#!/usr/bin/perl # # Updating the $main::localhost_alias_ipv4 and @main::localhost_names var # # Copy to /spider/local_cmd/update_ip.pl # # Configure crontab: # 00,10,20,30,40,50 * * * * run_cmd("update_ip") # # Notes: # # Need: apt install libpath-tiny-perl or # Module: cpanm install Path::Tiny # # Kin EA3CV ea3cv@cronux.net # # 20230203 v0.6 # use 5.10.1; use Path::Tiny qw(path); use strict; use warnings; my $ip = `curl -s ifconfig.me`; my $ips = `hostname -I`; # -i para Docker, -I para el resto chomp($ip); chomp($ips); my $var1 = 'set/var $main::localhost_alias_ipv4 ='; $ip = "'$ip'"; my $find1 = 'localhost_alias_ipv4'; startup($var1, $ip, $find1); my @out; my $msg1 = $var1 . $ip; my $var2 = 'set/var @main::localhost_names qw( ::1'; $ips = " $ips)"; my $find2 = 'localhost_names'; startup($var2, $ips, $find2); my $msg2 = $var2 . $ips; cmd_import($msg1, $msg2); sub cmd_import { my $msg1 = shift; my $msg2 = shift; my $dir = "/spider/cmd_import"; if ( !-d $dir ) { system('mkdir', $dir); } my $file = $dir . "/" . 'update_ip'; open (FH, '>', $file); say FH $msg1; say FH $msg2; close (FH); push @out, " Updated Public and Local IPs."; push @out, " "; } sub startup { my $var = shift; my $arg = shift; my $find = shift; #my $filename = '/root/volumenes/dxspider/nodo-3/scripts/startup'; my $filename = '/spider/scripts/startup'; my @content = path($filename)->lines_utf8; my $e = 0; foreach my $row (@content) { if ($row =~ m/$find/) { $row =~ s/.*$find.*/$var $arg/g; path($filename)->spew_utf8(@content); $e = 1; } } if ($e == 0) { my $data = <append_utf8($data); } } return (1, @out);