def cmap_zerocent_scale(plot,scale_factor): """ Center colormap at zero and scale relative to existing |maximum| value, given plot object and scale_factor, a number of type float. Returns new colormap limits as new_clim. """ import numpy as np curr_clim = plot.get_clim() new_clim = (scale_factor*np.max(np.abs(curr_clim)))*np.array([-1,1]) plot.set_clim(new_clim) return new_clim #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def plot_mask(*args,ax=None,color): """ Plot mask, given input parameters: - X, Y: (optional) coordinates as 1-D or 2-D NumPy arrays or xarray DataArrays - mask: 2-D array of boolean values (True/False or 1/0), NumPy or xarray - axes: axes to plot on, defaults to current axes - color: a string indicating a color in Matplotlib, or a 3-element tuple or NumPy array indicating RGB color values Returns plot_obj, the plot object of the mask """ import numpy as np if len(args) == 1: mask = args[0] else: X = args[0] Y = args[1] mask = args[2] # set alpha values to 1 where mask is plotted, 0 otherwise if str(type(mask))[0:5] == 'xarray': mask = mask.values # get color for mask if isinstance(color,str): import matplotlib.colors as mcolors color_rgb = mcolors.to_rgb(color) elif (isinstance(color,tuple)) and (len(color) == 3): color_rgb = np.asarray(color) elif (isinstance(color,np.ndarray)) and (len(color) == 3): color_rgb = color else: raise TypeError("input parameter 'color' has incorrect type or number of elements") # create a colormap using a 2x4 array with two RGBA entries # the RGB entries are the same in each row # in the 1st row alpha=0, in the 2nd row alpha=1 cmap_array = np.hstack((np.tile(color_rgb,(2,1)),np.array([[0],[1]]))) from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap colormap = ListedColormap(cmap_array) # get axis limits of existing plot if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() existing_xlim = ax.get_xlim() existing_ylim = ax.get_ylim() # plot mask using colormap just created, with alpha=1 where mask=1 or True if len(args) == 1: plot_obj = ax.pcolormesh(mask,cmap=colormap,vmin=0.,vmax=1.,zorder=50) else: plot_obj = ax.pcolormesh(X,Y,mask,cmap=colormap,vmin=0.,vmax=1.,zorder=50) # set axis limits of mask to axis limits of existing plot ax.set_xlim(existing_xlim) ax.set_ylim(existing_ylim) return plot_obj #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def mean_weighted_binned(value_field,weighting,bin_field,bin_bounds): """ Compute normalized difference in bins, given: - value_field: field of values to average - weighting: weighting of individual grid cells - bin_field: field to use in binning - bin_bounds: bound values of bins to use, as numpy array of size (N,2) """ import numpy as np mean_weighted_inbins = np.empty((bin_bounds.shape[0])) mean_weighted_inbins.fill(np.nan) bin_field_broadcast_flat = (np.ones(value_field.shape)*bin_field).flatten() weighting_flat = weighting.flatten() value_field_flat = value_field.flatten() bin_idx_sorted = np.argsort(bin_field_broadcast_flat) # flatten and sort bin field values sort_idx = (bin_field_broadcast_flat[bin_idx_sorted] >= bin_bounds[0,0]).nonzero()[0][0] curr_idx = bin_idx_sorted[sort_idx] curr_bin_val = bin_field_broadcast_flat[curr_idx] curr_bin_num = ((bin_bounds[:,0] <= curr_bin_val) & (bin_bounds[:,1] > curr_bin_val)).nonzero()[0][0] value_sum_inbin = 0. weighting_sum_inbin = 0. while curr_bin_val < bin_bounds[-1,1]: if np.logical_and(~np.isnan(value_field_flat[curr_idx]),~np.isinf(value_field_flat[curr_idx])): value_sum_inbin += weighting_flat[curr_idx]*value_field_flat[curr_idx] weighting_sum_inbin += weighting_flat[curr_idx] sort_idx += 1 if sort_idx >= len(bin_idx_sorted): if weighting_sum_inbin > 0: mean_weighted_inbins[curr_bin_num] = value_sum_inbin/weighting_sum_inbin break curr_idx = bin_idx_sorted[sort_idx] curr_bin_val = bin_field_broadcast_flat[curr_idx] if curr_bin_val >= bin_bounds[curr_bin_num,1]: if weighting_sum_inbin > 0: mean_weighted_inbins[curr_bin_num] = value_sum_inbin/weighting_sum_inbin curr_bin_num = ((bin_bounds[:,0] <= curr_bin_val) & (bin_bounds[:,1] > curr_bin_val)).nonzero()[0][0] value_sum_inbin = 0. weighting_sum_inbin = 0. return mean_weighted_inbins #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def geos_vel_compute(dens_press_filename,grid_filename="~/Downloads/ECCO_V4r4_PODAAC/ECCO_L4_GEOMETRY_LLC0090GRID_V4R4/",fc_filename="llc_13tile_fc.txt"): """ This routine computes geostrophic velocities from an input netCDF file containing ECCO v4r4 density and pressure anomalies on the native llc90 grid. Parameters ---------- dens_press_filename: the name (including path if not in current directory) of the netCDF file containing the density and pressure anomalies grid_filename: the name (including path if not in current directory) of the netCDF file containing the latitudes ('YC') and grid parameters ('dxC','dyC') needed to compute horizontal derivatives fc_filename: text file containing a Python dictionary specifying the tile/face connections in the ECCO llc90 grid """ import numpy as np import xarray as xr import json import xgcm from os.path import expanduser,join import sys user_home_dir = expanduser('~') sys.path.append(join(user_home_dir,'ECCOv4-py')) import ecco_v4_py as ecco # load file into workspace ds_denspress = xr.open_dataset(dens_press_filename, data_vars='minimal',\ coords='minimal', compat='override') densanom = ds_denspress.RHOAnoma rhoConst = 1029. dens = rhoConst + densanom pressanom = ds_denspress.PHIHYDcR # load grid parameters file ds_grid = xr.open_dataset(grid_filename) # create xgcm Grid object xgcm_grid = ecco.get_llc_grid(ds_grid) # compute derivatives of pressure in x and y d_press_dx = (xgcm_grid.diff(rhoConst*pressanom,axis="X",boundary='extend'))/ds_grid.dxC d_press_dy = (xgcm_grid.diff(rhoConst*pressanom,axis="Y",boundary='extend'))/ds_grid.dyC # interpolate (vector) gradient values to center of grid cells press_grads_interp = xgcm_grid.interp_2d_vector({'X':d_press_dx,'Y':d_press_dy},boundary='extend') dp_dx = press_grads_interp['X'] dp_dy = press_grads_interp['Y'] # compute f from latitude of grid cell centers lat = ds_grid.YC Omega = (2*np.pi)/86164 lat_rad = (np.pi/180)*lat # convert latitude from degrees to radians f = 2*Omega*np.sin(lat_rad) # compute geostrophic velocities v_g = dp_dx/(f*dens) u_g = -dp_dy/(f*dens) # assign attributes to DataArrays (names) and units = 'u_g' u_g.attrs.update({'long_name': 'Geostrophic velocity in model-x direction',\ 'units': 'm s-1'}) = 'v_g' v_g.attrs.update({'long_name': 'Geostrophic velocity in model-y direction',\ 'units': 'm s-1'}) # create xarray Dataset containing geostrophic velocities ds_geos_vel = u_g.to_dataset(name='u_g',promote_attrs=True) ds_geos_vel['v_g'] = v_g return ds_geos_vel #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def depth_two_subplots(horiz_coords,depth_coords,data,k_split,cmap,mask=None,fig=None,axs=None): """ Make 2 subplots with depth on y-axis, for shallow and deeper depths, given parameters: horiz_coords: horizontal coordinate, xarray DataArray depth_coords: depth_coordinate, xarray DataArray data: 2-D xarray DataArray k_split: k coordinate to split the plot at, integer cmap: string specifying colormap to use mask: 2-D boolean (land) mask, optional fig: figure object, optional, default is new figure is created axs: axes with two subplots oriented vertically, default is they are created """ import numpy as np if (fig is None) and (axs is None): fig,axs = plt.subplots(2,1,figsize=(10,10)) # subplots for different depths elif (fig is None) or (axs is None): print("Warning: Only one of fig or axs has been supplied, not both") curr_ax = axs[0] curr_plot_0 = curr_ax.pcolormesh(horiz_coords,depth_coords[:k_split],\ data.isel(k=np.arange(k_split)),cmap=cmap) if mask is not None: curr_mask = mask.isel(k=np.arange(k_split)) plot_mask(horiz_coords,depth_coords[:k_split],curr_mask,ax=curr_ax,color=np.zeros(3,)) curr_ax.set_ylim(curr_ax.get_ylim()[::-1]) curr_ax.set_ylabel('Depth [m]') clim_0 = curr_plot_0.get_clim() curr_ax = axs[1] curr_plot_1 = curr_ax.pcolormesh(horiz_coords,depth_coords[k_split:],\ data.isel(k=np.arange(25,len(depth_coords))),cmap=cmap) if mask is not None: curr_mask = mask.isel(k=np.arange(25,len(depth_coords))) plot_mask(horiz_coords,depth_coords[k_split:],curr_mask,ax=curr_ax,color=np.zeros(3,)) curr_ax.set_ylim(curr_ax.get_ylim()[::-1]) curr_ax.set_ylabel('Depth [m]') clim_1 = curr_plot_1.get_clim() # create shared colorbar for 2 subplots new_clim = [np.fmin(clim_0[0],clim_1[0]),np.fmax(clim_0[1],clim_1[1])] curr_plot_0.set_clim(new_clim) curr_plot_1.set_clim(new_clim) fig.colorbar(curr_plot_1,ax=axs[:]) return fig,axs #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # function to scale colormap, coordinating among multiple plots def cmap_zerocent_scale_multiplots(plot_objs,scale_factor): """ Center colormap at zero and scale relative to existing |maximum| value across multiple plots, given plot objects (as list) and scale_factor, a number of type float. Returns new colormap limits as new_clim. """ import numpy as np clim_plots = np.empty((len(plot_objs),2)) for count,curr_obj in enumerate(plot_objs): clim_plots[count,:] = curr_obj.get_clim() new_clim = (scale_factor*np.nanmax(np.abs(clim_plots)))*np.array([-1,1]) for curr_obj in plot_objs: curr_obj.set_clim(new_clim) return new_clim #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def mod_360_range(n,low_bound): "Compute n mod 360; output is in the range [n,n+360)" out = ((n - low_bound) % 360) + low_bound return out #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def llc_grid_idx_along_lat(lat_transect,lon_bnds): """ Finds grid indices along a given line of latitude. Input parameters: - lat_transect: line of latitude to plot along, float - lon_bnds: 2 elements specifying western and eastern longitude bounds of transect, list or numpy array The difference between the bounds must be >0 and <=360 Outputs: - idx_along_lat: grid indices along line of latitude, dict containing 'tile','j','i' as keys - XC_along_lat: longitude of grid cell centers, numpy array - XG_along_lat: longitude of western grid cell edges, numpy array """ import numpy as np # identify indices of grid cells along latitude transect mask_along_lat = np.logical_and((ds_grid.YC_bnds > lat_transect).sum("nb") > 0,\ (ds_grid.YC_bnds > lat_transect).sum("nb") < 4) mask_in_lon_bnds = np.logical_and((mod_360_range(ds_grid.XC,lon_bnds[1]) > mod_360_range(lon_bnds[0],lon_bnds[1])),\ (mod_360_range(ds_grid.XC,lon_bnds[0]) < mod_360_range(lon_bnds[1],lon_bnds[0] + 1.e-5))) mask_along_lat = np.logical_and(mask_along_lat,mask_in_lon_bnds) idx_along_lat = mask_along_lat.values.nonzero() # create longitude arrays along transect XC_along_lat = np.zeros((len(idx_along_lat[0]),)) XG_along_lat = np.zeros((len(idx_along_lat[0]),)) # for loop through indices along transect, using zip to iterate through three spatial indices for count,(tile_idx,j_idx,i_idx) in enumerate(zip(idx_along_lat[0],idx_along_lat[1],idx_along_lat[2])): curr_XC = mod_360_range(ds_grid.XC[tile_idx,j_idx,i_idx],lon_bnds[0]) XC_along_lat[count] = curr_XC XG_along_lat[count] = np.min(mod_360_range(ds_grid.XC_bnds[tile_idx,j_idx,i_idx,:],curr_XC - 180)) # sort grid cells in order of increasing longitude idx_sorted = np.argsort(XC_along_lat) XC_along_lat = XC_along_lat[idx_sorted] XG_along_lat = XG_along_lat[idx_sorted] tile_idx_sorted = idx_along_lat[0][idx_sorted] j_idx_sorted = idx_along_lat[1][idx_sorted] i_idx_sorted = idx_along_lat[2][idx_sorted] idx_along_lat = {'tile':tile_idx_sorted,'j':j_idx_sorted,'i':i_idx_sorted} return idx_along_lat,XC_along_lat,XG_along_lat #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def data_along_lat(data_in,idx_along_lat,XC_along_lat,XG_along_lat): """ Creates xarray DataArray along latitude transect, given grid indices Input parameters: - data_in: data to plot along latitude, xarray DataArray or numpy array must have 4 or 5 dimensions, 'time','k','tile','j','i', 'time' is optional - XC_along_lat: longitudes of grid cell centers, numpy array - XG_along_lat: longitudes of western grid cell edges, numpy array Outputs: - data_xrarray: data along latitude transect, xarray DataArray """ import numpy as np # retrieve grid indices along transect tile_idx_along = idx_along_lat['tile'] j_idx_along = idx_along_lat['j'] i_idx_along = idx_along_lat['i'] # construct DataArray along transect data_along_lat = np.empty(data_in.shape[:-3] + (len(idx_along_lat['i']),)) data_along_lat.fill(np.nan) for count,(tile_idx,j_idx,i_idx) in enumerate(zip(tile_idx_along,j_idx_along,i_idx_along)): if len(data_in.shape) == 4: data_along_lat[:,count] = data_in[:,tile_idx,j_idx,i_idx] elif len(data_in.shape) == 5: data_along_lat[:,:,count] = data_in[:,:,tile_idx,j_idx,i_idx] if len(data_in.shape) == 4: # no time dimension data_xrarray = xr.DataArray( data=data_along_lat, dims=["k","lon"], coords=dict( Z=(["k"],, lon=(["lon"],XC_along_lat), lonW=(["lon"],XG_along_lat), lat=lat_transect, ), ) elif len(data_in.shape) == 5: # include time dimension try: time_coord = except: time_coord = np.nan data_xrarray = xr.DataArray( data=data_along_lat, dims=["time","k","lon"], coords=dict( time=(["time"],time_coord), Z=(["k"],, lon=(["lon"],XC_along_lat), lonW=(["lon"],XG_along_lat), lat=lat_transect, ), ) return data_xrarray #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def lon_depth_along_lat(lat_transect,lon_bnds,data_in): """ Function to extract data along line of latitude. Input parameters: - lat_transect: line of latitude to plot along, float - lon_bnds: 2 elements specifying western and eastern longitude bounds of transect, list or numpy array - data_in: data, numpy array or xarray DataArray Outputs: - XC_along_lat: longitude of grid cell centers, numpy array - XG_along_lat: longitude of western grid cell edges, numpy array - data_xrarray: data along latitude transect, xarray DataArray """ # identify indices of grid cells along latitude transect idx_along_lat,XC_along_lat,XG_along_lat = llc_grid_idx_along_lat(lat_transect,lon_bnds) # construct DataArray along transect data_xrarray = data_along_lat(data_in,idx_along_lat,XC_along_lat,XG_along_lat) return XC_along_lat,XG_along_lat,data_xrarray #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def plot_mask_ecco_tiles(mask,color): """ Plot mask in global ECCO tiles plot on current axes, given 2-D mask (xarray DataArray) and color (a string, RGB tuple or 3-element NumPy array). """ import numpy as np # loop through tiles to add mask tile_order = np.array([-1,-1,-1,6, \ 2,5,7,10, \ 1,4,8,11, \ 0,3,9,12]) for idx,curr_ax in enumerate(curr_fig.get_axes()): if len(curr_ax.get_images()) > 0: # plot land mask array_plot = mask.isel(tile=tile_order[idx]).squeeze() if tile_order[idx] == 6: array_plot = np.rot90(array_plot,2) elif tile_order[idx] > 6: array_plot = np.rot90(array_plot) plot_mask(array_plot,ax=curr_ax,color=color)