Human ancestry ontology for the NHGRI GWAS Catalog Human Ancestry Ontology 2024-08-19 2020-06-01T13:49:58.120891Z language:glottolog:wgs84 2020-05-31T21:33:12.445061Z population:genetic:study 2020-06-05T14:59:11.879423Z language:ISO639-3:description 2020-06-02T07:50:36.252395Z sub:groups 2020-06-05T12:10:38.722308Z language:glottolog:bigmap 2020-06-03T17:56:59.458188Z population:microbiome:study 2020-06-05T15:00:08.140413Z language:glottolog:description 2020-06-09T06:26:03.877868Z population:joshuaproject:description 2020-06-05T21:34:42.916144Z population:googlebook 2020-06-08T12:47:14.905754Z language:wikipedia:description 2020-06-08T12:47:46.800894Z population:wikipedia:description 2020-06-15T14:04:34.969224Z population:distribution 2020-07-23T13:41:52.473244Z population:peoplegroups:description 2020-07-29T19:44:53.365415Z number:populations Colonial History population:synonym language:official language:possibleSpoken language:synonym population:genetic:RefChromY population:genetic:RefMitochondrialHap population:genetic:chromosomeYHap population:genetic:mitochondrialHap population:language:spoken population:size family language:glottolog:id language:ISO639-3:id population:101lasttribes editor preferred term The concise, meaningful, and human-friendly name for a class or property preferred by the ontology developers. (US-English) PERSON:Daniel Schober GROUP:OBI:<> editor preferred term has curation status PERSON:Alan Ruttenberg PERSON:Bill Bug PERSON:Melanie Courtot has curation status definition term editor alternative_term definition_source has ontology root term Ontology annotation property. Relates an ontology to a term that is a designated root term of the ontology. Display tools like OLS can use terms annotated with this property as the starting point for rendering the ontology class hierarchy. There can be more than one root. Nicolas Matentzoglu has ontology root term term replaced by If R <- P o Q is a defining property chain axiom, then (1) R -> P o Q holds and (2) Q is either reflexive or locally reflexive. A corollary of this is that P SubPropertyOf R. is a defining property chain axiom where second argument is reflexive database_cross_reference has_exact_synonym label Population_group is part of my brain is part of my body (continuant parthood, two material entities) my stomach cavity is part of my stomach (continuant parthood, immaterial entity is part of material entity) this day is part of this year (occurrent parthood) a core relation that holds between a part and its whole Everything is part of itself. Any part of any part of a thing is itself part of that thing. Two distinct things cannot be part of each other. Occurrents are not subject to change and so parthood between occurrents holds for all the times that the part exists. Many continuants are subject to change, so parthood between continuants will only hold at certain times, but this is difficult to specify in OWL. See Parthood requires the part and the whole to have compatible classes: only an occurrent can be part of an occurrent; only a process can be part of a process; only a continuant can be part of a continuant; only an independent continuant can be part of an independent continuant; only an immaterial entity can be part of an immaterial entity; only a specifically dependent continuant can be part of a specifically dependent continuant; only a generically dependent continuant can be part of a generically dependent continuant. (This list is not exhaustive.) A continuant cannot be part of an occurrent: use 'participates in'. An occurrent cannot be part of a continuant: use 'has participant'. A material entity cannot be part of an immaterial entity: use 'has location'. A specifically dependent continuant cannot be part of an independent continuant: use 'inheres in'. An independent continuant cannot be part of a specifically dependent continuant: use 'bearer of'. part_of part of has part my body has part my brain (continuant parthood, two material entities) my stomach has part my stomach cavity (continuant parthood, material entity has part immaterial entity) this year has part this day (occurrent parthood) a core relation that holds between a whole and its part Everything has itself as a part. Any part of any part of a thing is itself part of that thing. Two distinct things cannot have each other as a part. Occurrents are not subject to change and so parthood between occurrents holds for all the times that the part exists. Many continuants are subject to change, so parthood between continuants will only hold at certain times, but this is difficult to specify in OWL. See Parthood requires the part and the whole to have compatible classes: only an occurrent have an occurrent as part; only a process can have a process as part; only a continuant can have a continuant as part; only an independent continuant can have an independent continuant as part; only a specifically dependent continuant can have a specifically dependent continuant as part; only a generically dependent continuant can have a generically dependent continuant as part. (This list is not exhaustive.) A continuant cannot have an occurrent as part: use 'participates in'. An occurrent cannot have a continuant as part: use 'has participant'. An immaterial entity cannot have a material entity as part: use 'location of'. An independent continuant cannot have a specifically dependent continuant as part: use 'bearer of'. A specifically dependent continuant cannot have an independent continuant as part: use 'inheres in'. has_part has part obsolete hasEthnicPopulation true hasAncestryStatus hasCountryOfOrigin hasDemonym isDemonymOf inheres in this fragility is a characteristic of this vase this red color is a characteristic of this apple a relation between a specifically dependent continuant (the characteristic) and any other entity (the bearer), in which the characteristic depends on the bearer for its existence. inheres_in Note that this relation was previously called "inheres in", but was changed to be called "characteristic of" because BFO2 uses "inheres in" in a more restricted fashion. This relation differs from BFO2:inheres_in in two respects: (1) it does not impose a range constraint, and thus it allows qualities of processes, as well as of information entities, whereas BFO2 restricts inheres_in to only apply to independent continuants (2) it is declared functional, i.e. something can only be a characteristic of one thing. characteristic of bearer of this apple is bearer of this red color this vase is bearer of this fragility Inverse of characteristic_of A bearer can have many dependents, and its dependents can exist for different periods of time, but none of its dependents can exist when the bearer does not exist. bearer_of is bearer of has characteristic this red color is a quality of this apple a relation between a quality and an independent continuant (the bearer), in which the quality specifically depends on the bearer for its existence A quality inheres in its bearer at all times for which the quality exists. is quality of quality_of This relation is modeled after the BFO relation of the same name which was in BFO2, but is used in a more restricted sense - specifically, we model this relation as functional (inherited from characteristic-of). Note that this relation is now removed from BFO2020. quality of this apple has quality this red color a relation between an independent continuant (the bearer) and a quality, in which the quality specifically depends on the bearer for its existence A bearer can have many qualities, and its qualities can exist for different periods of time, but none of its qualities can exist when the bearer does not exist. has_quality has quality has quality is location of my head is the location of my brain this cage is the location of this rat a relation between two independent continuants, the location and the target, in which the target is entirely within the location Most location relations will only hold at certain times, but this is difficult to specify in OWL. See location_of location of located in my brain is located in my head this rat is located in this cage a relation between two independent continuants, the target and the location, in which the target is entirely within the location Location as a relation between instances: The primitive instance-level relation c located_in r at t reflects the fact that each continuant is at any given time associated with exactly one spatial region, namely its exact location. Following we can use this relation to define a further instance-level location relation - not between a continuant and the region which it exactly occupies, but rather between one continuant and another. c is located in c1, in this sense, whenever the spatial region occupied by c is part_of the spatial region occupied by c1. Note that this relation comprehends both the relation of exact location between one continuant and another which obtains when r and r1 are identical (for example, when a portion of fluid exactly fills a cavity), as well as those sorts of inexact location relations which obtain, for example, between brain and head or between ovum and uterus Most location relations will only hold at certain times, but this is difficult to specify in OWL. See located_in located in This is redundant with the more specific 'independent and not spatial region' constraint. We leave in the redundant axiom for use with reasoners that do not use negation. This is redundant with the more specific 'independent and not spatial region' constraint. We leave in the redundant axiom for use with reasoners that do not use negation. x overlaps y if and only if there exists some z such that x has part z and z part of y some ( some ?Y) overlaps true x partially overlaps y iff there exists some z such that z is part of x and z is part of y, and it is also the case that neither x is part of y or y is part of x We would like to include disjointness axioms with part_of and has_part, however this is not possible in OWL2 as these are non-simple properties and hence cannot appear in a disjointness axiom proper overlaps (forall (?x ?y) (iff (proper_overlaps ?x ?y) (and (overlaps ?x ?y) (not (part_of ?x ?y)) (not (part_of ?y ?x))))) partially overlaps q characteristic of part of w if and only if there exists some p such that q inheres in p and p part of w. Because part_of is transitive, inheres in is a sub-relation of characteristic of part of inheres in part of characteristic of part of true A mereological relationship or a topological relationship Do not use this relation directly. It is ended as a grouping for a diverse set of relations, all involving parthood or connectivity relationships mereotopologically related to A lump of clay and a statue x spatially_coextensive_with y if and inly if x and y have the same location This relation is added for formal completeness. It is unlikely to be used in many practical scenarios spatially coextensive with depends on GAZ:00006882 Afghanistan GAZ:00000457 Africa GAZ:00002953 Albania France Arabic Tamazight A C E1 E1a E1b1a E1b1b1 E1b1b1b E1b1b1c1 E2 G2a I2 J1e Q1 R1a1 R1b R1b1b2 40.9 millions GAZ:00000563 Algeria GAZ:00003957 American Samoa GAZ:00002948 Andorra Portugal Portuguese H1 L2 L3 L1 29.3 millions GAZ:00001095 Angola GAZ:00009159 Anguilla GAZ:00006883 Antigua and Barbuda GAZ:00002928 Argentina GAZ:00004094 Armenia GAZ:00004025 Aruba GAZ:00000465 Asia GAZ:00000463 Australia GAZ:00002942 Austria GAZ:00004941 Azerbaijan GAZ:00005281 Bahrain GAZ:00003750 Bangladesh GAZ:00001251 Barbados GAZ:00006886 Belarus GAZ:00002938 Belgium GAZ:00002934 Belize France French E1b1a E2 11 millions GAZ:00000904 Benin GAZ:00001264 Bermuda GAZ:00003920 Bhutan GAZ:00002511 Bolivia GAZ:00006887 Bosnia and Herzegovina United Kingdom English L1 L2 L4 L5 2.214 millions GAZ:00001097 Botswana GAZ:00002828 Brazil GAZ:00003961 British Virgin Islands GAZ:00003901 Brunei Darussalam Brunei GAZ:00002950 Bulgaria France French B E1a E1b1a E1b1b E2 L1 L2 L3 L4 20.1 millions GAZ:00000905 Burkina Faso Belgium English French Kurundi U6 11.46 millions GAZ:00001090 Burundi GAZ:00006888 Cambodia France United Kingdom English French L1 L2 L3 L4 24.9 millions GAZ:00001093 Cameroon GAZ:00002560 Canada Portugal Portuguese L1 L2 L3 0.56 million GAZ:00001227 Cape Verde Caribbean GAZ:00003986 Cayman Islands Middle Africa GAZ:00000588 Central Africa France French Sangho 5.62 millions GAZ:00001089 Central African Republic GAZ:00002891 Central America France Arabic French L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 12 millions GAZ:00000586 Chad GAZ:00001539 Channel Islands GAZ:00002825 Chile GAZ:00002845 China GAZ:00005915 Christmas Island GAZ:00002929 Colombia France Arabic Comorian French 0.8 millions GAZ:00005820 Comoros GAZ:00053798 Cook Islands GAZ:00002901 Costa Rica GAZ:00002719 Croatia GAZ:00003762 Cuba GAZ:00012582 Curacao GAZ:00453362 Cyprus GAZ:00002954 Czech Republic Belgium French A E1b1a E1b1b E2 L5 83.30 millions GAZ:00001086 Democratic Republic of the Congo GAZ:00002635 Denmark France Arabic French 0.86 million GAZ:00000582 Djibouti GAZ:00006890 Dominica GAZ:00003952 Dominican Republic GAZ:00006913 Timor-Leste East Timor GAZ:00000556 Eastern Africa GAZ:00002471 Eastern Asia Eastern Europe GAZ:00002912 Ecuador United Kingdom Arabic A3-M13 E-L1250 E-M215 E-M34 E-U174 E-U209 E-V13 E-Z1902 EM4145 G-M201 J-M12 J-M267 J-M410 J-P58 J-Z1828 L-M22 R-M269 R-Z93 T-L162 H HV I J K L1 L2 L3 L4 M1 N R0 T1 T2 U X 97 millions GAZ:00003934 Egypt GAZ:00002935 El Salvador Spain French Portuguese Spanish L1 L2 0.77 million GAZ:00001091 Equatorial Guinea Italy N/A 5.91 millions GAZ:00000581 Eritrea GAZ:00002959 Estonia United Kingdom English Swazi 1.46 millions GAZ:00001099 Eswatini N/A Amharic A B E1b1b E2 J T L0 L2 L3 L4 L5 L L1 105.3 millions GAZ:00000567 Ethiopia GAZ:00000464 Europe Faroe Islands GAZ:00059206 Faeroe Islands GAZ:00001412 Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Falkland Islands GAZ:00006897 Micronesia (Federated States of) GAZ:00006891 Fiji GAZ:00002937 Finland GAZ:00002940 France GAZ:00002516 French Guiana GAZ:00002918 French Polynesia France French L1 L2 L3 L4 1.77 million GAZ:00001092 Gabon GAZ:00002646 Germany United Kingdom English E1a E1b1a E1b1b R1b L1 L2 27.49 millions GAZ:00000908 Ghana GAZ:00003987 Gibraltar GAZ:00002945 Greece GAZ:00001507 Greenland GAZ:02000573 Grenada GAZ:00067135 Guadeloupe GAZ:00006933 Guam GAZ:00002936 Guatemala France French 12.4 millions GAZ:00000909 Guinea Portugal Portuguese 1.79 millions GAZ:00000910 Guinea-Bissau GAZ:00002522 Guyana GAZ:00003953 Haiti GAZ:00003103 Holy See GAZ:00002894 Honduras GAZ:00003203 China, Hong Kong SAR Hong Kong GAZ:00002952 Hungary GAZ:00000843 Iceland GAZ:00002839 India GAZ:00003727 Indonesia GAZ:00004474 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Iran GAZ:00004483 Iraq GAZ:00052477 Isle of Man GAZ:00002476 Israel GAZ:00002650 Italy France French 24.18 millions GAZ:00000906 Ivory Coast Côte d'Ivoire GAZ:00003781 Jamaica GAZ:00002747 Japan GAZ:00002473 Jordan GAZ:00004999 Kazakhstan United Kingdom English Swahili L0 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 47.61 millions GAZ:00001101 Kenya GAZ:00006894 Kiribati GAZ:00011337 Kosovo GAZ:00005285 Kuwait GAZ:00006893 Kyrgyzstan GAZ:00006889 Lao People's Democratic Republic Laos GAZ:00000459 Latin America and the Caribbean GAZ:00002958 Latvia GAZ:00002478 Lebanon United Kingdom English Sesotho 1.95 million GAZ:00001098 Lesotho N/A English 4.68 millions GAZ:00000911 Liberia Italy Arabic A/B E(xE1b1b) E-M215 F-M89 G J J1 J3 K-M9 R1a R1b D E G H/HV HV0/HV0a/V HV1 I J J1 J2 K L0 L1 L2 L3 L4 M1 M9 N1 R0 T1 T2 U1 U2 U3 U4 U5 U6 U8 X 6.65 millions GAZ:00000566 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Libya GAZ:00003858 Liechtenstein GAZ:00002960 Lithuania GAZ:00002947 Luxembourg GAZ:00003202 China, Macao SAR Macau France French Malagasy 2.5 millions GAZ:00001108 Madagascar United Kingdom English 1.91 million GAZ:00001105 Malawi GAZ:00003902 Malaysia GAZ:00006896 Maldives France French L1 L2 17.88 millions GAZ:00000584 Mali GAZ:00004017 Malta GAZ:00007161 Marshall Islands GAZ:00003947 Martinique France Arabic 10.1046/j.1469-1809.1998.6260531.x 10.1046/j.1469-1809.2003.00039.x 10.1111/j.1469-1809.2006.00259.x H J K L1 L2 L3 U U5 U6 V 3.75 millions GAZ:00000583 Mauretania Mauritania France English French 1.35 million GAZ:00003745 Mauritius France French 0.27 million GAZ:00003943 Mayotte GAZ:00005860 Melanesia GAZ:00002852 Mexico GAZ:00005862 Micronesia true GAZ:00003897 Republic of Moldova Moldova GAZ:00003857 Monaco GAZ:00008744 Mongolia GAZ:00006898 Montenegro GAZ:00003988 Montserrat France Amazigh Arabic C3 E1a E1b1a E1b1b E1b1b1b E1b1b1b2 G2a H I1 I2a J1 J2a4 J2a4b O3 R1a R1b T 33.9 millions GAZ:00000565 Morocco Portugal Portuguese L L1 L2 L5 26.5 millions GAZ:00001100 Mozambique GAZ:00006899 Burma Myanmar United Kingdom English L1 L2 L3 L4 2.48 millions GAZ:00001096 Namibia GAZ:00006900 Nauru GAZ:00004399 Nepal GAZ:00001549 Netherlands GAZ:00004019 Netherlands Antilles GAZ:00005206 New Caledonia GAZ:00000469 New Zealand GAZ:00002978 Nicaragua France French A B E1a E1b1a E1b1b J R1b L1 L2 L3 L4 19.245 millions GAZ:00000585 Niger United Kingdom English L0 L1 L2 L3 L4 190.63 millions GAZ:00000912 Nigeria Niue Fekai GAZ:00006902 Niue GAZ:00005913 Norfolk Island GAZ:00002801 Democratic People's Republic of Korea North Korea GAZ:00000555 Northern Africa GAZ:00000458 Northern America Northern Europe GAZ:00003958 Northern Mariana Islands Kingdom of Norway GAZ:00002699 Norway GAZ:00000468 Oceania GAZ:00005283 Oman GAZ:00005246 Pakistan GAZ:00006905 Palau GAZ:00002475 Occupied Palestinian Territory Palestinian Territories GAZ:00002892 Panama GAZ:00003922 Papua New Guinea GAZ:00002933 Paraguay GAZ:00002932 Peru The Philippines GAZ:00004525 Philippines Pitcairn GAZ:00005867 Pitcairn, Henderson, Ducie and Oeno Islands Pitcairn Islands GAZ:00002939 Poland GAZ:00005861 Polynesia Portugese Republic GAZ:00002944 Portugal Commonwealth of Puerto Rico GAZ:00006935 Puerto Rico GAZ:00005286 Qatar GAZ:00002943 Ireland Republic of Ireland GAZ:00006895 The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Republic of Macedonia France French A B E1a E1b1a E1b1b E2 J R1b 4.95 millions GAZ:00001088 Congo Republic of the Congo GAZ:00002951 Romania GAZ:00002721 Russian Federation Russia Belgium English French Kinyarwanda Swahili L0 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 11.9 millions GAZ:00001087 Rwanda France French 0.86 million GAZ:00053746 Réunion United Kingdom English 0.05 million GAZ:00000849 St. Helena Saint Helena GAZ:00006906 Saint Kitts and Nevis GAZ:00006909 Saint Lucia GAZ:00005841 Saint Martin GAZ:00003942 Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon Saint Pierre and Miquelon GAZ:02000565 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines GAZ:00006910 Samoa GAZ:00003102 San Marino GAZ:00005279 Saudi Arabia Scandinavia GAZ:00002639 Scotland France French L1 L2 L3 14.66 millions GAZ:00000913 Senegal GAZ:00002957 Serbia United Kingdom English French Seychellois Creole 93920 0.93 millions GAZ:00005821 Seychelles United Kingdom English L1 L2 L3 6.16 millions GAZ:00000914 Sierra Leone GAZ:00003923 Singapore GAZ:00012579 Sint Maarten GAZ:00002956 Slovakia GAZ:00002955 Slovenia GAZ:00005275 Solomon Islands France United Kingdom Arabic Somali A B E1b1a E1b1b E2 J R1a T L L0 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 11 millions GAZ:00001104 Somalia GAZ:00000559 South-Eastern Asia South-Central Asia GAZ:00000459 South America United Kingdom Afrikaans English Ndebele Northern Sotho Sotho Swati Tsonga Tswana Venda Xhosa Zulu E1a E1b1a E1b1b J R1b L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 54.84 millions GAZ:00000553 South Africa GAZ:00002472 South Asia GAZ:00002802 Republic of Korea South Korea United Kingdom English A B E1b1b 11 millions GAZ:00233439 South Sudan GAZ:00000553 Southern Africa Southern Europe GAZ:00000591 Spain GAZ:00003924 Sri Lanka United Kingdom Arabic English A E1b1b J R1b L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 37.3 millions GAZ:00000560 Sudan GAZ:00002525 Suriname obsolete Swaziland true GAZ:00002729 Sweden GAZ:00002941 Switzerland GAZ:00002474 Syria Portugal Portuguese L1 L2 L3 0.2 million GAZ:00006927 São Tomé and Príncipe GAZ:00005341 Taiwan GAZ:00006912 Tajikistan United Kingdom English Swahili L L0 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 53.9 millions GAZ:00001103 United Republic of Tanzania Tanzania GAZ:00003744 Thailand GAZ:00002733 Bahamas The Bahamas United Kingdom English L1 L2 L3 L4 2.05 millions GAZ:00000907 Gambia The Gambia France Germany French 7.96 millions GAZ:00000915 Togo GAZ:00006914 Tokelau GAZ:00006916 Tonga Kingdom of Tonga GAZ:00003767 Trinidad and Tobago France Arabic B E1b1a E1b1b G2a I1 I2a J1 J2 J2a4b K L P R1a1a R1b1b2 H HV I J K L0 L1 L2 L3 M1 N R T U5 U6 V W X 11.4 millions GAZ:00000562 Tunisia GAZ:00000558 Turkey GAZ:00005018 Turkmenistan GAZ:00003955 Turks and Caicos Islands GAZ:00009715 Tuvalu United Kingdom English Swahili 39.5 millions GAZ:00001102 Uganda GAZ:00002724 Ukraine GAZ:00005282 United Arab Emirates GAZ:00002637 U.K. United Kingdom U.S. GAZ:00002459 United States of America United States GAZ:00003959 U.S. Virgin Islands United States Virgin Islands GAZ:00002930 Uruguay GAZ:00004979 Uzbekistan GAZ:00006918 Vanuatu GAZ:00002931 Venezuela GAZ:00003756 Vietnam GAZ:00007191 Wallis and Futuna Islands Wallis and Futuna GAZ:00000554 Western Africa Western Asia Western Europe Spain United Kingdom Arabic Spanish 0.6 million GAZ:00000564 Western Sahara GAZ:00005284 Yemen United Kingdom English L0 L1 L2 L4 L5 15.9 millions GAZ:00001107 Zambia United Kingdom Chewa Chibarwe English Kalanga Koisan Nambya Ndau Ndebele Shangani Shona Sotho Tonga Tswana Venda Xhosa sign language L1 L2 L4 13.8 millions GAZ:00001106 Zimbabwe GAZ:00009721 Cocos (Keeling) Islands GAZ:00004942 Georgia Masai 3°09'S, 36°27'E -3.14, 36.46'Maasai+people'+OR+'Maasai+tribe'+AND+'Africa' masa1300 A B E1b1a E1b1b M1a L2 Maasai 0.9 millions mas A Nilotic Eastern population with a population size of 0.9 millions Maasai A Nilotic Eastern population with a population size of 0.9 millions A Nilotic Eastern population with a population size of 0.9 millions Samburu 1°36'N, 37°03'E 1.61, 37.05'Samburu+people'+OR+'Samburu+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' samb1315 Samburu 0.1 millions Core Eastern Eastern Sudanic Lotuxo-Maa Lotuxo-Teso Nilo-Saharan Nilotic Ongamo-Maa Satellite-Core Southern saq A Nilotic Eastern population with a population size of 0.1 millions Samburu A Nilotic Eastern population with a population size of 0.1 millions 6°53'N, 9°16'E 6.88, 9.26'Tiv+tribe'+OR+'Tiv+people'%29+AND+%28+'Africa'%29 tivv1240 Tiv 3.8 millions Atlantic-Congo Bantoid Benue-Congo Niger-Congo Southern Tivoid Volta-Congo tiv A Bantu Western population with a population size of 3.8 millions Tiv A Bantu Western population with a population size of 3.8 millions Nama 25°04'S, 17°59'E -25.07, 17.98'Nama+tribe'+OR+'Nama+people'+%29+AND+'Africa' Namaqua A E1b1a E1b1b Khoekhoe 0.13 millions nama1265 A Khoisan South population with a population size of 0.13 millions Nama A Khoisan South population with a population size of 0.13 millions Susu 10°24'N, 13°22'W 10.40, -13.36'Susu+tribe'+OR+'Susu+people'%29+AND+%28+'Africa'%29 Soosoo Soso Sosoe Sosso Sossé Sousou Soussou Susa Susoo Susso Sussu Suzée Susu 2.2 millions Central Central-Southwestern Mande Niger-Congo Susu-Yalunka Western susu1250 sus A Mande Western population with a population size of 2.2 millions Susu A Mande Western population with a population size of 2.2 millions Taveta 3°25'S, 37°42'E -3.42, 37.71'Taveta+people'+OR+'Taveta+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' tave1240 Kitaveta Taveta 0.026 millions Atlantic-Congo Bantoid Benue-Congo Central E Narrow Bantu Niger-Congo Southern Volta-Congo tvs A Bantu Eastern population with a population size of 0.026 millions Taveta A Bantu Eastern population with a population size of 0.026 millions Basa (Cameroon) 3°48'N, 10°25'E 3.81, 10.42 Bassa (Liberia) 7°17'N, 11°33'W 7.28, -11.54 10.1016/j.celrep.2018.05.018'Basaa+tribe'+OR+'Basaa+people'%29+AND+%28+'Africa'%29'Bassa+tribe'+OR+'Bassa+people'%29+AND+%28+'Africa'%29 (Cameroon) (Liberia) Basa Bassa Bassa-Bakongo basa1284 nucl1418 Basa, Basaa, Mbene (Cameroon) Bassa Kru 0.8 million A Atlantic-Congo Bantoid Benue-Congo Kru Narrow Bantu Niger-Congo Niger–Congo Northwest Southern Volta-Congo bsq bas A Bantu Western population with a population size of 0.8 million Bassa A Bantu Western population with a population size of 0.8 million A Bantu Western population with a population size of 0.8 million Zulu 28°54'S, 30°12'E -28.90, 30.20'Zulu+people'+OR+'Zulu+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' Amazulu zulu1248 A B E1b1a E2 Zulu 12 millions Atlantic-Congo Bantoid Benue-Congo Central Narrow Bantu Niger-Congo S Southern Volta-Congo zul A Nguni population with a population size of 12 millions Zulu A Nguni population with a population size of 12 millions Northeastern Dinka 9°17'N, 31°50'E 9.28, 31.84 Northwestern Dinka 9°49'N, 29°18'E 9.81, 29.30 South Central Dinka 6°44'N, 30°18'E 6.73, 30.30 Southeastern Dinka 7°01'N, 31°17'E 7.02, 31.29 Southwestern Dinka 8°49'N, 28°04'E 8.81, 28.06'Dinka+people'+OR+'Dinka+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' Jieng Nuony-Jang A B E1b1b Dinka 5 millions Eastern Sudanic Nilo-Saharan dink1262 din A Nilotic Eastern population with a population size of 5 millions Dinka A Nilotic Eastern population with a population size of 5 millions Bambara 12°54'N, 7°39'W 12.90, -7.65'Bambara+tribe'+OR+'Bambara+people'%29+AND+%28+'Africa'%29 Bamana Banmana Bambara 14 millions Atlantic-Congo Bantoid Benue-Congo Central Central-Southwestern Jarawan Mande Manding Manding-East Manding-Jogo Manding-Mokole Manding-Vai Niger-Congo Nigerian Northeastern Manding Southern Volta-Congo Vute Western bamb1269 bam A Mande Western population with a population size of 14 millions Bambara A Mande Western population with a population size of 14 millions Kupsabiny 1°20'N, 34°36'E 1.33, 34.60 Sabaot 1°01'N, 34°40'E 1.01, 34.67'Sebei+people'+OR+'Sebei+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' elgo1240 kups1238 Sabiny or Sebei Elong Kupsabiny 0.3 million Core Eastern Nilo-Saharan Nilotic Satellite-Core Southern Sudanic Southern spy A Kalenjin population with a population size of 0.3 million Sebei A Kalenjin population with a population size of 0.3 million Massalat 13°31'N, 19°44'E 13.52, 19.73'Masalit+people'+OR+'Masalit+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' mass1262 A B E1b1b J Masalit Maban Nilo-Saharan Satellite-Core Satellites mls Masalit Fang bjl Bulu Sagalla 3°36'S, 38°30'E -3.60, 38.50 Taita 3°48'S, 38°34'E -3.79, 38.57'Taita+people'+OR+'Taita+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' Wadawida Wataita tait1249 Kidawida Taita 0.34 millions Atlantic-Congo Bantoid Benue-Congo Central E Narrow Bantu Niger-Congo Southern Volta-Congo dav A Bantu Eastern population with a population size of 0.34 millions Taita A Bantu Eastern population with a population size of 0.34 millions Igbo 4°38'N, 7°14'E 4.63, 7.23'Igbo+tribe'+OR+'Igbo+people'%29+AND+%28+'Africa'%29 Ala Igbo Ani Igbo Ibo Ndi Igbo nucl1417 E1b1a Igbo >34 millions ibo A Western African population with a population size of >34 millions Igbo A Western African population with a population size of >34 millions Kikuyu 0°17'S, 36°43'E -0.29, 36.72'Kikuyu+people'+OR+'Kikuyu+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' kiku1240 Gikuyu A B E1b1a E1b1b Kikuyu 5.3 millions Atlantic-Congo Bantoid Benue-Congo Central E Narrow Bantu Niger-Congo Southern Volta-Congo kik A Bantu Eastern population with a population size of 5.3 millions Kikuyu A Bantu Eastern population with a population size of 5.3 millions Terik 0°36'N, 35°E 0.60, 35.00'Terik+people'+OR+'Terik+tribe'+AND+'Africa' Kalenjin teri1244 tec Terik Anuak 7°35'N, 34°02'E 7.58, 34.03'Anuak+people'+OR+'Anuak+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' Anyuak Anywaa anua1242 Anuak Core Eastern Sudanic Luo Nilo-Saharan Nilotic Northern Satellite-Core Southern Western anu Anuak Nandi 0°48'N, 35°25'E 0.79, 35.41 nand1266 Kalenji Nandi 937,884 niq A Kalenjin population with a population size of 937,884 Nandi A Kalenjin population with a population size of 937,884 Lunda lun Lunda Tsonga 23°35'S, 31°49'E -23.58, 31.81'Tsonga+people'+OR+'Tsonga+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' Changana Shangana Xitsonga Tsonga 6 millions Atlantic-Congo Bantoid Benue-Congo Central Narrow Bantu Niger-Congo S Southern Volta-Congo tson1249 tso A Bantu Southern population with a population size of 6 millions Tsonga A Bantu Southern population with a population size of 6 millions 12°11'N, 12°44'W 12.18, -12.73 Adamawa Fulfulde 8°08'N, 13°05'E 8.14, 13.08 Bagirmi Fulfulde 8°49'N, 18°21'E 8.82, 18.35 Borgu Fulfulde 9°48'N, 3°59'E 9.80, 3.99 Central-Eastern Niger Fulfulde 15°05'N, 8°26'E 15.09, 8.43 Hausa States Fulfulde 11°N, 11°07'E 11.00, 11.12 Maasina Fulfulde 11°08'N, 3°39'W 11.13, -3.65 Pulaar 13°52'N, 13°27'W 13.87, -13.45 Western Niger Fulfulde 14°15'N, 0°31'W 14.25, -0.52,variants%20that%20influence%20human%20disease'Fulani+tribe'+OR+'Fulani+people'%29+AND+%28+'Africa'%29 Fula Fulaw Fulɓe Hilani Peul Peulh Pël Fula 25 millions Niger–Congo Senegambian fula1264 ful – inclusive code – Fulah Individual codes: fuc – Pulaar (Senegambia, Mauritania) fuf – Pular (Guinea, Sierra Leone) ffm – Maasina Fulfulde (Mali, Ghana) fue – Borgu Fulfulde (Benin, Togo) fuh – Western Niger (Burkina, Niger) fuq – Central–Eastern Niger (Niger) fuv – Nigerian Fulfulde (Nigeria) fub – Adamawa Fulfulde (Cameroon, Chad, Sudan) fui – Bagirmi Fulfulde (CAR) A Northern African, Central African, Western African, Eastern African population with a population size of 25 millions Fulani A Northern African, Central African, Western African, Eastern African population with a population size of 25 millions Yoruba 7°09'N, 3°40'E 7.15, 3.67'Yoruba+tribe'+OR+'Yoruba+people'%29+AND+%28+'Africa'%29 yoru1245 B_M181 E1b1a B E_M2* E_U174 E_U175 L1b L1c L2a L3d L3e L3f Yoruba 45 millions Atlantic-Congo Benue-Congo Defoid Edekiri Niger-Congo Volta-Congo Yoruboid yor A Western African population with a population size of 45 millions Yoruba A Western African population with a population size of 45 millions Beria 17°29'N, 23°28'E 17.48, 23.46'Zaghawa+people'+OR+'Zaghawa+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' zagh1240 Beria Zaghawa 0.4 million Eastern Nilo-Saharan Saharan zag A Nilotic Central, Nilotic Eastern, Northern African population with a population size of 0.4 million Zaghawa A Nilotic Central, Nilotic Eastern, Northern African population with a population size of 0.4 million Tugen 0°40'N, 35°51'E 0.67, 35.85'Tugen+people'+OR+'Tugen+tribe'+AND+'Africa' Kalenjin 197556 tuge1241 tuy A Kalenjin population with a population size of 197556 Tugen A Kalenjin population with a population size of 197556 Meru 0°16'N, 37°44'E 0.26, 37.74'Meru+people'+OR+'Meru+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' Ameru Amîîrú Ngaa meru1245 Kimîîru or Kimeru Meru 2.7 Millions Atlantic-Congo Bantoid Benue-Congo Central E Narrow Bantu Niger-Congo Southern Volta-Congo mer A Bantu Eastern population with a population size of 2.7 Millions Meru A Bantu Eastern population with a population size of 2.7 Millions Borana-Arsi-Guji Oromo 1°03'N, 37°53'E 1.06, 37.88 Eastern Oromo 8°40'N, 41°26'E 8.67, 41.44 Orma 1°48'S, 39°36'E -1.79, 39.61 Waata 0°33'N, 37°51'E 0.56, 37.86 West Central Oromo 8°49'N, 36°44'E 8.81, 36.74'Oromo+people'+OR+'Oromo+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' nucl1736 A B E1b1b E2 J T L0 L2 L3 L5 L6 M N HV T U Oromo 40 millions Afro-Asiatic Cushitic East Oromo Oromo language is divided into five languages in the ISO 639-3 listing: [gax] – Borana–Arsi–Guji–Walagaa Oromo [hae] – Eastern Oromo [orc] – Orma [gaz] – West Central Oromo [ssn] – Waata orm A Cushitic Eastern population with a population size of 40 millions Oromo A Cushitic Eastern population with a population size of 40 millions Fur 12°03'N, 23°38'E 12.05, 23.64'Fur+people'+OR+'Fur+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' A B E1b1b J Fur 1 million Eastern Sudanic Nilo-Saharan furr1244 fvr A Nilotic Eastern population with a population size of 1 million Fur A Nilotic Eastern population with a population size of 1 million Xhosa 31°02'S, 28°05'E -31.04, 28.08'Xhosa+people'+OR+'Xhosa+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' A B E1b1a E1b1b E2 Xhosa 7.9 millions Atlantic-Congo Bantoid Benue-Congo Central Narrow Bantu Niger-Congo S Southern Volta-Congo xhos1239 xho A Nguni population with a population size of 7.9 millions Xhosa A Nguni population with a population size of 7.9 millions Mamara Senoufo 12°29'N, 5°17'W 12.49, -5.28'Minianka+people'+OR+'Minianka+tribe'+AND+'Africa' mama1271 Minyanka, Mamara, Miniyanka, Minya, Mianka, or Tupiire Minianka 0.74 million Atlantic-Congo Dagaari Dagaari-Birifor Gur Kirma-Tyurama Niger-Congo North Senufo Southeast Suppire-Mamara Volta-Congo Western myk A Senufo population with a population size of 0.74 million Minianka A Senufo population with a population size of 0.74 million Herero 21°01'S, 20°34'E -21.02, 20.57'Herero+tribe'+OR+'Herero+people'+AND+'Africa' Ovaherero / Dama / Damara here1253 E1a E1b1a R1b Herero Bantu Niger–Congo her Herero Hausa 11°09'N, 8°47'E 11.15, 8.78'Hausa+tribe'+OR+'Hausa+people'%29+AND+%28+'Africa'%29 Ausa Habe Haoussa Hausawa Mgbakpa haus1257 A B E1b1a E1b1b R1b Hausa 90 millions A A.1 Afro-Asiatic Chadic West hau A Western African, Eastern African population with a population size of 90 millions Hausa A Western African, Eastern African population with a population size of 90 millions Nuer 8°08'N, 32°23'E 8.14, 32.38'Nuer+people'+OR+'Nuer+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' Naath A B E1b1b Nuer 3 millions Core Dinka-Nuer Eastern Sudanic Nilo-Saharan Nilotic Satellite-Core Southern Western nuer1246 nur The Nuer are a Nilotic Eastern population with a population size of 3 million. Nuer The Nuer are a Nilotic Eastern population with a population size of 3 million. Chonyi-Dzihana-Kauma 6°31'S, 38°40'E -6.52, 38.67 Digo 4°37'S, 39°11'E -4.62, 39.18 Duruma 4°06'S, 39°19'E -4.10, 39.32 Giryama 3°18'S, 39°40'E -3.31, 39.66 Segeju 5°S, 39°07'E -5.01, 39.12'Mijikenda+people'+OR+'Mijikenda+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' miji1238 Mijikenda 2.488 Millions Atlantic-Congo Bantoid Benue-Congo Narrow Bantu Niger-Congo Southern Volta-Congo coh – Chonyi dig – Digo dug – Duruma nyf – Giryama seg – Segeju A Bantu Eastern population with a population size of 2.488 Millions Mijikenda A Bantu Eastern population with a population size of 2.488 Millions Fang (Cameroon) 6°33'N, 10°19'E 6.54, 10.32 Fang (Equatorial Guinea) 1°43'N, 11°37'E 1.72, 11.61 - -'Fang+tribe'+OR+'Fang+people'%29+AND+%28+'Africa'%29 Fãn M'fang Pahouin fang1248 - fang1246 Fang 1 million Bantu Niger–Congo fak A Bantu Central population with a population size of 1 million Fang A Bantu Central population with a population size of 1 million Mossi 11°57'N, 1°19'W 11.95, -1.32'Mossi+tribe'+OR+'Mossi+people'%29+AND+%28+'Africa'%29 B E1b1a E1b1b E_M191* E_M2* E_M33 E_M35 E_U174 E_U175 L0a L1b L2a L2c L2d L3d L3e U6a Mossi 7.6 millions Atlantic-Congo Central Gur Niger-Congo North Northern Oti-Volta Volta-Congo Western moss1236 mos A Gurma population with a population size of 7.6 millions Moore Mooré More Moré Moshi Mòoré Mõõré Mossi A Gurma population with a population size of 7.6 millions Bemba (Zambia) 10°37'S, 29°18'E -10.61, 29.30 10.1098/rspb.2012.0318'Bemba+people'+OR+'Bemba+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' Bemba 5 millions Atlantic-Congo Bantoid Benue-Congo Narrow Bantu Niger-Congo Southern Volta-Congo bemb1257 bem A Bantu Southern population with a population size of 5 millions Bemba A Bantu Southern population with a population size of 5 millions Kamba (Kenya) 1°36'S, 37°57'E -1.61, 37.95'Kamba+people'+OR+'Kamba+tribe'+AND+'Africa' Akamba A B E1b1a E1b1b Kamba 4.663 millions Atlantic-Congo Bantoid Benue-Congo Narrow Bantu Niger-Congo Southern Volta-Congo kamb1297 kam A Bantu Eastern population with a population size of 4.663 millions Kamba A Bantu Eastern population with a population size of 4.663 millions Randali Randile Randille Reendile Rendili Rendille rend1243 Rendile, Randile E3 Rendille Afro-Asiatic Cushitic Lowland East Rendille Rendille–Boni rel Rendille Adangme 5°57'N, 0°08'E 5.94, 0.13 Ga 5°39'N, 0°11'W 5.65, -0.19'Ga+tribe'+OR+'Ga+people'%29+AND+%28+'Africa'%29 Ga-Dangbe Ga-Dangme GaDangme GaOAdangbe Gã-Daŋbɛ Dangme Ga 2 millions Atlantic–Congo Kwa Niger–Congo Volta-Congo adan1247 gaaa1244 ada gaa The Ga-Adangbe are a Western African population with a population size of 2 million. Ga-Adangbe The Ga-Adangbe are a Western African population with a population size of 2 million. Buli (Ghana) 10°35'N, 1°16'W 10.58, -1.27'Bulsa+tribe'+OR+'Bulsa+people'%29+AND+%28+'Africa'%29 Builsa Bulisa Kajaga Buli 2020-05-01T12:51:52.493403Z Bulsa Nyanja 14°48'S, 32°49'E -14.80, 32.81 10.1038/jhg.2010.41'Chewa+people'+OR+'Chewa+tribe'+AND+'Africa' Nyanja Nyanja, Chichewa, Chinyanja Chewa 9 millions Bantu Niger–Congo nyan1308 nya A Bantu Eastern population with a population size of 9 millions Chewa A Bantu Eastern population with a population size of 9 millions Soninke 13°08'N, 11°43'W 13.13, -11.72'Soninke+people'+OR+'Soninke+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' Sarahuli Sarakole Seraculeh Serahule Serahuli Serakole Soninké Serakhulle or Azer Soninke 2 millions Jenaama Mande Manding-West Maninka-Mori Mokole Niger-Congo Northwestern Soninke Soninke-Bobo Soninke-Boso Southeastern Manding Western soni1259 snk The Soninke are a Mande Western population with a population size of 2 million. Soninke The Soninke are a Mande Western population with a population size of 2 million. Tswana 24°22'S, 24°46'E -24.37, 24.76'Tswana+people'+OR+'Tswana+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' Batswana Motswana Setswana / Batswana / Motswana Tswana 15 millions Atlantic-Congo Bantoid Benue-Congo Central Narrow Bantu Niger-Congo S Southern Volta-Congo tswa1253 tsn A Bantu Southern population with a population size of 15 millions Tswana A Bantu Southern population with a population size of 15 millions Tahaggart Tamahaq 22°35'N, 8°44'E 22.59, 8.73 Tamasheq 14°12'N, 2°25'W 14.20, -2.41 Tawallammat Tamajaq 13°59'N, 4°29'E 13.99, 4.48 Tayart Tamajeq 16°55'N, 7°40'E 16.92, 7.67'Tuareg+people'+OR+'Tuareg+tribe'+AND+'North+Africa' E1b1a E1b1b R1b Semitic-Central-South Tuareg 2.5 millions Afro-Asiatic Berber tuar1240 taq A Berber Northern, Berber Western population with a population size of 2.5 millions Tuareg A Berber Northern, Berber Western population with a population size of 2.5 millions Dagbani 9°39'N, 0°26'W 9.65, -0.43'Dagomba+tribe'+OR+'Dagomba+people'%29+AND+%28+'Africa'%29 Dagbani Hausa 0.93 millions A Western African population with a population size of 0.93 millions 2020-05-01T13:50:22.535335Z Dagomba A Western African population with a population size of 0.93 millions Kusaal 10°58'N, 0°23'W 10.97, -0.39'Kusasi+tribe'+OR+'Kusasi+people'%29+AND+%28+'Africa'%29 kusa1250 Kusaal, or Kusaasi Kusasi Atlantic-Congo Central Gur Niger-Congo North Northern Oti-Volta Southeast Volta-Congo Western 2020-05-01T13:54:06.644543Z Kusasi Farefare 11°06'N, 0°49'W 11.09, -0.81'Frafra+tribe'+OR+'Frafra+people'%29+AND+%28+'Africa'%29 Fare-Fare fare1241 Frafra 0.3 millions Atlantic-Congo Central Gur Niger-Congo North Northern Northwest Oti-Volta Volta-Congo Western A Gurunsi population with a population size of 0.3 millions 2020-05-01T14:08:04.310248Z Frafra A Gurunsi population with a population size of 0.3 millions Bago-Kusuntu 8°32'N, 1°25'E 8.53, 1.41 Chakali 9°50'N, 1°54'W 9.83, -1.90 Chala 8°N, 0°31'E 8.00, 0.51 Deg 8°26'N, 2°17'W 8.44, -2.29 Delo 7°55'N, 0°36'E 7.91, 0.60 Kabiyé 8°58'N, 0°30'E 8.97, 0.50 Kalamsé 13°37'N, 3°06'W 13.61, -3.10 Kasem 11°05'N, 1°23'W 11.08, -1.39 Lama (Togo) 8°40'N, 0°50'E 8.67, 0.83 Lukpa 9°31'N, 1°40'E 9.52, 1.67 Lyélé 12°26'N, 2°36'W 12.43, -2.59 Northern Nuni 12°08'N, 2°59'W 12.13, -2.98 Paasaal 10°12'N, 1°48'W 10.20, -1.80 Pana (Burkina Faso) 13°21'N, 3°22'W 13.35, -3.37 Phuie 11°01'N, 3°28'W 11.02, -3.47 Sissala of Burkina Faso 11°05'N, 2°23'W 11.09, -2.38 Siti 9°10'N, 2°45'W 9.17, -2.75 Southern Nuni 11°31'N, 2°09'W 11.52, -2.14 Tampulma 9°45'N, 1°21'W 9.76, -1.35 Tem 8°58'N, 1°08'E 8.97, 1.14 Tumulung Sisaala 10°38'N, 1°48'W 10.63, -1.80 Vagla 9°20'N, 2°19'W 9.34, -2.31 Western Sisaala 10°51'N, 2°22'W 10.86, -2.36 Winyé 11°49'N, 2°59'W 11.82, -2.98'Gurunsi+tribe'+OR+'Gurunsi+people'%29+AND+%28+'Africa'%29 Gourounsi Grunshi Gurunsi Gurunsi, Grusi or Grũsi Grusi 0.8 millions grus1239 A Gurma population with a population size of 0.8 millions 2020-05-03T04:48:48.578263Z Gurunsi A Gurma population with a population size of 0.8 millions Gourmanchéma 11°40'N, 1°17'E 11.67, 1.28'Gurma+tribe'+OR+'Gurma+people'%29+AND+%28+'Africa'%29 Gourma Gourmantché Gur Goulmacema, Gourma, Gourmantche, Gulimancema, Gulmancema, Gurma, or Gourmanché Gourmanchéma 3.3 millions A Western African population with a population size of 3.3 millions 2020-05-03T05:33:33.758221Z Gurma A Western African population with a population size of 3.3 millions Central Dagaare 10°25'N, 2°31'W 10.42, -2.52'Dagaaba+tribe'+OR+'Dagaaba+people'%29+AND+%28+'Africa'%29 Dagao Dagara Dagare, Dagari, Dagarti, Dagaran or Dagao Dagaare 1 million Atlantic-Congo Central Dagaari Dagaari-Birifor Gur Niger-Congo North Northern Northwest Oti-Volta Volta-Congo Western The Dagaaba are a Western African population with a population size of 1 million. 2020-05-03T05:46:31.037467Z Dagaaba The Dagaaba are a Western African population with a population size of 1 million.'Dyula+tribe'+OR+'Dyula+people'%29+AND+%28+'Africa'%29 Dioula Juula dyul1238 Jula or Dioula Dyula 6.8 millions Central Central-Southwestern Mande Manding Manding-East Manding-Jogo Manding-Mokole Manding-Vai Niger-Congo Northeastern Manding Western dyu A Mande Western population with a population size of 6.8 millions 2020-05-03T06:20:50.626145Z Dyula A Mande Western population with a population size of 6.8 millions Creole 1.2 millions A Eastern African population with a population size of 1.2 millions 2020-05-04T10:18:49.65749Z Bihari Mauritian'Bihari+people'+AND+'Mauritius'+%29 A Eastern African population with a population size of 1.2 millions Morisyen 20°16'S, 57°33'E -20.26, 57.55'Mauritian+Creoles'+OR+'Mauritian+people'+%29+AND+'Mauritius' mori1278 Mauritian Creole or Morisien Morisyen mfe 2020-05-04T10:49:26.621045Z Mauritian Creole'Tamil+Mauritian'+OR+'Tamil'+%29+AND+'Mauritius' English French Morisyen Tamil 0.055 millions A Eastern African population with a population size of 0.055 millions 2020-05-04T10:56:12.352811Z Tamil A Eastern African population with a population size of 0.055 millions'Nankani+tribe'+OR+'Nankani+people'%29+AND+%28+'Africa'%29 Nankana Frafra 2020-05-16T16:16:23.46195Z Nankani Creole, Ilois, Kreol, Kreol Seselwa, Seselwa sese1246 crs 2020-05-25T07:02:54.916089Z Seychellois'Khoisan+people'+OR+'Khoisan+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' Khoe-Sān Afrikaans Khoisan 0.4 million A Eastern African population with a population size of 0.4 million 2020-05-25T11:52:32.561065Z Khoisan Eastern A Eastern African population with a population size of 0.4 million'Semites'+OR+'Semitic+people'+OR+'Semitic+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' 2020-05-25T12:03:27.527948Z Semitic Eastern'Semites'+OR+'Semitic+people'+OR+'Semitic+tribe'+AND+'Africa' Arabic based 2020-05-25T12:04:27.169602Z Semite Northern'Semites'+OR+'Semitic+people'+OR+'Semitic+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' 2020-05-25T12:10:22.843511Z Semite Central'Pygmy+people'+OR+'Pygmy+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' L2 2020-05-25T12:59:23.488594Z Pygmy Eastern 94 populations People living in: Burundi OR Comoros OR Djibouti OR Eritrea OR Ethiopia OR Kenya OR Madagascar OR Malawi OR Mauritius OR Mayotte OR Mozambique OR Rwanda OR Réunion OR Seychelles OR Somalia OR South Sudan OR Sudan OR Uganda OR United Republic of Tanzania OR Zimbabwe 2020-05-25T14:14:55.213279Z Eastern African'Berber+people'+OR+'Berber+tribe'+AND+'North+Africa' Berber 2020-05-25T15:51:44.708742Z Berber Western Birked 12°30'N, 24°50'E 12.50, 24.83 Dair 12°28'N, 30°41'E 12.47, 30.68 Dilling 12°02'N, 29°36'E 12.03, 29.61 Dongola 18°15'N, 30°45'E 18.25, 30.75 Dongola Coordinates WGS84 18°15'N, 30°45'E 18.25, 30.75 El Hugeirat 11°57'N, 28°35'E 11.95, 28.59 Haraza 15°05'N, 30°25'E 15.08, 30.42 Kadaru 12°09'N, 30°16'E 12.16, 30.27 Karko 12°03'N, 29°12'E 12.05, 29.21 Kenuzi 24°05'N, 32°54'E 24.09, 32.90 Kenuzi-Dongola 21°17'N, 31°54'E 21.28, 31.90 Midob 14°47'N, 27°13'E 14.79, 27.22 Nobiin 22°49'N, 31°50'E 22.81, 31.84 Old Nubian 18°46'N, 31°45'E 18.76, 31.75 Uncunwee 11°39'N, 29°49'E 11.64, 29.81 Wali (Sudan) 11°52'N, 29°07'E 11.86, 29.12'Nubian+people'+OR+'Nubian+tribe'+%29+AND+'North+Africa' Nubi Nubis nubi1251 J E1b1b B R1b Nubian 1.7 million Eastern Sudanic Nilo-Saharan nub 'The Nubians are known as people of the Nile and are located between Egypt and northern Sudan.' taken from: Culture and Customs of Sudan. Written by De Kwame Essien, Toyin Falola Ph.D. 2020-05-26T10:54:46.784167Z Nubian Eastern Kenuzi 24°05'N, 32°54'E 24.09, 32.90'Mattokki'+AND+'Nubian'+AND+'Africa' Kenus Kenuzi kenu1243 Mattokki, Kenuz, Kenuzi, Kunuz, Kunuz Nubian, Kunuzi, Kenu Kenzi 0.050 million Central Core Eastern Sudanic Nilo-Saharan Northern Nubian Satellite-Core xnz A Nubian Northern population with a population size of 0.050 million 2020-05-26T11:27:52.848591Z Mattokki Banda-Bambari 6°13'N, 20°59'E 6.22, 20.98 Banda-Banda 6°38'N, 22°45'E 6.64, 22.76 Banda-Mbrès 7°20'N, 23°01'E 7.33, 23.01 Banda-Ndélé 8°02'N, 23°54'E 8.03, 23.90 Banda-Yangere 3°57'N, 16°35'E 3.96, 16.59 Gobu 5°01'N, 20°01'E 5.01, 20.02 Kpagua 4°58'N, 20°10'E 4.96, 20.16 Langbashe 4°53'N, 20°07'E 4.88, 20.11 Mbandja 3°59'N, 19°27'E 3.98, 19.45 Mid-Southern Banda 5°53'N, 22°28'E 5.88, 22.47 Mono (Democratic Republic of Congo) 4°35'N, 19°50'E 4.58, 19.83 Ngbundu 3°49'N, 18°43'E 3.82, 18.72 Ngundu 4°53'N, 20°25'E 4.89, 20.42 South Central Banda 2°56'N, 21°03'E 2.94, 21.05 Togbo-Vara Banda 6°21'N, 22°44'E 6.36, 22.74 West Central Banda 6°49'N, 24°06'E 6.81, 24.10'Banda+people'+OR+'Banda+tribe'+AND+'Africa' band1341 Banda 1.5 millions Adamawa-Ubangi Atlantic-Congo Niger-Congo North Ubangi Volta-Congo bad A Ubangi Central population with a population size of 1.5 millions 2020-05-26T15:20:19.108269Z Banda A Ubangi Central population with a population size of 1.5 millions'Mahas'+AND+%28'Tribe'+OR+'People'%29+AND+'Sudan' Mahas Sudanese Arabic 2020-05-31T21:37:27.277315Z Mahas'Luo+people'+OR+'Luo+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' luob1235 Lwo or Lwoian A E1b1a B Luo Nilo-Saharan, Luo, River-Lake luo A Nilotic Eastern population with a population size of Nilo-Saharan, Luo, River-Lake 2020-05-27T09:12:10.089241Z Luo A Nilotic Eastern population with a population size of Nilo-Saharan, Luo, River-Lake'Kalenjin+people'+OR+'Kalenjin+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' kale1246 Kalenjin 3 millions Core Eastern Nilo-Saharan Nilotic Satellite-Core Southern Sudanic Southern kln The Kalenjin are a Nilotic Eastern population with a population size of 3 million. 2020-05-27T13:05:32.408569Z Kalenjin The Kalenjin are a Nilotic Eastern population with a population size of 3 million.'Pygmy+people'+OR+'Pygmy+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' 2020-05-27T13:31:44.870658Z Pygmy Southern Cebaara Senoufo 9°30'N, 6°09'W 9.51, -6.15 Djimini Senoufo 8°22'N, 4°27'W 8.36, -4.46 Eastern Karaboro 10°30'N, 4°31'W 10.50, -4.52 Mamara Senoufo 12°29'N, 5°17'W 12.49, -5.28 Nafaanra 8°N, 2°31'W 8.01, -2.51 Nanerigé Sénoufo 11°45'N, 4°55'W 11.75, -4.92 Nyarafolo Senoufo 9°40'N, 5°07'W 9.67, -5.12 Palaka Senoufo 9°32'N, 4°56'W 9.54, -4.93 Senara Sénoufo 10°30'N, 5°17'W 10.50, -5.28 Supyire Senoufo 11°38'N, 5°53'W 11.63, -5.88 Sìcìté Sénoufo 11°11'N, 5°17'W 11.18, -5.29 Tagwana Senoufo 8°40'N, 5°10'W 8.67, -5.17 Western Karaboro 10°38'N, 4°46'W 10.63, -4.76'Senufo+people'+OR+'Senufo+tribe'+AND+'Africa' Sene Senefo Senoufo Siena Syénambélé senu1239 Senufo 2 millions The Senufo are a Western African population with a population size of 2 million. 2020-05-29T02:28:20.723261Z Senufo The Senufo are a Western African population with a population size of 2 million. Abron 7°43'N, 2°30'W 7.72, -2.50 Akan 6°21'N, 1°20'W 6.35, -1.33 Wasa 5°44'N, 2°10'W 5.74, -2.16'Akan+tribe'+OR+'Akan+people'%29+AND+%28+'Africa'%29 Ashanti akan1251 Akan 20 millions Kwa Niger–Congo aka – inclusive code Individual codes: fat – Fante twi – Twi wss – Wasa A Western African population with a population size of 20 millions 2020-05-28T05:01:56.405941Z Akan A Western African population with a population size of 20 millions Dazaga 15°44'N, 15°51'E 15.74, 15.85'Daza+people'+OR+'Daza+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' daza1242 Daza Tebu Nilo-Saharan dzg A Toubou population with a population size of Nilo-Saharan 2020-06-01T06:53:51.468116Z Daza Arame-Gubaare 12°18'N, 16°22'W 12.30, -16.37 Bandial 12°32'N, 16°25'W 12.53, -16.42 Ejamat 12°20'N, 16°31'W 12.34, -16.52 Gusilay 12°47'N, 16°30'W 12.78, -16.50 Jola-Esulalu 12°31'N, 16°33'W 12.51, -16.55 Jola-Fonyi 12°45'N, 15°44'W 12.76, -15.74 Karon 13°N, 16°44'W 12.99, -16.74 Keerak 12°22'N, 16°41'W 12.37, -16.69 Kugere-Kuxinge 12°41'N, 16°24'W 12.69, -16.39 Kuwaataay 12°29'N, 16°45'W 12.48, -16.75 Mlomp 12°50'N, 16°32'W 12.83, -16.54,variants%20that%20influence%20human%20disease'Jola+tribe'+OR+'Jola+people'%29+AND+%28+'Africa'%29 Ajamat Ajamatau Bachuki Diola Jola 0.5 millions jola1264 A Western African population with a population size of 0.5 millions 2020-05-28T07:37:24.322962Z Jola A Western African population with a population size of 0.5 millions Dendi (Benin) 11°40'N, 3°29'E 11.67, 3.49 Humburi Senni Songhay 15°18'N, 1°42'W 15.29, -1.69 Korandje 29°30'N, 2°29'W 29.50, -2.48 Koyra Chiini Songhay 16°12'N, 3°44'W 16.19, -3.74 Koyraboro Senni Songhai 16°58'N, 0°33'W 16.96, -0.55 Tadaksahak 16°41'N, 2°20'E 16.68, 2.33 Tagdal 16°11'N, 6°50'E 16.19, 6.84 Tasawaq 16°47'N, 6°55'E 16.78, 6.92 Tondi Songway Kiini 15°16'N, 2°49'W 15.26, -2.82 Zarma-Kaado 12°51'N, 2°25'E 12.86, 2.41'Songhai+people'+OR+'Songhai+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' Songhay Sonrai Songhay Songhai 5 millions Kresh Lango-Acholi Luo Maban Nilo-Saharan Sara Sara Kaba Sinyar Songhai Southern Surbakhal Vale song1307 son A Nilotic Western population with a population size of 5 millions 2020-05-29T02:47:13.838764Z Songhai A Nilotic Western population with a population size of 5 millions Kinyarwanda 1°34'S, 29°39'E -1.57, 29.64'Banyarwanda+people'+OR+'Banyarwanda+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' Rwandan or Rwanda, officially known as Ikinyarwanda Kinyarwanda 15.109 millions kiny1244 kin A Bantu Eastern population with a population size of 15.109 millions 2020-05-30T16:04:27.686862Z Banyarwanda A Bantu Eastern population with a population size of 15.109 millions Aari 5°57'N, 36°34'E 5.95, 36.57'Ari+people'+OR+'Ari+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' Aari aari1239 Aari 0.462 million Afro-Asiatic Gonga Mao Ometo Omotic South West aiw A Eastern African population with a population size of 0.462 million 2020-05-31T16:41:40.772779Z Ari'Gaalien'+OR+'Gaaliin'+AND+%28+'tribe'+OR+'People'+%29+AND+'Sudan' Gaalien Ja'al Ja'ali Ja'aliin Ja'aliya Ja'aliyin Jaaliyin Jalayiin Arabic based 4 millions A Eastern African population with a population size of 4 millions 2020-05-31T17:26:33.451053Z Gaaliin A Eastern African population with a population size of 4 millions'Shaigiya+people'+OR+'Shaigiya+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' Shaigia Shaiqiya Arabic based 2020-05-31T17:33:30.7911Z Shaigiya'Messiria+people'+OR+'Messiria+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' Misseriya Chadian Arabic 2020-05-31T17:42:48.180393Z Messiria'Hadendoa+people'+OR+'Hadendoa+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' Beja 2020-05-31T17:47:15.312628Z Hadendoa'Halfawieen'+AND+%28'Tribe'+OR+'People'%29+AND+'Sudan' 2020-05-31T21:00:45.972772Z Halfawieen'Nuba+people'+OR+'Nuba+tribe'%29+AND+'Africa' Sudanese Arabic >1.07 million suda1236 apd 'The Nuba trace their geographical roots to the area around the Nuba mountains, the uppermost regions around the Ingessana hills and communities close to the Red Sea.' taken from: Culture and Customs of Sudan. Written by De Kwame Essien, Toyin Falola Ph.D. 2020-05-31T21:09:10.899867Z Nuba Hassaniyya 18°17'N, 14°07'W 18.29, -14.11 10.1038/srep18571'Sahrawi+people'+OR+'Sahrawi+tribe'+AND+'Africa' Saharawi hass1238 Hassaniyya Arabic based Hassaniya 0.57 million Afro-Asiatic Arabic Central Mandaic Northwestern Semitic South West mey A Berber Northern population with a population size of 0.57 million 2020-06-01T10:21:54.128576Z Sahrawi A Berber Northern population with a population size of 0.57 million 9°48'N, 9°37'E 9.80, 9.61 10.3389/fmicb.2019.02138'Jarawa+tribe'+OR+'Jarawa+people'%29+AND+%28+'Africa'%29 jara1263 Hausa Jarawa 0.250 million Atlantic-Congo Bantoid Benue-Congo Jarawan Niger-Congo Nigerian Southern Volta-Congo jar A Bantu Western population with a population size of 0.250 million 2020-06-03T17:26:34.951643Z Jarawa Hadza 3°50'S, 35°03'E -3.83, 35.05 Hadzabe hadz1240 Hadza Swahili 1300 persons Language Isolate hts A Eastern African population with a population size of 1300 persons 2020-06-03T17:49:44.168715Z Hadza A Eastern African population with a population size of 1300 persons Sereer 13°54'N, 16°23'W 13.89, -16.39'Serer+people'+OR+'Serer+tribe'+AND+'Africa' sere1260 Sereer Wolof, Cangin Serere / Sereer / Serrere / Sarer / Kegueme Wolof 1.9 millions Atlantic Atlantic-Congo Jola-Kasa Niger-Congo Northern Senegambian Serer Western Wolof srr A Western African population with a population size of 1.9 millions 2020-06-03T18:24:48.049222Z Serer A Western African population with a population size of 1.9 millions Mandjak 12°50'N, 15°55'W 12.83, -15.92'Manjak+people'+OR+'Manjak+tribe'+AND+'Africa' Mandjak Manjack Manjaco Manjaku Njaago Manjack, Mandjak, Mandyak, Manjaco, Njak, Kanyop Manjak 0.285 million Atlantic Atlantic-Congo Bak Jola Proper Jola-Kasa Kwatay Manjaku-Papel Niger-Congo Northern mand1419 mfv A Western African population with a population size of 0.285 million 2020-06-03T18:51:10.709432Z Manjak A Western African population with a population size of 0.285 million Balanta-Ganja 12°32'N, 15°40'W 12.54, -15.67 Balanta-Kentohe 11°49'N, 15°19'W 11.82, -15.32 10.1186/s13073-014-0099-x'Balanta+people'+OR+'Balanta+tribe'+AND+'Africa' Balante Balant Balanta 0.324 million Atlantic Atlantic-Congo Bak Balant-Ganja Niger-Congo Northern bala1300 ble – Balanta-Kentohe bjt – Balanta-Ganja A Western African population with a population size of 0.324 million 2020-06-04T05:19:21.644555Z Balanta A Western African population with a population size of 0.324 million Tumzabt 32°30'N, 3°51'E 32.50, 3.85'Mozabite+people'+OR+'Mozabite+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' tumz1238 H J L2 L3 M1 T U6 V Mozabite 0.150 million mzb A Berber Northern population with a population size of 0.150 million 2020-06-08T14:35:10.632831Z Mozabite A Berber Northern population with a population size of 0.150 million Ngoni 11°47'S, 37°25'E -11.78, 37.41'Ngoni+people'+OR+'Ngoni+tribes'+%29+AND+'Africa' explore/GroupDetails.aspx?peid=15006 Ngoni 0.758 million Atlantic-Congo Bantoid Benue-Congo Central Manda N Narrow Bantu Niger-Congo Southern Volta-Congo ngon1269 ngo A Bantu Eastern, Bantu Southern population with a population size of 0.758 million 2020-06-10T06:52:48.876474Z Ngoni A Bantu Eastern, Bantu Southern population with a population size of 0.758 million Malawi Lomwe 15°34'S, 35°26'E -15.57, 35.43'Lomwe+tribe'+OR+'Lomwe+people'+%29+AND+'Africa' Lomwe 2020-06-10T06:58:43.975622Z Lomwe Yao 13°37'S, 35°14'E -13.61, 35.24 waYao Chiyao Yao > 2 millions Atlantic-Congo Bantoid Benue-Congo Central Narrow Bantu Niger-Congo P Southern Volta-Congo yaoo1241 yao A Bantu Eastern population with a population size of > 2 millions 2020-06-10T14:42:06.702436Z Yao A Bantu Eastern population with a population size of > 2 millions'Mang'anja+people'+OR+'Mang'anja+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' Chewa 2.486 millions A Chewa population with a population size of 2.486 millions, known as the people of the lake 2020-06-10T15:03:41.125728Z Mang'anja A Chewa population with a population size of 2.486 millions, known as the people of the lake Barwe 17°41'S, 33°27'E -17.68, 33.45 Malawi Sena 16°37'S, 34°59'E -16.62, 34.99 Nyungwe 16°29'S, 33°01'E -16.48, 33.02 Phimbi 15°50'S, 33°21'E -15.84, 33.35 Sena 19°48'S, 34°59'E -19.79, 34.98 10.1038/jhg.2010.41'Sena+people'+OR+'Sena+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' Chisena or Cisena Sena 2 millions Atlantic-Congo Bantoid Benue-Congo Central N Narrow Bantu Niger-Congo Senga-Sena Southern Volta-Congo sena1270 Variously: seh – Mozambiquean Sena swk – Malawian Sena bwg – Barwe The Sena are a Bantu Eastern population with a population size of 2 million. 2020-06-11T07:17:12.674263Z Sena The Sena are a Bantu Eastern population with a population size of 2 million. Bongo 7°25'N, 28°E 7.41, 27.99'Bongo+people'+OR+'Bongo+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' bong1285 Bongo Nilo-Saharan, Satellite-Core, Satellites, Central Sudanic, West, Bongo-Bagirmi, Bongo-Baka, Bongo, Kacipo-Balesi, Tennet, Luo, Lango-Acholi bot A Sudanic population with a population size of Nilo-Saharan|Satellite-Core|Satellites|Central Sudanic|West|Bongo-Bagirmi|Bongo-Baka|Bongo|Kacipo-Balesi|Tennet|Luo|Lango-Acholi 2020-06-12T14:07:28.678709Z Bongo A Sudanic population with a population size of Nilo-Saharan|Satellite-Core|Satellites|Central Sudanic|West|Bongo-Bagirmi|Bongo-Baka|Bongo|Kacipo-Balesi|Tennet|Luo|Lango-Acholi'Chipeta+people'+OR+'Chipeta+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' ''Chipeta', the people of grassland' from 'A History of Malawi, 1859-1966' BY De John McCracken; Atlantic-Congo Bantoid Benue-Congo Central Chewa-Nyanja N Narrow Bantu Niger-Congo Southern Volta-Congo nya 2020-06-11T07:36:47.276551Z Chipeta Nyakyusa-Ngonde 9°43'S, 33°47'E -9.71, 33.78 10.1038/jhg.2010.41'Nyakyusa+people'+OR+'Nyakyusa+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' Konde Ngonde Nkhonde Nkonde Sokile Wagonde Nyakyusa-Ngonde Nyakyusa 1.050 millions Atlantic-Congo Bantoid Benue-Congo Central M Narrow Bantu Niger-Congo Nyakyusa-Ngonde Southern Volta-Congo nyak1260 nyy A Bantu Eastern population with a population size of 1.050 millions 2020-06-11T08:03:32.478715Z Nyakyusa A Bantu Eastern population with a population size of 1.050 millions Burunge Coordinates WGS84 5°13'S, 35°58'E -5.21, 35.96'Burunge+people'+OR+'Burunge+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' buru1320 Burunge 0.030 million Afro-Asiatic B.3 Cushitic South Yaaku Zaar Proper bds A Cushitic Eastern population with a population size of 0.030 million 2020-06-15T10:59:04.589993Z Burunge A Cushitic Eastern population with a population size of 0.030 million Antankarana Malagasy 13°13'S, 49°14'E -13.22, 49.24'Antankarana+people'+OR+'Antankarana+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' Antakarana Malagasy 0.05 million A Malagasy population with a population size of 0.05 million 2020-06-15T14:00:13.907374Z Antankarana A Malagasy population with a population size of 0.05 million Tsimihety Malagasy 15°26'S, 48°49'E -15.43, 48.81'Tsimihety+people'+OR+'Tsimihety+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' Malagasy 1.2 millions The Tsimihety are a Malagasy population with a population size of 1.2 million. 2020-06-15T14:14:34.467229Z Tsimihety The Tsimihety are a Malagasy population with a population size of 1.2 million. West Malagasy Sakalava 20°17'S, 44°19'E -20.28, 44.32 Malagasy 1.2 millions The Sakalava are a Malagasy population with a population size of 1.2 million. 2020-06-15T14:21:08.265074Z Sakalava The Sakalava are a Malagasy population with a population size of 1.2 million. Northern Betsimisaraka Malagasy 19°55'S, 48°49'E -19.92, 48.81 Southern Betsimisaraka Malagasy 22°48'S, 47°49'E -22.80, 47.82'Betsimisaraka+people'+OR+'Betsimisaraka+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' Malagasy 1.5 millions A Malagasy population with a population size of 1.5 millions 2020-06-15T14:25:09.416422Z Betsimisaraka A Malagasy population with a population size of 1.5 millions'Antemoro+people'+OR+'Antemoro+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' Antaimoro Malagasy 0.5 million A Malagasy population with a population size of 0.5 million 2020-06-15T14:28:23.485126Z Antemoro A Malagasy population with a population size of 0.5 million'Betsileo+people'+OR+'Betsileo+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' Malagasy 4.359 millions A Malagasy population with a population size of 4.359 millions 2020-06-15T15:01:11.907949Z Betsileo A Malagasy population with a population size of 4.359 millions'Zafimaniry+people'+OR+'Zafimaniry+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' Malagasy 0.015 million A Betsileo population with a population size of 0.015 million 2020-06-15T15:08:36.224695Z Zafimaniry A Betsileo population with a population size of 0.015 million'Merina+people'+OR+'Merina+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' Antimerina Hova Imerina Malagasy > 5 millions A Malagasy population with a population size of > 5 millions 2020-06-15T15:11:27.762009Z Merina A Malagasy population with a population size of > 5 millions'Bara+people'+OR+'Bara+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' Malagasy 0.52 million A Malagasy population with a population size of 0.52 million 2020-06-15T15:15:34.94548Z Bara A Malagasy population with a population size of 0.52 million Vezo 23°20'S, 43°40'E -23.34, 43.67'Vezo+people'+OR+'Vezo+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' Malagasy 0.0012 million A Malagasy population with a population size of 0.0012 million 2020-06-15T15:20:12.85554Z Vezo A Malagasy population with a population size of 0.0012 million Tandroy Malagasy 24°48'S, 45°54'E -24.80, 45.90'Antandroy+people'+OR+'Antandroy+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' Tandroy Malagasy 0.6 million A Malagasy population with a population size of 0.6 million 2020-06-15T15:24:17.430928Z Antandroy A Malagasy population with a population size of 0.6 million Mahafaly Malagasy 24°12'S, 44°30'E -24.20, 44.50'Mahafaly+people'+OR+'Mahafaly+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' Malagasy 0.15 million A Malagasy population with a population size of 0.15 million 2020-06-15T15:28:09.932564Z Mahafaly A Malagasy population with a population size of 0.15 million Kafs Creole French 2020-06-16T08:32:46.813638Z Cafre Malabars Tamil French Tamil 0.18 million A Eastern African population with a population size of 0.18 million 2020-06-16T08:35:05.410899Z Malbar A Eastern African population with a population size of 0.18 million Z'arabe Zarab French 2020-06-16T08:39:07.078345Z Zarabe French French people who were born in Metropolitan France. 2020-06-16T08:42:06.267055Z Zoreille Sinoi Chinese French 0.025 million A Eastern African population with a population size of 0.025 million 2020-06-16T08:47:24.158213Z Sinwa A Eastern African population with a population size of 0.025 million Central Ju 19°34'S, 18°07'E -19.57, 18.12 Groot Laagte =/Kx'au//'ein 21°03'S, 21°11'E -21.06, 21.18 North-Central Ju 21°55'S, 18°E -21.92, 18.00 Northern Ju 18°16'S, 18°11'E -18.27, 18.19 South-Eastern Ju 19°41'S, 20°46'E -19.69, 20.77'!Kung+tribe'+OR+'!Kung+people'+%29+AND+'Africa' juku1256 ǃXun, Ju, Northern (Sekele), Southern or Southeastern (Juǀʼhoan) Kung Kxʼa Variously: vaj – Northern ǃKung knw – Ekoka ǃKung ktz – Southern ǃKung 2020-06-28T08:42:48.642199Z !Kung'Ubangian+people'+OR+'Ubangian+tribe'+AND+'Africa' uban1244 Ubangian 2020-07-13T13:22:17.068311Z Ubangi Central'Nilotic+people'+OR+'Nilotic+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' Nilotic languages 2020-07-13T13:26:01.229346Z Nilotic Central Bangba 3°24'N, 28°19'E 3.40, 28.31'Bangba+people'+OR+'Bangba+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' bang1345 Bangba 0.011 million Niger-Congo Ubangian bbe A Ubangi Central population with a population size of 0.011 million 2020-07-23T13:34:48.672601Z Bangba Mayogo 2°48'N, 27°50'E 2.80, 27.83'Mayogo+people'+OR+'Mayogo+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' mayo1261 Mayugo, Majugu, Maigo, Maiko, Mayko or Kiyogo Mayogo Adamawa-Ubangi Atlantic-Congo Niger-Congo North Ubangi Volta-Congo mdm 2020-07-23T13:54:08.243112Z Mayogo'Cushitic+people'+OR+'Cushitic+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' Cushites cush1243 cus 2020-07-23T16:17:13.935392Z Cushitic Eastern 2020-07-23T16:31:43.234328Z Nilotic Western'Sudanic+people'+OR+'Sudanic+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' Sudanic languages 2020-08-05T07:31:46.90664Z Sudanic'Bantu+tribe'+OR+'Bantu+people'+AND+'Africa' Bantoid languages Bantu Niger–Congo Bantu Central 38 populations People living in: Angola OR Cameroon OR Central African Republic OR Chad OR Congo OR Democratic Republic of the Congo OR Gabon OR Zambia Central African 18 populations People living in: Algeria OR Egypt OR Libya OR Mauritania OR Morocco OR Tunisia OR Western Sahara Northern African 40 populations People living in: Botswana OR Eswatini OR Lesotho OR Namibia OR South Africa Southern African 61 populations People living in: Benin OR Burkina Faso OR Cabo Verde OR Cote d'Ivoire OR Equatorial Guinea OR Gambia OR Ghana OR Guinea OR Guinea-Bissau OR Liberia OR Mali OR Niger OR Nigeria OR Saint Helena OR Sao Tome and Principe OR Senegal OR Sierra Leone OR Togo Western African Central Kanuri 11°48'N, 13°08'E 11.80, 13.13 Kanembu 13°52'N, 14°51'E 13.87, 14.84 Manga Kanuri 13°33'N, 10°42'E 13.56, 10.70 Tarjumo 11°51'N, 13°09'E 11.85, 13.16 Tumari Kanuri 14°16'N, 13°09'E 14.26, 13.16'Kanuri+people'+OR+'Kanuri+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' kanu1279 L0 L1 L2 L3 L4 U6 H HV Kanuri >10 millions Nilo-Saharan Saharan Western kau A Nilotic Central, Nilotic Western population with a population size of >10 millions Kanuri A Nilotic Central, Nilotic Western population with a population size of >10 millions Lagwan 11°34'N, 14°59'E 11.56, 14.99'Kotoko+people'+OR+'Kotoko+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' Bara Makari Moria Mser lagw1237 L0 L1 L2 L3 H Lagwan < 1 million kot A Central African population with a population size of < 1 million Kotoko A Central African population with a population size of < 1 million Masana 10°04'N, 15°28'E 10.06, 15.47'Masa+people'+OR+'Masa+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' Banana Masana Massa Yagoua masa1322 Massa or Masa L0 L1 L2 L3 M Masana 0.45 millions Afro-Asiatic Chadic mcn A Central African population with a population size of 0.45 millions Masa A Central African population with a population size of 0.45 millions 10.1371/journal.pgen.1005658'Pygmy+people'+OR+'Pygmy+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' L2 L4 L5 Pygmy Central Yaka (Central African Republic) 3°39'N, 17°16'E 3.65, 17.27'Aka+tribe'+OR+'Aka+people'+%29+AND+'Africa' BaAka Babenzele Bayaka Biaka yaka1272 Yaka or Beka Aka Nilo-Saharan Pygmy axk Aka Baka (Cameroon) 2°10'N, 13°47'E 2.16, 13.78 Ganzi 6°33'N, 19°21'E 6.54, 19.35 Gundi 3°28'N, 15°44'E 3.46, 15.73 Limassa 2°16'N, 16°11'E 2.27, 16.19'Baka+tribe'+OR+'Baka+people'+%29+AND+'Africa'+AND+'Cameroon' Bayaka Bebayaga Bebayaka Bibaya Be-bayaga, Be-bayaka, and Bibaya de L’est Baka 0.03 milion Variously: bkc – Baka gdi – Gundi (Ngundi) gnz – Ganzi bme – Massa (Limassa) A Pygmy Central population with a population size of 0.03 milion Baka_Cameroon A Pygmy Central population with a population size of 0.03 milion'Bambuti+people'+OR+'Bambuti+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' Bambuti core1256 Core Kikongo; incl. Kituba & ex-Kongo varieties yomb1244 Yombe A E1b1a B E2 Kango 0.01 milion kon – inclusive code Individual codes: kng – Koongo ldi – Laari kwy – San Salvador Kongo (South) yom – Yombe A Pygmy Central population with a population size of 0.01 milion Mbuti A Pygmy Central population with a population size of 0.01 milion Efe 1°53'N, 29°18'E 1.88, 29.29 Lese 1°18'N, 29°18'E 1.30, 29.30'Efé+people'+OR+'Efé+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' efee1239 lese1243 Lese 0.07 million Nilo-Saharan A Pygmy Central population with a population size of 0.07 million Efé A Pygmy Central population with a population size of 0.07 millioné_people Mansoanka 12°49'N, 15°55'W 12.82, -15.92'Sua+people'+OR+'Sua+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' Kunante Mansoanka Mansoanka or Kunante Sua Atlantic Atlantic-Congo Jola-Kasa Niger-Congo Southern Sua Temne Temne-Banta mans1259 msw Sua Rundi 2°56'S, 29°58'E -2.94, 29.97'Twa+people'+OR+'Twa+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' Abatwa BaTwa Cwa Ge-Sera Kirundi Rundi 0.04 million Atlantic-Congo Bantoid Benue-Congo Central Narrow Bantu Niger-Congo Southern Volta-Congo rund1242 run A Pygmy Eastern, Pygmy Southern, Banyarwanda, Pygmy Central population with a population size of 0.04 million Twa A Pygmy Eastern, Pygmy Southern, Banyarwanda, Pygmy Central population with a population size of 0.04 million A Pygmy Eastern, Pygmy Southern, Banyarwanda, Pygmy Central population with a population size of 0.04 million Kuwaataay 12°29'N, 16°45'W 12.48, -16.75'Kwatay+people'+OR+'Kwatay+tribe'+AND+'Africa' Kuwaataay Kwatay Atlantic Atlantic-Congo Bak Jola Jola Proper Niger-Congo Northern kuwa1246 cwt Kwatay Kanembu 13°52'N, 14°51'E 13.87, 14.84 h'Kanembu+people'+OR+'Kanembu+tribe'+AND+'Africa' kane1243 L0 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 Kanembu 0.655 millions Kanuri Nilo-Saharan Saharan Western kbl A Kanuri population with a population size of 0.655 millions Kanembu A Kanuri population with a population size of 0.655 millions Ewondo 4°13'N, 11°56'E 4.21, 11.94 Fang (Cameroon) 6°33'N, 10°19'E 6.54, 10.32'Beti-Pahuin'+AND+%28+'People'+OR+'Tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' ewon1239 fang1248 Ewondo Fang 3.3 millions Bantu Niger–Congo ewo fak A Bantu Western, Bantu Central population with a population size of 3.3 millions with a group of 20 sub-ethnicities Beti-Pahuin A Bantu Western, Bantu Central population with a population size of 3.3 millions with a group of 20 sub-ethnicities Chokwe 9°40'S, 21°24'E -9.66, 21.40 10.1038/jhg.2010.41'Chokwe+people'+OR+'Chokwe+tribe'+AND+'Africa' chok1245 Chokwe Luba 1.1 million Bantu Niger–Congo cjk A Bantu Central population with a population size of 1.1 million Chokwe A Bantu Central population with a population size of 1.1 million Barama 2°30'S, 10°41'E -2.50, 10.68 Bwisi 3°14'S, 11°58'E -3.24, 11.96 Cimbala-Cizali 5°20'S, 13°22'E -5.34, 13.36 Eastern Kikongo 5°15'S, 15°30'E -5.25, 15.50 Kituba (Congo) 4°09'S, 14°34'E -4.16, 14.56 Kituba (Democratic Republic of Congo) 2°18'S, 17°09'E -2.30, 17.15 Lumbu 3°23'S, 11°07'E -3.38, 11.12 Ngubi 3°26'S, 10°46'E -3.43, 10.77 Punu 2°40'S, 11°40'E -2.67, 11.67 Sangu (Gabon) 1°32'S, 11°55'E -1.53, 11.91 Sira 1°47'S, 10°28'E -1.78, 10.46 South-Central Kikongo 5°35'S, 14°29'E -5.58, 14.48 Vili 4°04'S, 11°23'E -4.07, 11.38 Vumbu 2°11'S, 10°39'E -2.18, 10.65 Yombe 4°52'S, 12°38'E -4.86, 12.64'Kongo+people'+OR+'Kongo+tribe'+AND+'Africa' Bakongo Bisi Kongo EsiKongo Mukongo MwisiKongo core1256 Kikongo Kongo 17 millions Atlantic-Congo Bantoid Bantu Benue-Congo Central H Narrow Bantu Niger-Congo Southern Volta-Congo kon – inclusive code Individual codes: kng – Koongo ldi – Laari kwy – San Salvador Kongo (South) yom – Yombe A Bantu Central population with a population size of 17 millions Kongo A Bantu Central population with a population size of 17 millions Bangubangu 4°19'S, 27°15'E -4.31, 27.24 Binji 6°42'S, 21°42'E -6.70, 21.70 Hemba-Yazi 7°46'S, 27°35'E -7.77, 27.59 Kanyok 7°19'S, 23°37'E -7.32, 23.61 Kaonde 12°25'S, 25°46'E -12.41, 25.76 Luba-Katanga 8°17'S, 25°54'E -8.28, 25.89 Luba-Lulua 5°44'S, 22°27'E -5.73, 22.44 Luna 5°05'S, 23°33'E -5.09, 23.54 Lwalu 7°10'S, 22°07'E -7.16, 22.11 Nkoya 14°51'S, 24°46'E -14.85, 24.76 Sanga (Democratic Republic of Congo) 10°01'S, 26°51'E -10.02, 26.85 Songe 5°43'S, 25°17'E -5.72, 25.28'Luba+people'+OR+'Luba+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' Baluba luba1253 Luba-Kasai, Luba-Katanga >15 millions Atlantic-Congo Bantoid Benue-Congo Central L Luba Narrow Bantu Niger-Congo Southern Volta-Congo lua lub sng The Luba are a Bantu Central population with a population size of >15 million. Luba The Luba are a Bantu Central population with a population size of >15 million.'Mbundu+people'+OR+'Mbundu+tribe'+AND+'Africa' Ambundu Kimbundu 6.4 millions Bantu Niger–Congo A Bantu Central population with a population size of 6.4 millions Mbundu A Bantu Central population with a population size of 6.4 millions'Moghamo+people'+OR+'Moghamo+tribe'+AND+'Africa' Meta' 0.018 million Atlantic-Congo Bantoid Benue-Congo Momo Narrow Grassfields Niger-Congo Nun Southern Southern Bantoid Volta-Congo Wide Grassfields mgo A Bantu Central population with a population size of 0.018 million Moghamo A Bantu Central population with a population size of 0.018 million Mongo 1°33'S, 20°26'E -1.54, 20.43'Mongo+people'+OR+'Mongo+tribe'+AND+'Africa' bafo1235 mong1338 Lingala Nkundo, Mongo-Nkundu, Lomongo, Lonkundu Mongo >15 millions Bantu Niger–Congo Niger–Congo, Bantu lol The Mongo are a Bantu Central population with a population size of >15 million. Mongo The Mongo are a Bantu Central population with a population size of >15 million. Kinshasa Lingala 4°25'S, 15°17'E -4.41, 15.29'Ngala+people'+OR+'Ngala+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' ling1263 Lingala Ngala 25 millions Atlantic-Congo Bantoid Benue-Congo C Narrow Bantu Niger-Congo Northwest Southern Volta-Congo lin A Bantu Central population with a population size of 25 millions Ngala Ngamambo 5°53'N, 10°05'E 5.88, 10.08'Ngamambo'+AND+'people'+AND+'Cameroon' Baforchu mbu ngam1267 widi1234 Ngamambo Meta' Ngamambo 0.08 million Atlantic-Congo Bantoid Benue-Congo Momo Narrow Grassfields Niger-Congo Nun Southern Volta-Congo Wide Grassfields mgo A Bantu Central population with a population size of 0.08 million Ngamambo Tikar 5°52'N, 11°37'E 5.87, 11.61'Tikar+people'+OR+'Tikar+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' tika1246 Tikar 0.025 million Bantu Niger–Congo tik A Bantu Central population with a population size of 0.025 million Tikar A Bantu Central population with a population size of 0.025 million Umbundu 12°29'S, 14°25'E -12.48, 14.41'Ovimbundu+people'+OR+'Ovimbundu+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' Umbundu 4.6 milions Atlantic-Congo Bantoid Benue-Congo Central Narrow Bantu Niger-Congo Southern Volta-Congo A Bantu Central population with a population size of 4.6 milions Ovimbundu A Bantu Central population with a population size of 4.6 milions Mbunda 14°36'S, 21°59'E -14.60, 21.98 10.1098/rspb.2012.0318 mck – inclusive code Individual codes: yax – Yauma dialect nkn – Nkangala dialect'Mbunda+people'+OR+'Mbunda+tribe'+AND+'Africa' Kambunda Vambunda mbun1249 Mbunda 0.5 million Bantu Niger–Congo A Kongo population with a population size of 0.5 million Mbunda A Kongo population with a population size of 0.5 million Ali 4°36'N, 18°02'E 4.60, 18.04 Bofi 4°01'N, 17°18'E 4.02, 17.30 Bokoto 4°45'N, 16°40'E 4.75, 16.67 Gbanu 5°17'N, 17°23'E 5.28, 17.39 Gbaya-Bossangoa 6°37'N, 17°39'E 6.62, 17.64 Gbaya-Bozoum 5°59'N, 16°28'E 5.99, 16.46 Gbaya-Mbodomo 4°48'N, 14°36'E 4.80, 14.61 Manza 6°31'N, 18°48'E 6.51, 18.79 Ngbaka Manza 5°18'N, 18°25'E 5.30, 18.41 Ngbaka Minagende 2°59'N, 19°E 2.99, 18.99 Ngombe-Bangandu 2°11'N, 14°45'E 2.19, 14.75 Northwest Gbaya 5°57'N, 15°15'E 5.95, 15.26 Southwest Gbaya 4°42'N, 14°57'E 4.70, 14.96 Suma 7°06'N, 17°01'E 7.10, 17.01'Gbaya+people'+OR+'Gbaya+tribe'+AND+'Africa' gbay1279 Gbaya 1.5 million Niger-Congo Ubangian gba A Ubangi Central population with a population size of 1.5 million Gbaya A Ubangi Central population with a population size of 1.5 million Dendi (Central African Republic) 4°29'N, 22°34'E 4.48, 22.57 Gbayi 5°34'N, 21°58'E 5.57, 21.97 Mbangi 4°42'N, 22°04'E 4.70, 22.06 Mongoba-Kazibati 2°49'N, 29°34'E 2.81, 29.56 Northern Ngbandi 3°34'N, 21°51'E 3.56, 21.85 Riverain Sango 4°20'N, 21°10'E 4.33, 21.17 Sango 6°47'N, 20°10'E 6.79, 20.17 Southern Ngbandi 2°32'N, 19°36'E 2.54, 19.59 Yakoma 4°10'N, 22°10'E 4.17, 22.17'Ngbandi+people'+OR+'Ngbandi+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' ngba1290 Ngbandi 0.122 million Adamawa-Ubangi Atlantic-Congo Niger-Congo North Ubangi Volta-Congo Variously: ngb – Northern Ngbandi nbw – Southern Ngbandi yky – Yakoma deq – Dendi mgn – Mbangi gyg – Gbayi A Ubangi Central population with a population size of 0.122 million Ngbandi A Ubangi Central population with a population size of 0.122 million Zande 4°37'N, 26°43'E 4.62, 26.72'Zande+people'+OR+'Zande+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' Azande Zande 1-4 millions Adamawa-Ubangi Atlantic-Congo Niger-Congo North Ubangi Volta-Congo zand1248 zne A Ubangi Central, Eastern African population with a population size of 1-4 millions Zande A Ubangi Central, Eastern African population with a population size of 1-4 millions Batha 12°11'N, 12°22'E 12.19, 12.36 Chadian Arabic 14°40'N, 13°30'E 14.67, 13.50'Baggara+people'+OR+'Baggara+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' Chad Arabs U3 M1 L0 R0a L3 L2 Chadian Arabic 6 million Afro-Asiatic Arabic Central Semitic South chad1249 shu A Semite Central, Semitic Eastern population with a population size of 6 million Baggara A Semite Central, Semitic Eastern population with a population size of 6 million Dagba 8°51'N, 18°29'E 8.84, 18.48 Gor 8°05'N, 17°04'E 8.08, 17.07 Gulay 9°04'N, 17°19'E 9.07, 17.32 Horo 9°14'N, 18°23'E 9.24, 18.38 Kaba 7°39'N, 16°44'E 7.65, 16.73 Laka (Chad) 7°47'N, 16°01'E 7.79, 16.02 Laka of Lau (Nigeria) 9°09'N, 11°14'E 9.15, 11.23 Mango 8°46'N, 16°54'E 8.76, 16.91 Mbay 8°14'N, 15°44'E 8.23, 15.73 Nangnda 8°36'N, 17°16'E 8.60, 17.27 Ngam 8°16'N, 18°28'E 8.26, 18.46 Ngambay 8°34'N, 15°25'E 8.57, 15.41 Sar 8°30'N, 17°53'E 8.51, 17.88'Sara+people'+OR+'Sara+tribe'+AND+'Africa' cent2044 Sara 3.5 millions Atlantic Atlantic-Congo Bak Bongo-Bagirmi Central Sudanic Jola Proper Jola-Kasa Kara Kwatay Lango-Acholi Luo Manjaku-Papel Morokodo-Beli Morokodo-Mo’da Niger-Congo Nilo-Saharan Northern Satellite-Core Satellites Tennet West A Western African, Nilotic Central population with a population size of 3.5 millions Sara A Western African, Nilotic Central population with a population size of 3.5 millions Dazaga 15°44'N, 15°51'E 15.74, 15.85 Tedaga 18°03'N, 14°46'E 18.04, 14.77'Toubou+people'+OR+'Toubou+tribe'+AND+'Africa' Gorane Gourane Tubu tebu1238 Tubu Tebu 2.25 millions Nilo-Saharan Saharan A Nilotic Eastern, Nilotic Western, Northern African, Nilotic Central population with a population size of 2.25 millions Tabu Tebou Tebu Tibbu Tibu Toda Todaga Todga Tubu Tuda Tudaga Umbararo Toubou Afrikaans 22°S, 30°E -22.00, 30.00'Afrikaners'+AND+'Africa' afri1274 Afrikaans 2.8–3.5 million Indo-European A Southern African population with a population size of 2.8–3.5 million Afrikaner A Southern African population with a population size of 2.8–3.5 million'Bantu+tribe'+OR+'Bantu+people'+AND+'Africa' Bantoid languages Bantu Southern English 2.5 millions A Southern African, Eastern African population with a population size of 2.5 millions British diaspora A Southern African, Eastern African population with a population size of 2.5 millions'Cape+coloured+people'+AND+'Africa' Afrikaans English 4.7 millions Indo-European A Southern African population with a population size of 4.7 millions Coloured A Southern African population with a population size of 4.7 millions'Goffel'+OR+'Gaffel'+%29+AND+'Africa'+AND+'Coloured' Goffal English 0.03 millions Indo-European A Southern African population with a population size of 0.03 millions. People of mixed race claiming both European and African descent. Goffel A Southern African population with a population size of 0.03 millions. People of mixed race claiming both European and African descent. French French diaspora Hai//om-Akhoe 19°46'S, 17°02'E -19.76, 17.03 Korana 30°25'S, 19°46'E -30.42, 19.77 Nama 25°04'S, 17°59'E -25.07, 17.98 Xiri 28°26'S, 20°44'E -28.43, 20.73 Hai//om-Akhoe, Nama, Xiri, Korana'Khoikhoi+tribe'+OR+'Khoikhoi+people'+%29+AND+'Africa' Khoikhoi khoe1242 Khoekhoe Khoe Khoe-Kwadi Khoekhoe Khoisan Nama Either: naq – Khoekhoe, Nama hgm – Haiǁom Khoekhoe'San+tribe'+OR+'San+people'+%29+AND+'Africa' Boesmans Boschjesmens Bushmen Khoisan Saake Saan Sakhoen Sonqua Sākhoen Sān Khoisan Kx'a: Ksa, Ju–ǂHoan Tuu: Taa–ǃKwi, Taa–ǃUi, ǃUi–Taa, Kwi L0k L0d L3g Khoe Kxʼa Tuu 0.1 million Mande Niger-Congo A Southern African population with a population size of 0.1 million San A Southern African population with a population size of 0.1 million'Khoisan+people'+AND+'Africa' Khoe-Sān A B E1b1a E1b1b E2 R1b Khoisan-South 0.4 millions A Khoekhoe, San population with a population size of 0.4 millions Khoisan South A Khoekhoe, San population with a population size of 0.4 millions'Taa+tribe'+OR+'Taa+people'+%29+AND+'Africa' Nǀumde ǃXoon ǃXooŋake ʼNǀohan taaa1242 ǃXóõ, ǃKhong or ǃXoon Taa nmn Taa'Banareng+tribe'+OR+'Banareng+people'+AND+'Africa' Sotho Bantu Niger–Congo People of the place of the buffalo Banareng'Himba+people'+OR+'Himba+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' Chimba Oluthimba Oluzimba OmuHimba Otjidhimba OvaHimbaSimba Ovazimba Tjimba Zemba Herero 0.05 million Bantu Niger–Congo The Himba are a Bantu Southern population with a population size of 0.05 million. Himba The Himba are a Bantu Southern population with a population size of 0.05 million. Kwangali 17°54'S, 19°15'E -17.90, 19.26'Kwangali+people'+OR+'Kawangali+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' kwan1273 Kwangali Atlantic-Congo Bantoid Benue-Congo Central K Luyana Narrow Bantu Niger-Congo Southern Volta-Congo kwn Kwangali'Lemba+people'+OR+'Lemba+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' Mwenye wa-Remba Kalanga Shona Venda 0.05 million Bantu Niger–Congo The Lemba are a Bantu Southern population with a population size of 0.05 million Lemba The Lemba are a Bantu Southern population with a population size of 0.05 million Makhuwa 14°51'S, 38°48'E -14.85, 38.81'Makua+tribe'+OR+'Makua+people'+%29+AND+'Africa' Macua Makhuwa Makhuwa, Emakhuwa, Macua Makua 4.037 Millions Bantu Niger–Congo makh1264 A Bantu Southern population with a population size of 4.037 Millions Makua A Bantu Southern population with a population size of 4.037 Millions 23°35'S, 31°49'E -23.58, 31.81 25°38'S, 29°03'E -25.63, 29.05 Swati 26°S, 31°30'E -26.00, 31.50 Xhosa 31°02'S, 28°05'E -31.04, 28.08 Zimbabwean Ndebele 20°15'S, 27°25'E -20.25, 27.41 Zulu 28°54'S, 30°12'E -28.90, 30.20'Nguni+people'+OR+'Nguni+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' ngun1267 Nguni > 28 millions Bantu Niger–Congo A Bantu Southern population with a population size of > 28 millions Nguni A Bantu Southern population with a population size of > 28 millions Kuanyama 17°43'S, 16°35'E -17.72, 16.58 Kwambi 18°02'S, 15°44'E -18.03, 15.73 Mbalanhu 17°35'S, 16°02'E -17.58, 16.03 Ndonga 17°13'S, 17°21'E -17.22, 17.35 Ngandyera 16°38'S, 21°12'E -16.64, 21.19'Ovambo+people'+OR+'Ovambo+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' Aawambo Aawambo (Ndonga Ambo Kwambi Mbalantu) Nghandjera Ovambo Ovawambo (Kwanyama) Oshiwambo Ovambo 1.6 million Atlantic-Congo Bantoid Benue-Congo Central Narrow Bantu Niger-Congo Southern Volta-Congo ndon1253 Variously: kua – Kwanyama ndo – Ndonga kwm – Kwambi lnb – Mbalanhu nne – Ngandjera A Bantu Southern population with a population size of 1.6 million Ovambo A Bantu Southern population with a population size of 1.6 million Kalanga 21°17'S, 27°24'E -21.29, 27.40 Shona 17°13'S, 29°45'E -17.21, 29.76'Shona+people'+OR+'Shona+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' shon1251 Shona 10.6 millions Bantoid Niger–Congo sna A Bantu Southern, Bantu Eastern population with a population size of 10.6 millions Shona A Bantu Southern, Bantu Eastern population with a population size of 10.6 millions Birwa 22°10'S, 28°20'E -22.17, 28.33 Lozi 17°42'S, 24°44'E -17.71, 24.74 Pedi 24°48'S, 29°28'E -24.80, 29.47 Southern Sotho 28°47'S, 27°53'E -28.78, 27.89 Tswapong 23°24'S, 27°25'E -23.41, 27.42 Birwa, Southern Sotho, Lozi, Tswapong, Pedi'Sotho+people'+OR+'Sotho+tribe'+AND+'Africa' Basotho SeSotho Sotho 7.130 millions Atlantic-Congo Bantoid Benue-Congo Central Narrow Bantu Niger-Congo S Southern Volta-Congo soth1252 sot A Bantu Southern population with a population size of 7.130 millions Sotho A Bantu Southern population with a population size of 7.130 millions Tonga (Zambia) 17°25'S, 27°06'E -17.42, 27.10'Tonga+people'+OR+'Tonga+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' Batonga Lake Shore Tonga Nyasa Tonga Shona 2 millions Atlantic-Congo Bantoid Benue-Congo Central M Narrow Bantu Niger-Congo Southern Volta-Congo tong1318 toi A Bantu Southern, Bantu Eastern population with a population size of 2 millions Tonga A Bantu Southern, Bantu Eastern population with a population size of 2 millions Venda 22°11'S, 29°57'E -22.19, 29.95'Venda+tribe'+OR+'Venda+people'+%29+AND+'Africa' Ba venda Tshivenda Venda 1 million Atlantic-Congo Bantoid Benue-Congo Central Narrow Bantu Niger-Congo S Southern Volta-Congo vend1245 ven A Bantu Southern population with a population size of 1 million Venda A Bantu Southern population with a population size of 1 million Yeyi 18°55'S, 23°37'E -18.92, 23.61'Yeyi+tribe'+OR+'Yeyi+people'+%29+AND+'Africa' yeyi1239 Yeyi 0.3 million Atlantic-Congo Bantoid Benue-Congo Central Narrow Bantu Niger-Congo R Southern Volta-Congo yey A Bantu Southern population with a population size of 0.3 million Yeyi A Bantu Southern population with a population size of 0.3 million Pedi 24°48'S, 29°28'E -24.80, 29.47'Pedi+people'+OR+'Pedi+tribe'+AND+'Africa' BaPedi Bamaroteng Basotho Marota Northern Sotho Sepedi, Northern Sotho Sotho 4.7 millions Atlantic-Congo Bantoid Benue-Congo Central Narrow Bantu Niger-Congo S Southern Volta-Congo pedi1238 nso A Sotho population with a population size of 4.7 millions Pedi A Sotho population with a population size of 4.7 millions Kalanga 21°17'S, 27°24'E -21.29, 27.40'Kalanga+people'+OR+'Kalanga+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' kala1384 Kalanga Shona 0.75 million Atlantic-Congo Bantoid Benue-Congo Central Narrow Bantu Niger-Congo S Southern Volta-Congo kck A Shona population with a population size of 0.75 million Kalanga A Shona population with a population size of 0.75 million Nambya 19°05'S, 26°02'E -19.09, 26.04'Nambya+people'+OR+'Nambya+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' namb1291 Shona 0.1 million Bantu Niger–Congo A Shona population with a population size of 0.1 million Nambya A Shona population with a population size of 0.1 million Sumayela Ndebele 25°38'S, 29°03'E -25.63, 29.05 Zimbabwean Ndebele 20°15'S, 27°25'E -20.25, 27.41'Ndebele+people'+OR+'Ndebele+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' Nguni Ndebele 26°S, 31°30'E -26.00, 31.50'Swazi+people'+OR+'Swazi+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' Swati emaSwati Nguni 2.3 millions Atlantic-Congo Bantoid Benue-Congo Central Narrow Bantu Niger-Congo S Southern Volta-Congo swat1243 A Nguni population with a population size of 2.3 millions Swazi A Nguni population with a population size of 2.3 millions Zimbabwean Ndebele 20°15'S, 27°25'E -20.25, 27.41'Northern+Ndebele+people'+OR+'North+Ndebele+people'+OR+'Northern+Ndebele+tribe'+OR+'North+Ndebele+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' Matebele nort2795 Nguni 1.5 million Bantu Nguni Niger-Congo nde A Ndebele population with a population size of 1.5 million North Ndebele A Ndebele population with a population size of 1.5 million Sumayela Ndebele 25°38'S, 29°03'E -25.63, 29.05'Southern+Ndebele+people'+OR+'South+Ndebele+people'+OR+'Southern+Ndebele+tribe'+OR+'South+Ndebele+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' sout2808 Nguni 0.7 million Bantu Niger–Congo nbl A Ndebele population with a population size of 0.7 million South Ndebele A Ndebele population with a population size of 0.7 million'Kgatla+tribe'+OR+'Kgatla+people'+%29+AND+'Africa' kgat1238 Tswana Kgatla'Andalusian+people'+AND+'North+Africa' Arabic based Descendants of Andalusians people Andalusian'Berber+people'+OR+'Berber+tribe'+AND+'North+Africa' A E1a E1b1a E1b1b J Berber 38 millions Afro-Asiatic Berber A Northern African population with a population size of 38 millions Berber Northern A Northern African population with a population size of 38 millions Coptic 29°28'N, 31°12'E 29.47, 31.21'Copt+people'+AND+'North+Africa' copt1239 B E1b1b J R1b Coptic 20 millions Afro-Asiatic Egyptian cop A Eastern African, Northern African population with a population size of 20 millions Copt A Eastern African, Northern African population with a population size of 20 millions Birked 12°30'N, 24°50'E 12.50, 24.83 Dair 12°28'N, 30°41'E 12.47, 30.68 Dilling 12°02'N, 29°36'E 12.03, 29.61 Dongola 18°15'N, 30°45'E 18.25, 30.75 El Hugeirat 11°57'N, 28°35'E 11.95, 28.59 Haraza 15°05'N, 30°25'E 15.08, 30.42 Kadaru 12°09'N, 30°16'E 12.16, 30.27 Karko 12°03'N, 29°12'E 12.05, 29.21 Kenuzi 24°05'N, 32°54'E 24.09, 32.90 Kenuzi-Dongola 21°17'N, 31°54'E 21.28, 31.90 Midob 14°47'N, 27°13'E 14.79, 27.22 Nobiin 22°49'N, 31°50'E 22.81, 31.84 Old Nubian 18°46'N, 31°45'E 18.76, 31.75 Uncunwee 11°39'N, 29°49'E 11.64, 29.81 Wali (Sudan) 11°52'N, 29°07'E 11.86, 29.12'Nubian+people'+OR+'Nubian+tribe'+AND+'Africa' nubi1251 J R1b B E1b1b Nubian 1.7 million Eastern Sudanic Nilo-Saharan nub A Northern African population with a population size of 1.7 million Nubian Northern A Northern African population with a population size of 1.7 million'Berber+people'+OR+'Berber+tribe'+AND+'North+Africa'+AND+'Algeria' E1b1a E1b1b J1 J2b R1b R1a F K L1b* Q T2 Algerian Berber'Berber+people'+OR+'Berber+tribe'+AND+'North+Africa'+AND+'Lybia' Lybian Berber'Berber+people'+OR+'Berber+tribe'+AND+'North+Africa'+AND+'Morocco' E3a E3b E3b2 E3b2 E3b H HV JT J K L1 L2 L3 N R0 T U U2 U4 U5 U6 V Moroccan Berber Tachelhit 29°47'N, 7°47'W 29.79, -7.78'Shilha+people'+OR+'Shilha+tribe'+AND+'North+Africa' tach1250 Tachelhit Shilha Afro-Asiatic, Berber, Northern, Atlas shi A Berber Northern population with a population size of Afro-Asiatic|Berber|Northern|Atlas Shilha'Andalusian+people'+AND+'North+Africa'+AND+'Tunisia' H HV J K L1 L2 L3 M1 R T U U5 U6 V W X Semitic-Central-South Tunisian Andalusian 10.1002/ajpa.20979 HV L0 L1 L2 L3 M1 N R I X J T U U6 K H U5 HV V U5 V Berber Tunisian Berber 10.1098/rspb.2012.0318'Present+Egyptians'+AND+'Africa' Arabic based 85 millions Afro-Asiatic Semitic A Semite Northern population with a population size of 85 millions Egyptian A Semite Northern population with a population size of 85 millions'Haratin+tribe'+OR+'Haratin+people'+AND+'Africa' Arabic based Hassaniya Semitic-Central-South 2 millions Afro-Asiatic Semitic A Semite Northern population with a population size of 2 millions Haratin A Semite Northern population with a population size of 2 millions'Maghrebi+people'+AND+'Africa' 10.1002/ajpa.20979 10.1046/j.1469-1809.2003.00039.x 10.1371/journal.pone.0138453 10.3109/19401736.2013.879649 H HV I J K L0 L1 L2 L3 M1 T U U5 U6 V Arabic based >72 millions A Semite Northern population with a population size of >72 millions Maghrebi A Semite Northern population with a population size of >72 millions 11°03'N, 35°56'E 11.05, 35.93'Gumuz+people'+OR+'Gumuz+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' Gumaz Gumz gumu1244 A3-M13 B-M150 B-M8495 E-Z1902 L0 L3 L5 L6 Gumuz 0.2 million B’aga Core Nilo-Saharan Satellite-Core guk A Nilotic Eastern population with a population size of 0.2 million Gumuz A Nilotic Eastern population with a population size of 0.2 million Hassaniyya 18°17'N, 14°07'W 18.29, -14.11'Moor+tribe'+OR+'Moor+people'+AND+'Africa' Azawagh Arabs Arabic based Hassaniya 2 millions Afro-Asiatic Semitic A Semite Northern, Semitic Eastern population with a population size of 2 millions Moor A Semite Northern, Semitic Eastern population with a population size of 2 millions A Semite Northern, Semitic Eastern population with a population size of 2 millions'Bantu+tribe'+OR+'Bantu+people'+%29+AND+'Africa' Bantoid languages Bantu Eastern Antankarana Malagasy 13°13'S, 49°14'E -13.22, 49.24 Bara Malagasy 23°58'S, 45°36'E -23.97, 45.59 Kibosy Kiantalaotsy-Majunga 12°58'S, 45°08'E -12.97, 45.14 Mahafaly Malagasy 24°12'S, 44°30'E -24.20, 44.50 Masikoro Malagasy 22°33'S, 43°49'E -22.56, 43.82 Northern Betsimisaraka Malagasy 19°55'S, 48°49'E -19.92, 48.81 Plateau Malagasy 19°35'S, 47°07'E -19.59, 47.12 Southern Betsimisaraka Malagasy 22°48'S, 47°49'E -22.80, 47.82 Tandroy Malagasy 24°48'S, 45°54'E -24.80, 45.90 Tanosy Malagasy 24°55'S, 47°08'E -24.92, 47.14 Tesaka Malagasy 23°18'S, 47°20'E -23.30, 47.33 Tsimihety Malagasy 15°26'S, 48°49'E -15.43, 48.81 Vezo 23°20'S, 43°40'E -23.34, 43.67 West Malagasy Sakalava 20°17'S, 44°19'E -20.28, 44.32'Malagasy+people'+OR+'Malagasy+tribes'+AND+'Madagascar' mala1537 B E1b1a E2 J Malagasy 25 millions Austronesian East Greater Barito Malaya-Polynesian A Eastern African population with a population size of 25 millions Malagasy A Eastern African population with a population size of 25 millions'Nilotic+people'+OR+'Nilotic+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' Nilotes A B E1b1b Nilotic >22 millions nilo1247 A Eastern African population with a population size of >22 millions Nilotic Eastern A Eastern African population with a population size of >22 millions Wolaytta 6°20'N, 37°45'E 6.33, 37.75'Wolaita +people'+OR+'Wolaita+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' Welayta Wolaitta Wolayta wola1242 Wolaytta 2 millions Afro-Asiatic Central Gimojan Gonga-Gimojan North Ometo Ometo-Gimira Omotic A Eastern African population with a population size of 2 millions Wolaita A Eastern African population with a population size of 2 millions Bari 4°12'N, 31°04'E 4.20, 31.07 Kakwa 3°39'N, 30°47'E 3.65, 30.78 Kuku 3°58'N, 31°32'E 3.96, 31.54 Mandari 5°50'N, 31°14'E 5.84, 31.23'Bari+people'+OR+'Bari+tribe'%29+AND+'Africa' Baria Bari 0.475 millon Bari Core Eastern Eastern Sudanic Nilo-Saharan Nilotic Satellite-Core Southern bari1283 bfa – Bari keo – Kakwa mqu – Mandari A Nilotic Eastern population with a population size of 0.475 millon Bari A Nilotic Eastern population with a population size of 0.475 millon Acoli 3°35'N, 32°31'E 3.58, 32.51 Labwor 2°42'N, 33°39'E 2.70, 33.66'Acholi+people'+OR+'Acholi+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' Acholi 2 Millions Alur-Acholi Core Eastern Sudanic Lango-Acholi Luo Luo-Acholi Nilo-Saharan Nilotic Satellite-Core Southern Western acol1236 ach A Luo population with a population size of 2 Millions Acholi A Luo population with a population size of 2 Millions Gwama 9°31'N, 34°15'E 9.51, 34.25'Sudan'+OR+'Ethiopia'+%29+AND+'Kwama'+AND+'People' Gwama Komo kwam1249 Kwama Nilo-Saharan kmq Kwama Turkana 4°18'N, 35°43'E 4.31, 35.71'Turkana+people'+OR+'Turkana+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' turk1308 Turkana 1,016 millions tuv – Turkana nnj – Nyangatom A Nilotic Eastern population with a population size of 1,016 millions Turkana A Nilotic Eastern population with a population size of 1,016 millions Alur 2°22'N, 31°E 2.36, 31.00'Alur+people'+OR+'Alur+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' A E1b1a E2 Alur 1.7 million Alur-Acholi Core Eastern Sudanic Luo Luo-Acholi Nilo-Saharan Nilotic Satellite-Core Southern Western alur1250 alz A Luo population with a population size of 1.7 million Alur A Luo population with a population size of 1.7 million Lango (Uganda) 2°08'N, 33°03'E 2.14, 33.06'Langi+people'+OR+'Langi+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa''Lango+people'+OR+'Lango+tribe'+%29+AND+'Africa' Langi Lwo, Lwoo, or Leb-Lango Lango 2.2 millions Luo Nilo-Saharan Nilotic lang1324 laj lno A Luo population with a population size of 2.2 millions Lango