use strict; use LWP::UserAgent; use Sys::Info; use Sys::Info::Constants qw( :device_cpu ); my $info = Sys::Info->new; my $cpu = $info->device('CPU'); my $os = $info->os(); my $post_url = ""; my $datadir = $ARGV[0]; # Check data-dir and start script in place: if(! -d $datadir ) { print "perl \n"; exit 1; } elsif (!-f $datadir . "/config.ini") { print "Node config.ini file found under dir " . $datadir . "\n"; exit 1; } # Get producer: my $producer = `grep producer-name $datadir/config.ini`; $producer =~ s/producer-name\s*=\s*//; chomp($producer); # Check if process started and restart if needed: my @nodeos_process = `ps -ef | grep "nodeos" | grep "$datadir"`; my $proc_count = 0; foreach my $proc (@nodeos_process) { $proc_count++; } my $nodeos_status = "running"; if($proc_count < 2) { $nodeos_status = "stopped"; } my $external_ip = `curl -s;echo`; chomp($external_ip); my $internal_ip = `hostname -I`; chomp($internal_ip); my $hostname = `hostname`; chomp($hostname); my @ram_stats = `free -m`; chomp(@ram_stats); # Mem: total used free shared buff/cache available my $ram_info = @ram_stats[1]; my @ram_metrics = split /\s+/, $ram_info; my $ram_total = $ram_metrics[1]; my $ram_used = $ram_metrics[2]; my $ram_free = $ram_metrics[3]; my $ram_cache = $ram_metrics[5]; my $ram_available = $ram_metrics[6]; my $os_name = $os->name( edition => 1); my $uptime_days = sprintf("%.2f", $os->tick_count/(60*60*24)); my $cpu_info = scalar($cpu->identify); my $cpu_speed = $cpu->speed; my $cpu_count = $cpu->count || 1; my $cpu_load = $cpu->load || 0; my $timestamp = localtime; my $json = "{" . "\"producer\": \"$producer\"," . "\"node_status\": \"$nodeos_status\"," . "\"os_name\": \"$os_name\"," . "\"hostname\": \"$hostname\"," . "\"external_ip\": \"$external_ip\"," . "\"internal_ip\": \"$internal_ip\"," . "\"server_uptime\": \"".$uptime_days." days\"," . "\"cpu_info\": \"$cpu_info\"," . "\"cpu_speed\": \"$cpu_speed MHz\"," . "\"cpu_count\": \"$cpu_count\"," . "\"cpu_load\": \"$cpu_load\"," . "\"ram_total\": \"$ram_total\"," . "\"ram_used\": \"$ram_used\"," . "\"ram_free\": \"$ram_free\"," . "\"ram_cache\": \"$ram_cache\"," . "\"ram_available\": \"$ram_available\"," . "\"timestamp\": \"$timestamp\"" . "}"; #print $json; #Post Json to report server:; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; my $req = HTTP::Request->new(POST => $post_url); $req->header('Content-Type' => 'application/json'); $req->content($json); my $response = $ua->request($req); if (! $response->is_success() ) { print("Error sending to report server: " . $response->status_line()); } exit;