": "https://lih.kg/2368221", "date": 1613433600000 }, { "id": "2", "text": "觀察名單", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3400697/page/4", "date": 1685259971750, "source": { "thread": "3400697", "page": 4, "messageNumber": "92" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/gM9X8RH.png" } ], "21392": [ { "id": "1", "text": "白卡", "reason": "白卡", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3406727/page/7", "date": 1686977563973, "source": { "thread": "3416156", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "22" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/WHmqY0y.png" } ], "22133": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「原來未死[sosad]判得六年咁輕 法治已死 外國搶槍一早射撚死你啦 呢啲應該要判終身」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3230581/page/11", "date": 1669810889334, "source": { "thread": "3230581", "page": 11, 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"話「走左嗰件都幾無義氣[369][369][369][369] 兩個兄弟見你咁無義氣都篤鳩你出黎啦 坐返幾碌先啦#bye##bye#」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3478225/page/35", "date": 1699692618626, "source": { "thread": "2016820", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "21" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/gt95BjK.png" }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「🟨 💩 仲唔課金⋯😂」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/category/1", "date": 1699692650816, "source": { "thread": "3412168", "page": 4, "messageNumber": "98" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/0uA09EV.png" } ], "37596": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「去禮賓府捉777好過啦,放過香港人#:-(#lm2」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/27", "date": 1670904385191, "source": { "thread": "1413359", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/ZcqDXp6.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「再唔停一停冷靜返,遲早會進入無差別攻擊MODE,再加上有鬼助攻,運動就玩完#:o)#lm2#:o)#lm2#:o)#lm2」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/27", "date": 1670904665032, "source": { "thread": "1415336", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/DVRPjE0.png" }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「踏入9月 日日都花式送頭, 前線好波」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/27", "date": 1670904739044, "source": { "thread": "1536092", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/tsDVfdK.png" }, { "id": "4", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「今日美領遊行可以宣佈失敗, 勇武前線好波送頭族好波」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/27", "date": 1670904771414, "source": { "thread": "1552114", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/nTpUvNf.png" }, { "id": "5", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「中環大逃亡,傻武派害死示威者 , 尊重前線下場」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/27", "date": 1670904814709, "source": { "thread": "1552313", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/XmzpS0Q.png" }, { "id": "6", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「留港等同支持寵物抗疫,留港撚不願面對#hoho#lme」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/27", "date": 1670904890306, "source": { "thread": "3243085", "page": 1, "messageNumber": 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"認為政府聽民意先推廣唔到全民WFH", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2891461/page/1", "date": 1646841218170, "source": { "thread": "2895054", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "6" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/z9DFksw.png" }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "莊正等11人被控參與暴動 今裁定10人罪名成立, 佢話「出得嚟行預咗要還」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3032375/page/4", "date": 1671337931756, "source": { "thread": "3248727", "page": 10, "messageNumber": "226" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/YbcPfkn.png" }, { "id": "4", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "警方國安處拘24歲男子 涉於「連登討論區」發布煽動意圖訊息, 佢話「呵呵,活該#hehe#dog」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/35", "date": 1673170789084, "source": { "thread": "3269017", "page": 4, "messageNumber": "78" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/DF4w42U.png" } ], "38540": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「無人理架啦 2023都黎緊 繼續吃喝玩樂自己開心咪算」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3220866/page/1", "date": 1669811588166, "source": { "thread": "3222294", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "5" }, "image": 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"https://na.cx/i/MZfTNrO.png" }, { "id": "5", "text": "五毛", "reason": "烏克蘭俾俄羅斯打到仆街,學生製汽油彈,佢走黎玩膠", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2902221/page/1", "date": 1645790502926, "source": { "thread": "2902221", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "7" } }, { "id": "6", "text": "五毛", "reason": "話「cctoy識屄咩[sosad] 條友現實失敗咪上網乜柒都賴政府囉[sosad] 佢就快屙唔出屎都要屌李家超㗎啦」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2097969/page/1", "date": 1665754684637, "source": { "thread": "3179053", "page": 5, "messageNumber": "108" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/Rd9wK2j.png" } ], "41205": [ { "id": "1", "text": "on9", "reason": "問「今晚開開心心慶祝聖誕既對唔對得著入冊手足?」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3257756/page/1", "date": 1672561228039, "source": { "thread": "3257756", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/F6MOaPN.png" } ], "42108": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「2023年喇仲講黃藍 買飛睇陳奕迅仲開心啦[369]」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3272371/page/4", "date": 1699692753982, "source": { "thread": "3274001", "page": 2, "messageNumber": "26" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/geLTLdP.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「黃屍精神病係咁#haha#dog#haha#dog#haha#dog 明日戰記就係本土文化 點都要支持#like# 一人婚禮就杜汶澤不了 打死都唔睇#dislike#」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3478225/page/34", "date": 1699692772748, "source": { "thread": "3272371", "page": 4, "messageNumber": "78" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/6PmvNsg.png" } ], "43061": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「有冇人發覺2019年咩兩百萬01個黃絲係吹大左?」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/16", "date": 1668317737442, "source": { "thread": "3194788", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/CGU1CUQ.png" } ], "43091": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「因為2019 2020 黑暴手足太暴力#:)#dog」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3548072/page/7", "date": 1699692803697, "source": { "thread": "3082580", "page": 4, "messageNumber": "76" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/Bs6Piy6.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「:o)on9」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/category/1", 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你地大部份時間就係俾呢條讀書唔成, 為咗出風頭搏出名而搞政治嘅, 甚至唔在香港出世嘅廢青去煽動搞破壞.」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3406727/page/30", "date": 1691818063250, "source": { "thread": "3455935", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "3" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/YuBKySc.png" } ], "44267": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「邊撚個莊正啊[sosad]冇人識喎 暴徒就暴徒喇#hoho#lm2lny」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/35", "date": 1673170395094, "source": { "thread": "3270448", "page": 10, "messageNumber": "235" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/KR5kdT3.png" } ], "44318": [ { "id": "1", "text": "五毛", "reason": "發現人頭骸骨,佢第一時間打「手足#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2488948/page/8", "date": 1618417180995, "source": { "thread": "2488948", "page": 8, "messageNumber": "187" } }, { "id": "2", "text": "⚠️", "reason": "話「坐緊監既手足變晒condom#wail2#pig」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2503236/page/4", "date": 1619319697815, "source": { "thread": "2503236", "page": 4, "messageNumber": "79" } } ], "44747": [ { "id": "1", "text": "狗隻", "reason": "話「呀mo醒返喇!」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3094252/page/3", "date": 1659168533205, "source": { "thread": "3094148", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/AJtiCrr.png" } ], "45432": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「求仁得仁 個個企後面佢自己衝前扮英雄」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/20", "date": 1669810811761, "source": { "thread": "3230581", "page": 11, "messageNumber": "263" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/5NB2sgn.png" } ], "46849": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「呢個世界有報應? 咁老鳳本身做過咩衰野 先會有而家既報應? 😅」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/profile/46849", "date": 1666962712657, "source": { "thread": "3194538", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "11" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/WByGLMV.png" } ], "47023": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「入去坐下反省下,出到黎唔好再犯錯啦:)」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3230581/page/4", "date": 1669811139020, "source": { "thread": "3230581", "page": 7, "messageNumber": "165" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/VB1eipR.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「暴徒受法律制裁係抵死既, 香港法治人人平等, 暴徒含撚#yup##yup##yup#」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/23", "date": 1670148121905, "source": { "thread": "3230581", "page": 17, "messageNumber": "401" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/QBBykJE.png" } ], "47153": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "問「其實人哋做緊訪問大鬧TVB真係好咩?\n」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/1311551/page/1", "date": 1644149340527, "source": { "thread": "1311551", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" } } ], "47492": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "不認赫爾松屬於俄國!烏女遭綁「灌不明液體」,佢話「自己申請啦」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3204775/page/1", "date": 1668318778870, "source": { "thread": "3204700", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "4" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/gTsCbkD.png" } ], "47643": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「黃之鋒咁耐冇返工, 唔知戶口仲有幾多千萬?」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3464188/page/1", "date": 1691817308787, "source": { 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"reason": "話「點解一定要撐烏? 你有無考慮過撐俄羅斯既人既感受?」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3166016/page/22", "date": 1668317966669, "source": { "thread": "3166016", "page": 22, "messageNumber": "548" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/79Jedus.png" }, { "id": "6", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「點解呢度唔可以支持俄羅斯」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/16", "date": 1668317990677, "source": { "thread": "3166016", "page": 22, "messageNumber": "544" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/qNxnnnV.png" } ], "52939": [ { "id": "1", "text": "觀察名單", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3272405/page/27", "date": 1682913309002, "source": { "thread": "3364145", "page": 3, "messageNumber": "54" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/QNOaPmm.png" } ], "53430": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "西灣河開槍案 熊仔餅和另一青年罪成 謝沈智慧判監6年,佢無啦啦話「手足有難 攬炒巴出黎幫手未」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/20", "date": 1669810606830, "source": { "thread": "3230581", "page": 7, "messageNumber": "151" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/gbEWwGU.png" } ], "54582": [ { 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"爆眼女移居加國, 拍片稱生活已安頓, 佢話「傻閪螺絲批,去到加拿大唔好又死返香港醫隻眼😅」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3168186/page/4", "date": 1664972314335, "source": { "thread": "3168049", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "14" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/sxc83Hu.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "對在囚手足幸災樂禍。", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3168186/page/4", "date": 1664972401198, "source": { "thread": "2407089", "page": 14, "messageNumber": "350" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/Pwpn79D.png" }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "一位16歲嘅小朋友被告, 佢話「16歲就犯罪,佢父母點面對?」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3168186/page/4", "date": 1664972521241, "source": { "thread": "3076954", "page": 3, "messageNumber": "51" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/7e3POai.png" } ], "58089": [ { "id": "1", "text": "狗隻", "reason": "[img]https://na.cx/i/e5wJqG9.png[/img]", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2517654/page/1", "date": 1620231844763, "source": { "thread": "2517654", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "2" } } ], "58201": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", 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"https://na.cx/i/9qYAfvU.png" }, { "id": "5", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "黃店 Crew Bowl 店主留遺言疑自殺,佢話「尊重手足一切意願#pray#mouse」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/search?q=leezy&sort=desc_create_time&type=thread", "date": 1657947911137, "source": { "thread": "2982678", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "15" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/FrUr6C1.png" }, { "id": "6", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "用happy tree friend笑呀mo", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2908480/page/11", "date": 1659169664426, "source": { "thread": "3091429", "page": 12, "messageNumber": "284" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/sJU9Kcd.png" }, { "id": "7", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "23歲內地女法律學生涉崇光外悼梁健輝被控煽動, 佢話「支那人就算啦,狗咬狗 最好送返上去審唔好浪費香港人資源」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3272405/page/39", "date": 1685769251676, "source": { "thread": "3405976", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "4" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/2Qg09k2.png" } ], "60434": [ { "id": "1", "text": "狗隻", "reason": "恭喜柳俊江被捕", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2207459/page/1", "date": 1615374769314, "source": { "thread": "2207459", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "5" } }, { "id": "2", "text": "五毛", "reason": "話判左刑手足係condom", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/1876220/page/8", "date": 1615374834068, "source": { "thread": "1876220", "page": 8, "messageNumber": "187" } }, { "id": "3", "text": "紅底", "reason": "嘲諷比黑警搞既學生妹,話佢個處冇左", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2037930/page/1", "date": 1615374933684, "source": { "thread": "2037930", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "5" } }, { "id": "4", "text": "起左腳定右腳", "reason": "請問黑警冷血林鄭殺港(狗隻#60434)你屙尿嗰陣起左腳定右腳? - 分享自 LIHKG 討論區 https://lih.kg/2298980", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2298980/page/1", "date": 1615374979809, "source": { "thread": "2298980", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "5" } }, { "id": "5", "text": "五毛互含", "reason": "同五毛6帽王何家成互含", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2440839/page/13", "date": 1615375151860, "source": { "thread": "2440839", "page": 13, "messageNumber": "304" } } ], "61106": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "嘲諷民主黨保釋唔到", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2432053/page/8", "date": 1615818994477, "source": { "thread": "2432053", "page": 8, "messageNumber": "185" } }, { "id": "2", "text": "藍店師#wail#pig", "reason": "藍店師食紅磡冰室", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2447786/page/1", "date": 1615819313094, "source": { "thread": "2447786", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "3" } }, { "id": "3", "text": "藍店師#wail#pig", "reason": "話「[sosad]黃店比屎你食唔通照食咩」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2447786/page/1", "date": 1621702254946, "source": { "thread": "2447786", "page": 2, "messageNumber": "40" } } ], "61271": [ { "id": "1", "text": "狗隻", "reason": "話「西方國家話共產黨喺新疆搞集中營,根本無證無據 Eason 同adidas 割蓆根本就合情合理 係有班黃屍想用呢單野反共,乘機反埋Eason」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2908480/page/13", "date": 1661439651777, "source": { "thread": "3119530", "page": 2, "messageNumber": "45" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/WWuxuWA.png" } ], "62073": [ { "id": "1", "text": "觀察名單", "reason": "話「英國明明係G7 GDP增長最差國家, 連燈仔講到拎bno移民英國前境好好, 其實係唔係誇大左?」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/23", "date": 1670147648019, "source": { "thread": "3211568", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/abjzPzm.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "觀察名單", "reason": "引用文章『英國人哭訴:通脹迫到我們吃寵物食品, 仲係G7 GDP增長最差國家, 連燈講到拎bno移民英國好果批人可以收檔未?』", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3211568/page/1", "date": 1670147698445, "source": { "thread": "3234718", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/vKRVy1h.png" } ], "62127": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「啲泛民黃絲政客咪走晒去英國收錢囉#haha#dog#hehe#dog 而陳雲仲喺香港,與一眾同道同在O:-)」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3224484/page/1", "date": 1669811436362, "source": { "thread": "3019223", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "7" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/5BaiK6v.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「連登仔見人哋係紅店咪誓要整死間舖佢囉#haha#dog 但原來連黃到金嘅Mirror都幫間舖賣廣告#hehe#dog」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3224484/page/1", "date": 1669811485496, "source": { "thread": "3015360", "page": 34, "messageNumber": "835" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/uKqnsj6.png" }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「黃絲港豬咪又係縮埋一舊#:)#dog#:)#dog 反抗?時代革命?不了囉O:-)」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/18", "date": 1669811517024, "source": { "thread": "3224484", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "8" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/kvpC0Fh.png" }, { "id": "4", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「得班黃C柒頭先至會戴罩㗎咋#hehe#dog」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3272405/page/20", "date": 1679796544531, "source": { "thread": "3325859", "page": 2, "messageNumber": "50" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/9Hi5gjj.png" } ], "62192": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "膠化612企圖令人對612生厭", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2511558/page/1", "date": 1619876431349, "source": { "thread": "2511558", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "4" } } ], "62259": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「數字黎 第日就唔記得 下次諗清楚值唔值得為香港人冒險[sosad]」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3272405/page/2", "date": 1673772430324, "source": { "thread": "3276487", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "17" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/hcuJ7qm.png" } ], "62480": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "西灣河開槍案 熊仔餅和另一青年罪成 謝沈智慧判監6年,佢無啦啦話「打緊國際線🙏」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/20", "date": 1669810657480, "source": { "thread": "3230581", "page": 7, "messageNumber": "152" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/z2bJV8R.png" } ], "63311": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "阿布泰:有三員工因賣曼谷半島月餅被海關拘捕, 佢話「變藍店 可以罷買」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2908480/page/14", "date": 1662978652340, "source": { "thread": "3139358", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "2" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/Hn9Tox7.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "觀塘駱駝漆大廈女子墮樓亡, 佢話「手足」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3180368/page/1", "date": 1665839755957, "source": { "thread": "3179716", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "6" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/VPSKtth.png" }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "台灣25歲志願兵曾聖光戰死烏克蘭 與俄軍交戰時陣亡,佢話「傻仔 #haha#dog#haha#dog#haha#dog」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/13", "date": 1667583390403, "source": { "thread": "3202876", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "2" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/GDNYgz8.png" }, { "id": "4", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「Cctoy 又有得打飛機#jable#lm2#jable#lm2#jable#lm2#jable#lm2」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3424876/page/1", "date": 1687579729244, "source": { "thread": "3424824", "page": 3, "messageNumber": "60" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/dzwocxz.png" } ], "64073": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "發現人頭骸骨,佢第一時間打「手足#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2971967/page/36", "date": 1664852778013, "source": { "thread": "2488948", "page": 4, "messageNumber": "99" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/MSz3GwK.png" } ], "66365": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "杜汶澤宣布捐一百萬台幣援助死難者家屬, 佢嘲諷捐台幣", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2472398/page/1", "date": 1617364724804, "source": { "thread": "2472398", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "4" } }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話如果無自由行, 香港就無宜家既成就", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2035124/page/1", "date": 1617120705003, "source": { "thread": "2035124", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "8" } }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "政府搞智慧監獄, 佢話「覺得係德政#wail#pig」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2300435/page/1", "date": 1617121194351, "source": { "thread": "2300435", "page": 3, "messageNumber": "73" } }, { "id": "4", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「學連登仔話齋,肯定係收左美國佬錢啦 利申 愛國愛黨:)」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/20", "date": 1669811025429, "source": { "thread": "3230581", "page": 9, "messageNumber": "204" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/fm1xPvT.png" } ], "66409": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "美軍指控中國殲-16戰機對美國軍機作出「不必要的挑釁」行為, 佢話「自己黎人地屋企門口「挑釁」被趕就叫被人「挑釁」#diu#lm2#diu#lm2#diu#lm2」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3272405/page/40", "date": 1685769756340, "source": { "thread": "3403670", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/uSNjFvv.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「美國鼓吹全球排華仇華, 黃絲也不能置身事外!#diu#lm2lny#diu#lm2lny#diu#lm2lny」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3272405/page/40", "date": 1685769807835, "source": { "thread": "3285294", "page": 7, "messageNumber": "152" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/295hsaN.png" }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「佢號召一班曱甴千里迢迢由其他地方坐地鐵去元朗集合搞事! 又出口又射水向白衣人挑釁, 驚死白衣人唔打佢做唔到新聞咁!#diu#lm2#diu#lm2#diu#lm2 即係好似老美日撚日由美國本土千里迢迢派戰機過黎南海挑釁, 其實佢同林卓廷條仆街一樣, 好撚想中國軍機射佢!#diu#lm2#diu#lm2#diu#lm2」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/category/1", "date": 1699693222411, "source": { "thread": "3544067", "page": 10, "messageNumber": "240" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/i7RGT9M.png" } ], "67225": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話希望手足墓地風水好", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2845337/page/1", "date": 1642074472966, "source": { "thread": "2845337", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" } } ], "67356": [ { "id": "1", "text": "on9", "reason": "話「根據烏克蘭哩個黐線極端政權嘅行徑,炸水壩係完全唔出奇 之前一直有美國包庇,但係今次炸水壩簡直係同恐怖份子冇分別,完全係攻擊緊沿河地區人民」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3406727/page/6", "date": 1686977322237, "source": { "thread": "3418430", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/b2rFNSx.png" } ], "68556": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "連登用戶「硬膠胸奴」多次發文要槍決警察法官, 佢話「為做過嘅野承擔刑責, 亦期待其他逃犯儘早伏法。」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3248114/page/1", "date": 1671353458941, "source": { "thread": "3248085", "page": 8, "messageNumber": "182" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/bR8ZDZY.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "有手足發布「黑心出行」「開戰」等113條煽動帖文 , 佢話「唔明白點解要求情, 夠膽做無膽承擔後果?」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/30", "date": 1671353671558, "source": { "thread": "3248114", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "18" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/jYfED08.png" }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「暴動就係暴動。 一係叫搶掠。」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3478225/page/33", "date": 1699693695973, "source": { "thread": "3542994", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "10" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/U1gWH5J.png" } ], "68926": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「投票本身就係公民責任」、話黃屍係「黃屍精神病」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2799747/page/35", "date": 1639579931360, "source": { "thread": "2799747", "page": 35, "messageNumber": "852" } } ], "69289": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "公民黨正式解散, 佢話「連登仝人 (CC台手joke) 熱烈歡迎 留港撚下場 返中亂港者下場 人生不能更精彩了 #dance4#pig#dance2#pig」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3400268/page/1", "date": 1685260019663, "source": { "thread": "3400268", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/oefgEYD.png" } ], "69335": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「黃屍唔洗用腦㗎宜家?」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2481441/page/14", "date": 1617969948885, "source": { "thread": "2481441", "page": 14, "messageNumber": "339" } } ], "69753": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「開始羨慕當年有份衝嘅手足,而家佢哋可以日日堂食#wail#pig」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2838125/page/1", "date": 1643701894208, "source": { "thread": "2838125", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" } }, { "id": "2", "text": "on9", "reason": "唔要中國製 / 奶共品牌, 但又玩原神", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2937539/page/1", "date": 1648049351097, "source": { "thread": "2935526", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/DYFZexH.png" }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "問「有冇同袍? 有啲緊張」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/14", "date": 1668318977539, "source": { "thread": "3202656", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/vphiFe4.png" }, { "id": "4", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "問「考警有咩要留意?」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3213335/page/1", "date": 1669812070757, "source": { "thread": "3202656", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/MYnpFJn.png" }, { "id": "5", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「《願榮光》咁能難聽,上到國際真係失禮死人」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/17", "date": 1669812098749, "source": { "thread": "3213335", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/RSBJWgR.png" } ], "69866": [ { "id": "1", "text": "狗隻", "reason": "引用党戇法叫連仔del 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1665897354786, "source": { "thread": "3181143", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/msLTr8g.png" }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "問「其實美國佬玩爛個市 有咩益處」、「玩到啲韮菜棄晒game 緊係慢慢割 得閒畀啲甜頭 華爾街啲人識唔識架屌#:o)#b」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3181257/page/1", "date": 1665897424751, "source": { "thread": "3137447", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/TRPpyOF.png" }, { "id": "4", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "認為老鳳係正宗支那人", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3181257/page/1", "date": 1665897630493, "source": { "thread": "3056809", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/zpDxHH8.png" }, { "id": "5", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「佩洛西唔敢嚟香港 垃圾」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3181257/page/1", "date": 1665897896353, "source": { "thread": "3099075", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/GqhKyRh.png" }, { "id": "6", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "傳台灣志願軍陣亡烏克蘭, 佢話「廢到 #[sosad]#b」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/14", "date": 1667583084154, "source": { "thread": "3202866", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "5" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/OEjr9Tr.png" } ], "72306": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "頭先叫人踢喼個po冇咗, 佢話「希望國安可以拉左呢個暴亂份子」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3272405/page/31", "date": 1682912485380, "source": { "thread": "3370762", "page": 6, "messageNumber": "143" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/zQetAWM.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「覺唔覺小紅書好睇過連登好多 連登要資訊無資訊 一堆波台狗,白卡佬 荼毒下一代錯誤價值觀,所有女都係雞係公廁 做野睇立場唔睇道理盲撐 成堆美麗新香港,國際大刀會呢啲無意義既回覆 一係批鬥人,一係轉貼一堆負面消息睇到人抑鬱」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3399958/page/1", "date": 1685260130147, "source": { "thread": "3399958", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/FcoerEf.png" } ], "72795": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "出言恥笑美國前國務卿及同路人 POMPEO。", "url": "https://lih.kg/sddHNcX", "date": 1613433600000 }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "屈羅冠聰要求台灣政府立刻給所有港人台籍", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2820665/page/1", "date": 1640403892664, "source": { "thread": "2820665", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" } } ], "74302": [ { "id": "1", "text": "on9", "reason": "話「講自由,始終香港係最好」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3262278/page/1", "date": 1672558199145, "source": { "thread": "3262278", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "12" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/dnWymED.png" } ], "74918": [ { "id": "1", "text": "⚠️", "reason": "Blame the victim,指同路人被大圍捕「忽然覺得今次大圍捕係許先生累嘅」。", "url": "https://lih.kg/aHGbxcV", "date": 1613433600000 } ], "75445": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "惡意侮辱手足 Luke de Pulford", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2802177/page/1", "date": 1639892401180, "source": { "thread": "2802177", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "5" } } ], "76747": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "國安處拘捕24歲男子 涉連登討論區宣揚港獨抵制防疫政策, 佢話「並揚言「Cath me if you can」 自己挑機申請 怪得邊個[sosad][sosad]」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3268969/page/1", "date": 1673170978527, "source": { "thread": "3268969", "page": 2, "messageNumber": "31" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/ogyRkCh.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「都係時候要實名制買利器/危險物品」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3405932/page/1", "date": 1685718668490, "source": { "thread": "3405932", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "5" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/w0SvHrG.png" } ], "76793": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "26歲被困工人傍晚救出 當場證實不治,佢話「死左 都好過傻西mo咁 救返黎都哂藥費」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2908480/page/14", "date": 1662978079497, "source": { "thread": "3138010", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "18" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/ttxJLJg.png" } ], "77220": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "支那gif", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/22", "date": 1670132540713, "source": { "thread": "2014007", "page": 2, "messageNumber": "27" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/YvvbQoL.png" } ], "77723": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "2男涉太古站非法集結罪成 判監9個月, 佢話「兩隻弱智仔」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/10", "date": 1666517997668, "source": { "thread": "3185811", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "7" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/MUDyE9C.png" } ], "78188": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「黃屍社垃冇工返係咁㗎啦 玩咁耐班藍店都係屹立不倒 黃店死到慘不忍睹#haha#dog#haha#dog」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3392188/page/2", "date": 1685261788281, "source": { "thread": "3392188", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "18" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/opxyHmN.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「掟嚿磚頭得嗰幾千蚊收[sosad]」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3392188/page/2", "date": 1685261820452, "source": { "thread": "3392188", "page": 2, "messageNumber": "26" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/msDFnmY.png" }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「點解台灣用語唔算蝗語? 明明係中國台灣#unamused#lme#unamused#lme」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3384138/page/1", "date": 1685261861755, "source": { "thread": "3391253", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/ptb0nnc.png" }, { "id": "4", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「投考警察!」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3272405/page/37", "date": 1685261927725, "source": { "thread": "3384138", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/4DGC82z.png" } ], "78947": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "認為在英港人參與支持烏克蘭行動係「搞搞震」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2917593/page/1", "date": 1646828370537, "source": { "thread": "2904482", "page": 2, "messageNumber": "31" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/F1CuW2O.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話地鐵無乜黑衫,笑死人。 問係咪勇武嚇走人", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2917593/page/1", "date": 1646828449392, "source": { "thread": "1336820", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/QUc3g3f.png" }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "認為講「共存」係泯滅人性", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2917593/page/1", "date": 1646828539028, "source": { "thread": "2916751", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "6" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/MdR31vq.png" }, { "id": "4", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「後生乖? 而家後生一唔合心水就扔磚頭放火,就係多得樓主依啲人」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2908480/page/15", "date": 1664255422821, "source": { "thread": "3158590", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "24" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/2WPY6EM.png" }, { "id": "5", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "烏克蘭郵政總局宣佈發行克里米亞大橋爆炸紀念郵票, 佢話「好霸道,教壞晒啲小朋友」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/404?type=1", "date": 1665239792229, "source": { "thread": "3173072", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "8" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/3YigSU8.png" }, { "id": "6", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「 連燈仔又準備出煽情文章幫美軍洋人打飛機?#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/14", "date": 1668318816067, "source": { "thread": "3204775", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "10" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/UWnVHsv.png" }, { "id": "7", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「去到監獄都揀洋人奶[sosad]#good#」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/31", "date": 1672561277089, "source": { "thread": "3257089", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "16" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/WhwRS3p.png" } ], "79793": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "屈媽咪麵扮腦癌昆錢。download媽咪麵嘅腦掃瞄圖cut左cut右再放張圖上去百毒然後屈媽咪麵昆錢,詳情睇#171", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2280404/page/1", "date": 1623500228847, "source": { "thread": "2280404", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" } }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "何妖輸左去維園裸跑未?", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/1751186/page/1", "date": 1623500446800, "source": { "thread": "1751186", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" } }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「美團外賣正撚到」「80蚊減50仲要免運費#adore##adore#」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3536448/page/1", "date": 1698321941957, "source": { "thread": "3536448", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/qeTf4Yc.png" } ], "80178": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "連登用戶「硬膠胸奴」多次發文要槍決警察法官, 佢話「手joke係咁:~(」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/30", "date": 1671353773523, "source": { "thread": "3248085", "page": 9, "messageNumber": "202" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/wTxjD1H.png" } ], "81150": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "對於手足老竇患癌, 佢話「你老母肺癌就唔好同我講啦」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3023573/page/27", "date": 1654061276916, "source": { "thread": "3023573", "page": 27, "messageNumber": "671" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/GvWWE6U.png" } ], "81757": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "蚑信(中信)打手", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2465723/page/1", "date": 1617004029505, "source": { "thread": "2465723", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" } }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「每日都抵制中資,煩唔煩?」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2465723/page/1", "date": 1617004180759, "source": { "thread": "2465723", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "6" } } ], "82752": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "安心出含打手", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2404245/page/1", "date": 1627298774721, "source": { "thread": "2404245", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "3" } } ], "82975": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "對受到襲擊嘅烏克蘭冷嘲熱諷", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2899976/page/1", "date": 1646455849082, "source": { "thread": "2899772", "page": 10, "messageNumber": "233" } } ], "83060": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "對放棄上訴的梁天琦表示「幫政府製造重判案例恐嚇市民,呢隻根本係鬼王之王。」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2040184/page/1", "date": 1621351486144, "source": { "thread": "2040184", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "5" } } ], "85242": [ { "id": "1", "text": "⚠️", "reason": "對被捕同路人幸災樂禍。", "url": "https://lih.kg/stQkQpX", "date": 1613865600000 } ], "86283": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「講到非法堵路冇阻過救護車咁:o)」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/category/1", "date": 1699691958330, "source": { "thread": "3549728", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "21" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/q5WzuA4.png" } ], "86614": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「比啲坐緊監既手足睇到條片真係難過#:-[#rabbit#:-[#rabbit」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3441434/page/3", "date": 1691822910224, "source": { "thread": "3441123", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "5" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/2GpL3ct.png" } ], "87585": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "惡意對手足冷嘲熱諷", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2911873/page/1?post=3", "date": 1646829067275, "source": { "thread": "2919538", "page": 2, "messageNumber": "32" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/seYJ1ym.png" } ], "88723": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「又一次證明yellow objects係幾撚蠢 就算佢哋點「唔乖」根本對通唔通關冇影響」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3256693/page/3", "date": 1672587568353, "source": { "thread": "3256693", "page": 3, "messageNumber": "71" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/rQ4cEV8.png" } ], "89182": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "攬炒巴出咗事,佢就出言抹黑遇襲的同路人,稱對方「真係龍門啲fd嚟,即係你地課金課得太少,識做啦」。", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2100435/page/5", "date": 1622865546577, "source": { "thread": "2100435", "page": 4, "messageNumber": "98" } }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "個名叫「齊推手足去送頭」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2561475/page/1", "date": 1622865674971, "source": { "thread": "2561475", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "22" } }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "烏黑蘭進攻赫爾松傷亡都好慘重,佢話「撩事鬥非預咗啦」", "url": 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"1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "有手足做店長, 佢話「Condom用完即棄,你會唔會執返個袋下次用?」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3265777/page/1", "date": 1672647925280, "source": { "thread": "3265644", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "10" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/OoTEqwr.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「黃屍就一係坐監/移民/留港食人血饅頭。你班契弟仲可卑可恥#hehe#dog 手joke淪為condom#hehe#dog 放監仲要乞食#hehe#dog」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3265644/page/2", "date": 1672648097761, "source": { "thread": "3265644", "page": 2, "messageNumber": "50" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/M9ikUqK.png" } ], "91227": [ { "id": "1", "text": "五毛", "reason": "發現人頭骸骨,佢第一時間打「守#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2488948/page/4", "date": 1618415191491, "source": { "thread": "2488948", "page": 4, "messageNumber": "82" } } ], "92052": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "支持藍店,毫無良知", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2524999/page/1", "date": 1620747824389, "source": { "thread": "2524999", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "7" } 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1671338170948, "source": { "thread": "3092100", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "2" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/BXOuZOn.png" }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「燒炭 個身仲暖#wail3#pig」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3041060/page/21", "date": 1671338311436, "source": { "thread": "3061546", "page": 5, "messageNumber": "123" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/nMcPfnt.png" }, { "id": "4", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「因為自己明知會輸 又唔想跌錢 法援比錢 博下當買6合彩 輸左都係納稅人既錢[sosad]」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3041060/page/21", "date": 1671338336738, "source": { "thread": "3041060", "page": 21, "messageNumber": "504" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/yFw4OHC.png" }, { "id": "5", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "莊正等11人被控參與暴動 今裁定10人罪名成立, 佢話「入去有好多靈感寫新歌#like#」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/30", "date": 1671353094878, "source": { "thread": "3248727", "page": 9, "messageNumber": "206" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/Y61AchW.png" } ], "95499": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "對同路人冷嘲熱諷。", "url": "https://lih.kg/symeibX", "date": 1614729600000 }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "報國安咬台灣手足", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2444398/page/5", "date": 1615575234733 }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "樓主po BBC紀錄片:香港的自由之戰(上), 佢話「睇到好尷尬...」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/30", "date": 1671337724061, "source": { "thread": "3249429", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "25" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/rtySc5T.png" } ], "96303": [ { "id": "1", "text": "藍店師#wail#pig", "reason": "推薦大家食藍店,話「味苑\n好食是良知:)\n」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2468436/page/15", "date": 1617122820785, "source": { "thread": "2468436", "page": 15, "messageNumber": "373" } }, { "id": "2", "text": "藍店師#wail#pig", "reason": "藍絲言論, 話「黃屍食開屎#:)#dog#hehe#dog\n」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2468436/page/15", "date": 1617122923634, "source": { "thread": "2468436", "page": 16, "messageNumber": "379" } }, { "id": "3", "text": "五毛", "reason": "話「終於睇到你件濕鳩黃屍上水」", "url": 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"https://lihkg.com/thread/3272405/page/31", "date": 1682748417045, "source": { "thread": "3360993", "page": 8, "messageNumber": "188" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/9u58kLh.png" } ], "99493": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2908480/page/14", "date": 1662978158980, "source": { "thread": "3138010", "page": 3, "messageNumber": "56" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/direSoH.png" } ], "100697": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "侮辱手足", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2513136/page/1", "date": 1619967218095, "source": { "thread": "2513136", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "3" } } ], "105691": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "嘲笑捉五毛嘅手足,話「只要捉多d 5毛 pr\n就會改善抗爭氣氛#haha#dog#haha#dog#haha#dog」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2520290/page/15", "date": 1620393982502, "source": { "thread": "2520290", "page": 15, "messageNumber": "374" } }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "手足被拉,佢話「呢單案比人拉鳩埋仲食乜人血饅頭」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2462905/page/8", "date": 1616764112782, "source": { "thread": "2462905", "page": 8, "messageNumber": "179" } }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "元朗有兩條友用foodpanda呃黃店飯食 ,佢話「[size=6]不分化 不割蓆[/size=6]\n可能叫外賣對情侶係手足」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2483244/page/1", "date": 1618113411046, "source": { "thread": "2483244", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "23" } } ], "106341": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "中國領事館人員毆打我方人士 夾硬拖入佢哋中國領事館範圍 多名人毆打我方請大家分享出去 拜託大家做呢件事, 佢話「打得好呀」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/11", "date": 1667584771921, "source": { "thread": "3181902", "page": 2, "messageNumber": "33" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/LMBNUuu.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "消息指Elon Musk 停止starlink 喺俄佔區入面嘅運作, 佢話「嗰隻澤連斯基根本已經痴咗線 證明elon都唔係一個壞人#good#」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3189125/page/1", "date": 1667584845408, "source": { "thread": "3171329", "page": 2, "messageNumber": "40" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/GNN5F9T.png" }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "「被告希望判即時監禁。」賢學思政案庭審側記, 佢話「監獄阻嚇性不足 政府應該考慮加重刑罰」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/11", "date": 1667584885588, "source": { "thread": "3189125", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "8" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/3116qBM.png" } ], "107156": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「就2023仲洗白黑暴xx( 討論下陳奕迅演唱會仲好啦」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/30", "date": 1671337587695, "source": { "thread": "3249429", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "23" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/coURtDs.png" } ], "108337": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "彭牧師刑滿出獄 拍片稱「堅持就係勝利,今次我哋得勝,我哋要守護良知,守護正義」, 佢話「又贏,守到良知,贏到開巷#wail#pig」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/28", "date": 1670905771160, "source": { "thread": "3240462", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "4" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/kKWzvSO.png" } ], "109262": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「咁快放返出監啦,死黃屍[369] 定係着咗草喺加拿大剷緊雪」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3447782/page/1", "date": 1699692682558, "source": { "thread": "3548072", "page": 10, "messageNumber": "238" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/JbgDbTr.png" } ], "111644": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "葵廣黃店店員收店期間比人打到骨折, 店主IG冇左, 佢就問「店主身有屎:o):o)?」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2902539/page/1", "date": 1646841503694, "source": { "thread": "2883382", "page": 3, "messageNumber": "51" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/2BnF4VM.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "冷血言論, 問「顧撚掂香港先啦烏克蘭關我咩事[sosad][sosad][sosad]」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2902539/page/1", "date": 1646841700948, "source": { "thread": "2902539", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "2" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/AKm0kvc.png" }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "希望阮民安被判終身監禁", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2902539/page/1", "date": 1646841789082, "source": { "thread": "2920469", "page": 2, "messageNumber": "36" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/17G0kvG.png" } ], "112316": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「2022啦,仲手足#haha#dog#haha#dog 正正經經去麥當勞炸薯條啦」", "url": 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"https://lihkg.com/thread/2558338/page/1", "date": 1622816290302, "source": { "thread": "2558338", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "6" } } ], "114217": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「我地去深玩啦」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/1869147/page/1", "date": 1699692869751, "source": { "thread": "3548072", "page": 5, "messageNumber": "115" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/wFGr5et.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「佢搏出名姐 點會真係上戰場」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/1869147/page/1", "date": 1699692889847, "source": { "thread": "2926548", "page": 2, "messageNumber": "49" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/mGNOy7V.png" } ], "115660": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「sorry 我想考警察」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3300746/page/1", "date": 1677167173399, "source": { "thread": "1907826", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/chdMoYn.png" } ], "116696": [ { "id": "1", "text": "曱甴", "reason": "話想考狗", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2457243/page/2", "date": 1645769168308, "source": { "thread": "2457243", "page": 2, "messageNumber": "26" } }, { "id": "2", "text": "玩膠撚", "reason": "鳩貼黃藍標籤", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2746406/page/1", "date": 1645769191841, "source": { "thread": "2746406", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "3" } }, { "id": "3", "text": "藍屍", "reason": "配合港共輿論將疫情由洪為民生日party卸責俾國泰", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2882470/page/1", "date": 1645769223518, "source": { "thread": "2882470", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" } }, { "id": "4", "text": "支那狗", "reason": "支那狗", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2644351/page/1", "date": 1645769247515, "source": { "thread": "2644351", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" } } ], "117896": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "對被還押的連登仔 (椰子是無辜的) 幸災樂禍,稱「林鄭好波 拉哂班人 香港回復正常」。", "url": "https://lih.kg/aHMKopV", "date": 1613433600000 }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話自己就黎考黑警,仲叫黑警手足", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2292109/page/1", "date": 1616747660013, "source": { "thread": "2292109", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" } }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "問點解林鄭買疫苗反應咁快都冇人讚", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2321038/page/1", "date": 1616747588964, "source": { "thread": "2321038", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" } }, { "id": "4", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話自己就黎考黑警,仲叫黑警手足", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2292109/page/1", "date": 1616747660013, "source": { "thread": "2292109", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" } }, { "id": "5", "text": "五毛師#wail#pig", "reason": "話「#gold#cow #power#cow努力咁耐終於有認證」係五毛師", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2462618/page/8", "date": 1616747837352, "source": { "thread": "2462618", "page": 8, "messageNumber": "180" } }, { "id": "6", "text": "傳銷狗", "reason": "話「#point2#lm2香港傳銷合法」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2466865/page/5", "date": 1617047981547, "source": { "thread": "2466865", "page": 3, "messageNumber": "52" } } ], "118226": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "對恥笑連登黃絲同連登侵粉的著名藍絲沖先生稱「認真幾客觀,subscribe左」。", "url": "https://lih.kg/gywepT", "date": 1613433600000 }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「睇多啲新聞啦黃屍#haha#dog」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2871962/page/11", "date": 1644047403788, "source": { "thread": "2871962", "page": 11, "messageNumber": "253" } } ], "118346": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "吹奏支那閪", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2623837/page/1", "date": 1644046278178, "source": { "thread": "2623837", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" } }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話2019玩大咗", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2825476/page/1", "date": 1644046300711, "source": { "thread": "2825476", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" } }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "屈黃", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2810794/page/1", "date": 1644046322903, "source": { "thread": "2810794", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "5" } }, { "id": "4", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "睇支那閪女團", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2502061/page/1", "date": 1644046372080, "source": { "thread": "2502061", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" } }, { 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"https://lihkg.com/thread/3237197/page/10", "date": 1670906150844, "source": { "thread": "3238132", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/Y5ZQOGA.png" } ], "121125": [ { "id": "1", "text": "on9", "reason": "話「烏克蘭投降算啦 部份連登仔又話可以反攻莫斯科 #sosad#cow」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3272405/page/3", "date": 1673771845906, "source": { "thread": "3278538", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "5" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/g9xfYtU.png" } ], "122318": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "維族生抵港機場遇公安問話後失蹤, 佢話「個維族生下世小心啲#bye#」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3400694/page/5", "date": 1685259647835, "source": { "thread": "3400694", "page": 5, "messageNumber": "121" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/wzfgEWz.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "拜登政府話唔支持台灣獨立, 佢話「台灣省今次以為自己好威#hehe#dog」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3099409/page/2", "date": 1685259690450, "source": { "thread": "3099409", "page": 2, "messageNumber": "26" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/mgYerBO.png" } ], "122377": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "出言侮辱胡志偉,更指「日日比你班仆街搞事 我唔追擊你地?傻撚左呀」,又將電話卡實名制合理化。", "url": "https://lih.kg/gymCgT", "date": 1613433600000 }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話安心出行好正面", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2401426/page/1", "date": 1616408123909, "source": { "thread": "2401426", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" } }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話手足黑暴", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2456940/page/1", "date": 1616407910746, "source": { "thread": "2456940", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "19" } }, { "id": "4", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "對手足冷嘲熱諷", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2290586/page/1", "date": 1616408001398, "source": { "thread": "2290586", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "3" } }, { "id": "5", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話安心出行好正面", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2401426/page/1", "date": 1616408123909, "source": { "thread": "2401426", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" } }, { "id": "6", "text": "五毛師#wail#pig", "reason": "自認係五毛師#wail#pig 是#wail#pig", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2456940/page/2", "date": 1616408251948, "source": { "thread": "2456940", "page": 2, "messageNumber": "33" } } ], "123146": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "幫蚑共曱甴洗底", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2462617/page/1", "date": 1616818414107, "source": { "thread": "2462617", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" } } ], "123189": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "連澤斯基同G7首腦一同合照, 佢話「成個乞衣仔咁 影衰哂G7 踢佢走啦:o)」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3394148/page/1", "date": 1685261078154, "source": { "thread": "3394148", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "8" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/dAhCpwb.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "俄烏戰爭開戰後48小時, 轉頭澤仔就著晒GEAR係前線, 佢話「著晒GEAR 又點? cosplay 完就返屋企架啦[sosad]」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3386668/page/6", "date": 1685261171554, "source": { "thread": "3375491", "page": 2, "messageNumber": "35" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/Vie5yp2.png" }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「鄧炳強勤政愛民 深受巿民愛戴」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3386668/page/6", "date": 1685261213496, "source": { "thread": "3349123", "page": 3, "messageNumber": "62" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/cfGoj5g.png" }, { "id": "4", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「英國通脹咁勁 的確又幾地獄既[sosad]」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3386668/page/6", "date": 1685261242959, "source": { "thread": "3380378", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "12" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/TA0PZ5r.png" } ], "123552": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "英國部份學校混凝土質量引安全憂慮 , 佢話「移英老鼠值得擁有:-(」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3478225/page/6", "date": 1694241221361, "source": { "thread": "3487225", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "2" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/ZNp0TNx.png" } ], "125727": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "分化滯留香港手足", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2511795/page/1", "date": 1619876341044, "source": { "thread": "2511795", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "8" } } ], "126382": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話做前線嘅學生哥係「支那90、00」, 話佢地戇鳩唔識走先斷正,你班撚樣又蠢又窮,分分鐘頭盔都冇錢買靠你地個運動一星期都完左 [369]", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2933388/page/16", "date": 1649239535633, "source": { "thread": "2606934", "page": 12, "messageNumber": "277" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/7StNKKP.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "想睇香港集中營墟撼嘅畫面, 叫我地「繼續柒落去[sosad] 唔係我人生冇晒娛樂 #wail#pig」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2933388/page/16", "date": 1649240296114, "source": { "thread": "2632745", "page": 11, "messageNumber": "252" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/7NQ04O3.png" }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "有人問「97後上前線嘅唔洗救?」,佢就話97後前線係「你班公屋非雙支那賤種」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2933388/page/16", "date": 1649241042824, "source": { "thread": "2606934", "page": 12, "messageNumber": "284" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/CbqPYdc.png" }, { "id": "4", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "認為其他人冇課過金, 話「CAP張圖上嚟睇下,你課幾多我都跟。」 點知人地真係有課金, 自己就走數", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2933388/page/16", "date": 1649241613690, "source": { "thread": "2702725", "page": 8, "messageNumber": "191" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/88ZQHH2.png" }, { "id": "5", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "認為「香港人轉下通訊軟件都慘過自殺」同「光復香港」、「真係好撚鍾意香港」有因果關係, 刻意取笑香港人", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2933388/page/16", "date": 1649241776612, "source": { "thread": "2740660", "page": 3, "messageNumber": "54" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/bpCbsaC.png" }, { "id": "6", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "認為97後就係支那仔, 去到英國見一個殺一個", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2933388/page/16", "date": 1649241850664, "source": { "thread": "2606934", "page": 12, "messageNumber": "276" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/bzoBDhG.png" }, { "id": "7", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "聲稱自己「有射殺共匪嘅能力同體能」,反問人地做過乜嘢,完全冇講過自己有冇真係射殺過共匪", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2933388/page/16", "date": 1649242152742, "source": { "thread": "2719598", "page": 7, "messageNumber": "154" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/K9aXnL2.png" }, { "id": "8", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「成班無恥無賴賤人廢人黃屍」,仲話香港人賤", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2606934/page/12", "date": 1649242366907, "source": { "thread": "2800269", "page": 21, "messageNumber": "520" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/sK4k40y.png" }, { "id": "9", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「你咪自己抗爭飽佢,問人地囉意見把撚,唔怪得香港警察話你班垃圾係天荒夜談 [sosad][sosad][sosad]」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2841778/page/34", "date": 1649242644397, "source": { "thread": "2800269", "page": 21, "messageNumber": "501" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/TinOutM.png" }, { "id": "10", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "認為香港人係「虛偽廢人俾支那屌打仲要扮抗爭英雄 [sosad] 睇見就柒 [369]」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2841778/page/34", "date": 1649242858042, "source": { "thread": "2800269", "page": 21, "messageNumber": "514" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/ARGSV9X.png" } ], "127033": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "狂loop意外close-up gif引戰", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3100087/page/1", "date": 1659793509257, "source": { "thread": "3100087", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "6" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/iZt7Kbm.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "用支那字「错」、「图」", "url": 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"話「希望呀Mo永遠都唔能夠再自己行動,等神嘅計劃#adore##adore#」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2908480/page/11", "date": 1659794066596, "source": { "thread": "3093831", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/B7HkjNN.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "狂loop意外close-up gif", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2908480/page/11", "date": 1659794141260, "source": { "thread": "3095470", "page": 2, "messageNumber": "33" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/4xnTEOc.png" } ], "129134": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「真係辛苦你逐個批鬥🙏🏼 利申 黃屍 行ikea 搭地鐵 行商場 食m記❤️」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3397885/page/1", "date": 1685260431311, "source": { "thread": "3397885", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "10" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/izV06FV.png" } ], "129676": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "濫用自由一詞,冇良知嘅福建幫配乜撚嘢有自由?", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2697308/page/2", "date": 1642073823508, "source": { "thread": "2697308", "page": 2, "messageNumber": "26" } }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "鍾培生忠實粉絲,覺得佢話罷工醫護係雞製造到話題,更指「唔想做可以讓個位出黎大把人爭住入」。", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2474042/page/1", "date": 1642073862482, "source": { "thread": "2474042", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "7" } } ], "131753": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "義士割黑警頸,佢話「割頸暴徒咁撚樣先判得7年?暴徒我屌你老母#fire##fire##fire##fire##fire#」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2908480/page/13", "date": 1662174726922, "source": { "thread": "3132540", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/pCXPVMW.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「#yup##yup#諗起你地煽動過分裂國家嗰班要日日提心吊膽驚唔知幾時到自己俾人拉就覺得爽#wail#pig 精神啊咁多位手joke#wail2#pig上網睇定坐監有咩要注意啦#bye#pig」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/18", "date": 1669811641420, "source": { "thread": "3220866", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/ewZ0d0Z.png" }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "開「嚴選黃屍既三宗罪」po", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/17", "date": 1669812283127, "source": { "thread": "3154473", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/DYyPRRc.png" }, { "id": "4", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「:D:D:D黃屍狗把口就係咁撚臭 怪唔知得死晒老豆老母不特止仲要坐監#hoho##hoho#」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3176401/page/1", "date": 1669812412675, "source": { "thread": "3212535", "page": 2, "messageNumber": "28" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/gXzziwW.png" }, { "id": "5", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "莊正等十人暴動罪成 今判囚4年2個月至4年4個月, 佢話「抵撚死啦班人Z_ZZ_Z」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3270796/page/6", "date": 1673170101685, "source": { "thread": "3270796", "page": 6, "messageNumber": "136" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/5HRC0xq.png" } ], "133525": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「傻狗黃屍坐監算啦,係度搞乜撚野餐廳[sosad]」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/35", "date": 1673172819715, "source": { "thread": "3268125", "page": 2, "messageNumber": "41" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/9W6fNsw.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "「傑斯」 定居加拿大卑詩, 佢話「有冇人講下移民點抗爭?_??_?」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3400697/page/2", "date": 1685259840999, "source": { "thread": "3400697", "page": 5, "messageNumber": "105" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/LTW34pi.png" } ], "133641": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「主要係黑暴打爛咗香港元氣 #wail#pig」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/15", "date": 1668318567716, "source": { "thread": "3206321", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "21" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/b6hFTxN.png" } ], "139173": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "手足被捕要認人,佢話「認人?\n認左幾年又點\n#hehe#dog#hehe#dog#haha#dog#haha#dog\n」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2572364/page/5", "date": 1623517458558 } ], "143241": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "安達臣道天秤意外|其中一名死者為22歲工程師助理, 佢話「冇生多個做backup?」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2908480/page/14", "date": 1662976810978, "source": { "thread": "3137924", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "24" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/osd1xgd.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「手腳係監房開part你又知咩.」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/31", "date": 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"messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/oYSdi2F.png" }, { "id": "4", "text": "回憶小狗#bark#dog", "reason": "問「有無人睇TVB《聲生不息》鍾意咗大陸女歌手劉惜君?」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2296169/page/1", "date": 1664850012890, "source": { "thread": "3039319", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" } } ], "149673": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "手足被捕,佢話「手joke#haha#dog」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2572364/page/1", "date": 1623517107503, "source": { "thread": "2572364", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "13" } } ], "150100": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "出言恥笑美國前國務卿及同路人 POMPEO。", "url": "https://lih.kg/aHRuheV", "date": 1613433600000 }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「良心警察#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig\n原諒了#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2864991/page/2", "date": 1643432355448, "source": { "thread": "2864991", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "3" } }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "溝蚑那雞", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2315470/page/1", "date": 1643432426564, "source": { "thread": "2315470", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" } }, { "id": "4", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "求689做下屆特首", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2318462/page/1", "date": 1643432459400, "source": { "thread": "2318462", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" } }, { "id": "5", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "認為何君堯做特首應該幾好", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2315231/page/1", "date": 1643432491676, "source": { "thread": "2315231", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" } }, { "id": "6", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「港獨狗#[shocking]#b」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/36", "date": 1673170306706, "source": { "thread": "3270894", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "2" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/dg9kYkd.png" }, { "id": "7", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「太好了,又少一個傻逼會員 希望國安處落力啲拉多啲依度啲傻逼黃屍」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3268969/page/1", "date": 1673171466314, "source": { "thread": "3268969", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "19" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/oGTU2Tk.png" } ], "154406": [ { "id": "1", "text": "五毛", "reason": "追擊五毛太成功,五毛開始屈人用bot[sosad]", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2521143/page/1", "date": 1620485613527, "source": { "thread": "2521143", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" } } ], "158839": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "迫死左老母麵。佢老竇末期肺癌好精神做好多野,好似正常人咁樣, 仲好好彩而家好返晒", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3322469/page/1", "date": 1677760868865, "source": { "thread": "3234035", "page": 3, "messageNumber": "71" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/9iwyYWC.png" } ], "159448": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "樓主去和合石拜手足, 佢話「墓底見#wail#pig」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3272405/page/24", "date": 1681027335712, "source": { "thread": "3354805", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "5" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/xtUuoB3.png" } ], "159491": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「林卓廷嘅 5 : 0 終於入咗 ! ! !\n 不過係入獄嗰隻#[369]#b」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2861932/page/1", "date": 1643702218222, "source": { "thread": "2861932", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" } } ], "159653": [ 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"source": { "thread": "2191105", "page": 11, "messageNumber": "251" } } ], "165028": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "力撐港共防疫政策。", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/3", "date": 1665058833802, "source": { "thread": "2412120", "page": 2, "messageNumber": "29" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/19nMYn9.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「一直唔明白你地搞抗爭做咩」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/3", "date": 1665058862057, "source": { "thread": "1320673", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/6CMaFBE.png" }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "支持政府用藍牙tracker監控手機MAC address", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/3", "date": 1665058886123, "source": { "thread": "2417376", "page": 2, "messageNumber": "41" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/1eYTDos.png" }, { "id": "4", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "對手足幸災樂禍,話暴動手足「知恥近乎勇」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/3", "date": 1665058921603, "source": { "thread": "2456494", "page": 1, 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"https://na.cx/i/BLYsHQZ.png" }, { "id": "9", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「周街都貼連豬搞到心都煩哂」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/category/1", "date": 1665059062433, "source": { "thread": "1677596", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/t9430CM.png" }, { "id": "10", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「我而家見到黑衫蒙面阻住我架車都唔出聲屌佢地\\n作狀支持佢地俾個like 等佢地放行:o)\\n」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/1628499/page/1", "date": 1665059093135, "source": { "thread": "1628499", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/sb9rYpB.png" }, { "id": "11", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「因為我當時太驚又怕死\\n所以同其他乘客撞你(勇武手足)出門口」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/1526091/page/1", "date": 1665059117669, "source": { "thread": "1526091", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/jYT4K4K.png" }, { "id": "12", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「好怕d勇武派 街上面見到佢地都會避之則吉 怕會招惹埋d警察」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/category/1", "date": 1665059139015, "source": { "thread": "1503651", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" } 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[ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "有人提出遲早被charge觸犯腳瓜安全髮佢話「身有屎既人先會咁諗#hehe#dog」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3406727/page/33", "date": 1691817547085, "source": { "thread": "3440758", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "17" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/9iwVFuk.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「講咁多仲乜, 利益行先, 咩初心手兄真係傻仔先信 #:)#dog」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3406727/page/33", "date": 1691817565964, "source": { "thread": "3463312", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "12" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/RTfSHHN.png" } ], "166680": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "佢話「鳩估一係有關嘉賓 一係有關暴徒 一係有關佢地既存在」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3172237/page/6", "date": 1665202002758, "source": { "thread": "3172357", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "4" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/pWdAkwS.png" } ], "167776": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "對俾党戇拉嘅香港人冷嘲熱諷", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2841778/page/36", "date": 1649780256116, "source": { "thread": "2962221", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "2" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/M5W8zOQ.png" } ], "168010": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "對俾党戇拉嘅香港人冷嘲熱諷", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2841778/page/36", "date": 1649780256116, "source": { "thread": "2962221", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "2" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/M5W8zOQ.png" } ], "169071": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "分化及侮辱手足", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2347571/page/1", "date": 1618748891174, "source": { "thread": "2347571", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "16" } }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「攬炒巴又籌錢,狗改不了吃屎。」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2494047/page/2", "date": 1618749032177, "source": { "thread": "2494047", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "25" } }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "認為美國醫療不如中國:「睇下用邊間比,火神山就好過佢」。", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/1947118/page/1", "date": 1618748936341, "source": { "thread": "1947118", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "12" } }, { "id": "4", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「Poly d手joke一個國安法就收皮啦」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2347830/page/1", "date": 1618748969988, "source": { "thread": "2347830", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "4" } }, { "id": "5", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「原來係poly手joke #mock#pig 要塞?唔駛兩個禮拜就雞飛狗走。正傻鳩:o) 俾人拉前諗吓自己點解咁撚蠢俾人水咗入去:o)」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3272405/page/3", "date": 1674809673090, "source": { "thread": "3282838", "page": 3, "messageNumber": "54" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/iJVSosP.png" } ], "170438": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "笑手足暴動", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/3", "date": 1665058708293, "source": { "thread": "1640453", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/AJRBA88.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "笑手足送頭", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/3", "date": 1665058737064, "source": { "thread": "1953553", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/Xu3wp2C.png" }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "笑手足坐4年", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/3", "date": 1665058764589, "source": { "thread": "1552813", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/Ry5uV9r.png" }, { "id": "4", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「好後悔做暴徒,手joke 就風流快活#wail#pig#wail#pig」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/36", "date": 1673168832005, "source": { "thread": "3270796", "page": 2, "messageNumber": "46" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/setxPiH.png" } ], "170808": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「其實用安心出行又有咩問題呢請問?你唔想啫就走啦 規矩係咁 阻7住哂:-[」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2908480/page/16", "date": 1664254970627, "source": { "thread": "3161018", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/qRMTVvA.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「又話警察19年點點點唔啱 話人地有得選擇 果時迫啲警察辭職 人地唔辭職就杯葛人地 去到今時今日啲老師又話教育變質 但又含淚咁教 又唔發聲 又唔敢同政府講 又唔辭職 由而加睇返過去 真係要同呀sir講返句Sorry」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3206321/page/1", "date": 1668318528967, "source": { "thread": "3206014", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/ko6vwje.png" }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「到今時今日 終於明政府拉咗47人係啱!」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/35", "date": 1673170674728, "source": { "thread": "3270064", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/9ioJV8W.png" }, { "id": "4", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「台灣政府收容你香港人 班黑暴仲要喺國際上唱衰台灣」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3269017/page/4?ref=sharer&post=78", "date": 1673170751589, "source": { "thread": "3270058", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/Wx5wkA2.png" } ], "173930": [ { "id": "1", "text": "⚠️", "reason": "認為拒絕移民留在香港的市民是「資助極權折磨自己」,更向留港人士惡言相向。", "url": "https://lih.kg/srxzqAX", "date": 1613433600000 } ], "174530": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「感謝viutv播呢個節目🙏 ,我不是鏡粉,但香港警察真係冇得頂呀 心清好明鏡,俗世不玷污,這就是香港警察!所以 警隊的好、正義,並不只是單純外在的處事,而 是從內心出發令人欣賞令人珍惜。警隊已經完全代表香港本土嘅好🎊 🎊 🎉 🎉 viu令警隊係我心目中變成係第一❤️ ❤️ 😍 😍」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3478225/page/5", "date": 1694241526264, "source": { "thread": "3467736", "page": 12, "messageNumber": "299" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/Qypgr9d.png" } ], "175258": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "力撐安心出行,對質疑安心出行安全性的港人稱「又妖魔化」。", "url": "https://lih.kg/aKituQV", "date": 1613433600000 }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「打得好\n入元郎搞事\n大大力打#kill##kill#\n」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2480225/page/1", "date": 1617885713241, "source": { "thread": "2480225", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "16" } }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話香港人收晒皮「你地收晒皮嫁啦\n仲反共\n笑死人咩」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2467911/page/6", "date": 1617091399463, "source": { "thread": "2467911", "page": 6, "messageNumber": "129" } }, { "id": "4", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "嘲諷手足,話「理大要condom」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2467911/page/5", "date": 1617091492789, "source": { "thread": "2467911", "page": 5, "messageNumber": "118" } } ], "177089": [ { "id": "1", "text": "⚠️", "reason": "言論尖酸刻薄,對已懷孕八星期的張可森太太稱「八星期咋喎 一定生到?」。", "url": "https://lih.kg/gHNNCT", "date": 1614729600000 } ], "181172": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "當手足係condom", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2516852/page/6", "date": 1620748225471, "source": { "thread": "2516852", "page": 6, "messageNumber": "140" } }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "佢想屈清潭洞崔玹碩(手足#52779)割過董栢輝義士\n但係佢冇搵證據", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2553630/page/1", "date": 1642829563323, "source": { "thread": "2553630", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "25" } }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "女手足罪成,佢話「益埋手足先#hehe#pig\n幫前線巴出埋火先入去#wail3#pig\n唔好浪費左比差佬#wail2#pig」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2855732/page/1", "date": 1642829649995, "source": { "thread": "2855732", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "15" } } ], "181819": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "方仲賢今早刑滿出獄將負笈英國,佢問「說好的齊上齊落?」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2908480/page/12", "date": 1660366353361, "source": { "thread": "3108642", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "4" } }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "認為講香港會沉淪就係落井下石", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2908480/page/12", "date": 1660366432215, "source": { "thread": "3108642", "page": 3, "messageNumber": "58" } }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「有幾客觀呀小粉黃[sosad]#[sosad]#b」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2908480/page/12", "date": 1662173060214, "source": { "thread": "3108642", "page": 14, "messageNumber": "334" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/GqqmMKk.png" }, { "id": "4", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話熊仔餅「They are well paid for it #yup#」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3230581/page/4", "date": 1669811247465, "source": { "thread": "3230581", "page": 2, "messageNumber": "35" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/MPLq9w7.png" }, { "id": "5", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話肥佬黎「佢死左 國際線先有材料」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/27", "date": 1670905404398, "source": { "thread": "3242868", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "4" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/2nS66o6.png" } ], "182028": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "張家朗入決賽, 佢話「中國香港加油!!#support#lm2」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3272405/page/4", "date": 1674807939409, "source": { "thread": "2633561", "page": 2, "messageNumber": "29" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/3GsJuYb.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "醫生「和你Sing」罪成判囚14個月,醫委會紀律研訊或除牌。佢話「不過唔怕啦,錢財身外物 無自由,死都唔怕 何況做監躉,冇得做醫生,小事」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3272405/page/4", "date": 1674808019037, "source": { "thread": "3289076", "page": 4, "messageNumber": "86" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/jYfKYRY.png" }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「 思念好食,性價比高」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3272405/page/4", "date": 1674808078656, "source": { "thread": "2977934", "page": 11, "messageNumber": "263" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/Bp0ZNLD.png" }, { "id": "4", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「同路人亞洲第一姜濤病咗冇人理 大家走去埋一個名都講唔出嘅歌手? 對唔對得住Mirror?#:-[#b」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3270796/page/6", "date": 1674808236036, "source": { "thread": "3270796", "page": 6, "messageNumber": "128" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/gN3HLya.png" } ], "185730": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "對阿mo幸災樂禍", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3094252/page/3", "date": 1659169018029, "source": { "thread": "3092518", "page": 25, "messageNumber": "601" } } ], "187690": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "標題係「一人一個方法幫助年輕人改正返自己觀念,正式融入大灣區,做個驕傲的中國人」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3487145/page/1", "date": 1694241287596, "source": { "thread": "3487722", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/yGbeYez.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「不如認錯係度交流下上深圳邊度玩仲好啦#:)#dog」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3478225/page/3", "date": 1694244947226, "source": { "thread": "3481079", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/vRq3RUU.png" } ], "190763": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "台仔疫情爆發,佢話「抵死#:)#dog#:)#dog#:)#dog低等人種」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2531725/page/3", "date": 1621083643471, "source": { "thread": "2531725", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "13" } } ], "191271": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「黃屍屎忽好痕 #cryalot#mouse#cryalot#mouse#cry#mouse」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3241840/page/6", "date": 1670733346922, "source": { "thread": "3152800", "page": 12, "messageNumber": "284" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/m0iaxGy.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "香港壹傳媒創始人黎智英身負的多起案件, 佢話「Good news [m」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/26", "date": 1670733378674, "source": { "thread": "3241840", "page": 6, "messageNumber": "127" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/mGoUZmK.png" }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「黃屍屎忽好痕 #cryalot#mouse#cryalot#mouse#cry#mouse」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/26", "date": 1670905592096, "source": { "thread": "3152800", "page": 12, "messageNumber": "284" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/b9TNQRP.png" }, { "id": "4", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "香港壹傳媒創始人黎智英身負的多起案件,佢話「Good news [m」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/26", "date": 1670905646169, "source": { "thread": "3241840", "page": 6, "messageNumber": "127" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/fCYmViN.png" } ], "191299": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「咁又點啊 成件事已經完結 唔好再提了」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3478225/page/33", "date": 1699693501411, "source": { "thread": "3544067", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "4" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/SR2iWpE.png" } ], "192409": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "北角野豬飛墮3層高停車場, 佢無啦啦話「手足#wail_r#pigxm」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3256537/page/1", "date": 1672587633763, "source": { "thread": "3256537", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "3" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/h8rba29.png" } ], "192589": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「又有政治新聞了,連登政治寄生獸又興奮出來了,日日圍住政府轉,一天不談論政治不舒服很納悶,靠著政治新聞狗糧而生。中央和香港久唔久派D政策新聞狗糧俾班寄生獸充下饑,唔係食飽飯無屎屙好慘。」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2862900/page/4", "date": 1643702287686, "source": { "thread": "2862900", "page": 4, "messageNumber": "80" } }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「個個國家都有國安法啦,係香港人之前寵壞晒,言論和行為都過激而家先立法,唔洗咁過份反應,你唔搞事身有屎驚咩。」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3272405/page/18", "date": 1677166495705, "source": { "thread": "3305081", "page": 6, "messageNumber": "149" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/HO1aQzB.png" } ], "193217": [ { "id": "1", "text": "on9", "reason": "恥笑「烏克蘭人可以做d咩? 係咪準備唱今天我#hehe#dog#hehe#dog」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2960664/page/1", "date": 1649568996874, "source": { "thread": "2899632", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "10" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/kfmj6mQ.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "on9", "reason": "話「有冇人覺得當日食野選黃藍係好on9」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/27", "date": 1670905096422, "source": { "thread": "3243468", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/JKzmaO3.png" } ], "194129": [ { "id": "1", "text": "on9", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3478225/page/7", "date": 1694240853154, "source": { "thread": "3494825", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "7" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/4cYEpR9.png" } ], "195136": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "贊同五毛師撚狗俠嘅說話:「店主蝕到咁 都唔慌有交利得稅啦 你地黃絲做乜唔食呀\n」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2470009/page/7", "date": 1617212256141, "source": { "thread": "2470009", "page": 7, "messageNumber": "169" } } ], "195323": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "認為「留得低嘅應該都係賤種港豬,死人打卡撚。」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2908480/page/9", "date": 1656136420894, "source": { "thread": "3011352", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" } } ], "195486": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "嘲諷連登仔老點手足坐監, 用同一段說話repeat左成年", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/1", "date": 1664849178239, "source": { "thread": "2856595", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "5" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/L3AeNRK.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "嘲諷連登仔老點手足坐監, 用同一段說話repeat左成年", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2856595/page/1", "date": 1664849199794, "source": { "thread": "2868216", "page": 7, "messageNumber": "165" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/ZCTggLb.png" }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "嘲諷連登仔老點手足坐監, 用同一段說話repeat左成年", 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"發現人頭骸骨,佢第一時間打「手足#wail#pig#wail2#pig」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167715/page/2", "date": 1664850404003, "source": { "thread": "2488948", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "24" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/f2gxzDy.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "觀塘有黃店俾所謂手足偷錢,佢話「可能佢有難處呢真係搞唔掂呢 黃既都想拉有冇搞錯」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2507903/page/1", "date": 1664850446054, "source": { "thread": "2507903", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "6" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/MvJjY5s.png" }, { "id": "4", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "自大傻仔#hoho#lm2", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2504679/page/3", "date": 1664850516545, "source": { "thread": "2504679", "page": 2, "messageNumber": "49" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/77fntC6.png" }, { "id": "5", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "文盲五毛上連登#hoho#lm2", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2504679/page/3", "date": 1664850592541, "source": { "thread": "2535461", "page": 3, "messageNumber": "72" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/OoKCeS6.png" }, { "id": "6", "text": "犬隻", 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"id": "1", "text": "狗隻", "reason": "20歲失蹤女子李盈在中大墮崖亡,佢就話「暴大手足#wail#pig#wail#pig」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2643378/page/2", "date": 1627796569875, "source": { "thread": "2643378", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "7" } }, { "id": "2", "text": "狗隻2", "reason": "惡意侮辱2019年抗爭手足", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2841778/page/23", "date": 1647179476996, "source": { "thread": "2921593", "page": 3, "messageNumber": "51" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/bZtbdZ4.png" }, { "id": "3", "text": "狗隻3", "reason": "惡意喺自殺事件講「手足」,企圖令人逐漸對「手足」一詞厭惡", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2841778/page/23", "date": 1647179523459, "source": { "thread": "2422808", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "2" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/AepauyE.png" } ], "205043": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「移民撚又一個condom」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/20", "date": 1669811193365, "source": { "thread": "3230581", "page": 4, "messageNumber": "78" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/9YMt7iu.png" } ], "207034": [ { "id": "1", 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news圖[sosad][sosad]唔上庭做證人?#wail2#pig#wail2#pig」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3272405/page/26", "date": 1682914581491, "source": { "thread": "3362090", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "10" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/7bY6nOq.png" } ], "215249": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "言論缺乏良知,指墮垃圾槽亡的夜班清潔工為「呢D社會渣滓,唔死都哂米飯」。", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2375103/page/3", "date": 1665059441379, "source": { "thread": "2375103", "page": 3, "messageNumber": "69" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/D90rdZS.png" } ], "215603": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「祝所有黃屍死絕」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3272405/page/2", "date": 1673772343867, "source": { "thread": "3276784", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/Qbw09Dd.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「我想講中共無放毒呢個胆量,敢與全世界作對的國家只有一個,就係美國」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3272405/page/2", "date": 1673772370391, "source": { "thread": "3229328", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/MO6Xsp1.png" }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「新一年祝各位黃屍洋奴走狗仆街冚家鏟死全家」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3285115/page/1", "date": 1674809514868, "source": { "thread": "3284690", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/b9fi3rW.png" }, { "id": "4", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「黃屍賤種死全家」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3272405/page/24", "date": 1681027194466, "source": { "thread": "3354187", "page": 10, "messageNumber": "236" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/w6paSuB.png" }, { "id": "5", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "自認藍絲", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3272405/page/24", "date": 1681027260456, "source": { "thread": "3354187", "page": 13, "messageNumber": "308" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/6QLUzJi.png" } ], "217332": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "被捕手足做店長, 五毛話「 返去溫書好好貢獻社會啦」,佢就話「如果有人早啲同佢呢句嘢 佢老母都可能唔會生癌症[sosad]」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3189116/page/1", "date": 1666533111018, "source": { "thread": "3189339", "page": 2, "messageNumber": "45" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/toNjB6V.png" } ], "219147": [ { "id": "1", "text": "Wong Chun Kit", "reason": "曬有錢,點知自爆名稱,叫Wong Chun Kit", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2333332/page/1", "date": 1615318106966, "source": { "thread": "2333332", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "14" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/LMQWGkH.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "藍絲", "reason": "話人「香港廢青,呢個世界只在乎有錢 不在乎自不自由 」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/1794698/page/1", "date": 1615318292908, "source": { "thread": "1794698", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "10" } }, { "id": "3", "text": "五毛", "reason": "話手足係曱甴", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2333941/page/1?post=b54808cf02644f802d4c6f5df252c83152058c3a", "date": 1615318431995, "source": { "thread": "2333941", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "14" } } ], "219635": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「黃屍大學[sosad]讀上街掉汽油彈[sosad]\n一陣班黃屍入嚟咬你\n」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2511289/page/1", "date": 1619967274684, "source": { "thread": "2511289", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "7" } } ], "221104": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「如果呢個真係「黃」論壇, 快撚啲用國安法拉晒連登創辦人同你班黃色垃圾#haha#dog#haha#dog#haha#dog#haha#dog#haha#dog#haha#dog#haha#dog」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3478225/page/7", "date": 1694241004298, "source": { "thread": "3493779", "page": 5, "messageNumber": "106" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/8UKwfZE.png" } ], "221622": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「所有離港撚都不得好死#drum#pig#drum#pig」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3478225/page/6", "date": 1694241085990, "source": { "thread": "3489019", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "4" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/rbY5krN.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "日本駐華大使館轉發「壽司郎排長龍相」, 佢話「為弱智的香港消費者們點讚#good##good#」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3478225/page/6", "date": 1694241113988, "source": { "thread": "3481720", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "4" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/qVD82Fg.png" } ], "222680": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "睇藍channel, 散播fake news", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3272405/page/40", "date": 1685769911816, "source": { "thread": "3403274", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/SVC0pX2.png" } ], "223256": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「又無死人 都唔知有咩好紀念 荷里活一個白咭佬斬死兩條女 又唔見有人記住個日子? 比人藤條炆豬肉就嘈嘈貢 細個未比人家法打過咩?」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3406727/page/27", "date": 1691819180304, "source": { "thread": "3448577", "page": 3, "messageNumber": "60" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/6HVvuwL.png" } ], "223504": [ { "id": "1", "text": "⚠️", "reason": "對積極發展網台的杜汶澤稱「移民台灣算鳩數啦 水深火熱搞咁多無聊野」。", "url": "https://lih.kg/gEqwoT", "date": 1613433600000 } ], "223531": [ { "id": "1", "text": "⚠️", "reason": "將電話卡實名制合理化。", "url": "https://lih.kg/aKuzODV", "date": 1613606400000 } ], "224541": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「有得飲飲食食 點解仲要搞革命 一開始就唔會有成功既可能 只係一班失敗者係度吹風向 覺得自己係革命家 最慘係班心智未成熟既學生跟埋風」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3330872/page/1", "date": 1694241429087, "source": { "thread": "3294800", "page": 4, "messageNumber": "78" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/4gXRf11.png" } ], "226231": [ { "id": "1", "text": "⚠️", "reason": "單丸陳奕迅支持血棉,佢話對陳奕迅不離不棄", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2461382/page/1", "date": 1616673426154, "source": { "thread": "2461382", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" } }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "侮辱手足做暴徒", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2265952/page/1", "date": 1616687455338, "source": { "thread": "2265952", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "6" } } ], "226833": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "[末期癌症]想喺屋企打嗎啡針,佢玩膠", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2888985/page/1", "date": 1646456406039, "source": { "thread": "2888928", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "10" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/tfqf2Bj.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "自認曾經加入黑社會,唔怪得咁撚冇良知啦", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2888985/page/1", "date": 1646456676090, "source": { "thread": "2601647", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" } } ], "229185": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "向党戇處舉報手足", 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"source": { "thread": "3453941", "page": 2, "messageNumber": "37" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/EjNxHMf.png" } ], "231433": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「成班on9屈鳩柏林仔。:o)\n」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/1327541/page/1", "date": 1623500992001, "source": { "thread": "1327541", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" } }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "12港人籌錢,佢話「乞錢#[sosad]#b」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2571975/page/4", "date": 1623501024194, "source": { "thread": "2571975", "page": 2, "messageNumber": "41" } } ], "232077": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "發現人頭骸骨,佢第一時間打「손발(手足)#wail#pig#wail2#pig#wail#pig#wail2#pig」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2971967/page/36", "date": 1664852601649, "source": { "thread": "2488948", "page": 2, "messageNumber": "48" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/YVP7oJ5.png" } ], "234509": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "五毛波台狗話人係龍門狗", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2971967/page/36", "date": 1664852628992, "source": { "thread": 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"話「十年呢套戲就係煽動仇視政府嘅根源」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3238132/page/1", "date": 1670906071746, "source": { "thread": "2600873", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/F0J6m08.png" } ], "239696": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "問「得罪講句,連登反china既小朋友到底有幾多係去過中國」「 If you travel to China one time, you'll feel like: 'Damn! This is an dope place!'」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/profile/239696", "date": 1673771966163, "source": { "thread": "3278309", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/47m09A7.png" } ], "240456": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "26歲工程師慘遭警察「割蛋」!示威被警棍戳下體 睪丸永久摘除, 佢話「抵死#champagne#pig」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3286320/page/3", "date": 1674808742358, "source": { "thread": "3286048", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "25" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/x0g2LAZ.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "佢話「手joke#:)#dog」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/profile/240456", "date": 1674808974915, "source": { "thread": "3289477", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "5" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/xUSYiXg.png" }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "佢話「兩鎊3粒魚蛋聽落唔貴。係好撚貴。 手joke價係咁架啦。唔緊要。大把水魚。食到破產返大灣區都要記得買嚟食呀#:)#dog」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3272405/page/4", "date": 1674809011994, "source": { "thread": "3286320", "page": 3, "messageNumber": "61" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/oqriiXu.png" } ], "241151": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "標題係「你地成班黑柴,19年又輸,俾人水去防疫累街坊 捧偽黃建制男團又整傷dancer,有排柒 死開d唔該,咁撚柒黑既你地」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2908480/page/12", "date": 1659793718374, "source": { "thread": "3091958", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/QWVqvSw.png" } ], "241504": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「想食美心好耐,不過驚俾手足影相#wail2#pig」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2540282/page/1", "date": 1621593845771, "source": { "thread": "2540282", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "12" } }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "傑斯留院,佢話「入埋去陪佢啦」", "url": "https://lih.kg/aKANaCV" }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話中大學生會已跪", "url": "https://lih.kg/aKNCPsV" } ], "243526": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「寫得呢啲煽動文預咗坐監啦」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3272405/page/3", "date": 1674809595026, "source": { "thread": "3282743", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "25" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/v4VKY0J.png" } ], "244805": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "恥笑被還押的連登仔 (椰子是無辜的) 及其他手足。", "url": "https://lih.kg/sbRqNLX", "date": 1613433600000 }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「香港監躉手Joke只是避孕套#haha#lm2」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2503236/page/2", "date": 1619319564932, "source": { "thread": "2503236", "page": 3, "messageNumber": "62" } }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "嘲諷暴動手足係監躉", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2456494/page/2", "date": 1616391317233, "source": { "thread": "2456494", "page": 6, "messageNumber": "140" } }, { "id": "4", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "舊名係:手Joke牌安全套,開po分化手足", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2351743/page/1", "date": 1616397708577, "source": { "thread": "2351743", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" } }, { "id": "5", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "表示一蚊都唔會俾612基金", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2310434/page/4", "date": 1616397750849, "source": { "thread": "2310434", "page": 3, "messageNumber": "69" } }, { "id": "6", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "表示「笑你手Joke係監躉 你又做到D咩」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2456642/page/1", "date": 1616815905067, "source": { "thread": "2456642", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "9" } }, { "id": "7", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "嘲諷手足「係入面好好反省 點解自己咁撚柒 要俾人捉到#yup#」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2463751/page/17", "date": 1616830919568, "source": { "thread": "2463751", "page": 17, "messageNumber": "424" } }, { "id": "8", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "恥笑緬甸被槍殺示威者 「盾牌陣打軍佬 一槍一件打Gta咁[sosad]爽#hehe#dog\n」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2464125/page/3", "date": 1616837197262, "source": { "thread": "2464125", "page": 2, "messageNumber": "47" } }, { "id": "9", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話嘲諷李宇軒「快啲判翻個甲級重犯先啦#haha#lm2\n死監躉爛頭卒#hehe#dog#hehe#dog#hehe#dog」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2478595/page/4", "date": 1617782009583, "source": { "thread": "2478595", "page": 4, "messageNumber": "83" } }, { "id": "10", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「香港監躉手Joke只是避孕套#haha#lm2」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2503236/page/2", "date": 1619319564932, "source": { "thread": "2503236", "page": 3, "messageNumber": "62" } } ], "245670": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "20歲失蹤女子李盈在中大墮崖亡,佢就話「黑警又殺人:-(」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2643378/page/2", "date": 1627796196301, "source": { "thread": "2643378", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "5" } } ], "246823": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「因為2014年既一場革命 烏親歐派推翻親俄政府奪權 自此開啟咗兩派既廝殺 之後俄駐軍克里米亞 保住依個俄語區先 之後nato引誘烏克蘭加入 想佢坐穩唔俾俄搞 但入咗nato第時烏克蘭就有絕對優勢屠殺國內親俄勢力 包括克里米亞在內 俄唔想俾依個情況發生 就出兵搶烏東四省 而家只要烏放棄拎返烏東同克里米亞 就可以停戰 安心加入nato 而俄亦可以放心 親俄烏克蘭人唔會被屠殺」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/15", "date": 1668318419434, "source": { "thread": "3206837", "page": 3, "messageNumber": "74" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/ZKXKALi.png" } ], "247610": [ { "id": "1", "text": "波台狗隻", "reason": "話美國睇怕都冇了:-(依家咁睇最少爭中國兩個級數", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2871962/page/1", "date": 1644045702323, "source": { "thread": "2871962", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "18" } }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": 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"https://lihkg.com/thread/3100087/page/1", "date": 1659793168661, "source": { "thread": "2884381", "page": 5, "messageNumber": "101" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/f1TfS2N.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「而家無遊行係因為疫情,警察先唔比因為擔心疫情擴散,將來沒有疫情,就會批准可以有遊行了。」,「合法地表達意見的一種方法。 好過出來搞事又係乜都爭取唔到。」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3100087/page/1", "date": 1659793226400, "source": { "thread": "3044305", "page": 6, "messageNumber": "127" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/5tr5vPN.png" }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "有人街頭演奏榮光,佢話「到2022年仲有黃絲比人搵笨 #haha#dog」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3100087/page/1", "date": 1659793355437, "source": { "thread": "3068540", "page": 2, "messageNumber": "27" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/kM7sKav.png" }, { "id": "4", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「唔搞事係唔會比人捉,手足們應該好清楚。」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3100087/page/1", "date": 1659793409039, "source": { "thread": "3097264", "page": 5, "messageNumber": "125" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/eHxsKaO.png" }, { "id": "5", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「其實入獄一樣可以創作音樂同寫歌 出返來可以繼續搞黃色經濟圈」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/36", "date": 1673169034347, "source": { "thread": "3270796", "page": 5, "messageNumber": "108" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/KgYRkru.png" } ], "253430": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「足十以前九龍城寨啲黑醫咁[sosad] 黑暴係好嘢#good##good#分工明確#good##good#」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3478225/page/4", "date": 1694243677935, "source": { "thread": "3484588", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "17" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/dQkCWew.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「真 當日就係個鬼婆發現左仲影埋相 就好似美國一直係度輸出顏色革命搞到立立亂 黑暴就好似觀鯨嗰個人圍住晒 最後香港依隻鯨魚咪反肚囉」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3478225/page/4", "date": 1694243698514, "source": { "thread": "3457497", "page": 2, "messageNumber": "36" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/rz7YFGi.png" } ], "254745": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「啲黃屍黑暴係連登咪兇狠囉,現實就鵪鶉咁」「現實世界一問佢咁你有冇參與過黑暴,就唔敢出聲#hoho#lme 成班死廢物,唔係好自豪架咩[369][369][369]」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3361522/page/1", "date": 1682913670940, "source": { "thread": "3362944", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/eNPpTP2.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「其實2019單野歸根究底都係班死黑暴俾人慫恿出黎放火打人,搞亂香港反阿爺xx(#no#dog 所以香港警察先被逼嚴正執法#fire#tiger 過程中有咩做得唔完美其實都係好無奈#:)#fs#:)#cow 希望大家體諒#sorry#cow#sorry#cow」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3272405/page/27", "date": 1682913752410, "source": { "thread": "3361522", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/uON3pW9.png" } ], "255106": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「無人會理個班避孕套,要打機既打機,要去日本就去日本,要屌姜濤就屌佢,我唔係講風涼話,全部都係事實睇下出面post:)」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/category/1", "date": 1699692956306, "source": { "thread": "3546178", "page": 10, "messageNumber": "250" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/zSq4RUX.png" } ], "256762": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "手足被捕,佢嘲諷手足做「手joke」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2462905/page/2", "date": 1616756895370, "source": { "thread": "2462905", "page": 3, "messageNumber": "73" } }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "保安局凍結黎智英壹傳媒股份,佢話「散戶福音#like#」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2530413/page/1", "date": 1620994400762, "source": { "thread": "2530413", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "12" } }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "保安局凍結黎智英壹傳媒股份,佢話「散戶福音#like#」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2530413/page/1", "date": 1620994400762, "source": { "thread": "2530413", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "12" } } ], "258694": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「坐監,令人生更精彩#good#」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/24", "date": 1670319342824, "source": { "thread": "3237197", "page": 2, "messageNumber": "31" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/hFo1Ltc.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「當日好撚型㗎?!而家抵撚死啦#haha#dog」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3406727/page/32", "date": 1691817759326, "source": { "thread": "3460429", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "2" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/Vky80vw.png" } ], "259505": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「水人去衝去比人拉之後再玩情緒勒索sell人血饅頭比黃屍豬又真係幾卑鄙嘅[sosad]」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3406817/page/1", "date": 1685769693766, "source": { "thread": "3403846", "page": 3, "messageNumber": "75" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/dYrwwBP.png" } ], "259985": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "被捕手足做店長, 佢話「喔 手joke」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3189116/page/1", "date": 1666532965894, "source": { "thread": "3189339", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "18" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/7K1HzSN.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「坐監前食多d黃店[sosad]我地會睇多d支那姜濤 幫你照顧埋女朋友等你出黎 當做陪住你 我地成個連登都要坐嫁 不過無圖 上訴得就緊係入到你先上訴 出到黎班港豬會交稅比你拎綜緩#wine#pig」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3189116/page/1", "date": 1666533488234, "source": { "thread": "2555941", "page": 24, "messageNumber": "593" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/bRnzq2m.png" } ], "261505": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "稱「睇完緬甸開槍覺得香港警察真係好仁慈,人地處處忍讓無打死過人」,又對當地示威者冷嘲熱諷。", "url": "https://lih.kg/2409031", "date": 1614556800000 }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「香港警察真心專業」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2470009/page/9", "date": 1617215960283, "source": { "thread": "2470009", "page": 9, "messageNumber": "201" } }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "侮辱中大手足", "url": "https://lih.kg/sxhMCNX" }, { "id": "4", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "借啲意推安心出含", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2439191/page/1", "date": 1615820190676, "source": { "thread": "2439191", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" } }, { "id": "5", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "亂鳩咁捉鬼", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2435404/page/1", "date": 1615820226394, "source": { "thread": "2435404", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" } }, { "id": "6", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "對手足冷嘲熱諷", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2429078/page/1", "date": 1615820261170, "source": { "thread": "2429078", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" } }, { "id": "7", "text": "五毛", "reason": "五毛最新技量, 標籤你做CCtoy搞分化", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2527865/page/3", "date": 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"桔梗負責人收到電話明天到旺角警署作落案拘捕,佢話「號食整得難食唔緊要,最緊要報警拉自己可以搞眾籌」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/category/1", "date": 1664859210030, "source": { "thread": "2533963", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "4" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/igw5Vst.png" } ], "282352": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "惡意抹黑手足", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2841778/page/23", "date": 1647179606443, "source": { "thread": "2921593", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "25" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/XKzYDss.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話熊仔餅「人生更精彩#yup##yup#」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3230581/page/4", "date": 1669811114776, "source": { "thread": "3230581", "page": 7, "messageNumber": "173" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/TJYPRKJ.png" } ], "283207": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "叫人立法會投熱血公民團隊", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2102368/page/1", "date": 1617098971938, "source": { "thread": "2102368", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" } }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「港台好肉酸真係搞分裂xx(xx(xx(」", "url": 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"source": { "thread": "2873594", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" } }, { "id": "7", "text": "狗隻", "reason": "鳩叫手足", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2887565/page/1", "date": 1645696555440, "source": { "thread": "2887565", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "11" } }, { "id": "8", "text": "on9", "reason": "話普京鍾意小動物唔會壞得去邊", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2900141/page/2", "date": 1645696840645, "source": { "thread": "2900141", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "8" } }, { "id": "9", "text": "退出連登未呀", "reason": "話「連尼住你同我聽住!你再唔bam柒班黃蛆,我就永遠退出連登。」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2912713/page/2", "date": 1646471314733, "source": { "thread": "2903218", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" } }, { "id": "10", "text": "俄羅斯驗腦大法成功!!!!", "reason": "成功挑戰俄羅斯概念股越撈越低!!!!", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2897529/page/1", "date": 1646900079903, "source": { "thread": "2897529", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" } } ], "299433": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "情侶被指牽手逃跑暴動罪成, 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"messageNumber": "1" } }, { "id": "2", "text": "⚠️", "reason": "問「有冇人一路都食緊M記\n」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2477604/page/1", "date": 1617711133382, "source": { "thread": "2477604", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" } }, { "id": "3", "text": "⚠️", "reason": "話「手足已成condom」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2477604/page/1", "date": 1617711172351, "source": { "thread": "2477604", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "2" } }, { "id": "4", "text": "⚠️", "reason": "認為「19年6月係我地衝動左」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2504977/page/1", "date": 1620234037962, "source": { "thread": "2504977", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" } }, { "id": "5", "text": "⚠️", "reason": "問「想知比連登仔水入去坐監班手足而家咩感受」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2511757/page/1", "date": 1620234115785, "source": { "thread": "2511757", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" } }, { "id": "6", "text": "⚠️", "reason": "屌你老母標題黨", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2532868/page/1", "date": 1621154391206, "source": { "thread": "2532868", "page": 1, 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"https://lihkg.com/thread/2495721/page/1", "date": 1618847649069, "source": { "thread": "2495721", "page": 37, "messageNumber": "912" } }, { "id": "2", "text": "⚠️", "reason": "手足為司法覆核搞到就破產,眾籌緊 佢話「既然quote聖經, 點解唔搵上帝打救?#hehe#dog」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2054878/page/1", "date": 1617807575067, "source": { "thread": "2054878", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "3" } } ], "308369": [ { "id": "1", "text": "??", "url": "https://lihkg.com/profile/308369?sort=reply_time", "date": 1681027583972, "source": { "thread": "3352906", "page": 2, "messageNumber": "34" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/EF77UK6.png" } ], "310275": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "恥笑被還押的連登仔 (椰子是無辜的)。", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3172237/page/6", "date": 1665226607479, "source": { "thread": "2361807", "page": 4, "messageNumber": "79" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/2xgeDmU.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "緬甸示威者死被殺,佢話「所以關我咩事?一係送晒佢哋全家落去一齊團聚?」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3172237/page/6", "date": 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"https://lihkg.com/thread/3256537/page/2", "date": 1672587710484, "source": { "thread": "3256537", "page": 2, "messageNumber": "35" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/cgz4v3A.png" } ], "310914": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "發現人頭骸骨,佢第一時間打「手足#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2971967/page/36", "date": 1664852828963, "source": { "thread": "2488948", "page": 5, "messageNumber": "125" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/1un5aqm.png" } ], "311309": [ { "id": "1", "text": "狗隻", "reason": "想烏克蘭快啲淪陷, 話「大量烏克蘭美女外流 女嘅做雞 男嘅做咕喱 諗起都興奮#:P#dog#wet#dog」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2957590/page/1", "date": 1649316583610, "source": { "thread": "2900568", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/wbRLDxS.png" } ], "311611": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「又來一億玉碎 #haha#dog 下次核彈就係東京#good# 真實版絕體絕命都市。」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/23", "date": 1670147881729, "source": { "thread": "3234330", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "3" }, 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"2316747", "page": 4, "messageNumber": "79" } }, { "id": "4", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "連登用戶「硬膠胸奴」多次發文要槍決警察法官, 佢話「咁輕手,條癲佬話要殺人鼓吹暴力,根本就係恐怖主義#[sosad]#xm」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/30", "date": 1671353973808, "source": { "thread": "3248085", "page": 8, "messageNumber": "181" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/yRcvLHP.png" }, { "id": "5", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「仲活係手足個世界入邊[sosad] 用完即棄都唔識醒[sosad] 我有大膽估計係人格障礙」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3272405/page/4", "date": 1674808300343, "source": { "thread": "3286348", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "3" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/xhAi3kb.png" }, { "id": "6", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「面對成班政治上頭嘅白癡黃屍鸚鵡學舌,1句黃、手足同你路人就可以扮演好佢地ff 良心既角色[sosad]班公屋垃圾低端種太on9[sosad] 例如天水圍人叫自己真香港人[sosad] 超級白痴[sosad]#dance3#pig#dance4#pig 手joke 成家都係大陸低端人口搶公屋+福利(非高端港漂)[sosad]」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3272405/page/4", "date": 1674808330225, "source": { "thread": "3289111", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "13" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/oNai3km.png" }, 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"reason": "全港八大均須修讀国安教育 港大新增必修課程 及格方可畢業, 佢話「支持,一早要有」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/7", "date": 1665500648465, "source": { "thread": "3087317", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "4" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/yhDtoKm.png" } ], "344625": [ { "id": "1", "text": "⚠️", "reason": "火警死左人,佢話「抵啦公屋狗#hehe#dog」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2490709/page/1", "date": 1618523217127, "source": { "thread": "2490709", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "12" } } ], "344824": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "發現人頭骸骨,佢第一時間打「守...#wail#pig」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2488948/page/2", "date": 1664852491519, "source": { "thread": "2488948", "page": 2, "messageNumber": "40" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/wxi0JJu.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "惡意亂用「手足」一詞,企圖令人對手足反感", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2971967/page/36", "date": 1664852553153, "source": { "thread": "2828234", "page": 20, "messageNumber": "488" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/wZr5UQu.png" } ], "345051": [ { "id": 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"id": "2", "text": "Econ攞F", "reason": "認為加息縮表只係短期做下show", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2843185/page/2", "date": 1653629788236, "source": { "thread": "2969783", "page": 2, "messageNumber": "47" } }, { "id": "3", "text": "牛市股神#hoho#lm2#hoho#lm2", "reason": "以太幣2022年底目標價一萬美元", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2843185/page/2", "date": 1653629894877, "source": { "thread": "2969783", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/KnnsU7Y.jpg" }, { "id": "4", "text": "自大傻仔#hoho#lm2#hoho#lm2", "reason": "話「就係想比多D傻仔恥笑 等時間證明分析是對是錯 到時睇佢地有幾酸一定更好笑 有無連登我都係加拿大嘆緊世界 你睇到連登咁大證明你個井底有幾細」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3019484/page/1", "date": 1653630121326, "source": { "thread": "2969783", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "21" } } ], "361122": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「話「希望你班網民積下口德 尊重警察」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3272405/page/35", "date": 1685262702707, "source": { "thread": "3389101", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/PEMr2rS.png" } ], "361751": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "「巴打鮮菓」元朗分店開業一天 即被淋紅油,佢話「好去唔去 去別國開舖 :o):o):o)」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2538262/page/1", "date": 1621480199559, "source": { "thread": "2538262", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "6" } }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "龍門好唔好食都好,都唔輪到五毛批評", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2528994/page/1", "date": 1620916294358, "source": { "thread": "2528994", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "5" } } ], "364500": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "玩極端,認為收利是就係支那人", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2857294/page/9", "date": 1644047848658, "source": { "thread": "2857294", "page": 9, "messageNumber": "216" } }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "blame the victim,認為安心回家開發者係水人坐監", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2699849/page/9", "date": 1644047882487, "source": { "thread": "2699849", "page": 9, "messageNumber": "219" } }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "批鬥攬炒巴", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2523386/page/2", "date": 1644047927414, "source": { "thread": "2523386", "page": 2, "messageNumber": "28" } }, { "id": "4", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "認同黃色水魚圈之類嘅藍屍熱狗用語", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2403017/page/12", "date": 1644047954239, "source": { "thread": "2403017", "page": 12, "messageNumber": "296" } } ], "364663": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "特朗普的弟弟Robert Trump病重去世, 佢問「幾時到呀哥? anyway rip」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/category/1", "date": 1664858979733, "source": { "thread": "2158776", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "13" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/zVnEfrb.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "行山失蹤女子石樂蕎證實死亡,佢無啦啦話「手足黎」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/category/1", "date": 1664859031938, "source": { "thread": "2494016", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "2" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/bGJPCEP.png" }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「莊正乜水黎? 係咪打扮到鬼5馬6 果個?」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3032375/page/4", "date": 1671337968769, "source": { "thread": "3248727", "page": 10, "messageNumber": "235" }, 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"https://na.cx/i/MUEpRXe.png" }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「Jeng 拉晒啲搞事」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/category/1", "date": 1699693385246, "source": { "thread": "3435309", "page": 7, "messageNumber": "157" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/i2Akqhk.png" } ], "372210": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "藉被藍絲用太空卡扮訂盆菜的黃店一事趁機支持將電話卡實名制。", "url": "https://lih.kg/aKuzPsV", "date": 1613606400000 }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "桔梗負責人收到電話明天到旺角警署作落案拘捕,佢話「桔梗太難食,已當藍店。」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2533963/page/2", "date": 1621229108035, "source": { "thread": "2533963", "page": 2, "messageNumber": "40" } }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話手足掟磚、放火有錢收", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2427822/page/24", "date": 1615372769594, "source": { "thread": "2427822", "page": 24, "messageNumber": "587" } }, { "id": "4", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "桔梗負責人收到電話明天到旺角警署作落案拘捕,佢話「桔梗太難食,已當藍店。」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2533963/page/2", "date": 1621229108035, "source": { "thread": "2533963", "page": 2, "messageNumber": "40" } } ], "373650": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "「熊仔餅」中槍夢魘 骨折、劇痛難久站 3.23上庭, 佢話「冷氣軍師水鳩人後果」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3296815/page/3", "date": 1677764858398, "source": { "thread": "2382267", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "3" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/jGVTeSb.png" } ], "375059": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "26歲被困工人傍晚救出 當場證實不治, 佢話「加油 早日康復:~(」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2908480/page/14", "date": 1662976325754, "source": { "thread": "3138010", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "15" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/AQhmxdw.png" } ], "376073": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「手足唔坐監我點移民呀#wail#pig#wail#pig」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2569591/page/1", "date": 1623469346568, "source": { "thread": "2569591", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" } }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「黃屍們,你哋嘅底線呢?#haha#lm2」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2570032/page/1", "date": 1623469378122, "source": { "thread": "2570032", 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"reason": "企圖對遺失電話以及離世親人照片嘅事主進行性交易,根本就係一隻極變態、噁心嘅狗公", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2722473/page/28", "date": 1643687617738, "source": { "thread": "2722473", "page": 28, "messageNumber": "676" } }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "手joke#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig1,2,3反抗#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig記得要得閒探我監呀#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig連登仔唔好講一套做一套,我又變咗condom啦#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2737784/page/10", "date": 1643687689255, "source": { "thread": "2737784", "page": 10, "messageNumber": "233" } } ], "396034": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "抵詆毀老鳳手足", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2908480/page/15", "date": 1663775269302, "source": { "thread": "3150550", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/eHVHMcf.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "詆毀老鳳手足", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2908480/page/14", "date": 1663775294672, "source": { "thread": "3149103", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, 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"page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/gCnQOTY.png" } ], "397529": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「上載學習愛國app #cheerleading#mouse#cheerleading#mouse#cheerleading#mouse」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/category/1", "date": 1699693846926, "source": { "thread": "3478225", "page": 32, "messageNumber": "792" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/qGLXsye.png" } ], "399722": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「唔好亂講,2019明明話無大台,係市民自發運動。。。。 #???#b#???#b#???#b 醫生都係自發出嚟。。。幫手。。。食女。。。 #champagne#tiger#champagne#tiger#champagne#tiger」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3478225/page/4", "date": 1694243733270, "source": { "thread": "3484588", "page": 3, "messageNumber": "53" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/EzX5479.png" } ], "399967": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "問黃之鋒「坐監坐到崩潰未?」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/34", "date": 1672648378743, "source": { "thread": "3265252", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "15" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/pjXRgFD.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "初凝·芝茶店主反防疫政策致入獄, 佢話「送返入小欖拗返直先再出嚟得唔得?」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/34", "date": 1672648435764, "source": { "thread": "3263628", "page": 3, "messageNumber": "60" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/0MGyu0X.png" } ], "401043": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "「成班藍絲同事話一陣食美心,可以點拒絕好?」 , 佢話「照食啦 現實有邊個會分黃藍咁撚ON9[sosad]」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/profile/484892", "date": 1665928909057, "source": { "thread": "2570020", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "2" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/ZSV4BJz.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「講真 不得不承認Chantel 同Yumi 真係香港人既國民女友」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/profile/484892", "date": 1665929001614, "source": { "thread": "2650589", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/raOUYXq.png" }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "有人問「最癲試過喺邊度打飛機?」, 佢話「反送中果陣」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/profile/484892", "date": 1665929078661, "source": { "thread": "2570520", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "13" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/Q5VHopw.png" }, { "id": "4", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「黃尸又分化???」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3091188/page/1", "date": 1685805626341, "source": { "thread": "3407437", "page": 2, "messageNumber": "27" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/3351W9N.png" } ], "402975": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "阿布泰便利店登陸銅鑼灣同藍店711打對台, 佢話shit", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2915156/page/2", "date": 1648048814516, "source": { "thread": "2915156", "page": 2, "messageNumber": "31" } }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話低下階層先至會而家去(英國) 唔通仲要二次移民咁冇撚用#:)#dog", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2915156/page/2", "date": 1648048875469, "source": { "thread": "2899153", "page": 11, "messageNumber": "252" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/Fg7MDWJ.png" }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "《初凝.芝茶》2名負責人被捕,佢話呢個時候搞啲咁嘅嘢抵死", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2939643/page/2", "date": 1648048957923, "source": { "thread": "2900494", "page": 12, "messageNumber": "285" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/c4FeNQw.png" } ], "403215": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "俄羅斯軍隊向輪侯食物人龍開火,佢話小事一樁", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2931102/page/1", "date": 1648049674344, "source": { "thread": "2930769", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "4" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/JwbhLGa.png" } ], "403295": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「你係話自己黃既 有無寫過信 拜過山 旁聽過? 唔使用啲咩唔睇tvb 唔搭黨鐵去打飛機#haha#dogxm」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3114304/page/1", "date": 1670905212844, "source": { "thread": "3243368", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/57OujH2.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "問「點睇做公務員打中資工既連登仔屌人藍屍」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/27", "date": 1670905247982, "source": { "thread": "3114304", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/vABoo9U.png" }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "問「大家點睇以下留港撚」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/27", "date": 1670905285471, "source": { "thread": "2979814", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/2LfHEJr.png" } ], "403512": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話識佢(梁凌杰)屋企人,話其實佢嗰陣爭落好多外圍所以跳樓", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3041516/page/1", "date": 1655261457990, "source": { "thread": "3041465", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "16" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/rS7dnMC.png" } ], "403632": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "惡意侮辱支援烏克蘭同埋制裁白羅斯仆街總統嘅日本", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2908181/page/1", "date": 1646455721545, "source": { "thread": "2907864", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "4" } } ], "403974": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "女手足暴動罪成,佢話「佢出返來可以賣相發達#shame#lme\n\n美腿 夠淫 暴動光環:P\n\n利申 支持佢砌低 email」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2855732/page/24", "date": 1642852814030 } ], "404088": [ { "id": "1", "text": "波台五毛狗", "reason": "話「同日本比簡直贏幾條街\n本身覺得大陸好污糟 好弱\n但系睇左個開幕體 吊 同東京個Bandai火炬冇得比\n贏太多\n諗起自己國家今時今日稱霸地球 真的好感動。」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2871962/page/5", "date": 1644046468408, "source": { "thread": "2871962", "page": 5, "messageNumber": "108" } }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "打支那字,「佢個樣好柒\n以為好勁 点知一打就輸#sweat#tiger」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2864493/page/1", "date": 1644046596495, "source": { "thread": "2864493", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "2" } }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "用殘體字, 話「人地讲嘢禁公道 到2023仲分黄蓝?」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/36", "date": 1673168331531, "source": { "thread": "3270913", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "3" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/STa4FnA.png" }, { "id": "4", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「推暴冷血黃絲」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3406727/page/28", "date": 1691818269415, "source": { "thread": "3452646", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "9" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/pMJg9rG.png" } ], "404307": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「去咗london 都好多廣東話L 負評啦」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/31", "date": 1672561101021, "source": { "thread": "3258115", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "3" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/TkHhOAL.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「BNO宜家贏伊朗都要打飛G #hehe#dog」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/31", "date": 1672561155041, "source": { "thread": "3221058", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "19" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/v4pPEHJ.png" }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "登英國最高山 中國留學生失聯 英警方:發現一具遺體, 佢話「係自由嘅高度」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3272405/page/27", "date": 1682913892332, "source": { "thread": "3361941", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "5" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/0fzxihV.png" } ], "404758": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "佢問「我唔係住上水... 但想知其實水貨客有咩問題.. 佢地都係落手落腳揾餐飯食, 幫左香港攞平野賣」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2908480/page/13", "date": 1662174839305, "source": { "thread": "3118677", "page": 4, "messageNumber": "79" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/MUvJ0ed.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "金鐘狗鐵站熱,佢話「其實點解可以咁痴線... 熱幾分鐘都叫曬救命.... 呢一代嘅嬌生慣養完全去左另一個層次 星加坡咁輕鬆取代香港唔係無原因」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2908480/page/13", "date": 1662174889256, "source": { "thread": "3102352", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "2" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/UmUR87Q.png" }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "呢排好多後生仔自殺,佢話「呢一代太嬌生慣養.... 無媽咪嗲d幫就唔識做人 乜都怪責人地唔比佢 無錢買樓怪政府, 怪父幹...... 屋細怪發展商... 無女怪女權...」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2908480/page/13", "date": 1662174926300, "source": { "thread": "3075889", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "5" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/hU3rX1n.png" }, { "id": "4", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "認為因為要矜貴先去英國:「去澳加囉.... 洗乜靠佢#arrogant#cow 英國多人去, 係因為樓平啫, 同埋有bno阿豬阿狗都去得..... 成件事搞到好唔矜貴好cheap咁 但真係有價值嘅野, 又點會平, 又點會易去呢?」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2908480/page/13", "date": 1662175078305, "source": { "thread": "3076463", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "18" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/95AentT.png" } ], "407127": [ { "id": "1", "text": "on9", "reason": "二戰大屠殺餘波未了 波蘭促請澤連斯基道歉, 佢話「連登仔:烏克蘭做咩都啱,大屠殺都啱,你俄狗!#;-[#pig#;-[#pig」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3394455/page/1", "date": 1685260883627, "source": { "thread": "3394455", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "3" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/nUXSdor.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "on9", "reason": "苦戰九個月,烏克蘭在bakhmut突破俄軍防線, 佢話「唔睇真d以為戰線喺俄羅斯,烏軍打到埋莫斯科,原來頓巴斯同克里米亞都未收返。#:)#dog#hehe#dog」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3388212/page/2", "date": 1685260939082, "source": { "thread": "3388212", "page": 2, "messageNumber": "28" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/6vHiToK.png" } ], "407932": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「其實一直都講係佢以為對面係平台然後差錯腳 因為唔止佢一個係同一個位中伏[sosad] 不過黃屍要扮睇唔到無計 個陣仲有班傻鳩話要幫佢搞國葬先好笑[sosad][sosad]」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3469698/page/5", "date": 1699692125117, "source": { "thread": "3548704", "page": 2, "messageNumber": "42" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/EF8BHW0.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「其實點睇都係意外 不過黃屍係鍾意搞陰謀論[sosad]」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3478225/page/35", "date": 1699692143471, "source": { "thread": "3469698", "page": 5, "messageNumber": "111" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/TehbwQr.png" } ], "408022": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「我冇後悔過出席撐警集會」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/8", "date": 1665839654125, "source": { "thread": "3180368", "page": 2, "messageNumber": "40" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/MTt5Xk3.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「我紅#:)#lny」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3272405/page/2", "date": 1673772307243, "source": { "thread": "3277310", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "3" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/9xg4RRk.png" } ], "410085": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "貼蚑那圖", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2804368/page/1", "date": 1639299545626, "source": { "thread": "2804368", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "7" } } ], "410909": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "佢話「唔該你班垃圾快拎柒移民,垃圾應該去返垃及桶, 唔好再搞9香港」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/12", "date": 1667584517795, "source": { "thread": "3190591", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/h4rRBGp.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "佢話「中產港豬仲未覺醒,比人呃完眾籌,又人呃去移民 中產港人成世人安分守己,讀書一向名列前茅,好少群埋d廢青,以為d廢青真是為社會爭緊d野,實質有破壞無建設的烏合之眾,d錢比人呃去移民,眾籌比kol,自己就連專業資格都埋,要舉家去外國做二等公民。 究竟你地幾lun時先醒,真正的問題是來自人民,唔是政府啊 #wail#pig」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/12", "date": 1667584586082, "source": { "thread": "3192130", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/1DogNOs.png" }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「其實呢,你地有無想過,香港搞成禁是市民的問題,而唔是政府 即是呢,有部分市民,安分守己是唔lun得,認為父母欠左他們,認為政府欠左他們」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/12", "date": 1667584635493, "source": { "thread": "3191159", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/A5Q6913.png" }, { "id": "4", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「有無人唔抗拒大陸人,反而覺得香港人仲更9賤格」「唔好成日用『劣幣驅逐良幣』黎打飛g,因為香港人根本唔是『良幣』,只是free ride英國佬的垃圾,香港人本質就是無文化、縮骨、無禮貌,論偷呃拐騙,香港人仲勁。」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3272405/page/31", "date": 1682748598145, "source": { "thread": "3372917", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/Y3GfLcX.png" } ], "411421": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "問「有冇人食飯真係已經冇再分黃藍?」「煩能到閪咁又唔係人人都跟[sosad] 而家勁方便食M記扑野家同太興杯奶茶[bouncer]」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/search?q=leezy&sort=desc_create_time&type=thread", "date": 1657947987909, "source": { "thread": "3047829", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/Uiy8AwN.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「唔計政見 警察新制服又幾型仔」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/search?q=leezy&sort=desc_create_time&type=thread", "date": 1657948031724, "source": { "thread": "3054882", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" } }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "問「有冇人已經下載定微訊 隨時準備參加警隊個舉報熱線?」「真係成功重酬80萬@_@ 夠你番少幾年工#yup#」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/search?q=leezy&sort=desc_create_time&type=thread", "date": 1657948061836, "source": { "thread": "3033258", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/5JLffxc.png" }, { "id": "4", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "問「其實做警察有咩問題?」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3081344/page/1", "date": 1658293499773, "source": { "thread": 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"messageNumber": "68" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/9KLsQTn.png" }, { "id": "4", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「撐警好過撐醫護#happy#tiger#happy#tiger」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/26", "date": 1670905905634, "source": { "thread": "3220721", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "17" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/Tw1fZMT.png" }, { "id": "5", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「送哂班黄尸入集中营就啱#happy#rabbit#scary#rabbit」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3272405/page/3", "date": 1673772135100, "source": { "thread": "3272405", "page": 2, "messageNumber": "49" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/WftrkJJ.png" }, { "id": "6", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "再多一人認暴動還押候判, 佢話「出得嚟行 預咗要還#yup#」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3272405/page/15", "date": 1677164989673, "source": { "thread": "3305644", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "5" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/YPE4are.png" } ], "415342": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "佢話「miss pun 阿布泰 張秀賢 viu tv mirrror 你班黃絲邊次唔柒#[sosad]#b」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3199466/page/1", "date": 1681026843642, "source": { "thread": "3280797", "page": 30, "messageNumber": "726" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/8xB1eFZ.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "樓主話TVB冇存在感, 佢無啦啦話「黃色經濟圈又贏」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3280797/page/30", "date": 1681026991907, "source": { "thread": "3199466", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "13" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/nzMkve8.png" }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "樓主講「荃灣豬肉檔AK」威威極速爆紅原因, 佢無啦啦話「正視聽係藍店跪底 用形象偏黃豬肉佬」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3272405/page/24", "date": 1681027074003, "source": { "thread": "3012416", "page": 3, "messageNumber": "71" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/H9YZLOW.png" } ], "415379": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「2022喇 仲吹到有死人 個陣831吹個個咩韓保生死左後尾證明係fake news仲唔夠柒?#haha#dog」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3124564/page/1", "date": 1661439535697, "source": { "thread": "3120900", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "14" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/MNrjUnC.png" } 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"thread": "3159572", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "9" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/vTBsZYK.png" } ], "418897": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "惡意誤導手足,想令人以為冇人再分黃藍", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2824247/page/3", "date": 1642073661234, "source": { "thread": "2824247", "page": 3, "messageNumber": "60" } }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "惡意用党戇法威脅手足,暗示向党戇舉報", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2821936/page/20", "date": 1642073690921, "source": { "thread": "2821936", "page": 20, "messageNumber": "495" } } ], "419226": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「大家都是中国人 血浓於水 互相支持呀亲」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/19", "date": 1669811356490, "source": { "thread": "3229847", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/ck43WcK.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "認為中國係大家母親", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3408111/page/1", "date": 1685862537053, "source": { "thread": "3408111", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/rTv9rSC.png" }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「大家都係中國人 點解要窩裡鬥?」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3408111/page/1", "date": 1685862572603, "source": { "thread": "3408111", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "19" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/sHvYkcP.png" } ], "419558": [ { "id": "1", "text": "曱甴", "reason": "佢個名係「香港人是狗」。惡意侮辱全部香港人,罪大惡極", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2920151/page/1?post=1", "date": 1646827977677, "source": { "thread": "2920151", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "4" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/h1BzoFD.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "曱甴", "reason": "惡意侮辱保家衛國嘅烏克蘭總統", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2920151/page/1?post=1", "date": 1646828022026, "source": { "thread": "2919215", "page": 11, "messageNumber": "271" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/ZTy9W0S.png" } ], "419798": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「就係19年有班人搞亂香港 搞到香港雞狗不寧」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2933388/page/1", "date": 1649329219165, "source": { "thread": "2891797", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/2dmzx24.png" } ], "419986": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「沒有暴政,只有暴徒」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3229006/page/1", "date": 1670907091923, "source": { "thread": "3229006", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "6" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/2depTdu.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「D5就爽yy啦, 咁凍應打緊邊爐#haha#dogxm」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3032375/page/4", "date": 1671338001245, "source": { "thread": "3248727", "page": 10, "messageNumber": "240" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/MUT610L.png" }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「手腳今次有口福」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/30", "date": 1671338020998, "source": { "thread": "3032375", "page": 4, "messageNumber": "76" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/eefdG0S.png" }, { "id": "4", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「想知渠內有幾多甲由#sweat#rabbit」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3277310/page/1", "date": 1673772286366, "source": { "thread": "3277382", "page": 1, 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"source": { "thread": "3184218", "page": 4, "messageNumber": "99" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/f4sKZ3w.png" }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "on9", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/11", "date": 1666518172891, "source": { "thread": "3187784", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "2" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/ZAG8t3W.png" }, { "id": "4", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「突發,媽咪麵佢可能捱唔過呢個新年」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/33", "date": 1672554362420, "source": { "thread": "3261567", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/9gAGvbE.png" } ], "421617": [ { "id": "1", "text": "五毛", "reason": "話「有個同事要睇精神科, 好似之前佔中參與暴力事件嘅人嚟。話請件有坐過監嘅嚟返工, 會教壞班後生」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2908480/page/13", "date": 1662173990093, "source": { "thread": "3110396", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/1HTb82Q.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "五毛", "reason": "五毛", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/14", "date": 1668319015372, "source": { "thread": "3202024", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/1t7KAOB.png" }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「有研究發現簡體字更容易學習和吸收,香港學校可考慮轉用簡體字減少學習壓力」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/profile/421617", "date": 1670906438038, "source": { "thread": "3237802", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/BBcbx9Q.png" }, { "id": "4", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「#adore##adore# 好彩立咗國安法拉鳩曬呢啲痴線佬, 唔係嘅話我地言論自由俾呢批激進份子打壓」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3262928/page/2", "date": 1672555767065, "source": { "thread": "3262443", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "2" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/ZGmOajs.png" }, { "id": "5", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「國際大刀會反而證明香港治安更好, 人身安全保障更佳」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3262928/page/2", "date": 1672555817067, "source": { "thread": "3262246", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/DaJwSx4.png" }, { "id": "6", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "警車撞女途重傷, 佢話「自己企咁出俾人撞, 阻差辦工. 垃圾媒體煽動仇警, 國安法.」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3253903/page/1", "date": 1672588100972, "source": { "thread": "3253903", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "4" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/Y7VCQ5L.png" }, { "id": "7", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「有冇人覺得黑暴嗰兩年好荒謬, 當年食元氣壽司都要俾黃尸排擠. 好彩有國安法我先至可以安心食壽司」「#xx(#lny#xx(#lny#xx(#lny 真係痴撚線, 我食觀音土都唔關你地班甴曱囝事啦.」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/35", "date": 1673170527140, "source": { "thread": "3270185", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/csfwkzN.png" }, { "id": "8", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "國安處拘捕24歲男子 涉連登討論區宣揚港獨抵制防疫政策, 佢話「 #wtf#rabbit#wtf#rabbit 終於有案底啦, congrats!」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/35", "date": 1673170878245, "source": { "thread": "3268969", "page": 2, "messageNumber": "38" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/7UxR43p.png" }, { "id": "9", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「#wtf#rabbit 我身為藍絲, 我自豪」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3272405/page/3", "date": 1674809440241, "source": { "thread": "3286271", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "11" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/UkTsWMw.png" } ], "422207": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「刑毁罰6個月賺左啦[sosad][sosad] 你班柒頭黃屍嬲嬲嬲 有咩好嬲[sosad] 坐監啦撚樣#haha#dog」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2993241/page/1", "date": 1653645630668, "source": { "thread": "2992817", "page": 11, "messageNumber": "260" } } ], "422213": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "無廠商敢於承印膠樽 「香港人加油」恐成絕響, 佢話「咁咪執粒囉,香港人唔需要呢間鋪存在」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/7", "date": 1665500529037, "source": { "thread": "3052724", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "3" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/zVvocB1.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「仆街,bbc two播緊黑暴節目」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/17", "date": 1669811722681, "source": { "thread": "3213858", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/BotgwN6.png" }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「咁撚叻hkid都唔好撚要呀」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3214680/page/7", "date": 1669811882503, "source": { "thread": "3215379", "page": 6, "messageNumber": "141" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/x6HJbOZ.png" }, { "id": "4", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「bno狗」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3214680/page/7", "date": 1669811905186, "source": { "thread": "3215379", "page": 6, "messageNumber": "140" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/QyUvBfM.png" }, { "id": "5", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "樓主po BBC紀錄片:香港的自由之戰(上), 佢話「飛機片#;-)#xm」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/30", "date": 1671337682526, "source": { "thread": "3249429", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "24" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/tOKmQSj.png" }, { "id": "6", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "喵坊Mil Mill獲「星展基金會」資助 將獲資助於新加坡設廠!, 佢話「走咪走囉,一間咁嘅閪公司」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/33", "date": 1672560150597, "source": { "thread": "3261991", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "2" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/d3QfAat.png" } ], "422700": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "惡意發表毫無良知癌屍言論,並且使用殘體字「带」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2890277/page/1", "date": 1646456181523, "source": { "thread": "2887307", "page": 2, "messageNumber": "40" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/BHmV2z5.png" } ], "422965": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「屌!反中亂港人果然識玩,有兩間公屋! 超哥做嘢啦!」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3406727/page/19", "date": 1689084027374, "source": { "thread": "3439275", "page": 14, "messageNumber": "344" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/DPGU9Bs.png" } ], "424936": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "標題係「一人一份做過最忙最辛苦嘅工」, 佢話「19年收錢遊行?#wail#pig」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3053076/page/1", "date": 1657947271814, "source": { "thread": "3049342", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "15" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/BkTDXF8.png" } ], "425237": [ { "id": "1", "text": "同一句", "reason": "每個po都講同一句:「On9,邊個話多人打針唔爆,多人打針係令爆嗰陣少人死。 唔識字就返去讀多D書,冇生個腦出嚟就縮返入老母閪度揾啦」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2872717/page/3", "date": 1644153452535, "source": { "thread": "2872717", "page": 3, "messageNumber": "51" } }, { "id": "2", "text": "同一句2", "reason": "每個po都講同一句:「On9,邊個話多人打針唔爆,多人打針係令爆嗰陣少人死。 唔識字就返去讀多D書,冇生個腦出嚟就縮返入老母閪度揾啦」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2872842/page/1", "date": 1644153519439, "source": { "thread": "2872842", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "6" } }, { "id": "3", "text": "同一句3", "reason": "每個po都講同一句:「On9,邊個話多人打針唔爆,多人打針係令爆嗰陣少人死。 唔識字就返去讀多D書,冇生個腦出嚟就縮返入老母閪度揾啦」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2873514/page/3", "date": 1644153594363, "source": { "thread": "2873514", "page": 3, "messageNumber": "52" } }, { "id": "4", "text": "同一句4", "reason": "講同一句:「初一至初三新年流流冇人驗,初四開返咪初五一砲囉,雖然爆就遲早㗎喇\n」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2872779/page/2", "date": 1644153847222, "source": { "thread": "2872779", "page": 2, "messageNumber": "41" } }, { "id": "5", "text": "同一句5", "reason": "講同一句:「初一至初三新年流流冇人驗,初四開返咪初五一砲囉,雖然爆就遲早㗎喇 」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2872595/page/4", "date": 1644153876535, "source": { "thread": "2872595", "page": 4, "messageNumber": "77" } }, { "id": "6", "text": "?", "reason": "話武漢地政府相對處理得好,比其他國家少人死好多,佢地又封得準好多", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2865949/page/1", "date": 1644154088320, "source": { "thread": "2865949", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "4" } }, { "id": "7", "text": "??", "reason": "話「正常餐廳個app scan完你針卡只係驗真假,冇存,佢冇得返睇。同埋如果你針卡入安心,佢根本唔會scan你」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2862956/page/16", "date": 1644154138187, "source": { "thread": "2862956", "page": 16, "messageNumber": "377" } }, { "id": "8", "text": "???", "reason": "女子攜嬰到大興邨拜年遭圍封 苦等奶粉10小時 煲粥水為女兒充飢,佢話「有粥食仲想點?叫政府派個奶媽上門好唔好?:o)」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2872375/page/6", "date": 1644154196491, "source": { "thread": "2872375", "page": 6, "messageNumber": "126" } }, { "id": "9", "text": "打支那字", "reason": "打支那字「影响」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2874303/page/15", "date": 1644155788605 } ], "426094": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「有啲好彩無事唔洗坐監既手足呢? 你哋唔帶埋批手joke一齊走既?#wail3#pig#wail3#pig」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/3", "date": 1665058534412, "source": { "thread": "3170550", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "9" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/BTqZyUQ.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "問「其實有冇諗過閪撚咗既手足真係會咁諗? 如果當年啲前線上返嚟睇 見到咁多負評 我諗佢哋一定會好撚心噏 cctoy們 你哋的良心痛嗎??#[sosad]#fs#[sosad]#fs#[sosad]#fs」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/3", "date": 1665058582025, "source": { "thread": "3170550", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "13" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/55B9V8q.png" }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「啲condom幫佢哋移民門檻降低咗 佢哋就拍拍蘿友走人 喂幫你班手足呢?#[sosad]#fs[sosad]」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/category/1", "date": 1665058618307, "source": { "thread": "3170550", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "19" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/6AQrdVh.png" }, { "id": "4", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「我就叫開19年連登仔水鳩年輕人坐監事件 監就班熱血既後生仔坐 民就你班廢中移[sosad]」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3478225/page/33", "date": 1699693753639, "source": { "thread": "3542994", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "8" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/8rXZFSJ.png" }, { "id": "5", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「叫人衝自己就縮 美名為和理非[sosad]#[sosad]#fs 真係呢世都會記得香港人有幾賤種[sosad]#[sosad]#fs」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/category/1", "date": 1699693771054, "source": { "thread": "3542994", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "13" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/1BJNPL8.png" } ], "426282": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「I mean 2019暴動[sosad]」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3352906/page/2", "date": 1681027505676, "source": { "thread": "3352977", "page": 3, "messageNumber": "70" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/EYm4WX0.png" } ], "426596": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "惡意支持獨裁政權攻打自由民主國家", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2823258/page/1?post=1", "date": 1646455656587, "source": { "thread": "2911858", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" } }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "抹黑醫護", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2823258/page/1?post=1", "date": 1646455674405, "source": { "thread": "2892773", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" } } ], "426705": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「幾十年前先打完人哋國家,驚死就咪撚去中國啦#haha#dog 傻閪日本狗#haha#dog 人哋唔尊重你唔撚識死返去自己屋企? 冇咗中國嗰班日本人會死?🥲」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3478225/page/3", "date": 1694244920128, "source": { "thread": "3480996", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "12" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/tbHJRUL.png" } ], "428948": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「我地返深圳玩啦」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/category/1", "date": 1699692547832, "source": { "thread": "3548072", "page": 9, "messageNumber": "201" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/10ox0L1.png" } ], "429329": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "屈美國整病毒", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2930518/page/1", "date": 1648049729265, "source": { "thread": "2930375", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/7N6p978.png" } ], "430338": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「搞亂香港既人已經無得再選 佢地要為2019年所發生既事付出代價 剩返低既都係務實建設香港既政黨 利申:打算票投自由黨#vampire#mouse」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3478225/page/35", "date": 1699692486702, "source": { "thread": "3540968", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/kLATLck.png" } ], "431727": [ { "id": "1", "text": "on9", "reason": "話「19年運動 其實係中國背後策劃」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3272405/page/39", "date": 1685770095057, "source": { "thread": "3398920", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/d51Mkxo.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「香港人投訴空姐 結局會係鋪頭都拆埋你#wail#pig#wail#pig」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3272405/page/39", "date": 1685770161520, "source": { "thread": "3399099", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/Zfou2L5.png" } ], "436823": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「我一早都講咗呢首係意圖煽動 成班友冇人信 入去坐啦 死黑暴」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2908480/page/15", "date": 1663775541084, "source": { "thread": "3152800", "page": 8, "messageNumber": "182" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/aya8GM5.png" } ], "443136": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「背靠祖國 繁榮穩定#yup#」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3160352/page/1", "date": 1668318617120, "source": { "thread": "3160352", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/eRxOhZK.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「有冇諗過習近平,普京,金正恩係正義果一方?」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3204371/page/1", "date": 1668318643486, "source": { "thread": "3204371", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/x3SVHrx.png" } ], "443327": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3272405/page/27", "date": 1682913614401, "source": { "thread": "3360062", "page": 6, "messageNumber": "135" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/N1fTM9J.png" } ], "447340": [ { "id": "1", "text": "on9", "reason": "話「大中華膠 救黎做乜?」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3272405/page/2", "date": 1673772222641, "source": { "thread": "3277281", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "21" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/WCj92Xx.png" } ], "450990": [ { "id": "1", "text": "五毛", "reason": "支持五毛Tony_Stark, 仲同五毛大波妹、富途末路互含", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3025025/page/1", "date": 1654007569715, "source": { "thread": "3025025", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "5" } }, { "id": "2", "text": "五毛", "reason": "話支那人就是國恥同老母面一齊出書呃人錢, 不斷叫人狙擊佢, 完全唔睇支那人就是國恥開過po「請問麵咪媽(狗隻#81150)你屙尿嗰陣屹起左腳定右腳?」屌9老母面", "url": "https://lihkg.com/category/1?order=hot", "date": 1654095354372, "source": { "thread": "3025640", "page": 3, "messageNumber": "74" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/Qp1GUnm.png" } ], "451163": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「liberal studies 同埋學民思潮12年至19年之間教壞咗好多學生腦」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3045561/page/7", "date": 1666518220734, "source": { "thread": "3112253", "page": 5, "messageNumber": "101" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/C8NC6QS.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「最好呃d 小黃人過去 反正佢地咁憎香港」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3045561/page/7", "date": 1666518243460, "source": { "thread": "3114334", "page": 4, "messageNumber": "84" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/Ve9qwhE.png" }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「希望可以放下成見:) 成日鬥政見鬥黃藍好無謂 社會最需要和諧氣氛」", "url": 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"image": "https://na.cx/i/SSpyYJx.png" }, { "id": "3", "text": "約克應該唔係五毛", "reason": "有人block五毛,佢話「你咪淨係揀啲啱你風向嘅嘢聽 收柒皮啦[sosad][sosad][sosad]」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3139644/page/14", "date": 1664798659640, "source": { "thread": "3128048", "page": 15, "messageNumber": "352" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/4ntTehL.png" } ], "498479": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「边條」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2887899/page/1", "date": 1665148162458, "source": { "thread": "3145118", "page": 2, "messageNumber": "27" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/j0PPjZr.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「有冇微信公众号?」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2887899/page/1", "date": 1665148194446, "source": { "thread": "3132879", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "15" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/9hmNQ6g.png" }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「揽钞巴咁著名都系得1600点击率:o)」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2887899/page/1", "date": 1665148246264, "source": { "thread": "3132879", "page": 2, 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"https://lihkg.com/thread/3270796/page/6", "date": 1673169955481, "source": { "thread": "3270796", "page": 6, "messageNumber": "127" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/62j87bB.png" } ], "506494": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "向全國人民警察致敬", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3405193/page/1", "date": 1685769497824, "source": { "thread": "3273693", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/7GaJnHp.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「各個國家不停比武器烏佬同俄仔 大家都係幫胸尼」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3272405/page/39", "date": 1685769539464, "source": { "thread": "3386240", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/LDDSf2D.png" }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "天琦生日, 佢話WHO", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3272405/page/39", "date": 1685769563656, "source": { "thread": "3405193", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "2" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/2pPeunM.png" } ], "509544": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「學黃絲整爛d野再放花燒鋪嘛。。留返幾蚊當畀咗錢」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3406727/page/24", "date": 1691822751038, "source": { "thread": "3446046", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "15" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/JYcNw4V.png" } ], "510636": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話想考督察", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/10", "date": 1666517871822, "source": { "thread": "3162272", "page": 5, "messageNumber": "103" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/H3hohVA.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "做過紀律部隊調查位", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/31", "date": 1672560999880, "source": { "thread": "3071387", "page": 4, "messageNumber": "81" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/hD6VAfb.png" }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「廿十大投票揀啲岩呢啲發展嘅人做領導 呢個選舉制度其實好有效率同權威性」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/31", "date": 1672561045633, "source": { "thread": "3189774", "page": 4, "messageNumber": "76" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/aAePEG7.png" } ], "516101": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "英國領事館外有狗出黎搞事, 佢話「黃絲又搞事」「啲錢俾晒條吸血鬼先無得加人工#:-[#rabbit」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/3", "date": 1665058465358, "source": { "thread": "3151976", "page": 2, "messageNumber": "31" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/twnw9sN.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "去開20大嘅代表有一隻紀念金錶收,佢話「唔講政見,又幾靓[sosad]」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/11", "date": 1666517679791, "source": { "thread": "3189136", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "7" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/XSW04zw.png" }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「好撚勁[sosad] 諗唔到全世界有咩紀律部隊可以咁高質素#adore#」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3202866/page/1", "date": 1667584075854, "source": { "thread": "3197129", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "2" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/r84jLxg.png" }, { "id": "4", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「英國醫護手足,請你地對準澤連斯基呢條撚樣。」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/36", "date": 1673168235571, "source": { "thread": "3270913", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/pp6vAVn.png" }, { 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"page": 1, "messageNumber": "3" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/tckyjPT.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "李怡逝世, 佢話「who」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3168186/page/1", "date": 1664971897944, "source": { "thread": "3169420", "page": 16, "messageNumber": "378" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/1perQBY.png" }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「2023仲分黃籃#[sosad]#b#[sosad]#b#[sosad]#b#[sosad]#b#[sosad]#b」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/3", "date": 1665058414612, "source": { "thread": "3170662", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "11" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/fjXX40Q.png" }, { "id": "4", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「守捉#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/category/1", "date": 1665145805059, "source": { "thread": "3170627", "page": 2, "messageNumber": "30" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/jmRRx6k.png" }, { "id": "5", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "觀塘駱駝漆大廈女子墮樓亡, 佢話「🖐 Joke#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig#wail#pig」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/8", "date": 1665839788619, "source": { "thread": "3179716", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "16" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/E7mOU8t.png" } ], "516899": [ { "id": "1", "text": "ni hao", "reason": "話「超車」, 自認支那人", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3426104/page/1", "date": 1687680317826, "source": { "thread": "3425719", "page": 2, "messageNumber": "38" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/yshKQKK.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "ni hao", "reason": "唔 拼音 Wu, 無 拼音 Wu", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3426104/page/1", "date": 1687680450326, "source": { "thread": "3370512", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "19" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/Ue6ztw8.png" } ], "516957": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "梨泰院踩踏153人喪命,佢話「其實邏輯上超哥講得冇錯 係你班黃絲立場行先屌鳩人地」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/14", "date": 1667583243351, "source": { "thread": "3197084", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "17" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/D1UosFZ.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "英鎊大跌,佢話「我同隻我隻狗都俾連登仔水咗去英國 依家坐緊飛機返來囉 法國超哥好過林鄭咁多#wail3#pig」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/14", "date": 1667583317478, "source": { "thread": "3159447", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "2" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/qPYXw74.png" } ], "520363": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "割警頸案中六生認罪囚7年9個月,佢話「移民果d咪食佐呢位手足人血曼頭囉」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/2908480/page/13", "date": 1662174623223, "source": { "thread": "3132307", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "3" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/Vwmw86m.png" } ], "521288": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「黃屍永遠唔肯接受佢地失敗咗既現實 以為Block晒反對佢地既人就解決咗問題 其實只係掩耳盜鈴xx(」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/category/1", "date": 1699691993159, "source": { "thread": "3549046", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "8" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/O5G37nW.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「根本就係識上網既維園阿伯xx( 仲有一大班水魚19年比佢地水去做前列線 事實證明連登仔大部分都係人云亦云既傻鳩:o)」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3546159/page/1", "date": 1699692036467, "source": { "thread": "3525713", "page": 2, "messageNumber": "37" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/upLAd3a.png" }, { "id": "3", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「英國留返比你呢啲拋棄手Joke既契弟去就啱#hehe#dog」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3546159/page/1", "date": 1699692064554, "source": { "thread": "3547331", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "3" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/wxcbwPZ.png" }, { "id": "4", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「連登仔已成功攬炒咗佢地啲手Joke#agree#rabbit 當手Joke們做晒監躉既時候 聰明既連登仔已經去咗外國做二等公民幫鬼佬含撚 食盡手Joke人血饅頭之餘 仲不忘同留港手Joke講返句「留港撚值得擁有」#like#」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3478225/page/35", "date": 1699692085427, "source": { "thread": "3546159", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "3" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/8T54RP7.png" } ], "522177": [ { "id": "1", "text": "美帝國主義走狗", "reason": "自稱CIA同「五大洋」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3272405/page/36", "date": 1684572492279, "source": { "thread": "3272405", "page": 36, "messageNumber": "895" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/eFmVBi2.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "美帝國主義走狗", "reason": "外國勢力背後策動腦魔顏色革命, 企圖將香港從祖國分裂出去", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3272405/page/36", "date": 1684572902820, "source": { "thread": "3272405", "page": 36, "messageNumber": "900" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/9FotbUE.png" } ], "525572": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「呢個法官真係好正#[bomb]#lm2」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3167751/page/20", "date": 1669811290903, "source": { "thread": "3230581", "page": 7, "messageNumber": "160" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/fxPGHSn.png" } ], "526624": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "整圖笑老鳳", "url": "https://lihkg.com/category/1", "date": 1666962534922, "source": { "thread": "3194505", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "9" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/xS4KJxB.png" } ], "531100": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「主動參與戰爭果班其實同19年班送頭師冇太大分別 情緒上腦衝動 最後都係會後悔 無論俄定烏都好 都係幫有錢人打仗」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3478225/page/7", "date": 1694241050275, "source": { "thread": "3491414", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "3" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/9zBuM6A.png" } ], "544458": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "問「唔知而家坐緊監嘅手joke後唔後悔?」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3272405/page/24", "date": 1681027544861, "source": { "thread": "3348461", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/nb8i1pT.png" } ], "566376": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "紐約出現巨型撐港人動畫, 佢話「用黃絲血汁錢 得閒出下呢d 廣告黎打飛機 做精神支柱#wail#pig」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3272405/page/26", "date": 1682914659231, "source": { "thread": "3328178", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "20" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/GqGjHOR.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "佢推介【遊記分享】【深圳】適合香港人的深圳2日1夜 自由行路線", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3272405/page/26", "date": 1682915608704, "source": { "thread": "3351416", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "1" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/dYrr7kO.png" } ], "568125": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "2019年荃灣中槍學生曾志健承認暴動及襲警罪, 佢話「早知今日,何必當初呢」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3272405/page/28", "date": 1682912942838, "source": { "thread": "3365204", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "8" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/WWTewxE.png" } ], "568203": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「簡單啲講就係一班十幾20歲後生仔 俾網上冷氣軍師水撚咗去#haha#dog 黄尸#[sosad]#b」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3406727/page/24", "date": 1691822717958, "source": { "thread": "3446773", "page": 3, "messageNumber": "71" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/QWWeWwp.png" } ], "569646": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「個陣2019啲藍絲未又係出黎鳩up 2句未一樣比人啲曱甴打到仆街#wail#pig」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3386883/page/3", "date": 1694243431331, "source": { "thread": "3386883", "page": 4, "messageNumber": "76" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/yxPHnS8.png" }, { "id": "2", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「個陣2019啲藍絲未又係出黎鳩up 2句未一樣比人啲曱甴打到仆街#wail#pig」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3425845/page/1", "date": 1694243511415, "source": { "thread": "3386883", "page": 4, "messageNumber": "76" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/RKDXWdA.png" } ], "577965": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "又一個連登仔俾人拉咗, 佢話「抵撚死 以為上網講野就可以完全鳩up 唔負責任 當日佢出post 我就知佢比人拉硬 坐番10年8年啦傻鳩」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3478225/page/8", "date": 1694241837290, "source": { "thread": "3427997", "page": 6, "messageNumber": "147" }, "image": "https://na.cx/i/aV5n7aX.png" } ], "578683": [ { "id": "1", "text": "犬隻", "reason": "話「支持法官依法判決#good#」", "url": "https://lihkg.com/thread/3363892/page/1", "date": 1681718778045, "source": { "thread": "3363892", "page": 1, "messageNumber": "2" }, 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