package main; /** * RedBlackBST class implements a lightweight version of * a standard red-black BST. * It supports the methods get, put and delete in O(log N) * worst-case time. * * The nodes are implemented using an array of childs and a color, * there is no such thing as a parent pointer. * This is pimarily Julienne Walker's structure on, * which I used in order to improve the implementation of deletion. * * The get method is implemented using a simple search in a BST. * The put method is implemented recursively in the bottom-up way, * which is todays's standard for a red-black BST. * The delete method is implemented recursively in a top-down way. * Its peculiarity is that its core is only 24 lines long, while usual * implementations easily go over 100. * The basic idea is simply to make the current node or its child a * red one, because deleting a red node is easy. * This is achieved in only one-pass, that is after deletion of the * leaf there is no need to fixup the tree. * * I believe this implementation is slightly slower than a usual one because * the number of rotations during a delete operation is not bounded, whereas * it is limited to 3 in a usual implementation. * However, given the gain in simplicity and space, this is a little drawback. * * Compared to left-leaning red-black BSTs, it should do slightly better (not tested) * because there is no reshaping of the tree while moving up, and the number of * compares is also lower (only one compare per level down). * * A detailed analysis of the two implementation is given here in terms of LOCs : * ****************************************************************************** * * The LLRB BST version used is the one found at, * but cleaned in order to keep the exact same statements as this one (no assertion or * track of the size of the tree, no exceptions thrown). We will focus only on the put and delete methods * * Plus, a method length include its prototype, for example the following would account * for 3 LOCs : * public String foo() { * return "bar"; * } * * * Left-Leaning Red Black BST * ************************** * * The implementation relies on several helper functions : * isRed : 3 * rotateRight : 8 * rotateLeft : 8 * flipColors : 5 * balance : 6 * moveRedLeft : 9 * moveRedRight : 8 * min(node) : 4 * deleteMin(node) : 7 * * insertion : * put(key,val) : 4 * put(node,key,val) : 11 * * Insertion is 15 lines long and makes use of 4 helper which amount * for 24 lines (isRed, rotateRight, rotateLeft, flipColors) * * deletion : * delete(key) : 6 * delete(node, key) : 22 * * Deletion is 28 lines long in total and makes use of 9 helpers, * which amount for 58 lines (isRed, rotateRight, rotateLeft, flipColors, * balance, moveRedLeft, moveRedRight, min, deleteMin) * * This red-black BST * ****************** * * It makes use of several helper functions : * isRed : 3 * cmpToDir : 3 * rotate : 8 * flipColors : 5 * min(node) : 4 * blacken : 4 * rotateDel : 7 * * insertion : * put(key, val) : 4 * put(node, key, val) : 18 * * Insertion represents a total of 22 LOCs, and use 4 helpers * which amount for 19 lines (isRed, cmpToDir, rotate, flipColors) * * deletion : * delete(key) : 6 * delete(node, key) : 24 * * Deletion represents a total of 30 LOCs, and use 7 helpers * which amount for 34 lines * * ******************** * The number of lines needed for insertion are roughly the same, however * the big difference comes from the deletion operation, which is lower with this * implementation. * I would finally add that this implementation does not search for the existence of * a node before entering the delete operation (the case is handled properly), * therefore it saves log N compares. * * * @author Tristan Claverie * * @param <Key> * @param <Value> */ public class RedBlackBST<Key extends Comparable<Key>, Value> { // Red and black colors private static final boolean RED = true; private static final boolean BLACK = false; private Node<Key, Value> root; // root of the BST private class Node<Key, Value> { Key key; // key Value val; // value coupled with key Node<Key, Value>[] childs; // links to the childs subtrees boolean color; // color of the parent link @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Node(Key key, Value val) { this.key = key; this.val = val; this.color = RED; this.childs = (Node<Key, Value>[]) new Node[2]; } } /** * Creates a new symbol table */ public RedBlackBST() {} /** * Get value associated with key * @param k the key * @return the value associated, null is non-existant */ public Value get(Key k) { Node<Key,Value> x = search(root, k); if (x == null) return null; return x.val; } /** * Recursively search among subtrees to find the * node containing k */ private Node<Key,Value> search(Node<Key,Value> node, Key k) { if (node == null) return null; int cmp = k.compareTo(node.key); if (cmp == 0) return node; int dir = cmpToDir(cmp); return search(node.childs[dir], k); } /** * Put couple (k,v) in the symbol table, replace old value * with v if k is already present * @param k key * @param v value */ public void put(Key k, Value v) { root = put(root, k, v); root.color = BLACK; } /** * Helper to insert a node in the symbol table */ private Node<Key,Value> put(Node<Key,Value> node, Key k, Value v) { if (node == null) return new Node<Key,Value>(k, v); int cmp = k.compareTo(node.key); // If the key exists, replace the value if (cmp == 0) node.val = v; else { int dir = cmpToDir(cmp); // Recursive call node.childs[dir] = put(node.childs[dir], k, v); // Fix up the tree on the way up if (isRed(node.childs[dir])) { if (isRed(node.childs[dir^1])) flipColors(node); else { if (isRed(node.childs[dir].childs[dir^1])) node.childs[dir] = rotate(node.childs[dir], dir); if (isRed(node.childs[dir].childs[dir])) node = rotate(node, dir^1); } } } return node; } /** * Delete node with key k, do not crash if k is non-existent * @param k the key */ public void delete(Key k) { if (root == null) return; if (!isRed(root.childs[0]) && !isRed(root.childs[1])) root.color = RED; root = delete(root, k); if (root != null) root.color = BLACK; } /** * Recursive call for deletion */ private Node<Key,Value> delete(Node<Key,Value> node, Key k) { if (node == null) return null; int cmp = k.compareTo(node.key); // Hit the key if (cmp == 0) { if (node.childs[1] == null) return blacken(node.childs[0]); // If it is not a leaf, replace the node by its successor and deletes // the successor Node<Key,Value> x = min(node.childs[1]); node.key = x.key; node.val = x.val; k = node.key; } // Fixup the tree on the way down int dir = cmpToDir(cmp); if (!isRed(node.childs[dir])) { if (isRed(node.childs[dir^1])) { if (!isRed(node)) node = rotate(node, dir); } else if(node.childs[dir] != null && !isRed(node.childs[dir].childs[0]) && !isRed(node.childs[dir].childs[1])) { if (node.childs[dir^1] != null && (isRed(node.childs[dir^1].childs[dir^1]) || isRed(node.childs[dir^1].childs[dir]))) node = rotateDel(node, dir); else flipColors(node); } } // Recursive call node.childs[dir] = delete(node.childs[dir], k); return node; } /*************************** * Deletion specific helpers **************************/ /** * Set the color of a node to black if not null * and returns it. */ private Node<Key,Value> blacken(Node<Key,Value> n) { if (n != null) n.color = BLACK; return n; } /** * Minimum node of this subtree */ private Node<Key,Value> min(Node<Key,Value> node) { if (node.childs[0] == null) return node; return min(node.childs[0]); } /** * Special rotation in the case of a deletion * It makes a simple or double rotation depending * of the context */ private Node<Key,Value> rotateDel(Node<Key,Value> node, int dir) { flipColors(node); if (isRed(node.childs[dir^1].childs[dir])) node.childs[dir^1] = rotate(node.childs[dir^1], dir^1); node = rotate(node, dir); flipColors(node); return node; } /******************** * Common helpers *******************/ /** * Rotates a child around his father */ private Node<Key,Value> rotate(Node<Key,Value> x, int dir) { Node<Key,Value> y = x.childs[dir^1]; x.childs[dir^1] = y.childs[dir]; y.childs[dir] = x; y.color = x.color; x.color = RED; return y; } /** * Flip the colors of the node and its childs */ private void flipColors(Node<Key,Value> x) { x.color = !x.color; x.childs[0].color = !x.childs[0].color; x.childs[1].color = !x.childs[1].color; } /******************************************* * General helper functions ******************************************/ /** * Check the color of the node */ private boolean isRed(Node<Key,Value> x) { return x != null && x.color == RED; } /** * From the compareTo result (-1,0,1), decides the direction to * take : right child or left child */ private int cmpToDir(int cmp) { return cmp >= 0 ? 1 : 0; } }