'/static/', 2=> '/static/', 3=> '/static/', 4=>'/static/'); return $a; } function tanks() { global $db; $sql = " SELECT * FROM `tanks` ORDER BY tank_id ASC;"; $q = $db->prepare($sql); if ($q->execute() == TRUE) { $tmp = $q->fetchAll(); } else { die(show_message($q->errorInfo(),__line__,__file__,$sql)); } $ret = array(); foreach ($tmp as $key =>$val) { foreach ($val as $key2 => $val2) { if (is_numeric($key2)) unset ($val[$key2]); } $ret[$val['tank_id']] = $val; } return $ret; } function check_tables($medals, $nations, $tanks) { global $db; $sql = "show tables like 'col_medals';"; $q = $db->prepare($sql); if ($q->execute() == TRUE) { $tmp = $q->fetchAll(); } else { die(show_message($q->errorInfo(),__line__,__file__,$sql)); } if (count($tmp)==0) { $sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `col_medals` ( `account_id` INT(12), `updated_at` INT( 12 ) NOT NULL, KEY `updated_at` (`updated_at`) ) ENGINE=MYISAM ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC;"; $q = $db->prepare($sql); if ($q->execute() !== TRUE) { die(show_message($q->errorInfo(),__line__,__file__,$sql)); } } //Получаем структуру таблицы $sql = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM `col_medals` ;"; $q = $db->prepare($sql); if ($q->execute() != TRUE) { die(show_message($q->errorInfo(),__line__,__file__,$sql)); } $medals_structure = array_fill_keys($q->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN), 1); $tsql = ''; foreach ($medals as $key => $val) { if(!isset($medals_structure[$key])) { $tmp2 = substr($key, 0, 6); if ($tmp2 == 'mechan' || $tmp2 == 'tank_e') { $size = 'tinyint(1)'; } else { $size = 'smallint(12)'; } $tsql .= "ALTER TABLE `col_medals` ADD `".$key."` ".$size." UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;"; } } if ($tsql != '') { $q = $db->prepare($tsql); if ($q->execute() !== TRUE) { die(show_message($q->errorInfo(),__line__,__file__,$tsql)); } } foreach ($tanks as $tank_id => $val3) { $ntanks[$val3['nation']][$tank_id] = $tank_id; } unset ($tanks); foreach ($nations as $val2) { $val = $val2['nation']; $sql = "show tables like 'col_tank_".$val."';"; $q = $db->prepare($sql); if ($q->execute() == TRUE) { $tmp = $q->fetchAll(); } else { die(show_message($q->errorInfo(),__line__,__file__,$sql)); } if (count($tmp)==0) { $sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `col_tank_".$val."` ( `account_id` INT(12), `updated_at` INT( 12 ) NOT NULL, KEY `updated_at` (`updated_at`) ) ENGINE=MYISAM ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC;"; $q = $db->prepare($sql); if ($q->execute() !== TRUE) { die(show_message($q->errorInfo(),__line__,__file__,$sql)); } $sqlarr = array(); foreach ($ntanks[$val] as $tank_id => $val4 ) { $sqlarr[] = "ALTER TABLE `col_tank_".$val."` ADD `".$tank_id."_battles` smallint(12) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, ADD `".$tank_id."_wins` smallint( 12 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, ADD `".$tank_id."_mark_of_mastery` tinyint(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;"; } if (!empty($sqlarr)) { foreach ($sqlarr as $tsql) { $q = $db->prepare($tsql); if ($q->execute() !== TRUE) { die(show_message($q->errorInfo(),__line__,__file__,$tsql)); } } } } $sqlarr = $tanks_structure = array(); //Получаем структуру таблицы $sql = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM `col_tank_".$val."`;"; $q = $db->prepare($sql); if ($q->execute() != TRUE) { die(show_message($q->errorInfo(),__line__,__file__,$sql)); } $tanks_structure = array_fill_keys($q->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN), 1); foreach ($ntanks[$val] as $tank_id => $val4 ) { if (!isset($tanks_structure[$tank_id.'_battles'])) { $sqlarr[] = "ALTER TABLE `col_tank_".$val."` ADD `".$tank_id."_battles` smallint(12) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, ADD `".$tank_id."_wins` smallint( 12 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, ADD `".$tank_id."_mark_of_mastery` tinyint(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;"; } } if (!empty($sqlarr)) { foreach ($sqlarr as $tsql) { $q = $db->prepare($tsql); if ($q->execute() !== TRUE) { die(show_message($q->errorInfo(),__line__,__file__,$tsql)); } } } } } function get_last_roster($time) { global $db; global $config; $error = 1; $sql = " SELECT p.name, p.account_id, p.role, p.member_since FROM `col_players` p, (SELECT max(up) as maxup FROM `col_players` WHERE up <= ".$time." LIMIT 1) maxresults WHERE p.up = maxresults.maxup ORDER BY p.up DESC;"; $q = $db->prepare($sql); if ($q->execute() == TRUE) { return $q->fetchAll(); } else { die(show_message($q->errorInfo(),__line__,__file__,$sql)); } } function roster_sort($array) { $new = array(); foreach($array as $val){ $new[$val['account_name']] = $val; } return $new; //new } function roster_resort_id($roster) { $new = array(); foreach($roster as $val){ $new[$val['account_id']] = $val; } return $new; } function tanks_group($array){ $name = array(); foreach($array as $val){ if(isset($val['tank'])){ if(is_array($val['tank'])) { foreach($val['tank'] as $lvl => $types){ foreach($types as $type => $tanks){ foreach($tanks as $tank){ $name[$type][$lvl][($tank['type'])] = true; } } } } } } return $name; } function restr($array) { foreach(array_keys($array) as $val){ if(is_array($array[$val])){ foreach(array_keys($array[$val]) as $v){ if(is_numeric($v)){ unset($array[$val][$v]); } } }else{ if(is_numeric($val)){ unset($array[$val]); } } } return $array; } function tanks_nations() { global $db; $sql='SELECT DISTINCT nation FROM `tanks`;'; $q = $db->prepare($sql); if ($q->execute() == TRUE) { return $q->fetchAll(); }else{ die(show_message($q->errorInfo(),__line__,__file__,$sql)); } } function tanks_types() { global $db; $sql='SELECT DISTINCT type FROM `tanks`;'; $q = $db->prepare($sql); if ($q->execute() == TRUE) { return $q->fetchAll(); }else{ die(show_message($q->errorInfo(),__line__,__file__,$sql)); } } function tanks_lvl() { global $db; $sql='SELECT DISTINCT level FROM `tanks` order by level ASC;'; $q = $db->prepare($sql); if ($q->execute() == TRUE) { return $q->fetchAll(); }else{ die(show_message($q->errorInfo(),__line__,__file__,$sql)); } } /***** Exinaus *****/ function get_available_tanks() { global $db; $top_tanks = array(); $sql = 'SELECT t.level, t.type, t.name_i18n, t.tank_id, tt.show, tt.order, tt.shortname as title, tt.index FROM `top_tanks` tt, `tanks` t WHERE t.tank_id = tt.tank_id AND tt.show = "1" ORDER BY tt.index ASC, tt.order ASC, t.name_i18n ASC;'; $q = $db->prepare($sql); if ($q->execute() == TRUE) { $top_tanks_unsorted = $q->fetchAll(); } else{ die(show_message($q->errorInfo(),__line__,__file__,$sql)); } foreach($top_tanks_unsorted as $val) { $top_tanks[$val['name_i18n']]['tank_id'] = $val['tank_id']; $top_tanks[$val['name_i18n']]['lvl'] = $val['level']; $top_tanks[$val['name_i18n']]['title'] = $val['title']; $top_tanks[$val['name_i18n']]['type'] = $val['type']; $top_tanks[$val['name_i18n']]['show'] = ($val['show'] == 1) ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; $top_tanks[$val['name_i18n']]['order'] = $val['order']; $top_tanks[$val['name_i18n']]['shortname'] = isset($val['shortname']) ? $val['shortname'] : ''; $top_tanks[$val['name_i18n']]['index'] = $val['index']; } return $top_tanks; } function get_available_tanks_index() { global $db; $top_tanks = array(); $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT tt.index FROM `top_tanks` tt WHERE tt.show = "1" ORDER BY tt.index ASC;'; $q = $db->prepare($sql); if ($q->execute() == TRUE) { $top_tanks_unsorted = $q->fetchAll(); } else { die(show_message($q->errorInfo(),__line__,__file__,$sql)); } $count = 0; foreach($top_tanks_unsorted as $val) { $top_tanks['index'][$val['index']] = $val['index']; $count++; } $top_tanks['count'] = $count; return $top_tanks; } /**** end ****/ function roster_num($var) { $data = array(); $data['reservist'] = '90'; $data['junior_officer'] = '65'; $data['personnel_officer'] = '25'; $data['recruit'] = '80'; $data['private'] = '70'; $data['recruiter'] = '60'; $data['treasurer'] = '50'; $data['diplomat'] = '40'; $data['commander'] = '30'; $data['vice_leader'] = '20'; $data['leader'] = '10'; return isset($data[$var])?$data[$var]:100; } function read_multiclan($dbprefix = FALSE) { global $db; if($dbprefix == FALSE){ $sql = "SELECT * FROM `multiclan` ORDER BY sort ASC;"; }else{ $sql = "SELECT * FROM `multiclan` WHERE prefix = '".$dbprefix."' ORDER BY sort ASC;"; } $q = $db->prepare($sql); if ($q->execute() == TRUE) { return $q->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); }else{ die(show_message($q->errorInfo(),__line__,__file__,$sql)); } } function autoclean($time,$multi,$config,$directory) { global $cache,$db; //$global = array(); if(($config['autoclean'] + $time) <= now()){ $map = directory_map($directory); foreach($multi as $val){ $new = $cache->get('get_last_roster_'.$val['id'],0); if($new === FALSE) { $new = get_clan_v2($config['clan'], 'info', $config); } //print_r($new); die; if(isset($new['data'][$val['id']]['members']) and !empty($new['data'][$val['id']]['members'])) { foreach($new['data'][$val['id']]['members'] as $player){ foreach($map as $key => $file){ if(sha1($player['account_id']) == $file){ unset($map[$key]); } } } } $sql = "UPDATE ".$val['prefix']."config SET value = '".now()."' WHERE name = 'autoclean';"; $q = $db->prepare($sql); if ($q->execute() != TRUE) { die(show_message($q->errorInfo(),__line__,__file__,$sql)); } } if(!empty($map)) { foreach($map as $file){ unlink($directory.$file); } } //clean db from cron data if($config['cron_autoclean'] == 1) { require(ROOT_DIR.'/admin/func_admin.php'); if($config['cron_cleanleft'] == 1) { clean_db_left_players(); } if($config['cron_cleanold'] == 1) { clean_db_old_cron($config['cron_cleanold_d']); } if($config['cron_clean_log'] == 1) { cron_file_recreat(); } } } } function multi_main($multi){ foreach($multi as $key => $val){ if($val['main'] == '1'){ return $multi[$key]; } } } function get_updated_at(){ global $db; $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT updated_at FROM `col_players` ;"; $q = $db->prepare($sql); if ($q->execute() == TRUE) { return count($q->fetchAll()); } else { die(show_message($q->errorInfo(),__line__,__file__,$sql)); } } function get_tables_like_col_tank($dbname){ global $db; $sql = "SHOW TABLES FROM `".$dbname."` LIKE 'col_tank_%';"; $q = $db->prepare($sql); if ($q->execute() == TRUE) { return reform($q->fetchAll()); } else { die(show_message($q->errorInfo(),__line__,__file__,$sql)); } } function update_tanks_db() { global $db,$config,$cache; if(isset($_POST['update_tanks_db'])){ $sql = "DELETE from `tanks` WHERE 1;"; $q = $db->prepare($sql); if ($q->execute() != TRUE) { die(show_message($q->errorInfo(),__line__,__file__,$sql)); } $cache->clear_all(array(), ROOT_DIR.'/cache/tanks/'); } $tmp = get_api('encyclopedia/tanks'); $tmp_tanks = tanks(); if(!empty($tmp_tanks)){ $current = array_resort($tmp_tanks,'tank_id'); } unset($tmp_tanks); if ((isset($tmp['status'])) && ($tmp['status'] == 'ok')) { $updatearr = $toload = array (); foreach ($tmp['data'] as $tank_id => $val) { if(!isset($current[$val['tank_id']])){ $cache_tanks = $cache->get($val['tank_id'], 24*60*60, ROOT_DIR.'/cache/tanks/'); $updatearr [$tank_id] = $cache_tanks['data']; $updatearr [$tank_id]['tank_id'] = $val['tank_id']; $updatearr [$tank_id]['type'] = $val['type']; $updatearr [$tank_id]['nation_i18n'] = $val['nation_i18n']; $updatearr [$tank_id]['level'] = $val['level']; $updatearr [$tank_id]['nation'] = $val['nation']; $updatearr [$tank_id]['name_i18n'] = $val['name_i18n']; $pieces = explode(':', $val['name']); $updatearr [$tank_id]['title'] = $pieces['1']; if ($val['is_premium']== true) { $updatearr [$val['tank_id']]['is_premium'] = 1; } else { $updatearr [$val['tank_id']]['is_premium'] = 0; } if( ($cache_tanks === FALSE) || (empty($cache_tanks)) || ((isset($cache_tanks['status'])) && ($cache_tanks['status']<>'ok')) ) { $toload[$val['tank_id']] = $val['tank_id']; } } } unset($tmp); $tmp = array(); if(!empty($toload)){ $try = 0; do { $tmp = array(); $tmp = multiget_v2('tank_id', $toload, 'encyclopedia/tankinfo', array ('contour_image', 'image', 'image_small')); foreach($tmp as $tank_id => $val){ if ((isset($val['status'])) && ($val['status'] == 'ok') && !empty($val['data'])) { $cache->set($tank_id, $val, ROOT_DIR.'/cache/tanks/'); $updatearr [$tank_id]['image'] = $val['data']['image']; $updatearr [$tank_id]['contour_image'] = $val['data']['contour_image']; $updatearr [$tank_id]['image_small'] = $val['data']['image_small']; unset($toload[$tank_id]); } } $try++; } while ( !empty($toload) and $try < $config['try_count'] ); } //some tanks not loaded if(!empty($toload)) { foreach($toload as $tank_id) { unset($updatearr[$tank_id]); } } unset($tmp); if(!empty($updatearr)){ $sql = "INSERT INTO `tanks` (`tank_id`, `nation_i18n`, `level`, `nation`, `is_premium`, `title`, `name_i18n`, `type`, `image`, `contour_image`, `image_small`) VALUES "; foreach ($updatearr as $tank_id => $val) { $sql .= "('{$val['tank_id']}', '{$val['nation_i18n']}', '{$val['level']}', '{$val['nation']}', '{$val['is_premium']}', '{$val['title']}', '{$val['name_i18n']}', '{$val['type']}', '{$val['image']}', '{$val['contour_image']}', '{$val['image_small']}'), "; } $sql = substr($sql, 0, strlen($sql)-2); $sql .= ';'; $q = $db->prepare($sql); if ($q->execute() != TRUE) { die(show_message($q->errorInfo(),__line__,__file__,$sql)); } } } else { if (isset($tmp['error']['message'])) { $message = ' ( '.$tmp['error']['message'].' )'; } else { $message = ''; } die ('Some error with getting data from WG'.$message); } } function update_tanks_single($tank_id) { $tmp = get_api('encyclopedia/tankinfo',array('tank_id'=>$tank_id),array('nation_i18n','name','level','nation','is_premium','name_i18n','type','tank_id','contour_image','image','image_small')); if ((isset($tmp['status'])) && ($tmp['status'] == 'ok')) { global $db; $tmp = $tmp['data'][$tank_id]; $pieces = explode(':', $tmp['name']); $tmp['title'] = $pieces['1']; unset($tmp['name']); if ($tmp['is_premium']== true) { $tmp['is_premium'] = 1; } else { $tmp['is_premium'] = 0; } $sql = 'INSERT INTO `tanks` (`'.implode('`,`',array_keys($tmp)).'`) VALUES ("'.implode('","',$tmp).'");'; $q = $db->prepare($sql); if ($q->execute() != TRUE) { die(show_message($q->errorInfo(),__line__,__file__,$sql)); } } } function achievements() { global $db; $sql = " SELECT * FROM `achievements` ORDER BY `section_order` ASC, `order` ASC;"; $q = $db->prepare($sql); if ($q->execute() == TRUE) { $tmp = $q->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); } else { die(show_message($q->errorInfo(),__line__,__file__,$sql)); } $ret = array(); foreach ($tmp as $val) { //unserialize options if(!empty($val['options'])) { $val['options'] = unserialize($val['options']); } $ret[$val['name']] = $val; } return $ret; } function update_achievements_db($ach = array()) { global $db,$config,$lang; if(empty($ach)) { $ach = achievements(); } $try = 0; do { $ach_res = array(); $ach_res = get_api('encyclopedia/achievements'); $try++; } while ( isset($ach_res['status']) and ($ach_res['status'] == 'ok') and !empty($ach_res['data']) and $try < $config['try_count'] ); if(isset($ach_res['status']) and ($ach_res['status'] == 'ok') and !empty($ach_res['data'])) { $updatearr = array(); foreach($ach_res['data'] as $val) { if(!isset($ach[$val['name']])) { $updatearr[] = $val; } } //echop($updatearr); if(!empty($updatearr)) { $sql = 'INSERT INTO `achievements` (`name`, `section`, `section_i18n`, `options`, `section_order`, `image`, `name_i18n`, `type`, `order`, `description`, `condition`, `hero_info`) VALUES '; foreach($updatearr as $val) { if(!empty($val['name'])) { if(empty($val['options'])) { $options = ''; } else { $options = serialize($val['options']); } //add more categories if(preg_match('/tankExpert/',$val['name'])) { $val['section'] = 'expert'; $val['section_i18n'] = $lang['ach_section_expert']; $val['section_order'] += 20; } if(preg_match('/mechanicEngineer/',$val['name'])) { $val['section'] = 'mechanic'; $val['section_i18n'] = $lang['ach_section_mechanic']; $val['section_order'] += 20; } if(preg_match('/histBattle/',$val['name'])) { $val['section'] = 'hist'; $val['section_i18n'] = $lang['ach_section_hist']; $val['section_order'] += 10; } //fix links for medals if(empty($val['image'])) { $val['image'] = $val['options']['0']['image']; } $sql .= "(".$db->quote($val['name']).", '{$val['section']}', ".$db->quote($val['section_i18n']).", ".$db->quote($options).", '{$val['section_order']}', '{$val['image']}', ".$db->quote($val['name_i18n']).", '{$val['type']}', '{$val['order']}', ".$db->quote($val['description']).", ".$db->quote($val['condition']).", ".$db->quote($val['hero_info'])."), "; } } $sql = substr($sql, 0, strlen($sql)-2); $sql .= ';'; $q = $db->prepare($sql); if ($q->execute() != TRUE) { die(show_message($q->errorInfo(),__line__,__file__,$sql)); } } } } function achievements_split($res,$ach) { $ret = array('sections' => array(), 'split' => array()); $counter = array('id' => array(), 'split' => array()); $num = $n = $m = 0; //list of ach. in clan //except 'class' section foreach($res as $val) { foreach($val['data']['achievements'] as $id => $t) { if(!in_array($id,$counter['id']) and isset($ach[$id]) and $ach[$id]['section'] != 'class') { $counter['id'][] = $id; if(isset($counter['count'][$ach[$id]['section']])) { $counter['count'][$ach[$id]['section']] += 1; } else { $counter['count'][$ach[$id]['section']] = 1;} } } } foreach($ach as $val) { //list of sections to display if(!isset($ret['sections'][$val['section']]) and in_array($val['name'],$counter['id'])) { $ret['sections'][$val['section']] = $val['section_i18n']; } //list of ach. to display if(in_array($val['name'],$counter['id'])) { $counter['split'][$val['section']][] = $val['name']; } //counters if($val['section'] == 'expert') { ++$n; } if($val['section'] == 'mechanic') { ++$m; } } //how many ach. in one section $num = $n; if($m > $num) { $num = $m; } if($num == 0) { $num = 8; } //chunk ach. to sections foreach($counter['count'] as $id => $n) { if($n > $num) { $ret['split'][$id] = array_chunk($counter['split'][$id], ceil($n/ceil($n/$num))); } else { $ret['split'][$id]['0'] = $counter['split'][$id]; } } return $ret; } function achievements_ajax_player($ach) { $ret = array('sections' => array(), 'split' => array()); foreach($ach as $val) { if(!isset($ret[$val['section']])) { $ret['sections'][$val['section']] = $val['section_i18n']; } $ret['split'][$val['section']][] = $val['name']; } return $ret; } ?>