Augmented Reaction ================== A Sublime Text theme, inspired by the video game Vanquish and companion to the [iTerm colour scheme of the same name]( Based off of [Centurion]( but removing even more unecessary decoration and chrome. ![Augmented Reaction theme]( Reaction.png) Installation ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ###Package Control Search for [Theme - Augmented Reaction]( - Augmented Reaction), install it and make sure to update your `Settings - User` file with: ``` { "theme": "Augmented Reaction.sublime-theme", "color_scheme": "Packages/Theme - Augmented Reaction/Augmented Reaction.tmTheme" } ``` ###Manual Clone it into your packages directory. These are OSX paths because I'm lazy like that. For Windows/Other just substitute your paths like a boss. cd ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages git clone git:// 'Theme - Augmented Reaction' Make sure you have the `Theme - Augmented Reaction` at the end of the command so it is placed in the correct folder. Unless of course you feel like experiencing the wrath of no icons. Back to Sublime Text, press `super+,` to access your `Settings - User` and insert: ``` { "theme": "Augmented Reaction.sublime-theme", "color_scheme": "Packages/Theme - Augmented Reaction/Augmented Reaction.tmTheme" } ``` If it looks like crap make sure to restart Sublime before crying.