--- name: esmvaltool channels: - conda-forge - nodefaults dependencies: - cartopy - cf-units - cftime - compilers - dask - dask-jobqueue - distributed - esgf-pyclient >=0.3.1 - esmpy !=8.1.0 - filelock - fiona - fire - geopy - humanfriendly - importlib_metadata # required for Python < 3.10 - iris >=3.6.1 - iris-esmf-regrid >=0.7.0 - isodate - jinja2 - libnetcdf !=4.9.1 # to avoid hdf5 warnings - nc-time-axis - nested-lookup - netcdf4 - numpy !=1.24.3 - packaging - pandas !=2.2.0,!=2.2.1,!=2.2.2 # github.com/ESMValGroup/ESMValCore/pull/2305 and #2349 - pillow - pip !=21.3 - prov - psutil - py-cordex - pybtex - python >=3.9,<3.12 - python-stratify >=0.3 - pyyaml - requests - scipy >=1.6 - shapely >=2.0.0 - yamale # Python packages needed for building docs - autodocsumm >=0.2.2 - ipython - nbsphinx - sphinx >=6.1.3 - pydata-sphinx-theme # Python packages needed for testing - flake8 - mypy >=0.990 - pytest >=3.9,!=6.0.0rc1,!=6.0.0 - pytest-cov >=2.10.1 - pytest-env - pytest-html !=2.1.0 - pytest-metadata >=1.5.1 - pytest-mock - pytest-xdist # Not on conda-forge - ESMValTool_sample_data==0.0.3 # Still for testing, MyPy library stubs - types-requests - types-PyYAML # Python packages needed for installing in development mode - codespell - docformatter - isort - pre-commit - prospector >=1.9.0 # Not on conda forge - vprof - yamllint - yapf