#!/bin/bash # +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ # EFA-Configure # Version 20140106 # +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ # Copyright (C) 2012~2014 http://www.efa-project.org # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ # Enable Extended Globs shopt -s extglob # +---------------------------------------------------+ # Display menus # +---------------------------------------------------+ show_menu() { menu=1 while [ $menu == "1" ] do func_echo-header echo -e "Please choose an option:" echo -e " " echo -e "0) Logout 7) Auto Update" echo -e "1) Shell 8) Mail Settings" echo -e "2) Reboot system 9) Spam Settings" echo -e "3) Halt system 10) Mysql Recovery" echo -e "4) IP Settings 11) Apache Settings" echo -e "5) Tunables 12) Virus Settings" echo -e "6) Greylisting 13) System Restore" echo -e "" echo -e -n "$green[EFA]$clean : " local choice read choice case $choice in 0) clear; SSHPID=`ps aux | egrep "sshd: [a-zA-Z]+@" | awk {' print $2 '}`; kill $SSHPID ;; 1) exit 0 ;; 2) func_reboot ;; 3) func_halt ;; 4) func_ip-settings ;; 5) func_tunables ;; 6) func_greylisting ;; 7) func_autoupdates ;; 8) func_mail-settings ;; 9) func_spam-settings ;; 10) func_recover-mysql ;; 11) func_apache-settings ;; 12) func_virus-settings ;; 13) func_system-restore ;; *) echo -e "Error \"$choice\" is not an option..." && sleep 2 esac done } # +---------------------------------------------------+ # +---------------------------------------------------+ # System Restore # +---------------------------------------------------+ function func_system-restore() { func_echo-header echo -e "" echo -e "System Restore" echo -e "" echo -e "$red !!!WARNING!!! $clean" echo -e "System Restore is intended to be used in disaster recovery" echo -e "situations only as a last resort! Rolling back the system" echo -e "to a recent backup can have consequences, such as the need to" echo -e "clean up MySQL databases and loss of recent configuration changes." echo -e "" echo -en "$green[EFA]$clean Are you sure you want to continue? (y/N):" local TMPRECOVER read TMPRECOVER local flag=0 while [[ $flag != "1" ]] do if [[ $TMPRECOVER == "N" || $TMPRECOVER == "n" || $TMPRECOVER == "" ]]; then flag=1 elif [[ $TMPRECOVER = "Y" || $TMPRECOVER == "y" ]]; then # Gather backups local BACKUPLIST BACKUPLIST=(`find /var/EFA/backup -type f`) if [[ -n $BACKUPLIST ]]; then func_echo-header echo -e "Backup Listing" echo -e "" local tLen=${#BACKUPLIST[@]} for (( y=0; y<$tLen; y++ )); do echo -e "$((y+1))) ${BACKUPLIST[$y]}" done local flag2=0 echo -e "" echo -en "Choose a backup or press $green (e) $clean to exit:" while [[ $flag2 != "1" ]] do local choice read choice case $choice in +([0-9])) if [[ $choice > 0 && $choice < $((tLen+1)) ]]; then echo -e "You have chosen $green $choice $clean" echo -e "" echo -e "$choice) ${BACKUPLIST[$((choice-1))]}" echo -e "" echo -e "Proceed with restore? (y/N)" local TMPRESTORE read TMPRESTORE local flag3=0 while [[ $flag3 != "1" ]] do if [[ $TMPRESTORE == "n" || $TMPRESTORE == "N" || $TMPRESTORE == "" ]]; then flag2=1 flag3=1 elif [[ $TMPRESTORE == "Y" || $TMPRESTORE == "y" ]]; then echo -e "Beginning Restore of ${BACKUPLIST[$((choice-1))]}..." echo -e cd /var/EFA/backup tar xzvf ${BACKUPLIST[$((choice-1))]} --overwrite cp -rf /var/EFA/backup/backup/etc/* /etc cp -rf /var/EFA/backup/backup/var/* /var cd /var/EFA/backup/backup/sql #fetch SQL root password MYSQLROOTPWD="`grep MYSQLROOTPWD /etc/EFA-Config | sed 's/.*://'`" # Restore SQL databases mysql --user=root --password=$MYSQLROOTPWD < backup.sql rm -rf /var/EFA/backup/backup echo -e "Restore Complete!" echo -e "" echo -e "A restart is needed to complete restore. Press enter to reboot." pause shutdown -r now flag3=1 flag2=1 flag=1 fi done else echo -e "$red $choice $clean is not a valid choice." echo -en "Choose a backup or press $green e) $clean to exit:" fi ;; e) sleep 2 flag3=1 flag2=1 flag=1 ;; *) echo -e "$red $choice $clean is not a valid choice." echo -en "Choose a backup or press $green e) $clean to exit:" ;; esac done else echo "No backups were found!" echo "Press enter to exit." pause fi flag=1 else echo -e "An invalid option $red $TMPRECOVER $clean was entered." echo -en "$green[EFA]$clean Are you sure you want to continue? (y/N):" read TMPRECOVER fi done sleep 2 } # +---------------------------------------------------+ # Configure Apache # +---------------------------------------------------+ function func_apache-settings() { func_echo-header echo -e "" echo -e "Apache Settings" echo -e "" echo -e "By default, EFA uses port 80" echo -e "You can enable port 443 for secure access." echo -e "" echo -e -n "$green[EFA]$clean Enable port 443? (y/N): " local TMPSECURE read TMPSECURE flag=0 while [ $flag == "0" ] do if [[ $TMPSECURE == "y" || $TMPSECURE == "Y" ]]; then sed -i '/^#Listen 443/ c\Listen 443' /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf iptables -D INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT>/dev/null 2>&1 iptables -I INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT iptables-save echo -e "" echo -e "Port 443 $green[Enabled]$clean" echo -e "" echo -e "If you have your own pki certificate, please copy the certificate to:" echo -e "/etc/pki/tls/certs/localhost.crt" echo -e "" echo -e "and copy the private key to:" echo -e "/etc/pki/tls/private/localhost.key" echo -e "" sleep 2 flag=1 elif [[ $TMPSECURE == "n" || $TMPSECURE == "N" || $TMPSECURE="" ]]; then sed -i '/^Listen 443/ c\#Listen 443' /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf iptables -D INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT >/dev/null 2>&1 iptables-save echo -e "" echo -e "Port 443 $green[Disabled]$clean" sleep 2 flag=1 else echo -e "Choice $green\"$TMPSECURE\"$clean is not a valid choice." echo -e "" echo -e -n "$green[EFA]$clean Enable port 443? (y/N): " read TMPSECURE fi done if [[ $TMPSECURE == "Y" || $TMPSECURE == "y" ]]; then echo -e "" echo -e "Port 80 --> 443 Redirect" echo -e "You can choose to redirect all port 80 traffic to port 443" echo -e "" echo -e -n "$green[EFA]$clean Redirect port 80 to port 443? (y/N): " local TMPREDIRECT read TMPREDIRECT flag=0 while [ $flag == "0" ] do if [[ $TMPREDIRECT == "y" || $TMPREDIRECT == "Y" ]]; then echo -e "RewriteEngine On" > /etc/httpd/conf.d/redirectssl.conf echo -e "RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on" >> /etc/httpd/conf.d/redirectssl.conf echo -e "RewriteRule ^/?(.*) https://%{SERVER_NAME}/\$1 [R,L]" >> /etc/httpd/conf.d/redirectssl.conf echo -e "" echo -e "Port 80 to 443 redirection $green[Enabled]$clean" sleep 2 flag=1 elif [[ $TMPREDIRECT == "n" || $TMPREDIRECT == "N" || $TMPREDIRECT="" ]]; then rm -f /etc/httpd/conf.d/redirectssl.conf >/dev/null 2>&1 echo -e "" echo -e "Port 80 to 443 redirection $green[Disabled]$clean" sleep 2 flag=1 else echo -e "Choice $green\"$TMPREDIRECT\"$clean is not a valid choice." echo -e "" echo -e -n "$green[EFA]$clean Enable port 443? (y/N): " read TMPREDIRECT fi done fi service iptables reload service httpd reload sleep 2 } # +---------------------------------------------------+ # Mysql Recovery # +---------------------------------------------------+ function func_recover-mysql() { func_echo-header echo -e "" echo -e "MySQL Daemon and Database Recovery" echo -e "" echo -e "Description:" echo -e "This tool will assist with mysql recovery" echo -e "after a system crash or power failure." echo -e "" echo -e "If recovery fails, it is recommended that" echo -e "you restore your mysql database from a" echo -e "recent backup." echo -e "" echo -e -n "$green[EFA]$clean Do you wish to continue? (y/n): " read MYSQLQ flag=0 while [ $flag == "0" ] do if [[ $MYSQLQ == "y" || $MYSQLQ == "Y" ]]; then # Fetch mysql pw MYSQLPW=`grep MYSQLROOTPWD /etc/EFA-Config | awk -F':' '{print $2}'` echo -e "" echo -e "Beginning recovery..." echo -e "" echo -e "Stopping MySQL, MailScanner, and sqlgrey" service sqlgrey stop service MailScanner stop service mysqld stop #killall -9 mysqld echo -e "Removing socket if present" rm -f /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock echo -e "Performing MyISAM checks" myisamchk --force --fast --update-state --key_buffer_size=64M --sort_buffer_size=64M --read_buffer_size=1M --write_buffer_size=1M /var/lib/mysql/*/*.MYI pause echo -e "Attempting to start MySQL" service mysqld start echo -e "Performing additional database checks" mysqlcheck -u root -p$MYSQLPW --repair --all-databases pause echo -e "Runing database optimization" mysqlcheck -u root -p$MYSQLPW --optimize --all-databases pause echo -e "MailScanner and SQLgrey" service MailScanner start service sqlgrey start pause flag=1 elif [[ $MYSQLQ == "n" || $MYSQLQ == "N" ]]; then echo -e "" echo -e "Exiting..." sleep 2 flag=1 else echo -e "Choice $green\"$MYSQLQ\"$clean is not a valid choice." echo -e "" echo -e -n "$green[EFA]$clean: " read MYSQLQ fi done } # +---------------------------------------------------+ # Configure Spam Behaviour # +---------------------------------------------------+ function func_spam-settings() { menu=0 spammenu=1 while [ $spammenu == "1" ] do func_echo-header echo -e "Spam settings" echo "" echo -e "1) Non Spam Settings" echo -e "2) Spam Settings" echo -e "3) Inline Signature Rules" echo -e "4) Trusted Networks" echo -e "" echo -e "e) Return to main menu" echo -e "" echo -e -n "$green[EFA]$clean : " local choice read choice case $choice in 1) func_ask-nonspam;; 2) func_ask-spam;; 3) func_ask-sigrules;; 4) func_ask-trustednets;; e) menu=1 && return ;; *) echo -e "Error \"$choice\" is not an option..." && sleep 2 esac done } # +---------------------------------------------------+ # Configure Trusted Networks # +---------------------------------------------------+ function func_ask-trustednets() { local trustednets=0 while [ $trustednets != "1" ]; do func_echo-header echo -e "" echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean Trusted Network Settings:" echo -e "" echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean Trusted networks are networks from which you want to accept" echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean spam submissions via the \"Click here to report this message as spam\"" echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean link. All other networks will receive a message indicating that" echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean submission is being attempted from an untrusted network." echo -e "" local RULES RULES=( `cat /etc/sysconfig/EFA_trusted_networks` ) echo -e "Below is the list of current trusted networks:" echo -e "" rLen=${#RULES[@]} padding=" " for (( y=0; y<$rLen; y+=2 )); do # Fix layout spacing up to 999 rows.. if (( $((y/2+1)) < 10 )); then echo -n " " elif (( $((y/2+1)) < 100 )); then echo -n " " fi echo -e "$((y/2+1))) ${RULES[$y]} ${padding:${#RULES[$y]}} ${RULES[$((y+1))]}" done echo -e "" echo -e "n) Add new trusted network" echo -e "" echo -e "e) Return to main menu" echo -e "" echo -e -n "$green[EFA]$clean : " local choice read choice case $choice in +([0-9])) if [[ $choice > "0" && $choice < $((rLen/2+1)) ]]; then ENTIP=${RULES[$((choice*2-2))]} ENTNET=${RULES[$((choice*2-1))]} echo -e "Entry Selected: $ENTIP $ENTNET" local flag=0 while [ $flag == "0" ] do echo -e "" echo -e "Do you want to $green[r]$clean replace, $green[d]$clean delete this entry, or $green[c]$clean cancel? : " local TMPOPTION read TMPOPTION if [[ $TMPOPTION == "r" || $TMPOPTION == "R" ]]; then echo -e "" echo -e "Please enter the ip network (i.e.,, you want use:" echo -e -n "$green[ipnetwork]$clean : " local IPNET read IPNET # Simple check if domain is valid. local IPCHECK=1 while [ $IPCHECK != 0 ] do if checkip $IPNET; then IPCHECK=0 else echo -e " $red ERROR: The IP $IPNET seems to be invalid" echo -e " ERROR: please re-enter the IP network$clean" echo -e "" echo -e -n "$green[ipnetwork]$clean : " read IPNET fi done echo -e "Thank you..." echo -e "" echo -e "Now enter the subnet mask" echo -e -n "$green[netmask]$clean : " local NETMASK read NETMASK # Simple check if destination contains any data. local NETCHECK=1 while [ $NETCHECK != 0 ] do if checkip $NETMASK; then NETCHECK=0 else echo -e " $red ERROR: The value $NETMASK seems to be invalid" echo -e " ERROR: please re-enter the subnet mask$clean" echo -e "" echo -e -n "$green[netmask]$clean : " read NETMASK fi done echo -e "Thank you.." sed -i "/$ENTIP[[:space:]]\+$ENTNET/ c\\$IPNET $NETMASK" /etc/sysconfig/EFA_trusted_networks flag=1 elif [[ $TMPOPTION == "d" || $TMPOPTION == "D" ]]; then sed -i "/$ENTIP[[:space:]]\+$ENTNET/d" /etc/sysconfig/EFA_trusted_networks echo -e "Entry deleted from trusted networks." && sleep 2 flag=1 elif [[ $TMPOPTION == "c" || $TMPOPTION == "C" ]]; then flag=1 else echo -e "Error \"$TMPOPTION\" is not an option..." && sleep 2 fi done else echo -e "Error \"$choice\" is not an option..." && sleep 2 fi ;; n) echo -e "" echo -e "Please enter the IP network (,, you want add:" echo -e -n "$green[ipnetwork]$clean : " local IPNET read IPNET local IPCHECK=1 while [ $IPCHECK != 0 ] do if checkip $IPNET; then IPCHECK=0 else echo -e " $red ERROR: The IP network $IPNET seems to be invalid" echo -e " ERROR: please re-enter the IP network$clean" echo -e "" echo -e -n "$green[ipnetwork]$clean : " read IPNET fi done echo -e "Thank you..." echo -e "" echo -e "Now enter the subnet mask" echo -e -n "$green[netmask]$clean : " local NETMASK read NETMASK NETCHECK=1 while [ $NETCHECK != 0 ] do if checkip $NETMASK; then NETCHECK=0 else echo -e " $red ERROR: The value $NETMASK seems to be invalid" echo -e " ERROR: please re-enter the subnet mask$clean" echo -e "" echo -e -n "$green[netmask]$clean : " read NETMASK fi done echo -e "Thank you.." echo -e "$IPNET $NETMASK " >> /etc/sysconfig/EFA_trusted_networks echo -e "Trused network added to this system" pause ;; e) spammenu=1 && return ;; *) echo -e "Error \"$choice\" is not an option..." && sleep 2 echo -e -n "$green[EFA]$clean : " ;; esac done } # +---------------------------------------------------+ # Configure Deliver Cleaned Messages Behaviour # +---------------------------------------------------+ function func_virus-settings() { local menu local virusmenu menu=0 virusmenu=1 while [ $virusmenu == "1" ] do func_echo-header echo -e "Virus settings" echo "" echo -e "1) Cleaned Message Delivery" echo -e "" echo -e "e) Return to main menu" echo -e "" echo -e -n "$green[EFA]$clean : " local choice read choice case $choice in 1) func_ask-cleandeliver;; e) menu=1 && return ;; *) echo -e "Error \"$choice\" is not an option..." && sleep 2 esac done } # +---------------------------------------------------+ # Cleaned Messages Delivery # +---------------------------------------------------+ function func_ask-cleandeliver() { func_echo-header echo -e "" echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean Cleaned Messages Delivery Settings:" echo -e "" echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean By default, messages that are cleaned of viruses" echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean are not delivered, as they do not undergo spam" echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean checks. When this option is enabled, cleaned" echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean messages are automatically delivered." echo -e "" echo -e -n "$green[EFA]$clean Do you want to $green DISABLE $clean cleaned message delivery ? [y/N]: " local TMPDELIVER read TMPDELIVER local flag flag=1 while [ $flag != "0" ] do if [[ "$TMPDELIVER" == "Y" || "$TMPDELIVER" == "y" ]]; then sed -i '/Deliver Cleaned Messages =/ c\Deliver Cleaned Messages = No' /etc/MailScanner/MailScanner.conf echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean Cleaned Message Delivery $green DISABLED $clean" sleep 2 flag=0 elif [[ "$TMPDELIVER" == "" || "$TMPDELIVER" == "N" || "$TMPDELIVER" == "n" ]]; then sed -i '/Deliver Cleaned Messages =/ c\Deliver Cleaned Messages = Yes' /etc/MailScanner/MailScanner.conf echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean Cleaned Message Delivery $green ENABLED $clean" flag=0 sleep 2 else echo -e " $red ERROR: please make an selection.$clean" echo -e -n "$green[EFA]$clean Do you want to $green DISABLE $clean cleaned message delivery? [y/N]: " read TMPDELIVER fi done service MailScanner reload } # +---------------------------------------------------+ # Configure Signature Rules # +---------------------------------------------------+ function func_ask-sigrules() { sigrules=0 while [ $sigrules == "0" ] do func_echo-header echo -e "" echo -e "Description:" echo -e "Signature rules control which mail domains" echo -e "receive non spam inline signatures" echo -e "that allow users to submit spam." echo -e "" RULES=( `cat /etc/MailScanner/rules/sig.html.rules | sed '/^To:[[:space:]]\+default/d;/^$/d' | awk '{print $2}' | awk -F'@' '{print $2}'` ) echo -e "Below is the list of current mail domains in the ruleset:" echo -e "" rLen=${#RULES[@]} for (( y=0; y<$rLen; y++ )); do echo -e "$((y+1))) ${RULES[$y]}" done echo -e "" echo -e "n) Add new mail domain rule" echo -e "" echo -e "e) Return to main menu" echo -e "" echo -e -n "$green[EFA]$clean : " local choice read choice case $choice in +([0-9])) if [[ $choice > "0" && $choice < $((rLen+1)) ]]; then ENTDOMAIN=${RULES[$((choice-1))]} echo -e "Entry Selected: $ENTDOMAIN" flag=0 while [ $flag == "0" ] do echo -e "" echo -e "Do you want to $green[r]$clean replace, $green[d]$clean delete or $green[c]$clean cancel this entry? : " local TMPOPTION read TMPOPTION if [[ $TMPOPTION == "r" || $TMPOPTION == "R" ]]; then echo -e "" echo -e "Please enter the domain you want use:" echo -e -n "$green[Domain]$clean : " local DOMAIN read DOMAIN DOMAINCHECK=1 while [ $DOMAINCHECK != 0 ] do if [[ $DOMAIN =~ ^[a-zA-Z0-9]+([\-\.]{1}[a-zA-Z0-9]+)*\.[a-z]{2,6}$ ]]; then DOMAINCHECK=0 else echo -e " $red ERROR: The domain $DOMAINNAME seems to be invalid" echo -e " ERROR: please re-enter the domain$clean" echo -e "" echo -e -n "$green[Domain]$clean : " read DOMAIN fi done echo -e "Thank you.." sed -i "/^To:[[:space:]]\+\*\@$ENTDOMAIN/ c\To: *@$DOMAIN /etc/MailScanner/reports/en/inline.sig.in.html" /etc/MailScanner/rules/sig.html.rules sed -i "/^To:[[:space:]]\+\*\@$ENTDOMAIN/ c\To: *@$DOMAIN /etc/MailScanner/reports/en/inline.sig.in.txt" /etc/MailScanner/rules/sig.text.rules flag=1 elif [[ $TMPOPTION == "d" || $TMPOPTION == "D" ]]; then sed -i "/^To:[[:space:]]\+\*\@$ENTDOMAIN/d" /etc/MailScanner/rules/sig.html.rules sed -i "/^To:[[:space:]]\+\*\@$ENTDOMAIN/d" /etc/MailScanner/rules/sig.text.rules echo -e "Entry deleted from signature rules." && sleep 2 flag=1 elif [[ $TMPOPTION == "c" || $TMPOPTION == "C" ]]; then flag=1 else echo -e "Error \"$TMPOPTION\" is not an option..." && sleep 2 fi done else echo -e "Error \"$choice\" is not an option..." && sleep 2 fi ;; n) echo -e "" echo -e "Please enter the domain you want add:" echo -e -n "$green[Domain]$clean : " local DOMAIN read DOMAIN DOMAINCHECK=1 while [ $DOMAINCHECK != 0 ] do if [[ $DOMAIN =~ ^[a-zA-Z0-9]+([\-\.]{1}[a-zA-Z0-9]+)*\.[a-z]{2,6}$ ]]; then DOMAINCHECK=0 else echo -e " $red ERROR: The domain $DOMAINNAME seems to be invalid" echo -e " ERROR: please re-enter the domain$clean" echo -e "" echo -e -n "$green[Domain]$clean : " read DOMAIN fi done echo -e "Thank you..." echo -e "" echo -e "To: *@$DOMAIN /etc/MailScanner/reports/en/inline.sig.in.html" >> /etc/MailScanner/rules/sig.html.rules echo -e "To: *@$DOMAIN /etc/MailScanner/reports/en/inline.sig.in.txt" >> /etc/MailScanner/rules/sig.text.rules echo -e "Domain $DOMAIN added to to signature rules" pause entry=1 ;; e) spammenu=1 service MailScanner reload return ;; *) echo -e "Error \"$choice\" is not an option..." && sleep 2 echo -e -n "$green[EFA]$clean : " ;; esac done } # +---------------------------------------------------+ # Configure Non Spam Behaviour # +---------------------------------------------------+ function func_ask-nonspam() { func_echo-header echo -e "" echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean Non Spam Delivery and Retention Settings:" echo -e "" echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean By default, non spam is stored in the quarantine." echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean This allows a copy of each email to be retained" echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean for the retention period." echo -e "" echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean You can also choose to deliver non spam without" echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean storing it." echo -e "" echo -e -n "$green[EFA]$clean Do you want to $green DISABLE $clean storing non spam ? [y/N]: " read TMPSTORENSPAM STORENSPAM="" spamcheck=1 while [ $spamcheck != "0" ] do if [[ "$TMPSTORENSPAM" == "Y" || "$TMPSTORENSPAM" == "y" ]]; then # Set non spam delivery behavior STORENSPAM="deliver header \"X-Spam-Status:No\"" echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean Non spam storage $green DISABLED $clean" spamcheck=0 echo -e "" echo -e "Note: When non spam storage is disabled the inline signature" echo -e "\"Report this message as spam\" will not be able to submit" echo -e "messages to the bayesian filter." echo -e "" echo -e "Modify your Inline Signature Rules and remove all domains" echo -e "to receive an inline signature without \"Report this message" echo -e "as spam\" appended." echo -e "" elif [[ "$TMPSTORENSPAM" == "" || "$TMPSTORENSPAM" == "N" || "$TMPSTORENSPAM" == "n" ]]; then STORENSPAM="store deliver header \"X-Spam-Status:No\"" #sed -i '/Non Spam Actions =/ c\Non Spam Actions = store deliver header "X-Spam-Status:No custom(nonspam)"' /etc/MailScanner/MailScanner.conf echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean Non spam storage $green ENABLED $clean" spamcheck=0 else echo -e " $red ERROR: please make an selection.$clean" echo -e -n "$green[EFA]$clean Do you want to $green DISABLE $clean storing non spam ? [y/N]: " read TMPSTORENSPAM fi done echo -e "" echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean Non Spam Inline Signature Settings:" echo -e "" echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean By default, non spam has a signature appended." echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean This allows users to submit emails that they" echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean suspect is spam or to receive the default signature" echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean depending on your inline signature rules." echo -e "" echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean You can choose to disable the signature entirely." echo -e "" echo -e -n "$green[EFA]$clean Do you want to $green DISABLE $clean non spam signatures ? [y/N]: " read TMPNSPAMSIG NSPAMSIG="" spamcheck=1 while [ $spamcheck != "0" ] do if [[ "$TMPNSPAMSIG" == "Y" || "$TMPNSPAMSIG" == "y" ]]; then # Set non spam delivery behavior NSPAMSIG="" echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean Non spam signatures $green DISABLED $clean" spamcheck=0 elif [[ "$TMPNSPAMSIG" == "" || "$TMPNSPAMSIG" == "N" || "$TMPNSPAMSIG" == "n" ]]; then NSPAMSIG="custom(nonspam)" echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean Non spam signatures $green ENABLED $clean" spamcheck=0 else echo -e " $red ERROR: please make an selection.$clean" echo -e -n "$green[EFA]$clean Do you want to $green DISABLE $clean non spam signatures? [y/N]: " read TMPSPAMSIG fi done sed -i "/Non Spam Actions =/ c\Non Spam Actions = $STORENSPAM $NSPAMSIG" /etc/MailScanner/MailScanner.conf service MailScanner reload sleep 2 } # +---------------------------------------------------+ # +---------------------------------------------------+ # Configure Spam Behaviour # +---------------------------------------------------+ function func_ask-spam() { func_echo-header echo -e "" echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean Spam Delivery and Retention Settings:" echo -e "" echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean By default, EFA stores spam in quarantine" echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean and does not deliver it upon receipt." echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean You can optionally choose to deliver spam" echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean with \"X-Spam-Status: Yes\" in the mail header." echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean This is useful with mail servers that have an" echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean integrated spam folder." echo -e "" echo -e -n "$green[EFA]$clean Do you want to $green ENABLE $clean spam delivery? [y/N]: " read TMPDELIVERSPAM DELIVERSPAM="" spamcheck=1 while [ $spamcheck != "0" ] do if [[ "$TMPDELIVERSPAM" == "Y" || "$TMPDELIVERSPAM" == "y" ]]; then # Set spam delivery behavior DELIVERSPAM="deliver header \"X-Spam-Status:Yes\"" echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean Spam delivery $green ENABLED $clean" spamcheck=0 # Set spam delivery behavior elif [[ "$TMPDELIVERSPAM" == "" || "$TMPDELIVERSPAM" == "N" || "$TMPDELIVERSPAM" == "n" ]]; then DELIVERSPAM="store" echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean Spam delivery $green DISABLED $clean" spamcheck=0 else echo -e " $red ERROR: please make an selection.$clean" echo -e -n "$green[EFA]$clean Do you want to $green ENABLE $clean spam delivery? [y/N]: " read TMPDELIVERSPAM fi done if [[ $DELIVERSPAM == "store" ]]; then echo -e "" echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean Spam Notification Settings:" echo -e "" echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean By default, EFA notifies users of lower scoring" echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean spam when spam is stored in quarantine. Users" echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean can release the message by clicking the link" echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean link in the {Spam Not Delivered} notification." echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean You can optionally choose to disable" echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean this feature, especially if your users are" echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean abusing this feature and causing Spamassassin" echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean to autolearn and poison the Bayesian filter." echo -e "" echo -e -n "$green[EFA]$clean Do you want to $green DISABLE $clean spam notification? [y/N]: " read TMPSPAMNOTIFY SPAMNOTIFY="" spamcheck=1 while [ $spamcheck != "0" ] do if [[ "$TMPSPAMNOTIFY" == "Y" || "$TMPSPAMNOTIFY" == "y" ]]; then # Set spam notification behavior SPAMNOTIFY="" echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean Spam Notifications $green DISABLED $clean" spamcheck=0 elif [[ "$TMPSPAMNOTIFY" == "" || "$TMPSPAMNOTIFY" == "N" || "$TMPSPAMNOTIFY" == "n" ]]; then SPAMNOTIFY="custom(spam)" echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean Spam Notifications $green ENABLED $clean" spamcheck=0 else echo -e " $red ERROR: please make an selection.$clean" echo -e -n "$green[EFA]$clean Do you want to $green DISABLE $clean spam notification? [y/N]: " read TMPSPAMNOTIFY fi done fi sed -i "/^Spam Actions =/ c\Spam Actions = $DELIVERSPAM $SPAMNOTIFY" /etc/MailScanner/MailScanner.conf service MailScanner reload sleep 2 } # +---------------------------------------------------+ # +---------------------------------------------------+ # Option Mail settings menu # +---------------------------------------------------+ func_mail-settings(){ menu=0 mailmenu=1 while [ $mailmenu == "1" ] do func_echo-header echo -e "Mail settings" echo "" echo -e "1) Outbound mail relay" echo -e "2) Outbound smarthost" echo -e "3) Admin Email" echo -e "4) Transport settings" echo -e "" echo -e "e) Return to main menu" echo -e "" echo -e -n "$green[EFA]$clean : " local choice read choice case $choice in 1) func_outbound-relay;; 2) func_outbound-smarthost;; 3) func_adminemail;; 4) func_transport-settings;; e) menu=1 && return ;; *) echo -e "Error \"$choice\" is not an option..." && sleep 2 esac done } # +---------------------------------------------------+ # +---------------------------------------------------+ # transport menu # +---------------------------------------------------+ func_transport-settings(){ tpmenu=1 while [ $tpmenu == "1" ] do TRANSPORTS=`cat /etc/postfix/transport | sed '/^\#/d;/^$/d' | grep smtp:` func_echo-header echo -e "" echo -e "Description:" echo -e "All mail domains for which this system accepts mail need an destination server." echo -e "Below is the list of current smtp mail domains on this system." echo -e "" RELAYS=( `cat /etc/postfix/transport | grep smtp: | sed '/^\#/d;/^$/d;s/smtp:\[//;s/\]//'` ) tLen=${#RELAYS[@]} padding=" " for (( y=0; y<$tLen; y+=2 )); do # Fix layout spacing up to 999 rows.. if (( $((y/2+1)) < 10 )); then echo -n " " elif (( $((y/2+1)) < 100 )); then echo -n " " fi echo -e "$((y/2+1))) ${RELAYS[$y]} ${padding:${#RELAYS[$y]}} ${RELAYS[$((y+1))]}" done echo -e "" echo -e "n) Add new mail domain" echo -e "" echo -e "e) Return to main menu" echo -e "" echo -e -n "$green[EFA]$clean : " local choice read choice case $choice in [0-9]*) if [[ $choice > "0" && $choice < $((tLen/2+1)) ]]; then ENTDOMAIN=${RELAYS[$((choice*2-2))]} ENTDEST=${RELAYS[$((choice*2-1))]} echo -e "Entry Selected: $ENTDOMAIN $ENTDEST" flag=0 while [ $flag == "0" ] do echo -e "" echo -e "Do you want to $green[r]$clean replace, $green[d]$clean delete this entry, or $green[c]$clean cancel? : " local TMPOPTION read TMPOPTION if [[ $TMPOPTION == "r" || $TMPOPTION == "R" ]]; then echo -e "" echo -e "Please enter the domain you want use:" echo -e -n "$green[Domain]$clean : " local DOMAIN read DOMAIN # Simple check if domain is valid. DOMAINCHECK=1 while [ $DOMAINCHECK != 0 ] do if [[ $DOMAIN =~ ^[a-zA-Z0-9]+([\-\.]{1}[a-zA-Z0-9]+)*\.[a-z]{2,6}$ ]]; then DOMAINCHECK=0 else echo -e " $red ERROR: The domain $DOMAINNAME seems to be invalid" echo -e " ERROR: please re-enter the domain$clean" echo -e "" echo -e -n "$green[Domain]$clean : " read DOMAIN fi done echo -e "Thank you..." echo -e "" echo -e "Now enter the destination server" echo -e -n "$green[Destination]$clean : " local DEST read DEST # Simple check if destination contains any data. DESTCHECK=1 while [ $DESTCHECK != 0 ] do if checkip $DEST then # If $DEST looks to be an valid IP we are ok. DESTCHECK=0 elif [[ $DEST =~ ^[a-zA-Z0-9]+([\-\.]{1}[a-zA-Z0-9]+)*\.[a-z]{2,6}$ ]]; then # If $DEST looks like an valid domain name we are ok. DESTCHECK=0 else echo -e " $red ERROR: The value $DEST seems to be invalid" echo -e " ERROR: please re-enter the destination$clean" echo -e "" echo -e -n "$green[Destination]$clean : " read DEST fi done echo -e "Thank you.." sed -i "/$ENTDOMAIN[[:space:]]\+smtp:\[$ENTDEST\]/ c\\$DOMAIN smtp:[$DEST]" /etc/postfix/transport flag=1 elif [[ $TMPOPTION == "d" || $TMPOPTION == "D" ]]; then sed -i "/$ENTDOMAIN[[:space:]]\+smtp:\[$ENTDEST\]/d" /etc/postfix/transport echo -e "Entry deleted from transports." && sleep 2 flag=1 elif [[ $TMPOPTION == "c" || $TMPOPTION == "C" ]]; then flag=1 else echo -e "Error \"$TMPOPTION\" is not an option..." && sleep 2 fi done else echo -e "Error \"$choice\" is not an option..." && sleep 2 fi ;; n) echo -e "" echo -e "Please enter the domain you want add:" echo -e -n "$green[Domain]$clean : " local DOMAIN read DOMAIN # Check if the domain is valid. DOMAINCHECK=1 while [ $DOMAINCHECK != 0 ] do if [[ $DOMAIN =~ ^[a-zA-Z0-9]+([\-\.]{1}[a-zA-Z0-9]+)*\.[a-z]{2,6}$ ]]; then DOMAINCHECK=0 else echo -e " $red ERROR: The domain $DOMAINNAME seems to be invalid" echo -e " ERROR: please re-enter the domain$clean" echo -e "" echo -e -n "$green[Domain]$clean : " read DOMAIN fi done echo -e "Thank you..." echo -e "" echo -e "Now enter the destination server" echo -e -n "$green[Destination]$clean : " local DEST read DEST # Simple check if destination contains any data. DESTCHECK=1 while [ $DESTCHECK != 0 ] do if checkip $DEST then # If $DEST looks to be an valid IP we are ok. DESTCHECK=0 elif [[ $DEST =~ ^[a-zA-Z0-9]+([\-\.]{1}[a-zA-Z0-9]+)*\.[a-z]{2,6}$ ]]; then # If $DEST looks like an valid domain name we are ok. DESTCHECK=0 else echo -e " $red ERROR: The value $DEST seems to be invalid" echo -e " ERROR: please re-enter the destination$clean" echo -e "" echo -e -n "$green[Destination]$clean : " read DEST fi done echo -e "Thank you.." echo -e "$DOMAIN smtp:[$DEST]" >> /etc/postfix/transport postmap /etc/postfix/transport echo -e "Domain $DOMAIN added to this system" pause entry=1 ;; e) mailmenu=1 && return ;; *) echo -e "Error \"$choice\" is not an option..." && sleep 2 echo -e -n "$green[EFA]$clean : " ;; esac done } # +---------------------------------------------------+ # +---------------------------------------------------+ # Configure admin email # +---------------------------------------------------+ func_adminemail(){ aemenu=1 ADMINEMAIL="`cat /etc/EFA-Config | grep ADMINEMAIL | sed 's/.*://'`" while [ $aemenu == "1" ] do func_echo-header echo -e "" echo -e "Description:" echo -e "With this option you can change the E.F.A. admin email address." echo -e "This address is used for various system alerts and notifications." echo -e "" echo -e "Current settings are:" echo -e "1) Admin email: $ADMINEMAIL" echo -e "" echo -e "e) Return to main menu" local choice read -p "Enter setting you want to change: " choice case $choice in 1) aemenu=0 echo -e "" echo -e "Enter your new admin email address" echo -e "" read -p "> " ADMINEMAIL sed -i "/ADMINEMAIL\:/ c\ADMINEMAIL\:$ADMINEMAIL" /etc/EFA-Config aemenu=1 ;; e) mailmenu=1 && return ;; *) echo -e "Error \"$choice\" is not an option..." && sleep 2 esac done } # +---------------------------------------------------+ # +---------------------------------------------------+ # Configure outbound relay # +---------------------------------------------------+ func_outbound-relay(){ obmrmenu=1 while [ $obmrmenu == "1" ] do RELAYS=`cat /etc/postfix/main.cf | grep "mynetworks =" | sed 's/^\(.\{24\}\)//'` func_echo-header echo " " echo "Description:" echo "With this option you can configure E.F.A." echo "to relay outgoing message for your local" echo "mail-server or clients." echo "" echo "Current settings are:" echo "1) Hosts: $RELAYS" echo "" echo "e) Return to main menu" echo "" local choice read -p "Enter setting you want to change: " choice case $choice in 1) obmrmenu=0 echo "" echo "Enter your new hosts string below." echo "Note: If you already have hosts defined you need to re-enter these." echo " An empty line will remove all hosts." echo " Separate multiple hosts with spaces." echo " Networks can be defined in the format: x.x.x.x/xx" echo "" read -p "> " RELAYS postconf -e mynetworks=" $RELAYS" /etc/init.d/postfix reload >>/dev/null obmrmenu=1 ;; e) mailmenu=1 && return ;; *) echo -e "Error \"$choice\" is not an option..." && sleep 2 esac done } # +---------------------------------------------------+ # +---------------------------------------------------+ # Configure Outbound smart-host # +---------------------------------------------------+ func_outbound-smarthost(){ obshmenu=1 while [ $obshmenu == "1" ] do OBSH="`cat /etc/postfix/main.cf |grep "relayhost ="| grep -v "#" | sed 's/.*relayhost = //'`" if [ -z "$OBSH" ] then OBSH="DISABLED" fi func_echo-header echo " " echo "Description:" echo "With this option you can configure E.F.A." echo "to use a external smart-host for outgoing" echo "mail. (useful if you also use E.F.A. as" echo "an mail-relay)" echo "" echo "Current settings are:" echo "1) Smart-host: $OBSH" echo "2) Disable smart-host" echo "" echo "e) Return to main menu" echo "" local choice read -p "Enter setting you want to change: " choice case $choice in 1) obshmenu=0 echo "" read -p "Enter your new smart host: " OBSH postconf -e relayhost=$OBSH /etc/init.d/postfix reload >>/dev/null echo "Smarthost configured" pause obshmenu=1 ;; 2) obshmenu=0 echo "" echo "Disabling SmartHost" postconf -e relayhost= /etc/init.d/postfix reload >>/dev/null obshmenu=1 ;; e) mailmenu=1 && return ;; *) echo -e "Error \"$choice\" is not an option..." && sleep 2 esac done } # +---------------------------------------------------+ # +---------------------------------------------------+ # Option IP_SETTINGS # +---------------------------------------------------+ func_ip-settings(){ menu=0 ipmenu=1 while [ $ipmenu == "1" ] do func_getipsettings func_echo-header echo -e "Current IP settings for $INTERFACE are:" echo -e "1) IP : $IP" echo -e "2) Netmask : $NM" echo -e "3) Gateway : $GW" echo -e "4) Primary DNS : $DNS1" echo -e "5) Secondary DNS : $DNS2" echo -e "" echo -e "e) Return to main menu" echo -e "" echo -e "$red Note: Network will reset when changing values.$clean" echo -e "" echo -e "Enter setting you want to change" echo -e -n "$green[EFA]$clean : " local choice read choice case $choice in 1) ipmenu=0 echo "" read -p "Enter your new IP: " IP func_setipsettings menu=1 ;; 2) ipmenu=0 echo "" read -p "Enter your new netmask: " NM func_setipsettings menu=1 ;; 3) ipmenu=0 echo "" read -p "Enter your new gateway: " GW func_setipsettings menu=1 ;; 4) ipmenu=0 echo "" read -p "Enter your new primary DNS: " DNS1 func_setipsettings menu=1 ;; 5) ipmenu=0 echo "" read -p "Enter your new secondary DNS: " DNS2 func_setipsettings menu=1 ;; e) menu=1 && return ;; *) echo -e "Error \"$choice\" is not an option..." && sleep 2 esac done } # +---------------------------------------------------+ # +---------------------------------------------------+ # Function to enable/disable greylisting # +---------------------------------------------------+ func_greylisting(){ func_echo-header echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean Enable/Disable greylisting" echo -e "" echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean Greylisting will temporarily reject any email from a sender it" echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean does not recognize. If the mail is legitimate the originating server" echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean will, after a delay, try again and, if sufficient time has elapsed," echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean the email will be accepted." echo "" echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean This however causes an delay in receiving mail, by default this system" echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean is configured to reject any email for 5 minutes." echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean Not all admin's like this setup so giving you the option to disable" echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean greylisting on this system." echo "" if [[ -n $(cat /etc/postfix/main.cf | grep "check_policy_service inet:") ]] then # DISABLE greylisting echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean Greylisting is currently $green ENABLED $clean" echo -e -n "$green[EFA]$clean Would you like to $red DISABLE $clean greylisting? [y/N]: " read TMPGREY if [[ "$TMPGREY" == "Y" || "$TMPGREY" == "y" ]]; then postconf -e "smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_sasl_authenticated, permit_mynetworks, reject_unauth_destination, reject_non_fqdn_recipient, reject_unknown_recipient_domain, check_recipient_access hash:/etc/postfix/recipient_access" postfix reload service sqlgrey stop chkconfig sqlgrey off # disable Greylist menu item /bin/cp -f /var/www/html/mailscanner/functions.php.orig /var/www/html/mailscanner/functions.php echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean Greylisting $red DISABLED $clean" pause elif [[ "$TMPGREY" == "" || "$TMPGREY" == "N" || "$TMPGREY" == "n" ]]; then echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean No changes made" echo "" pause else echo -e " $red ERROR: please make an selection.$clean" echo -e -n "$green[EFA]$clean Would you like to $red DISABLE $clean greylisting? [y/N]: " read TMPGREY fi else # ENABLE Greylisting echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean Greylisting is currently $red DISABLED $clean" echo -e -n "$green[EFA]$clean Would you like to $green ENABLE $clean greylisting? [y/N]: " read TMPGREY if [[ "$TMPGREY" == "Y" || "$TMPGREY" == "y" ]]; then postconf -e "smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_sasl_authenticated, permit_mynetworks, reject_unauth_destination, reject_non_fqdn_recipient, reject_unknown_recipient_domain, check_recipient_access hash:/etc/postfix/recipient_access, check_policy_service inet:" postfix reload service sqlgrey start chkconfig sqlgrey on # Enable Greylist menu item /bin/cp -f /var/www/html/mailscanner/functions.php.orig /var/www/html/mailscanner/functions.php sed -i "/^ \$nav\['docs.php'\] = \"Documentation\";/{N;s/$/\n \/\/Begin EFA\n if \(\$_SESSION\['user_type'\] == 'A'\) \{\n \$nav\['grey.php'\] = \"greylist\";\n \}\n \/\/End EFA/}" /var/www/html/mailscanner/functions.php echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean Greylisting $green ENABLED $clean" pause elif [[ "$TMPGREY" == "" || "$TMPGREY" == "N" || "$TMPGREY" == "n" ]]; then echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean No changes made" echo "" pause else echo -e " $red ERROR: please make an selection.$clean" echo -e -n "$green[EFA]$clean Would you like to $green ENABLE $clean greylisting? [y/N]: " read TMPGREY fi fi } # +---------------------------------------------------+ # +---------------------------------------------------+ function func_autoupdates() { func_echo-header echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean Auto Updates:" echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean With auto updates you can make sure this system is always up to date." echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean by default we $red DISABLE $clean auto updates as it might not match your" echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean company update policy." echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean If you choose to keep auto updates DISABLED you will receive mails on your" echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean admin e-mail account if an update is available" echo "" echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean Here you can $green ENABLE $clean auto updates for this E.F.A. system." echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean This will check every month if there is an update available and if so" echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean it will automatically install the update." echo "" echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean Note: your system might reboot automatically during auto updates." echo "" AUTOUPDATES="`cat /etc/EFA-Config | grep AUTOUPDATES | sed 's/.*://'`" if [[ $AUTOUPDATES == "ENABLED" ]] then echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean Auto Updates is currently $green ENABLED $clean" echo -e -n "$green[EFA]$clean Would you like to $red DISABLE $clean Auto Updates? [y/N]: " read TMPUPDATES if [[ "$TMPUPDATES" == "Y" || "$TMPUPDATES" == "y" ]]; then sed -i "/AUTOUPDATES:/ c\AUTOUPDATES:DISABLED" /etc/EFA-Config echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean Auto Updates $red DISABLED $clean" pause elif [[ "$TMPUPDATES" == "" || "$TMPUPDATES" == "N" || "$TMPUPDATES" == "n" ]]; then echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean No changes made" echo "" pause else echo -e " $red ERROR: please make an selection.$clean" echo -e -n "$green[EFA]$clean Would you like to $red DISABLE $clean Auto Updates? [y/N]: " read TMPUPDATES fi else echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean Auto Updates is currently $red DISABLED $clean" echo -e -n "$green[EFA]$clean Would you like to $green ENABLE $clean Auto Updates? [y/N]: " read TMPUPDATES if [[ "$TMPUPDATES" == "Y" || "$TMPUPDATES" == "y" ]]; then sed -i "/AUTOUPDATES:/ c\AUTOUPDATES:ENABLED" /etc/EFA-Config echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean Auto Updates $green ENABLED $clean" pause elif [[ "$TMPUPDATES" == "" || "$TMPUPDATES" == "N" || "$TMPUPDATES" == "n" ]]; then echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean No changes made" echo "" pause else echo -e " $red ERROR: please make an selection.$clean" echo -e -n "$green[EFA]$clean Would you like to $green ENABLE $clean Auto Updates? [y/N]: " read TMPUPDATES fi fi } # +---------------------------------------------------+ # +---------------------------------------------------+ # Function to set mailscanner threads (other tunables?) # +---------------------------------------------------+ func_tunables(){ func_echo-header echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean - Configuring System Tunables" echo -e "" mschildren="`cat /etc/MailScanner/MailScanner.conf | grep -e '^Max Children' | awk -F'=' '{print $2}' | tr -d '[:blank:]'`" echo -e "$green[EFA]$clean Mailscanner is currently set to use $mschildren children." echo -e "" echo -e -n "$green[EFA]$clean : Mailscanner children (default/min 2, max 10):" read MSTHREADS mstuning=1 while [ $mstuning != "0" ] do if [[ $MSTHREADS = "" ]] then MSTHREADS=2 fi if [[ $MSTHREADS =~ ^([2-9]|10)$ ]] then mstuning=0 else echo -e " $red ERROR: The number of threads $MSTHREADS appears to be invalid." echo -e " ERROR: please re-enter the number of threads.$clean" echo -e -n "$green[EFA]$clean Mailscanner children (default/min 2, max 10):" read MSTHREADS fi done # Set mailscanner children sed -i "/^Max Children =/ c\Max Children = $MSTHREADS" /etc/MailScanner/MailScanner.conf service MailScanner reload echo -e "MailScanner threads reconfigured to use $MSTHREADS children." pause } # +---------------------------------------------------+ # +---------------------------------------------------+ # Function to set the new IP settings # +---------------------------------------------------+ func_setipsettings(){ for ip in $IP $NM $GW $DNS1 $DNS2 do validcheck=1 while [ $validcheck != "0" ] do if checkip $ip then validcheck=0 else echo "ERROR: The value $ip seems to be invalid" pause return fi done done # Grab current FQDN HOSTNAME="`cat /etc/EFA-Config | grep HOSTNAME | sed 's/.*://'`" DOMAINNAME="`cat /etc/EFA-Config | grep DOMAINNAME | sed 's/.*://'`" # Write new hosts file echo " localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4" > /etc/hosts echo "$IP $HOSTNAME.$DOMAINNAME $HOSTNAME" >> /etc/hosts # Write resolv file echo "nameserver $DNS1" > /etc/resolv.dnsmasq echo "nameserver $DNS2" >> /etc/resolv.dnsmasq # Set ip settings ifdown $INTERFACE # Use ipcalc to get the broadcast & network id's BROADCAST="`/bin/ipcalc -b $IP $NM`" NETWORK="`/bin/ipcalc -n $IP $NM`" echo "DEVICE=\"$INTERFACE\"" > /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-$INTERFACE echo "BOOTPROTO=\"none\"" >> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-$INTERFACE echo "ONBOOT=\"yes\"" >> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-$INTERFACE echo "$BROADCAST" >> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-$INTERFACE echo "$NETWORK" >> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-$INTERFACE echo "NETMASK=\"$NM\"" >> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-$INTERFACE echo "IPADDR=\"$IP\"" >> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-$INTERFACE sed -i "/GATEWAY=/ c\GATEWAY=$GW" /etc/sysconfig/network ifup $INTERFACE echo -e "All done" pause } # +---------------------------------------------------+ # +---------------------------------------------------+ # Function to grab the current IP settings. # +---------------------------------------------------+ function func_getipsettings(){ nrintf=`cat /proc/net/dev | grep eth | sed 's/:/ /g' | awk {'print $1 '} | wc -l` interf=`cat /proc/net/dev | grep eth | sed 's/:/ /g' | awk {'print $1 '}` if [ $nrintf -gt 1 ] then func_echo-header echo -e "You seem to have multiple network interfaces" echo -e "Please select the interface you want to configure" echo -e "The interface names on your machine are:" for int in $interf do echo " - $int" done echo -e "" echo -e "Enter the primary interface name:" echo -e "" echo -e -n "$green[EFA]$clean : " local choice read choice choice_check=0 for int in $interf do if [ $int == $choice ] then choice_check=1 fi done # Check if the user typed a interface that exists. if [ $choice_check -eq 0 ] then echo -e "$red [EFA] ERROR, That interface does not exist. $clean" sleep 2 func_getipsettings return fi if [ $choice_check -eq 1 ] then INTERFACE=$choice fi else INTERFACE=$interf fi IP="`cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-$INTERFACE | grep IPADDR | sed 's/IPADDR=//;s/"//g'`" NM="`cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-$INTERFACE | grep NETMASK | sed 's/NETMASK=//;s/"//g'`" GW="`cat /etc/sysconfig/network | grep GATEWAY | sed 's/GATEWAY=//'`" DNS1="`cat /etc/resolv.dnsmasq | grep -v '#' | grep -v | grep nameserver | awk 'NR==1 {print $2}'`" DNS2="`cat /etc/resolv.dnsmasq | grep -v '#' | grep -v | grep nameserver | awk 'NR==2 {print $2}'`" } # +---------------------------------------------------+ # +---------------------------------------------------+ # Reboot function # +---------------------------------------------------+ func_reboot() { menu=0 rebootmenu=1 while [ $rebootmenu == "1" ] do func_echo-header echo -e "Are you sure you want to reboot this host?" echo -e "" echo -e "Y) Yes I am sure" echo -e "N) No no no take me back!" echo -e "" echo -e -n "$green[EFA]$clean : " local choice read choice case $choice in Y) reboot && exit 0 ;; N) menu=1 && return ;; n) menu=1 && return ;; *) echo -e "Error \"$choice\" is not an option..." && sleep 2 esac done } # +---------------------------------------------------+ # +---------------------------------------------------+ # Halt function # +---------------------------------------------------+ func_halt() { menu=0 haltmenu=1 while [ $haltmenu == "1" ] do func_echo-header echo -e "Are you sure you want to halt this host?" echo -e "" echo -e "Y) Yes I am sure" echo -e "N) No no no take me back!" echo -e "" echo -e -n "$green[EFA]$clean : " local choice read choice case $choice in Y) shutdown -h now && exit 0 ;; N) menu=1 && return ;; n) menu=1 && return ;; *) echo -e "Error \"$choice\" is not an option..." && sleep 2 esac done } # +---------------------------------------------------+ # +---------------------------------------------------+ # Function to test IP addresses # +---------------------------------------------------+ function checkip(){ local ip=$1 local stat=1 if [[ $ip =~ ^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}$ ]]; then OIFS=$IFS IFS='.' ip=($ip) IFS=$OIFS [[ ${ip[0]} -le 255 && ${ip[1]} -le 255 && ${ip[2]} -le 255 && ${ip[3]} -le 255 ]] stat=$? fi return $stat } # +---------------------------------------------------+ # +---------------------------------------------------+ # Trap CTRL+C, CTRL+Z and quit singles # +---------------------------------------------------+ trap '' SIGINT SIGQUIT SIGTSTP # +---------------------------------------------------+ # +---------------------------------------------------+ # Pause # +---------------------------------------------------+ pause(){ read -p "Press [Enter] key to continue..." fackEnterKey } # +---------------------------------------------------+ # +---------------------------------------------------+ # Menu header # +---------------------------------------------------+ func_echo-header(){ clear echo -e "--------------------------------------------------------------" echo -e "--- Welcome to the EFA Configuration program ---" echo -e "--- http://www.efa-project.org ---" echo -e "--------------------------------------------------------------" echo "" } # +---------------------------------------------------+ # +---------------------------------------------------+ # Main logic # +---------------------------------------------------+ clear red='\E[00;31m' green='\E[00;32m' yellow='\E[00;33m' blue='\E[00;34m' magenta='\E[00;35' cyan='\E[00;36m' clean='\e[00m' if [ `whoami` == root ] then menu="1" while [ $menu == "1" ] do show_menu done else echo -e "$red [EFA] ERROR: Please become root.$clean" exit 0 fi # +---------------------------------------------------+