import numpy as np def plot_storage_curve(array_1d, min_indices, max_indices, min_values, max_values): """ Plots SD_line (1d-numpy array) and markers of local maxima and minima :param array_1d: np.array (1xn) of the SD line :param min_indices: np.array (1xi) of indices (positions in SD line array) of local maxima :param max_indices: np.array (1xj) of indices (positions in SD line array) of local minima :param min_values: np.array (1xi) of values (of SD line array) of local maxima :param max_values: np.array (1xj) of values (of SD line array) of local maxima :return: show and save plot in script directory as SD_curve.png """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.font_manager as font_manager # set font properties hfont = {'family': 'normal', 'weight': 'normal', 'size': 10, 'style': 'normal', 'fontname': 'Arial'} font = font_manager.FontProperties(family=hfont['fontname'], weight=hfont['weight'], style=hfont['style'], size=hfont['size']) # create plot x_values = list(range(1, array_1d.size + 1)) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 3), dpi=150, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') axe = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) axe.plot(x_values, array_1d, linestyle='-', color="slategrey", label='storage line') # plot extrema axe.plot(min_indices, min_values, linestyle="None", color="darkred", marker="v", markersize=4, label='Local minima') axe.plot(max_indices, max_values, linestyle="None", color="limegreen", marker="^", markersize=4, label='Local maxima') # Define axis labels and legend axe.set_xlabel("time (months)", **hfont) axe.set_ylabel("storage volume (million m³)", **hfont) axe.legend(loc='upper left', prop=font, facecolor='w', edgecolor='gray', framealpha=1, fancybox=0) # Set grid axe.grid(color='gray', linestyle='-', linewidth=0.2) axe.set_ylim((0, int(np.nanmax(array_1d) * 1.1))) axe.set_xlim((0, array_1d.size + 1)) # Output plot plt.savefig("storage_curve.png", bbox_inches='tight')