ECCO Version 4: Fourth Release (1992-2017) [ECCO v4r4] These are the variables in the ECCO v4r4 output that are either time series (time dimension only), or they are grid parameters or mixing coefficients (spatial dimensions only). Time Series: ShortName Variable Name Description (units) ECCO_L4_GMSL_TIME_SERIES_MONTHLY_V4R4 *monthly means* global_mean_barystatic_sea_level_anomaly Global mean of barystatic sea level anomaly (m) global_mean_sterodynamic_sea_level_anomaly Global mean of sterodynamic sea level anomaly (m) global_mean_sea_level_anomaly Global mean of dynamic SSH (m) ECCO_L4_GMSL_TIME_SERIES_DAILY_V4R4 *daily means* global_mean_barystatic_sea_level_anomaly Global mean of barystatic sea level anomaly (m) global_mean_sterodynamic_sea_level_anomaly Global mean of sterodynamic sea level anomaly (m) global_mean_sea_level_anomaly Global mean of dynamic SSH (m) ECCO_L4_GMAP_TIME_SERIES_SNAPSHOT_V4R4 *snapshots at hourly intervals* Pa_global Global mean atmospheric surface pressure over the ocean and sea-ice (N/m^2) ECCO_L4_SBO_CORE_TIME_SERIES_SNAPSHOT_V4R4 *snapshots at hourly intervals* xoamc x-component of oceanic angular momentum due to currents (kg/(m^2 s)) yoamc y-component of oceanic angular momentum due to currents (kg/(m^2 s)) zoamc z-component of oceanic angular momentum due to currents (kg/(m^2 s)) xoamp x-component of oceanic angular momentum due to pressure (kg/(m^2 s)) yoamp y-component of oceanic angular momentum due to pressure (kg/(m^2 s)) zoamp z-component of oceanic angular momentum due to pressure (kg/(m^2 s)) mass ocean mass (kg) xcom x-component of center-of-mass of ocean (m) ycom y-component of center-of-mass of ocean (m) zcom z-component of center-of-mass of ocean (m) sboarea surface area of oceans (m^2) xoamc_si x-component of oceanic angular momentum due to sea-ice motion (kg/(m^2 s)) yoamc_si y-component of oceanic angular momentum due to sea-ice motion (kg/(m^2 s)) zoamc_si z-component of oceanic angular momentum due to sea-ice motion (kg/(m^2 s)) mass_si sea-ice mass (kg) xoamp_fw x-component of oceanic angular momentum due to freshwater flux (kg/(m^2 s)) yoamp_fw y-component of oceanic angular momentum due to freshwater flux (kg/(m^2 s)) zoamp_fw z-component of oceanic angular momentum due to freshwater flux (kg/(m^2 s)) mass_fw mass due to freshwater flux (kg) xcom_fw x-component of center-of-mass of freshwater flux (m) ycom_fw y-component of center-of-mass of freshwater flux (m) zcom_fw z-component of center-of-mass of freshwater flux (m) mass_gc mass due to the Greatbatch correction (kg) xoamp_dsl x-component of oceanic angular momentum due to pressure based on dynamic (IB-corrected) sea level (kg/(m^2 s)) yoamp_dsl y-component of oceanic angular momentum due to pressure based on dynamic (IB-corrected) sea level (kg/(m^2 s)) zoamp_dsl z-component of oceanic angular momentum due to pressure based on dynamic (IB-corrected) sea level (kg/(m^2 s)) Grid Parameters/Mixing Coefficients: ECCO_L4_GEOMETRY_05DEG_V4R4 *for lat-lon interpolated grid* hFacC Vertical open (wet) fraction of grid cell (fraction from 0 to 1) area Area of lat-lon grid cell (m^2) drF Distance between the upper and lower interfaces of the model grid cell (m) maskC Wet/dry boolean mask for grid cell (True for hFacC > 0, otherwise False) ECCO_L4_GEOMETRY_LLC0090GRID_V4R4 *for native LLC90 grid* CS Cosine of tracer grid cell orientation vs geographical north (-1 to 1) SN Sine of tracer grid cell orientation vs geographical north (-1 to 1) rA Area of tracer grid cell (m^2) dxG Distance between 'southwest' and 'southeast' corners of the tracer grid cell (m) dyG Distance between 'southwest' and 'northwest' corners of the tracer grid cell (m) Depth Model seafloor depth below ocean surface at rest (m) rAz Area of vorticity 'g' grid cell (m^2) dxC Distance between centers of adjacent tracer grid cells in the 'x' direction (m) dyC Distance between centers of adjacent tracer grid cells in the 'y' direction (m) rAw Area of 'v' grid cell, staggered between adjacent tracer grid cells in the 'x' direction (m^2) rAs Area of 'u' grid cell, staggered between adjacent tracer grid cells in the 'y' direction (m^2) drC Distance between the centers of adjacent tracer grid cells in the 'z' direction (m) drF Distance between the upper and lower interfaces of the model grid cell (m) PHrefC Reference ocean hydrostatic pressure at tracer grid cell center (m^2/s^2) PHrefF Reference ocean hydrostatic pressure at tracer grid cell top/bottom interface (m^2/s^2) hFacC Vertical open (wet) fraction of tracer grid cell (fraction from 0 to 1) hFacW Vertical open (wet) fraction of tracer grid cell 'west' face (fraction from 0 to 1) hFacS Vertical open (wet) fraction of tracer grid cell 'south' face (fraction from 0 to 1) maskC Wet/dry boolean mask for tracer grid cell (True for hFacC > 0, otherwise False) maskW Wet/dry boolean mask for 'west' face of tracer grid cell (True for hFacW > 0, otherwise False) maskS Wet/dry boolean mask for 'south' face of tracer grid cell (True for hFacS > 0, otherwise False) ECCO_L4_OCEAN_3D_MIX_COEFFS_05DEG_V4R4 *for lat-lon interpolated grid* DIFFKR Background vertical diffusion coefficient for temperature and salinity (m^2/s) KAPGM Gent-McWilliams diffusivity coefficient as described in Gent and McWilliams (1990, JPO). (m^2/s) KAPREDI Redi along-isopycnal diffusivity coefficient as described in Redi (1982, JPO). (m^2/s) ECCO_L4_OCEAN_3D_MIX_COEFFS_LLC0090GRID_V4R4 *for native LLC90 grid* DIFFKR Background vertical diffusion coefficient for temperature and salinity (m^2/s) KAPGM Gent-McWilliams diffusivity coefficient as described in Gent and McWilliams (1990, JPO). (m^2/s) KAPREDI Redi along-isopycnal diffusivity coefficient as described in Redi (1982, JPO). (m^2/s)